This Week's Questions
Summary + Transcript
- What’s going on with you right now? 0:35
- Welcome to the live strategy call on Tuesday, June 13.
- Package matrix shoto.
- What are you working on this week? –. 3:05
- Announcement about a restructure of the WGA for new people.
- Angela completed two sites last week.
- Erica asks a question and Caitlin is frozen.
- Kim is working on a dog training website.
- What is Kayla’s biggest ship? 7:28
- Biggest shift so far, setting boundaries and moving forward.
- Being a person of integrity.
- Empowering clients with empowering options today.
- Website copy, ditching content sniping.
- Getting website copy. 12:59
- Getting website copy is the bane of her existence.
- Designing mid and high-level packages.
- How to add a copy call into the process.
- Getting the finalized copy.
- What about the mid level? 19:16
- Custom design, custom copy meeting, draft copy, or workbook for each section.
- Narrowing down to three templates, then making a template and a workbook.
- Finalizing the copy from the beginning of the project.
- Testing the creative process.
- I feel like what I want from my business is in conflict with what I am realistically able to accomplish given my other responsibilities. 25:40
- Lisa feels like what she wants from her business is in conflict.
- Lisa.
- The first step is to get clear on success.
- Energy, time, money, capacity.
- How can you make a decision that feels empowering when you don’t know what you’re trying to achieve? 31:19
- The importance of having a clear definition of success.
- How to make a decision empowering.
- Define an all first.
- The importance of playing the tape all the way.
- Getting clear on what success looks like for you.
- Getting specific on what is in conflict.
- How to be consistent in your business. 37:55
- Marketing is a 24 hour a day job.
- Being consistent is a challenge for Erica.
- Creativity within constraints.
- Lowering the bar for yourself to feel successful.
- How to get out of one's own way.
- Writing down tasks for the day.
- Overcomplicating is not good for you. 44:32
- Setting up easy and simple systems.
- Death by 1000 shirts, overcomplicating things.
- Overworking is bad for yourself, not for clients.
- The importance of asking yourself why.
- If you decide that this is not for you, it’s never a permanent decision. 50:15
- How to make it easy for lisa.
- The importance of redefining success.
- Success is a choice, but there will always be challenges.
- Shannon, thanks for the questions.
- What’s going on with you right now? 0:35
00:02:44 Lisa Doiron: I just got back from 2.5 weeks vacation and didn't put a bunch of pressure on myself to get much work done on my current website design project while I was away.
00:02:54 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “I just got back from…” with
00:02:56 Brittney: I’m niching down to focus on holistic healing
00:03:05 Karen: Reacted to “I just got back from…” with
00:03:11 Karen: Reacted to “I’m niching down to …” with
00:03:12 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “I’m niching down to …” with
00:03:22 Erica Nash: Reacted to “I just got back from…” with
00:03:24 Erica Nash: Reacted to “I’m niching down to …” with
00:03:44 Kate Newnham | Reacted to “I’m niching down to …” with
00:03:54 Lisa Doiron: Reacted to “I’m niching down to …” with
00:04:07 leigh: I sent out my highest priced matrix
00:04:08 Kate Newnham | Reacted to “I just got back from…” with
00:04:09 Angela Winter (she/her): Managed to complete two sites last week while kids were off school for the first week. Hooray for playdates!
00:04:12 Erica Nash: To submit questions for today:
00:04:12 Caitlin Harrison: I think I am finally through my few weeks of mind trash chaos and have some clarity on all things systems/CRM
00:04:14 Janet Hoover: I’m not letting my potential client being “too busy” to look at the proposal mean anything lol
00:04:21 Erica Nash: Reacted to “I sent out my highes…” with
00:04:24 Karen: Reacted to “I sent out my highes…” with
00:04:26 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Managed to complete …” with
00:04:31 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “I sent out my highes…” with
00:04:32 Caitlin Harrison: Reacted to “I just got back from…” with
00:04:34 Erica Nash: Reacted to “I think I am finally…” with
00:04:35 Karen: Reacted to “Managed to complete …” with
00:04:42 Erica Nash: Reacted to “I’m not letting my p…” with
00:04:42 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Managed to complete …” with
00:04:48 Kim Brock: Working on a dog training website – web design and dogs – two of my favorite things
00:04:53 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “I think I am finally…” with
00:04:54 Kate Newnham | Reacted to “Working on a dog tra…” with
00:04:56 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Working on a dog tra…” with
00:04:56 Kate Newnham | Reacted to “I’m not letting my p…” with
00:04:59 Kate Newnham | Reacted to “I think I am finally…” with
00:05:00 Caitlin Harrison: Reacted to “I’m niching down to …” with
00:05:01 Caitlin Harrison: Reacted to “I sent out my highes…” with
00:05:02 Caitlin Harrison: Reacted to “Managed to complete …” with
00:05:05 Kate Newnham | Reacted to “Managed to complete …” with
00:05:14 Sarah Guilliot ( Got my contract signed and deposit made so now I’ve decoupled my WDA investment since joining!
