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#103 – Hypnosis Update: What Happened to Me? with Certified Hypnotherapist Lauren Best

Today on the show I'm updating you on what happened two months after I went through an actual hypnosis session – live on the podcast – with certified Hypnotherapist Lauren Best.

If you missed it, you can listen here in Episode 94.

The transformation I’ve experienced in just 8 short weeks is a testament to the power of the subconscious mind.

Without even trying, I've started to detach from outcomes, embrace discomfort, and open myself up to new experiences without the compulsion to take immediate action.

It's kindof surreal…

Now, eight weeks after our original hypnotherapy session, Lauren's back on the show to dive into the seemingly “magical” effects it had on me, and trust me, you’ll want to hear all about it!

In our follow-up chat, Lauren and I explored some mind-blowing stuff like:

  • The surprising changes I experienced in my work habits and mindset after the hypnotherapy session.
  • The brain science behind how hypnosis accesses the subconscious mind and builds new neural pathways
  • How I noticed my desire to know what would happen or “fix” things or over-plan going away
  • How trying too hard to reach our goals can actually backfire and slow us down.
  • Why leveraging the subconscious is so powerful for profound personal and professional growth.

If you've ever felt stuck or constantly pushing yourself to “do more” in your web design business, this episode will shed light on how hypnosis could be a game-changer for you too.

My favorite quotes from Lauren:

  • “We get to connect with our subconscious mind, and our subconscious mind doesn't know whether or not it's happening in real life.”
  • “As humans, it's so easy to get caught up in those patterns of needing to know why or needing to know the how. And it really takes a lot of that trust and surrender and just knowing, like, things are going to work out exactly how they're going to.”

In this Episode:

  • [02:15] Reunion and Reflections: Lauren and I catch up on the hypnosis session and its impact over the past eight weeks.
  • [08:30] Changes in Work Habits: How hypnosis helped me detach from constant work pressure and create more space in my life.
  • [14:20] The Power of Suggestibility Tests and Affirmations: Lauren explains how these can foster creativity and open-mindedness.
  • [22:45] Hypnosis for Community Building: Lauren shares her experiences with group hypnosis sessions and their benefits.
  • [30:00] Personal Growth and Transformation: We discuss how allowing discomfort can pave the way for new experiences and growth.
  • [38:40] Practical Strategies for Reprogramming the Subconscious: From daydreaming to journaling, learn how to build trust and safety within your own body.

About Lauren:

Lauren is a Certified Hypnotherapist, the Founder of Possibilities Universe, and a Wellness Practitioner who blends different modalities like writing, hypnosis, somatic movements and breath work into her practice to create experiences where people are not only connecting deeper to their minds-bodies-hearts-intuition, but also are build more comfort around experiencing new things and getting creative without the pressure to be perfect within work and life.

Connect with Lauren:

Shannon Mattern: Hey, everyone. Welcome back to the profitable web designer podcast. And I'm really excited for this episode because it is a follow up to the episode number 94 that we did called using hypnosis to unlock your creativity with certified hypnotherapist Lauren Best. And Lauren is back here with me today because if you. I didn't listen to episode 94 at the very end, Lauren hypnotized me, I guess is the best way I can describe it. At the end of that session, at the end of the podcast episode, and then I came out of it. I remember being super relaxed and, like, we were at time, and so I didn't have a chance to really debrief with her, ask her questions, help her, like, help understand, like, wait, what just happened? And so I said, oh, I'd love to talk to you more about this. And so we booked a second podcast interview, and it has now been about eight weeks, eight or nine weeks since we first did that session.

Shannon Mattern: And so Lauren is back to talk about what that was, why it works, how it works, and I wanna share kind of what has transpired for me in the past eight weeks as well. So, Lauren, welcome back.

Lauren Best: Hello. Thank you. It's, like, wild. I think it was two whole months when I was looking at my notes, I thought, oh, my gosh. And, like, two months ago is when we connected. So it's pretty cool to have this opportunity just two months later to reconnect and even invite you to recall your experience, because I don't often get to do this. I mean, I see clients regularly, but not often that it's this much time in between, but it's not even that long. Anyway, so I'm excited to see what's going to come up for us.

Shannon Mattern: Yeah, it was really interesting. So just to go back, I was reading the transcript of the interview just before hitting record with you, and I said that, like, when it ended, I felt like I had come out of a really good sleep. So that was really interesting. And then I was just kind of reading, like, the transcript of what you were saying when you had told me to relax and you did some suggestion, suggestion testing with me and told me to relax. And so, yeah, it was really, really fascinating because I think you said a couple things to me during that session. You said, you asked me, like, if I was moving my finger or if. Or if I was moving my hand closer to me.

Lauren Best: Your arm. Yes.

