This Week's Questions
Summary + Transcript
- Welcome to the Live Strategy Call. 0:00
- Welcome to the live strategy call on June 27, 2023.
- Celebrate all of the things.
- Caitlin made a last-minute offer and had two buyers.
- Kate sent out three proposals.
- What are some of the actions you’ve taken that you are proud of? 4:50
- Establishing the value of the call.
- Announcements for the next level call.
- The team will not be online next week.
- The marketing momentum workshop.
- How do you break into a new market? 10:04
- Today's questions from Shannon pruitt.
- How to break into a market.
- Niching down is a search engine optimization strategy.
- How to break into a market.
- What is a Build Your Own Table concept? 15:30
- Building a space for people to come and make connections.
- The build your own table.
- Welcome Caitlin Unger, one of the new students.
- Shannon has a question about pricing.
- Transforming deliverables into results in module three.
- Shannon deconstructs the pricing paradigm.
- Shannon’s experience with premium pricing. 22:46
- Taking the leap of faith into premium pricing.
- Taking a pause over the summer.
- Sustainable, profitable pricing is a win-win.
- Premium pricing is more than a number.
- Shannon’s pricing has evolved as she has implemented her pricing. 27:57
- Losing a couple of clients during the transition.
- Shannon shares her package matrix.
- Kate wants to keep her website on kajabi.
- One of her dream client bullet points.
- Are you willing for her to tell you that she can’t afford this? 32:37
- Big budget is a big factor.
- Strategy is worth 3850, regardless of one page.
- Fear of losing the relationship.
- Cost is a factor in a sustainable business.
- Do you think the strategy you give her will help her? 36:41
- Strategy comes from all of the knowledge and experience.
- Opportunities for the client.
- What one client is worth to her business.
- The one pager strategy.
- Listen to the client and not push own agenda.
- Pre-frame the value of working together.
- Don’t be afraid to listen to your clients. 43:33
- Listening to clients and their needs.
- Being respectful and understanding if it doesn't work.
- Offering three levels of pricing, not just one page.
- Caitlin asks about 2024.
- Why don’t you just give her the price she’s paying now? 48:50
- The client wants a contract for the service plan.
- The client is a corporate client.
- Letting a senator decide, not you.
- Dual language website proposal from Janet.
- Janet’s regrets on creating a website that is no longer attracting people. 54:02
- Building a website is out of reach financially.
- The cycle of little businesses closing up.
- Janet has an expense mindset or investment mindset.
- How much would it cost to help Janet
- Why would I want to help her more than she wants to help me? 59:14
- Why Janet wants to help more than she wants to.
- Two ways to say no.
- Holding the line and not asking for the budget.
- Next week is a quiet week.
- Welcome to the Live Strategy Call. 0:00
00:01:22 Kate Newnham | Welcome new faces!!!
00:01:49 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Welcome new faces!!!” with
00:02:18 Caitlin Harrison: launched a last minute mini offer of setting up GA4 for people before the 7/1 deadline and had two buyers. Also worked out a possible reconfigure of a proposal that could work for her budget
00:02:27 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “launched a last minu…” with
00:02:28 Kate Newnham | Reacted to “launched a last minu…” with
00:02:35 Kate Newnham | Replying to “launched a last minu…”
00:02:36 Erica Nash: Reacted to “launched a last minu…” with
00:02:38 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Welcome new faces!!!” with
00:02:53 Stephani – The Simple Growth Co: Thanks!
00:02:57 Caitlin Harrison: Reacted to “Great!!” with ♥️
00:02:57 Kate Newnham | Reacted to “Thanks! :)” with
00:03:00 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Thanks! :)” with
00:03:04 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Thanks! :)” with
00:03:07 Lisa Doiron: Reacted to “launched a last minu…” with
00:03:14 Lisa Doiron: I got 2 new random consult bookings scheduled yesterday, one for tomorrow and one for first week in July.