00:05:17 Karen: Reacted to “I think I am finally…” with
00:05:19 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Working on a dog tra…” with
00:05:26 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Got my contract sign…” with
00:05:27 Karen: Reacted to “I’m not letting my p…” with
00:05:33 Janet Hoover: Ooo, my favorite, Kim! Yay!
00:05:43 Karen: Reacted to “Working on a dog tra…” with
00:05:50 Karen: Reacted to “Got my contract sign…” with
00:05:52 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Got my contract sign…” with
00:05:53 Sarah Guilliot ( Reacted to “I sent out my highes…” with
00:05:56 Sarah Guilliot ( Reacted to “Managed to complete …” with
00:06:01 Sarah Guilliot ( Reacted to “I think I am finally…” with
00:06:06 Sarah Guilliot ( Reacted to “I’m not letting my p…” with
00:06:08 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Win: A test in boundaries this past week! Had a client ghost me which delayed their launch and another client want to delay the start date of a future project. Provided them with options to proceed and now have a plan for both! Recognizing that past me would have asked them what THEY wanted. Today me gives them empowering options that I want, and am happy with whatever they choose! Was still frustrating at first, of course, but content with how things turned out!
00:06:13 Sarah Guilliot ( Reacted to “Working on a dog tra…” with
00:06:14 Kate Newnham | Growth: I was told a website I was going to be able to work on is being given to a small agency and I still decided to say “I would still love to work on the website, so let me know if I can help them with anything”. I would NEVER normally put myself out there like that.
00:06:17 Caitlin Harrison: A shoutout to Laura Kamark for being a sounding board for a lot of it ♥️
00:06:27 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “I’m niching down to …” with
00:06:29 Sarah Guilliot ( Janet yessss
00:06:30 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “I just got back from…” with
00:06:32 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “I sent out my highes…” with
00:06:35 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “Managed to complete …” with
00:06:37 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Win: A test in bound…” with
00:06:38 Angela Winter (she/her): Reacted to “A shoutout to Laura …” with
00:06:41 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “I think I am finally…” with
00:06:44 Kim Brock: Reacted to “A shoutout to Laura …” with
00:06:45 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “I’m not letting my p…” with
00:06:48 Lisa Doiron: Reacted to “I think I am finally…” with
00:06:50 leigh: Reacted to “Managed to complete …” with
00:06:50 Kim Brock: Reacted to “Growth: I was told a…” with
00:06:51 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Growth: I was told a…” with
00:06:51 Angela Winter (she/her): Reacted to “Growth: I was told a…” with
00:06:51 Lisa Doiron: Reacted to “I’m not letting my p…” with
00:06:52 Karen: Reacted to “Win: A test in bound…” with
00:06:57 Kate Newnham | Reacted to “Win: A test in bound…” with
00:06:59 Lisa Doiron: Reacted to “Working on a dog tra…” with
00:06:59 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “Working on a dog tra…” with
00:07:05 Angela Winter (she/her): Reacted to “Win: A test in bound…” with
00:07:08 leigh: Reacted to “Win: A test in bound…” with
00:07:10 Kate Newnham | Reacted to “Got my contract sign…” with
00:07:12 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “Got my contract sign…” with
00:07:13 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “Got my contract sign…” with
00:07:23 Angela Winter (she/her): Reacted to “Got my contract sign…” with
00:07:29 Angela Winter (she/her): Reacted to “Working on a dog tra…” with
00:07:30 Brittney: Reacted to “Got my contract sign…” with
00:07:33 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Win: A test in bound…” with
00:07:34 Angela Winter (she/her): Reacted to “I’m not letting my p…” with
00:07:37 Angela Winter (she/her): Reacted to “I think I am finally…” with
00:07:41 Angela Winter (she/her): Reacted to “I sent out my highes…” with
00:07:43 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “Growth: I was told a…” with
00:07:44 Angela Winter (she/her): Reacted to “I’m niching down to …” with
00:07:46 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “A shoutout to Laura …” with
00:07:49 Karen: Reacted to “Growth: I was told a…” with
00:08:04 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Growth: I was told a…” with
00:08:09 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “A shoutout to Laura …” with
00:08:15 Lisa Doiron: Reacted to “Win: A test in bound…” with
00:08:20 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Janet yessss” with
00:08:20 Karen: Reacted to “A shoutout to Laura …” with
00:08:43 Erica Nash: Reacted to “A shoutout to Laura …” with
00:08:57 Erica Nash: “Stay out of peoples brains”
00:09:00 Lisa Doiron: Reacted to “Growth: I was told a…” with
00:09:06 Janet Hoover: So hard!