Shannon Mattern: And. And then you said something else about, like, you can open your eyes, but you won't want to or something. I can't remember exactly what that was. And it was, I was like, oh, yeah, she's right. Like, my eyes are closed, and, like, even if I try to open them, like, I'm not really trying that hard. But, like, I was like, oh, yeah, like, they're closed, you know? And so, yeah, that part was fascinating to me. But then the other piece that we, like, I was like, what did we even talk about? Because after we wrap that up, I had to move on to another interview. And it just kind of, like, I thought it was a cool experience.

Shannon Mattern: I didn't really think much about it again. And then preparing for this interview, I was like, what did we even talk about? And you talked about, like, trusting myself and that everything is right in front of me and it's okay and it will be revealed. And I'm like, it's just fascinating. The past eight weeks, what has transpired since that session.

Lauren Best: I can't wait to hear all the things, because that's the magic of it. Like, we don't need to. And that suggestion, I'm not sure if I gave that suggestion during, because it was a suggestibility test that we just kind of flowed into mini reprogramming session with me offering those affirmations based on what we, we talked about. And I'm not sure if I did this, but often I will give that suggestion of, you know, you don't need to remember this session like, your subconscious mind is already going to remember.

Shannon Mattern: It's.

Lauren Best: It already has all the information it needs. And, like, your conscious mind, the front of your mind, you don't even have to worry about it. You don't even have to think about it. So it's always interesting to hear. And even for me, when I experience hypnosis, some of the things I remember, and a lot of times, I just, like you said, wake up, or rather come back to a state of consciousness from that deep state of hypnosis and just feel, like, deeply relaxed and feeling like you just wake up from this long, relaxing sleep. And so it's pretty fascinating. So I can't wait. I really can't wait to hear what's happened since then, all these past few weeks.

Lauren Best: I feel like there's, like, all these golden nuggets that you're ready to reveal almost.

Shannon Mattern: Yeah. So I'm trying to, like, I'm looking at the calendar of, like, when we did our session back in. You know, it's right at the time of this recording. It's July of. It's July 18 is when we're recording this, and we recorded the first one on May 23.

Lauren Best: Yes.

Shannon Mattern: And I think if I am looking at my dates correctly, I released. What did I do? There were just things in my business. I'd have to go back to my income reports, but I was just so sure of everything that I was doing and not sure in the sense of, like, this will work. Right. But I just wasn't overthinking so many things. I just wasn't questioning everything. It was just like, I was so much more efficient. I wasn't putting so much pressure on everything to have to work right.

Shannon Mattern: So all of the things that I had put in motion before our session and things that I put in motion after our session, I was much more detached from it having to work right then. I have been in the past. And with that detachment just came more space and capacity all across the board to be able to enjoy it. I'm not working as much, which is also weird.

Lauren Best: Yeah.

Shannon Mattern: Like, which is something I've note, and I'm like, it. Like, logically, it can be like, oh, yeah. If you're not, like, putting so much pressure on things having to work and feeling like, this has to. This has to work, and it has to happen by then, and we have to do this by this date. And therefore, then that drives me to be like, okay, I need to be on my laptop. I got to do this. I got to do that. I got to do that.

Shannon Mattern: Yeah, I've noticed that. I am just not so compelled to be working all the time, and as I am not compelled to be working all the time, I'm not meddling with things, and things are actually starting to have the space that they need to actually work.

Lauren Best: Wow. That's incredible.

Shannon Mattern: That's absolutely incredible. So tell me what happened.

Lauren Best: Well, my goodness. And this was like a mini, mini session. This is when people, you know, a lot of people will just sign up to work with me. And for those who have questions and those who maybe haven't experienced hypnosis and they want to just experience what it would be like for them or they've worked with another practitioner in the past and didn't feel like they had that connection, because I do believe, too, like, finding any type of therapist or service provider in general is, like, dating. Right? Like, you need to make sure that you have that compatibility or that safeness. And so for, in those situations, I'll have people who book in, you know, a consultation call, and we'll go through that same suggestibility test, that same, you know, since we're already in hypnosis, like, let's chat based on what you shared with me, your goals are and where you're going. Like, I will begin to offer those suggestions in the form of affirmations that already allow your subconscious mind to hear. Like, I am relaxed.

Lauren Best: I perform without pressure. Like, the pressure that I felt before doesn't exist anymore. And I'm not sure the exact affirmations that I shared with you, but we get to, and they get to experience those simple suggestions. Whereas in a longer session, some people see me for an hour, hour and a half, sometimes I do three hour sessions depending on the goals of the individual. And what is even more different than that, because your experience was such a tiny piece of the puzzle, which is pretty amazing to hear all these, how you felt afterwards, we'll do more of that reprogramming work of actual stories that are coming up for you. Actual situations, past experiences that tell us, like, why we should be putting ourselves under pressure, or why we should be finicking around with all these little things, or why we should be working harder so we can actually go in and look at those stories. We can rewrite these stories. We can re parent our inner children or whoever is having the session.

