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Profitable Web Designer Podcast

hosted by shannon mattern

Profitable Web Designer is the go-to podcast for women web designers for all things pricing, packaging, marketing and selling web design services (and the mindset behind being a high-earning web designer).

Profitable Web Designer Podcast

hosted by shannon mattern

Profitable Web Designer is the go-to podcast for women web designers for all things pricing, packaging, marketing and selling web design services (and the mindset behind being a high-earning web designer). 

Stop working 24/7

stop undercharging

become a high-earning web designer

Take back control of your web design business.

The Profitable Web Designer Podcast is your go-to resource for business, marketing and sales advice so you can create a profitable, sustainable freelance web design business.


Latest Episodes

January 2024 Income Report

Welcome back to the Profitable Web Designer Podcast! Today I'm bringing you my January 2024 Income Report where I break down what happened behind the scenes of my business, how much money we made, how much we spent, and the lessons learned along the way. January was a really fun,

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Revenue Reset Part 3: Confident Money Conversations

Welcome back to the Profitable Web Designer Podcast! Today I'm bringing you Part 3 of the Revenue Reset Challenge – so if you haven't listened to Part 1 – Turning Mindtrash Into Gold and Part 2 – Transforming Your Pricing Paradigm, definitely listen to that first and then come back to

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Revenue Reset Part 2: Transforming Your Pricing Paradigm

Welcome back to the Profitable Web Designer Podcast! Today I'm bringing you Part 2 of the Revenue Reset Challenge – so if you haven't listened to Part 1 – Turning Mindtrash Into Gold, definitely listen to that first and then come back to Part 2. In Part 2, we're gonna talk

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Revenue Reset Part 1: Turning Mindtrash Into Gold

Welcome back to the Profitable Web Designer Podcast! Over the next 3 weeks, I have a series of super-actionable episodes planned for you that are taking me back to the beginning of my journey, and the things that I thought to be true and were conditioned to believe as a

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2023 Year in Review + December Income Report

Welcome back to the Profitable Web Designer Podcast and today I’m bringing you my December Income Report and 2023 Year In Review where I break down what happened behind the scenes of my business, how much money we made, how much we spent, and the lessons learned along the way.

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Make 2024 Your Most Profitable Year Yet

What I’m gonna share with you today could make all the difference for you and your business over the next 12 months… One of the biggest frustrations a lot of our web designers have before coming to work with us inside the Web Designer Academy is that they’ve taken a

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November 2023 Income Report

Welcome to my November 2023 Income Report! Hey there! Welcome back to the Profitable Web Designer Podcast and today I’m bringing you my November income report where I break down what happened behind the scenes of my business, how much money we made, how much we spent, and the lessons

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From Plateaued to Profitable: 11 Stories from the Web Designer Academy

Today, I'm bringing you the stories of 11 ambitious women web designers who went from undercharging, over delivering overworking and overwhelmed to creating freedom, flexibility and financial independence. This week's episode is a mash-up of three different web designer Academy student panel discussions from some of the live events that

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How to Create a Project Calendar

Today, I'm going to share with you one of the most powerful strategies you can use in your web design business to go from overworking and undercharging to profitable, sustainable, and healthy: A sustainable project calendar. As a web designer, your project calendar is not about becoming a human productivity

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How To Makeover Your Mindtrash

Mindtrash Makeover This week on the show I'm teaching you the exact strategy we teach our Web Designer Academy students to make over their mindtrash so that they can create the results they want in their business! The premise is simple: thoughts lead to feelings, feelings drive actions, and actions

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October 2023 Income Report

Welcome to my October 2023 Income Report! For some of you, that sentence is a total blast from the past… and for others, you might be like “Shannon, what in the world are you talking about?” To give you a little background… I used to do a monthly income report

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I'm Shannon Mattern, business coach for web designers and host of the Profitable Web Designer Podcast.

I'm here to help you regain control of your web design business. I've helped hundreds of ambitious women web designers increase their prices, stop overworking and simplify their systems. 

I've helped hundreds of ambitious women web designers like you increase their prices, stop overworking and make running their web design business easier. 

Wondering if the Web Designer Academy is a good fit?

A person with a bright smile is sitting indoors near a window, holding a picture frame in their blue-fabric-clad hands.

I've helped hundreds of ambitious women web designers just like you create freedom, flexibility, financial independence and fulfillment.

A smiling person with a tooth showing on their chin is looking indoors.

Shannon Mattern, Founder
Web Designer Academy

We help ambitious women web designers reclaim their time, book web design projects they love, and make more as a freelance web designer than they ever thought possible.

The Web Designer Academy provides step-by-step processes and fill-in-the-blank templates for your messaging, marketing, packages, consultations, sales and project management combined with next-level support so that you have everything you need to create a consistently profitable web design business doing work you love for clients you love.