00:09:10 Lisa Doiron: Reacted to “A shoutout to Laura …” with
00:10:03 Caitlin Harrison: Reacted to ““Stay out of peoples…” with
00:10:25 Sarah Guilliot ( Reacted to ““Stay out of peoples…” with
00:10:30 Karen: Reacted to ““Stay out of peoples…” with
00:10:35 Karen: Reacted to “So hard!” with
00:10:37 Sarah Guilliot ( Reacted to “So hard!” with
00:13:30 Kate Newnham | Get a copywriter hahahaha
00:23:41 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I don’t know if it helps to see someone else’s process at all but mine is: I get copy, and their assets via a project planner/contentsnare before start date. They approve a moodboard/web style guide with fonts/colors/etc. Then I start creating the layout/pages based on all of that and when it’s time for revisions at that point, they’re really only approving copy/order of sections/page flow. I decide on the sections. I decide on the pages. If I need more, I’ll usually chatgpt it and then they can yay or nay it during those last build revision feedback requests.
00:23:46 Janet Hoover: Great question, Caitlin
00:25:24 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I agree that gathering copy is the worst part.
00:25:56 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I want to ditch contentsnare too but for collecting content it’s been what’s worked the best so I feel a bit stuck with it haha
00:26:34 Angela Winter (she/her): Oh I so feel that, Lisa!
00:26:39 Lisa Doiron: Reacted to “Oh I so feel that, L…” with
00:26:41 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Oh I so feel that, L…” with
00:26:53 Karen: Reacted to “Oh I so feel that, L…” with
00:27:02 Karen: Reacted to “I don’t know if it h…” with
00:30:09 Erica Nash: Energy
00:34:16 Caitlin Harrison: no way!! we need you!!
00:34:27 Lisa Doiron: Reacted to “no way!! we need you…” with
00:34:30 Erica Nash: Reacted to “no way!! we need you…” with
00:34:30 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “no way!! we need you…” with
00:34:43 leigh: Regarding the question about how you feel successful now…I asked the same thing and In the words of Alecia st germain, “you choose it”
00:34:55 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Regarding the questi…” with
00:34:58 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Regarding the questi…” with
00:35:22 Erica Nash: Play the tape all the way through
00:35:29 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Play the tape all th…” with
00:35:38 Caitlin Harrison: Reacted to “Regarding the questi…” with
00:36:01 Caitlin Harrison: Quotes from Erica are constantly finding their way into my morning pages/journaling lately, such gold
00:36:07 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Quotes from Erica ar…” with
00:36:09 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Quotes from Erica ar…” with
00:36:13 Karen: Reacted to “Quotes from Erica ar…” with
00:36:13 Brittney: Reacted to “Quotes from Erica ar…” with
00:36:36 Diana Richards: Reacted to “Quotes from Erica ar…” with
00:36:39 leigh: Replying to “Quotes from Erica ar…”
My favorite Erica quote it “sometimes you gotta risk it to her the biscuit”
00:36:46 Erica Nash: Reacted to “My favorite Erica qu…” with
00:36:46 Janet Hoover: And sticky notes, and in my head, and in my speech lol
00:36:49 leigh: Replying to “Quotes from Erica ar…”
*to get the biscuit
00:36:51 Caitlin Harrison: Reacted to “My favorite Erica qu…” with
00:36:56 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “My favorite Erica qu…” with
00:37:06 Erica Nash: Reacted to “And sticky notes, an…” with
00:38:59 Diana Richards: ABSOLUTELY makes sense! The emotional power imbalance
00:39:08 Janet Hoover: 100%
00:39:30 Janet Hoover: It IS a lot!
00:40:06 Angela Winter (she/her): I'm a single mom. It is a HELLUVA lot!!!!
00:40:25 Janet Hoover: I was a single mom so I get it
00:40:25 Lisa Doiron: Reacted to “I'm a single mom. It…” with
00:41:10 Janet Hoover: And you think once they are “grown” lol, you’ll have so much time, but responsibilities change so it’s always something
00:44:16 Caitlin Harrison: My goal with lately is to figure out how to put myself on autopilot on like “okay time to email people” and have a list ready to go of who I was thinking of last week to email and just do it
00:44:49 Angela Winter (she/her): Reacted to “I was a single mom s…” with
00:44:50 Karen: I've been experiencing something very similar, Erica and having to make the same decisions for myself without comparing myself to others.
00:45:09 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Can ‘success’ be simply that you have a business that you enjoy working on when you have the time but that also allows you to prioritize being the best mom? From an outside perspective, that actually sounds very successful to me since you’ve created something that works with the life you want to live!