Lauren Best: They can reparent their inner child or inner teen who experienced that pressure and felt like it was the only way. So in this mini session with you not even having that piece, which is such a big, powerful piece of just rewiring our brain, what you experience still is that rewiring of the brain. And so new neural pathways were formed, which perhaps were already there, too. Perhaps there's different ways that you haven't realized that you've already been, you know, intentionally thinking about or actively doing different things or doing less things that will allow you to feel what it is you wanted to feel. So those all play a piece of the puzzle. But anytime we're within our subconscious, and whether that's daydreaming or writing is such a good, like, hand journaling, writing is such a good way to do this as well. We get to connect with our subconscious mind, and our subconscious mind doesn't know whether or not it's happening in real life. So if you're surpassed that critical part of the mind, that's going to tell you, no, no, no.

Lauren Best: And we're playing in the subconscious. There's access to building these beliefs even more. There's access when we're daydreaming, to kind of play this, like, movie in our head of what we're dreaming about. And our brain, our subconscious mind, gets to believe, like, okay, this is actually happening for me. And that's why words matter so much. So within that container, together, within those ten minutes, perhaps, too, sometimes when it is so rapid, that leaves less opportunity sometimes for those stories to come up or for those contradictory beliefs to come up as well. And so, you know, with your openness, I think that also plays a big part of it. Right.

Lauren Best: And, you know, not to say that you need to be 100% open. People come to me, and we work together over a series of weeks or months because we need to build comfort in the body. So when we are comfortable in the body and the nervous system is feeling good and feeling safe, that's when we can, you know, even more so widen our capacity to hold, you know, these new beliefs or these habits or just, like, allow all these other things to fall away. So it could also be a testament to, again, like, these other pieces of the puzzle before our hypnosis session that you're actively, you know, doing without really realizing, too. So it's pretty amazing to hear your experience and just hear, like, how quick, you know, for such a mini taster session, like, how impactful it's been. And, yeah, our subconscious minds are amazing. Right? There's so much in there that can, you know, whatever is in our subconscious is driving our conscious actions and our, you know, how we show up and how we allow ourselves to show up and present ourselves or how we take action. And so being able to access it, whether it is to, like, turn up the volume on, like, I am powerful.

Lauren Best: I get to, like, perform amazing under pressure. I'm not afraid. I don't need to be afraid of the unknown because the unknown is beautiful. Like, we get to turn those things up and sometimes even visually, like, we'll look at within the subconscious, visualizing your power room and, like, there's a knob for this and there's a button for that. And physically, like, imagining within your mind you turning that dial up of, like, I get to be the most powerful me or the most confident me or, you know, whatever it may be, is just such a powerful way to communicate to our subconscious. Like, we get to do this. And again, they don't know any other. They don't know differently.

Lauren Best: So when we are thinking any of those negative thoughts about ourselves or we talk about ourselves in different ways that perhaps aren't supporting us to really show up in the way we want to show up, like, our words are so powerful. So, yeah, being in that container where the words that are delivered to you, those suggestions, again, if I was saying suggestions that just really didn't resonate with you. Like, they wouldn't have, and not because you're not capable, but maybe it's like a values thing. And so it is really important for me to take that time we chatted. And I really understood before that, before going into that hypnosis state, like, what your desires were, even on that conscious level, so that we can again, naturally, your subconscious will just enhance them on that subconscious level. So it's pretty powerful just to get in there and just offer these suggestions that are really going to empower us.

Shannon Mattern: It's just so fascinating to hear you describe, like, what the brain is doing and how that works. And I don't know if this is coincidence or as a result of, like, that experience, but I was. I had, like, listened to another podcast, totally not anything related to business. It's called I think I can fly, and it's with Johnny Knoxville from the Jackass like series, which I never watched because, like, that is just not for me. Yeah, but so it's Johnny Knoxville's podcast, and he has a co host, and I cannot remember her name right now. And they were interviewing this guy who's a bullfighter, or he, like, a. He just rides bulls, like, rodeo guy, and he would train people who want to be in the rodeo how to, like, ride the meanest bulls. And I guess one of the episodes of Jackass, Johnny Knoxville, like, goes to this guy's farm, rides the bull, like, gets knock on, knocked unconscious, whatever.

Shannon Mattern: So anyway, they're on this podcast interview, and Johnny Knoxville is asking him, like, how is it that you became, like, at the top of your field? And he was like, well, like, 40 years ago, this dude gave me this book called Psycho Cybernetics. And I don't know if you've ever heard of it or read it. I haven't read it, but I know.

Lauren Best: What you're talking about.

Shannon Mattern: So it's so old. It's, like, from the sixties. So I heard that podcast episode, and I'm like, I'm just interested because the guy's talking about visualization and how this book helped him learn how to pre visualize his success and all of this stuff. And he was like, I've used this to stay safe and get to the top of my field and train other people how to do this. So I'm like, okay, whatever. A book from the sixties. I go on my library app and I reserve it, and I promptly forget that I even ever did that. And then, like, I don't know, eight weeks later, it's like, this book is ready for you to borrow.