00:03:27 Erica Nash: Reacted to “I got 2 new random c…” with
00:03:42 Caitlin Harrison: Replying to “I got 2 new random c…”
Nothing is ever random
00:03:46 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Nothing is ever rand…” with
00:03:50 Kate Newnham | I sent out 3 proposals at high prices
00:03:56 Lisa Doiron: Replying to “I got 2 new random c…”
00:03:59 Erica Nash: Reacted to “I sent out 3 proposa…” with
00:04:01 Kate Newnham | Reacted to “Nothing is ever rand…” with
00:04:08 Kate Newnham | Reacted to “I got 2 new random c…” with
00:04:15 Janet Hoover: About to do the same (just watched last week’s Next Level call) …client came back and was totally blown away but out of her budget so going to get back with options
00:04:19 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “I sent out 3 proposa…” with
00:04:24 Erica Nash: YAY FIRST PANCAKE!!
00:04:30 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “I got 2 new random c…” with
00:04:31 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Nothing is ever rand…” with
00:04:37 Diana Richards: Reacted to “I sent out 3 proposa…” with
00:04:44 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “YAY FIRST PANCAKE!!” with
00:04:51 Kate Newnham | Reacted to “About to do the same…” with
00:05:03 Erica Nash: Reacted to “About to do the same…” with
00:05:31 Lisa Doiron: Reacted to “I sent out 3 proposa…” with
00:05:42 Lisa Doiron: Way to go Kate!
00:05:42 Janet Hoover: *same meaning what Caitlin was talking about lol
00:06:05 Lisa Doiron: Reacted to “About to do the same…” with
00:06:27 Sarah Guilliot ( Listening while driving with kiddo so I can’t talk … But my big win is joining next level!! So stoked
00:06:30 Kate Newnham | Reacted to “Way to go Kate! ;)” with
00:06:36 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Listening while driv…” with
00:06:44 Kate Newnham | Reacted to “Listening while driv…” with
00:06:46 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Listening while driv…” with
00:06:49 Caitlin Harrison: Reacted to “Listening while driv…” with
00:07:23 Erica Nash: Want to hear all about the first pancakes
00:08:14 Janet Hoover: Amy!!! Love when you’re here lol!
00:08:23 Kate Newnham | Reacted to “Amy!!! Love when you…” with
00:08:34 Kate Newnham | Replying to “Amy!!! Love when you…”
I was JUST going to say hi to her too! Hahaha love it!
00:08:35 Amy K Ogden: Aww, Janet! Shucks! I love it when I’m here too. Thanks so much.
00:08:39 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “I was JUST going to …” with
00:08:47 Amy K Ogden: Replying to “Amy!!! Love when you…”
You guys!
00:08:50 Janet Hoover: Replying to “Amy!!! Love when you…”
Great minds
00:08:58 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “You guys! ” with
00:09:02 Amy K Ogden: Going to the July 13th session!
00:09:06 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Aww, Janet! Shucks! …” with
00:09:15 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Going to the July 13…” with
00:10:14 Amy K Ogden: I have a bit of a pause in my business where I can kind of reset and I’ve decided to only work 4 days a week from now on
00:10:45 Erica Nash: Reacted to “I have a bit of a pa…” with
00:10:59 Kate Newnham | Reacted to “I have a bit of a pa…” with
00:11:22 Diana Richards: Reacted to “I have a bit of a pa…” with
00:12:22 Amy K Ogden: I love that about you, Shannon
00:12:33 Caitlin Harrison: Reacted to “I love that about yo…” with ♥️
00:12:40 Erica Nash: If you’d like to submit a question for today:
00:16:34 Shannon Mattern: Kaitlyn – welcome!!!
00:16:52 Kaitlyn Unger: Thank you!! Excited to be here!
00:17:04 Kate Newnham | Replying to “Kaitlyn – welcome!!!”
Welcome Kaitlyn!!!
00:17:48 Erica Nash: Replying to “Thank you!! Excited …”
Hi Kaitlyn!
00:18:02 Kaitlyn Unger: Reacted to “Hi Kaitlyn!” with
00:18:04 Kaitlyn Unger: Reacted to “Welcome Kaitlyn!!!” with
00:20:37 Amy K Ogden: I always love to re-hear your answers too.