00:45:27 Caitlin Harrison: death by a thousand “shoulds”
00:45:27 Karen: Reacted to “death by a thousand …” with
00:45:34 Karen: Reacted to “Can ‘success’ be sim…” with
00:45:37 Brittney: Reacted to “Can ‘success’ be sim…” with
00:45:37 Angela Winter (she/her): Reacted to “Can ‘success’ be sim…” with
00:45:38 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Can ‘success’ be sim…” with
00:45:41 Diana Richards: Reacted to “death by a thousand …” with
00:45:43 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “death by a thousand …” with
00:45:44 Caitlin Harrison: Reacted to “Can ‘success’ be sim…” with
00:45:48 Erica Nash: Reacted to “death by a thousand …” with
00:46:06 Erica Nash: Reacted to “My goal with lately …” with
00:46:25 Erica Nash: Replying to “My goal with lately …”
And bonus if you can template the email and just save it
00:46:38 Sarah Guilliot ( I struggle with consistency too and one of the things that’s helped me immensely is batching. Last year I batched a years worth of social media. Took me a week to set up and now it’s posting consistently for an entire year so I’m always visible whether I’m available to post or not
00:46:42 Kate Newnham | I’ve done it in an email starting with VIP and clients love it!!
00:46:43 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I’m so grateful for the statement ‘what would this look like if it were easy’ – It’s really helped me let go of the perfection.
00:46:48 Kate Newnham | Reacted to “I’m so grateful for …” with
00:46:52 Erica Nash: Replying to “I've been experienci…”
It’s so challenging! We’ve got to put our blinders on.
00:46:59 Karen: Reacted to “I’m so grateful for …” with
00:47:00 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I have it on a sticky right beside my monitor
00:47:01 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Can ‘success’ be sim…” with
00:47:02 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “I’m so grateful for …” with
00:47:04 Brittney: Reacted to “I struggle with cons…” with
00:47:13 Brittney: Reacted to “I’m so grateful for …” with
00:47:18 Erica Nash: Reacted to “I struggle with cons…” with
00:47:36 Erica Nash: Reacted to “I’m so grateful for …” with
00:47:53 Karen: Replying to “I've been experienci…”
00:47:54 leigh: To Erica’s point of setting the bar lower, I actually find I’m more successful when I set the bar lower because I’m not paralyzing myself with anxiety and pressure
00:48:03 Sarah Guilliot ( Reacted to “To Erica’s point of …” with
00:48:06 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “To Erica’s point of …” with
00:48:08 Erica Nash: Reacted to “To Erica’s point of …” with
00:48:14 Karen: Reacted to “I struggle with cons…” with
00:48:23 Sarah Guilliot ( Reacted to “death by a thousand …” with
00:48:25 Diana Richards: Reacted to “To Erica’s point of …” with
00:48:25 Sarah Guilliot ( Reacted to “My goal with lately …” with
00:48:27 Diana Richards: I have two post-its on my monitor. One says, “Go EASY on yourself!” The other says, “OK is good enough!”
00:48:32 Sarah Guilliot ( Reacted to “Can ‘success’ be sim…” with
00:48:34 Erica Nash: Replying to “To Erica’s point of …”
Yes! I accomplish so much more!
00:48:40 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “To Erica’s point of …” with
00:48:55 Sarah Guilliot ( Reacted to “ABSOLUTELY makes sen…” with
00:48:55 Erica Nash: Reacted to “I have two post-its …” with
00:48:57 leigh: Reacted to “I have two post-its …” with
00:49:14 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “I have two post-its …” with
00:49:23 Karen: Reacted to “To Erica’s point of …” with
00:50:10 Karen: Reacted to “Yes! I accomplish so…” with
00:50:49 Diana Richards: Replace “should” in your mind with any other verb to get to the root of the issue. “I want to do …” “I feel expected to do….”
00:50:50 Erica Nash: That’s also an experiment like everything else we do!
00:52:53 Kate Newnham | Law of attraction “I love how easy my business is!
00:52:58 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Law of attraction “I…” with
00:53:01 Sarah Guilliot ( Reacted to “Law of attraction “I…” with
00:53:08 Janet Hoover:
00:53:13 Lisa Doiron: Reacted to “Law of attraction “I…” with
00:54:01 leigh: Replying to “To Erica’s point of …”
Also, I decided to do the high jump in high school track and my back was covered in bruises cause I could never get over the bar so I just laid on the cushion the whole time. Avoid the back bruises.
00:54:21 Karen: Yes, thank you, Lisa!
00:54:29 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Also, I decided to d…” with
00:54:29 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Also, I decided to d…” with
00:54:39 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Yes, thank you, Lisa…” with
00:54:43 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “Also, I decided to d…” with