Shannon Mattern: And I'm like, what is this? Like, I don't even remember doing this. Okay. And then I, like, checked it out, and I start reading it, and I'm like, okay. So it's telling me basically all of the things that you just shared that your subconscious just needs to know the destination, and then it will act on it for you without you efforting whether that is something you want or you don't want. You know, it's gonna. It's gonna re correct you. Basically, if you think about, like, a self driving car and you go over the line and it, like, nudges you back, like, your subconscious is like that, and you have to basically give it the go, give it the goals that you want, and then visualize how to do this. And I'm like, okay, this all sounds great and everything, but this was written in the sixties, and how do I know that this isn't just, like, some guy's ideas? Like, I need to know how this works, why this works.

Shannon Mattern: Is this true? Is this real? And so I start researching, and then I come across another book called the Upward Spiral, and it's by Alex Korb, who is a neuroscientist, and he's talking about everything that you just talked about and everything that that book just talked about about how the brain works and how our prefrontal cortex and what it does and what our. I don't know, all the different parts of the brain do. And talking about how hypnosis allows you to calm down the prefrontal cortex so it's not, like, shielding and managing and blocking and doing its thing so that you can, like, hear openly everything that you were saying to me. So, like, after. So we had our hypnosis. I didn't even. I was not even putting all of these things together at all. I was like, we had our hypnosis.

Shannon Mattern: Moving on with my life. That was really cool. Published the podcast episode. That was fascinating. I'd like to talk to her again. Moving on. Right? And then I read that book and then that book, and I'm just starting to have, like, these inklings of, like, oh, this is how and why this all works. And then I'm starting to, like, notice that, like, I'm not so obsessive anymore.

Shannon Mattern: And I'm like, wait a. What? What happened to me? Yeah, what happens? I feel like a new person. And I love how you said that, like, those neural pathways may have already been there. You didn't, like, put anything, like, if you tried to, like, program me into someone I'm not. Like, that wouldn't work. Right, like, exactly. But it was almost as if the pathways are, like, overgrown and you just kind of came in with a weed whacker and, like, cleared them for me or something. I love that kind of how I feel.

Lauren Best: Yeah.

Shannon Mattern: So it's just so fascinating because, like, when people talk about, like, manifesting and, like, all of the things that I find, like, very woo. And my brain's like, is that real? I think because you came to me through somebody that I know and I trust, I'm like, I'm totally open to learning what this is about. But if you came to me out of nowhere and you were like, hey, hypnosis, I don't know that I would have been, like, so open to it because I would have categorized it in my mind as, like, something that is, like, not science based, I guess. And that's kind of a block of my own, personally, of, like, just having faith and not needing to know how things work. Like, I get that. Like, there are people out there that can do that, and I admire that so much. I'm not quite one of them, but, like, yet, but I say all of this to say that I'm seeing the picture of how all of this works together and almost how the efforting that I have been doing up, you know, up until our session really has been, like, getting in my way and why our session was, like, kind of this perfect, I don't know, synchronicity of, like, oh, hey, the thing that we're gonna do to get you to stop efforting is get you to stop efforting, right?

Lauren Best: Isn't it? Isn't that funny how it's, like, exactly the thing where, like, resist or were, we're feeling our time and energy with, is, like, becomes this. This place of resisting actually what it is we actually desire, like, by doing the opposite. And so we're human, right? Like, I've even just been going through it, and now it's a lot quicker for me to consciously become aware of these patterns because subconsciously, we can reprogram the mind, we can form these new neural pathways, we can strengthen others, and yet there's still, like, it doesn't mean that because we don't want to experience uncertainty ever again, we've, like, outsmarted uncertainty. It means that every time we go through another cycle where this uncertainty comes up, like, hopefully every time it will feel less intense or we'll trust ourselves more. To say, like, I get to move through this without knowing all the answers recently, I've been in that state of being in this place of uncertainty and wanting because I do believe I'm still a very natural problem solver, and that still is a big part of what makes me really unique and a skill that I have. And I started to fall into this space of wanting to just out design or out problem solve this discomfort that I was experiencing around not knowing the how yet. And it really, I had to call myself back and just think, okay, you know, self talk to myself, do some self hypnosis, but really realize, like, okay, I know what I need to be doing or what I get to be doing. Instead of worrying about the how is simply, like, be in this state of creation and.