00:20:46 Amy K Ogden: It’s like I’m drilling it into my brain
00:22:32 Amy K Ogden: I’d love to weigh in here about my experience
00:22:40 Erica Nash: Reacted to “I’d love to weigh in…” with
00:22:45 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “I’d love to weigh in…” with
00:30:34 Caitlin Harrison: added a question
00:30:41 Kate Newnham | Me too
00:30:48 Amy K Ogden: 100%
00:35:37 Amy K Ogden: OOOH, that’s interesting!
00:40:18 Amy K Ogden: Isn’t there something in the modules about how many of what ever she sells will pay for your services
00:40:31 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Isn’t there somethin…” with
00:41:27 Janet Hoover: The ROI calculator:
00:42:03 Amy K Ogden: Yes! Thanks Janet! That’s it
00:42:09 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Yes! Thanks Janet! T…” with
00:42:32 Janet Hoover: Replying to “Yes! Thanks Janet! T…”
Thanks for the reminder!
00:43:05 Diana Richards: You are listening to the client, but you can still bring *you* to the client
00:44:17 Angela Winter (she/her): have to pick up kids at camp… this is SO good! thank you!
00:44:21 Erica Nash: It is not unethical for you to charge appropriately
00:45:51 Erica Nash: And if she doesn’t work with you right now, your relationship building is not lost. You still get to foster that and she could come back later.
00:46:24 Diana Richards: Reacted to “And if she doesn’t w…” with
00:47:49 Sarah Guilliot ( I would re-state what she said so you feel she knows you heard her then give he choices like…“I totally understand cost is a factor, thank you for sharing that with me! So I’ve come up with three options at different price points so you can choose the one that’s most sustainable for you”
00:47:55 leigh: Kate l think you can listen without delivering more value for less money. If you’re willing, you can put a low price option in your matrix that gives her bare bones what she needs and at least allows you to kick off your relationships
00:48:38 Erica Nash: Reacted to “I would re-state wha…” with
00:48:51 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Kate l think you can…” with
00:48:55 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Kate l think you can…” with
00:49:02 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “I would re-state wha…” with
00:49:46 Erica Nash: Time warning: we have two more questions
00:52:03 Kate Newnham | Replying to “Kate l think you can…”
That was the low price option
00:52:18 Kate Newnham | Replying to “Kate l think you can…”
Do you mean lower? Like Strategy + outline only?
00:52:49 Kate Newnham | I started charging a LOT more for corporate clients
00:52:56 Kate Newnham | They have bigger budgets in general
00:53:24 Janet Hoover: Replying to “They have bigger bud…”
And usually more work/more cooks in the kitchen lol
00:53:31 leigh: Replying to “Kate l think you can…”
Yea. That’s what I would do if the client has already indicated it’s out of their budget and I want to work with them. Provide an even lower priced option. But maybe that’s not the best advice
00:53:32 Kate Newnham | Replying to “They have bigger bud…”
@Janet Hoover EXACTLY!
00:54:50 Kate Newnham | Replying to “Kate l think you can…”
@leigh I’ve been thinking more about that recently. It would have to be a totally different matrix though… hmm…
00:55:07 Kate Newnham | Replying to “Kate l think you can…”
Or maybe the low should have become the “mid”. Def something to consider!
00:55:57 Janet Hoover: Sorry…she got in the weeds in her reply
00:56:06 leigh: Replying to “Kate l think you can…”
I wouldn’t change the original matrix!
00:56:44 Erica Nash: The word I didn’t attempt to butcher: Chamonix
00:57:06 Janet Hoover: Sham-in-no (French/Swiss ski area)
00:57:25 Erica Nash: Yeah, so glad I didn’t try to say that, lol
01:00:06 Kate Newnham | Proposals take so darn long! ughhh
01:01:25 Caitlin Harrison: I’m already thinking about that with my potential client that I’m reworking the pricing options overdelivering
01:01:40 Kate Newnham | Reacted to “I’m already thinking…” with
01:05:16 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “I’m already thinking…” with
01:05:41 Janet Hoover: Thank you, helpful!!
01:05:57 Erica Nash: No guarantees
01:06:04 Diana Richards: Reacted to “No guarantees” with
01:06:10 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “No guarantees” with
01:06:18 Amy K Ogden: Bye everyone!!