Lauren Best: And just create this work that I want to put out into the world. And, you know, I don't know how it's going to be put out yet, but, like, why am I worrying about the how when this isn't even fully together, right? And it's taking away that creative energy and, like, why I wanted to bring this body of work together in the first place. So it's just so funny how, you know, it does. It takes us away from the magic of what we're actually doing. And so being able to, you know, on that subconscious level, just ground back into this version of ourselves that isn't, you know, gets to shift their focus away from worrying about the how to, like, being present in the creation of whatever work it is we're putting together and just, you know, allow ourselves to work less and things to flow, then how beautiful is that, right? It's just, you know, as humans, it's so easy to get caught up in those patterns of needing to know why or needing to know the how. And it really takes a lot of that trust and surrender and just knowing, like, things are going to work out exactly how they're going to. And I'm repeating that to myself over and over again, like, all day, every day, because I truly, like, you know, there's those different parts of us, the parts of us who like to control things and that like to know all the answers. And then there's the part of us that wants to just play and have fun, and then there's the part of us who really, truly does want to surrender and experience that freedom and just showing up who we are.

Lauren Best: So it's, you know, they all exist inside of us and perhaps, like, we're never going to get rid of any of those parts, but, you know, we get to, like, lean on different parts of ourselves in different moments and that's, I think, one of the big, like, permission slips that I've definitely been giving myself and love to support other people to do, too, because, yeah, we get to. We get to make these changes, but we also get to, like, embrace these different pieces of us and. And realize we are humans and give ourselves that grace and compassion and, yeah, it's not always easy. It's. It. Sometimes it is really easy, and sometimes you're like, whoa, where did this come from? Right? And that's the beauty of it. But knowing, like, it doesn't have it, like, you know, life isn't always going to be that way. Doesn't mean that it can't be like that again.

Lauren Best: Right? So I think that can be, you know, when people get down about, you know, we've had this result, but now I feel really stagnant or I feel like, you know, it's just not working anymore, and it's like, okay, well, where else can we, like, really shift that energy? Like you said, just shifting from doing these different things to just, like, being into the work and being present, it really makes a big difference. And, yeah, there's these tools that we get to use to do that, which is amazing.

Shannon Mattern: And you know what? It was? It wasn't even, like, I felt, like, so good about not doing. Right. I was like, oh, this is uncomfortable.

Lauren Best: Yeah.

Shannon Mattern: And I'm noticing that it's uncomfortable to not do, but it feels like the right thing to do, even though it's uncomfortable. And normally, in the discomfort of the not doing, the solution is doing, but I was able to almost easily not do, even though it was uncomfortable. And that was what was super weird.

Lauren Best: I.

Shannon Mattern: That I was just like, okay, I'm just gonna, like, let myself be uncomfortable, which is not a move I normally make. I'm like, oh, I know how to fix this. Like, I'm gonna. I'm gonna start a new project or change something or, like, whatever. So I just. It wasn't like, it was like, this, like, dreamy. Like, oh, my gosh. I finally figured, like, it was just like, ooh, this feels weird and uncomfortable, and I feel like I need to just, like, let this ride out.

Shannon Mattern: The other thing that I noticed, like, as I'm kind of reflecting on the past two months and then, like, reading back what you. What you were saying while my, I'm gonna say guard was down. And I mean that in, like, the best way. Right? Like, the control y part of me who is always running the show, like, she was just, like, chill over in the corner, like, letting other stuff come in to. I have been, like, going and exploring hiking trails that I've never been on, and I don't do that because I'm always like, well, what if something, like, what if I trip? Like, I have all of these, like, reasons why I hold myself back from going out and doing that stuff. And I'm like, I'm just like, it'll be fine. I'll be fine. I know what to do if I'm not.

Shannon Mattern: And I I'm gonna go explore, and I don't know what is around this corner. I literally don't know. And it's okay. Like, and that is just so different. Normally, I'd be like, oh, I need someone to go with me, you know, whatever. And of course, like, I'm taking normal safety precautions, as anyone should, but it's just like, I'm just noticing, like, oh, when did I start doing that? Oh, in the past two months. Like, it's just interesting. And.

Shannon Mattern: And just even, like, after our session, it wasn't like I was seeking out information on, like, how. How does this work? It was like, it was just like, I was noticing information in front of me that was answering questions I wasn't even really sure I had. It's just really interesting. And so I've had a lot of, like. So I co. As we know, I coach web designers, and we coach on mindset, and, like, there are times where we can only go so far with that, and now I understand why. Because it's like they have that gatekeeper at the, you know, in their prefrontal cortex, just like I do that, or I don't know if it lives there, if it lives somewhere else, but they have that gatekeeper just like I do, who is like, even if this works, you don't know what's on the other side of the door, so best to stay here.

Lauren Best: Yeah.

Shannon Mattern: Because even if what you say you want is on the other side of the door, you don't know what that's going to feel like, what it's going to be like, what extra pressure it's going to put on you. Like, you don't know. So best to stay here. And of course, you'll keep efforting because part of you really wants this, but I'm not gonna actually let you, like, create it because it's unsafe.

Lauren Best: Yeah.

Shannon Mattern: And so I can coach people, but if I'm coaching their gatekeeper and not them, then we almost reach an impasse. So what are your thoughts about that?

Lauren Best: Yeah. Oh, my gosh. Well, thank you for sharing that. And even just your. Your permission to, you know, something that might seem as simple as taking a new route on a hiking trail is actually. Yeah, like a big deal. It's like an unfamiliar path, right? And, like, so literally. And we can think of that in terms of, you know, whether it is in business or in your life or relationships, deciding to take a step in a different direction than what you're familiar with already is uncomfortable.

Lauren Best: And what comes up, right. Is like, yeah, I'm already taking the safety precautions that I know I need, but, you know, there's those voices of like, oh, it's not safe, or, you shouldn't do this, or, like, something bad might happen. You don't know what's down here. You don't know what can happen. And I love this analogy that I've heard just all over the place now is like, when we get so worried about being able to see everything in front of us, then it feels like everything is just like a billion steps away. But if we, you know, if we can't see that there's this fog along the path, what are we going to do? We're just going to take one or two steps at a time and know that, like, okay, although I can't see 5 meters in front of me, maybe I don't need to run because, yeah, maybe I won't be safe. Maybe I'll fall off the cliff. Or what if I just decide to take a few steps from what I can see in front of me and start there? Then by whatever time you're halfway down the trail or you're at the end of the trail or whatever it may be, but there is that very human display, comfort and our bodies wanting to keep us safe.

Lauren Best: And like you said, that guard, I love this analogy. And I feel like when you said that when it. What came up is like, literally like, you know, our subconscious mind is like this castle, then there's these guards and a moat in front of it just protecting it. Right. And so they're, you know, beyond. And what I really work on with people, even with hypnosis, as we build that comfort within, you know, the mind and accessing the mind, it's also about the body, right? Your body. Our bodies never lie. Like, our minds can play tricks on us, and our bodies are always going to tell us whether it's through pain or discomfort or, you know, that tightness in the chest or the funny feeling in our tummy or, like, sweating profusely or freezing up, whatever it may be.

Lauren Best: Our bodies never lie. And so forming that relationship where we get to not only connect to our subconscious, but we get to tap into our heart energy. We get to build that, or, like, connect those two to build that trust. In our intuition also comes that creation of safety in our body. Being able to communicate with our body, it's safe for us to experience the experience, these things that we haven't yet experienced, because, wait a minute. Our subconscious mind thinks it's actually already happening, so our body is already naturally going to feel a lot safer. And so that is such a big part of it, because our bodies will do everything in their power to keep us safe, and which is a beautiful thing, but also, like, yeah, it is something. We get to continue to build that comfort and, like, what the edges of that comfort zone is, so that we can keep, amongst all the discomfort, expanding them further and further and further.

Lauren Best: And so through repetition of doing things, even if we're not directly accessing our subconscious mind, like, that still is a way of reprogramming, but it takes a lot longer. Right. So that's why writing affirmations over and over or listening to hypnosis audios over and over, too, again, still is a state of repetition. But when we, like, allow ourselves to really access and do more of that reprogramming work, it becomes even quicker. And every time you go into that state of hypnosis, you can find yourself going deeper and deeper into that state more quickly, or you can find yourself just beginning to relax the body quicker than you did the very last time or the very first time. And so each experience, like we have in life, the more we do things, we get more comfortable. So there's just so much. Yeah, there's so much that was pop.

Lauren Best: That is possible. And for me, I do like to blend it with, like, very practical things, and, you know, with the. The work that you're doing, like, that is so impactful. And perhaps there. There's. There's pieces of, you know, our minds and our mindsets that do need that deeper support and that deeper reprogramming and reframing and just allowing ourselves, again, more freely to feel into the body and build that comfort. And it's just amazing what we can do. But really blending all these things like, they don't need to exist on their own, I think, is a really big thing that I've realized in my practice, becoming a certified hypnotherapist, realizing, okay, yes, that's a title I get to tell myself.

Lauren Best: And it's important because I've gone to, you know, the effort of becoming certified, which is something you don't need to do, actually, to share hypnosis. It's not a regulated thing. There's practitioners that are doing it in different ways and using it. And I think a lot of people don't realize as much as, well that we are, like, receiving a lot of these exercises in different ways and places, but that it is just not just a tool, but it is just a tool. Like, it is one of the many modalities that I think I've learned for me are, like, this piece of the puzzle. Right? It's not like the whole entire picture, but it allows us to access these different pieces so that we can bring in these other practices together to really strengthen and bring to light the entire picture. Yeah. It gets to exist with the work you're doing and with the different work that other people are doing.

Lauren Best: It all can go together in a really beautiful way.

Shannon Mattern: So the thing that, like, it's. It's all so fascinating, and I was curious, like, is this something that is, is hypnosis something that has to be done one on one? Can it be done in a group setting, or is that it can. Yeah. Tell me more about, like, how that works.

Lauren Best: Yeah. Yeah. So I host, actually, you know what? I want to share a little bit of, like, my experience, too, because I grew up going to meditation classes with my mom, and just really cool to be exposed to that, but never really. I don't know, it never became a big part of my life. And so it was a tool I kind of knew, but I didn't really, like, use it all that much. And then I started attending these different online workshops during the pandemic, and they would use visualization and meditation, and our whole world was online. Right. And so I.

Lauren Best: When I first started doing hypnosis, I would work with my hypnotherapist online. She was in New York. I was in Canada. And so that was my experience of seeing her online. And then when I did even my training, that was online. How I see most of my clients, especially private clients, I primarily only see online, but I'll do group sessions online, and now group sessions in person, which are really beautiful and supportive and extensive. But one thing that it has shown me is people often say there's one way to do things or there's a right way to do things. And I really like this experience of going to hip, like, experiencing hypnosis as the client, and then also supporting people through that experience is, like, we get to do things in so many different ways.

Lauren Best: And so I love love love group sessions as well, because I just hosted one yesterday. I host one every single month, which is kind of a blend of, we'll do an active hypnosis visualization, and then we'll do stream of consciousness writing that just allows folks to really, like, dump out whatever is coming out of their subconscious and not having to think about what words they're writing. And so that is so expansive because in those containers and those groups, whether it's online in person, the synchronicities, again, that. That come up. Like, there's women or individuals of all genders, you know, going through similar things. Like, they may come from such different walks of life and look different and be different ages, whatever it may be. Yet there's these themes as humans that, you know, we can't really escape. Like, we're in this society where these things are coming up.

Lauren Best: And so in those containers, to see those synchronicities and see, you know, someone who may be really struggling with this also resonates with that person. Or, you know, they're celebrating similar things, even though they're on opposite sides of the world and they're completely different projects or whatever it may be. And so I think in that community space, I mean, it's a completely different experience than doing a private session, which is also wonderful, but it's just, like, I always leave, like, oh, my God, that was so fun. Like, that was so cool. I can't believe I get to do this, because bringing people together in that way and for me, creating a safe space for them is so, so important, because that's when, again, when we feel safe, we can open ourselves up to these new possibilities and be more vulnerable and allow ourselves to be open to receiving different ideas than we were before. And so, yeah, I. Pretty amazing. I think, within those group spaces to, like, see.

Lauren Best: See what comes up. I always trust exactly what is going to come up is going to come up, and then I can be there and I can be present, and I can direct that energy and support the group as a whole. And it just feels really good.

Shannon Mattern: When you. When you said open to receiving, I just, like, had a flash of what my body feels like and how my brain responds. When I am not open to receiving. And it is a very clear signal, I know exactly what it feels like. I get defensive immediately, and not defensive in an antagonistic way, but my defenses are going up. My gatekeeper, the drawbridge, is being lifted. And so it's so interesting because I know that feeling very well. And then to think of, like, how I felt going into the hypnosis session with you, it felt like the end of, like a hot yoga session when I came out of it, how relaxed I was.

Shannon Mattern: But, like, even going into it, I was just, like, so wide open to experience whatever was going to come out of that. And it's just fascinating because I, I can see, I can see the difference when, like, I'm in a coaching container or a mastermind container and we're talking and it, and suggestions are being offered to me and it's being filtered through my gatekeeper and how my body reacts to that and how I close off or how I'm like, oh, I already know, or I don't need to do that or whatever. Versus the experience of, you relaxed my body first so that I could be open, so that I, so that I could be open and then trust myself to, to receive what was needed and put aside what wasn't going to be for me and that it was just such a cool experience and it's just different. And I guess I say that to say for anyone listening because I hear from a lot of people who are like, I've tried this. I've tried this, I've tried this. I tried this. I still feel stuck. I am ashamed that I have tried so many things and I can't follow through is what they say.

Shannon Mattern: Like, I can't follow through or it didn't work for me. And they almost, it's like it's either I'm broken or this whole industry is a sham. It's one or the other. And I'm like, what if there's a third option here that maybe, like, you haven't tried the right tool yet.

Lauren Best: Right.

Shannon Mattern: And this is one that I don't hear a lot of people trying.

Lauren Best: And even the timing of things, too.

Shannon Mattern: Yeah.

Lauren Best: Can play such a role. I think about when I first began to see my hypnotherapist. I think it must have been 2021. And I actually was talking to someone about this the other day because I was celebrating, which I will share the celebration, but I thought, I need to go back in my email and find out the actual date I reached out to her. The first session I had with her because this past weekend marked the very final session. I mean, I'll see her again, definitely. But the final session I had with her after years of seeing her at least once a month for, like, years. And it was like, amazing to just realize, like, oh, my goodness, where I started, how unsafe I felt in my body, how just my nervous system was just like, in survival mode when I first met her to where I am today and the person that I am and how open I feel and how my life has changed and how my brain has changed, it just feels like two different people.

Lauren Best: And it makes me think, like, that was only a few years ago. Like, wow. But it's like, yeah, I didn't start so open. I started open in the sense of, like, I don't know exactly what's. Like, things aren't working for me. I don't know why. So, like, that openness and that desiree to, like, not stay the same. Like, that was just so uncomfortable for me that it was just like, I want to do every try anything else, no matter how uncomfortable it is, because right now is so excruciating.

Lauren Best: And so from that place, I think there was an openness, but still there was these layers and layers that I just had no clue were just filtering what it is I wanted in my life. And so, you know, it. It takes sometimes session that is just to simply reconnect with your body and relax and feel like you again and feel connected to your heart. And other times, it looks like, you know, just easily having these ideas come up or this other information that allows you to discern. Okay. When I get this feeling in my body, when suggestions are coming at me, is it because I'm excited and I know it could work, but it's scary, or is it because, oh, it's not for me. So that was, like, a big thing that I've built, and I do with a lot of my clients over, you know, months or weeks or years. It depends on the person.

Lauren Best: Right. And so I think, too, that the timing of things, you know, sometimes we want to jump, have these quantum leaps, and we want to get from a to z in a matter of minutes or seconds or moments of. And for some people, it might seem like it happens like that, but again, behind the scenes, like, what are some of the things that we've already been doing to lay that groundwork to create that safety inside of ourselves? And so we're all different humans. And I might think, oh, there's actually, like, I haven't had a quantum leap yet, but it's like I can look back and be like, oh, my gosh, like, who I changed from this moment to this moment, so significant and is so incredible and, like, to celebrate that is such a beautiful thing. And so I really, really believe, like, celebration gets to be a big piece of this and taking that space to really look at. Okay, what are the things that I am ignoring because I'm still focused on what I don't have yet. What are these things that, like, I only dreamed of experiencing that actually are just in your reality now? Now they're becoming so normal because they're here and, you know, you've made it in this way or you made it to this destination you always dreamed of, yet the destination has changed. So I always, you know, I, a lot of times need to really come back to that for myself because again, as humans, we're, you know, if we have these goals or we have these desires, you know, allowing ourselves that space to be in the present moment, and then gratitude is such a big, again, another piece of that puzzle that we get to do.

Lauren Best: So why not do, why not enjoy it?

Shannon Mattern: Oh, my gosh, this conversation has been so, so fascinating. And I know last time I asked you to share with everyone, how can they connect with you? How can they learn more about this? How can they start working with you if that is something that they feel, like, called to do? So can you share again with everybody how they can connect with you and just get in your world and learn more about how you can help them?

Lauren Best: Yeah, absolutely. I'd say the best place to start that I really love to invite people to join me in is on my sub stack, which is all my writing. I sent out a monthly love letter. Lots of just contemplative thoughts, different events I have going on. So my substalk is called possibilities in between. And if you sign up for that, you'll actually get in your welcome email. My very first hypnosis audio, that is my favorite that I created, which is called dreaming during uncertainty and visualizing a life you love. So that is such a good, I think, place to start if people are just wanting to dabble and, you know, there's not much risk there.

Lauren Best: You can turn off the audio if you don't like it, or you can, you know, get to know me a little bit more through my writing. And then another space that I really love to invite people to is that I host a monthly workshop within the possibilities playground. My business is called possibilities universe. So the playground is one little piece of it, but a very important piece. So I host, in collaboration with the cocreated Hub, a monthly writing workshop and hypnosis workshop where we center into, actually, I use these cards that I designed, these celebrate yourself cards. I literally randomly pick a card. I asked someone to volunteer to tell me when to stop, and that starts our conversation. And then we just kind of flow, allow that to flow into the hypnosis session that I guide people into, and then we do some writing and it just allows people to begin to build that familiarity and that relationship with their subconscious mind, to feel like they can tap into their self expression without needing to be perfect or know why we're doing it or with a certain purpose.

Lauren Best: So that's super expansive. And then I do do one on one sessions as well. So if anyone ever wants to try a little consultation, that suggestibility test that you experienced, then we can absolutely do that as well. So you can find me in all of those places. And if you have any questions on social media, I'm always happy to chat. My personal Instagram is orinbest under. You can also follow me at possibilities universe and you can also check out on YouTube. I think I have a few free hypnosis audios as well as on insight timer.

Lauren Best: So if you're on there again at Laurenbest Co. You can find some different hypnosis audio tracks there. So those would be the main places to find me. And yeah, I'm excited to see who reaches out and I hear any stories or experiences that you've had or wanted to share or been curious about. So all those things can be different gateways for us to connect. Amazing. I think we lost Shannon. Oh, there she is.

Lauren Best: It. Is it me? Let's see.

Shannon Mattern: Hey, that was all me, I think. Can you hear me? Oh, Shannon, can you hear me? Yes. Are you there?

Lauren Best: I'm in here twice.

Shannon Mattern: That's okay. I think that was me. I'm at a hotel and I don't see you anymore. Oh, hang on. Let's see. Okay. I don't know what is going on. It.


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