This Week's Questions
00:00:49 Rachel Briscoe: Hi to all the new members!!!
00:01:07 Glennette Goodbread: Hey everyone!
00:01:07 Leigh: Hi everyone!
00:01:38 Erica Nash: OOh I want to hear that too
00:01:52 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Hiii Glennette and Margo!!
00:01:58 Erica Nash:
00:02:06 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Glenenette, is is mandatory to share your cats name :p
00:02:11 Margo: Hello!
00:02:13 Janet Hoover: Hellooooo!!!!
00:02:32 Caitlin Harrison: I just finished a consult and pushed the high end package at $10k and send off the proposal before this call started… trying to not let her decision of working with me or not to stress me out
00:02:44 Kim Stone: Hi Everyone
00:02:56 Rachel Briscoe: Caitlin
00:03:02 Caitlin Harrison: for 2022, WDA has helped me go from charging $1,500 in January for the same websites I have now charged 5 people $5,000 f
00:03:10 Erica Nash: Yes, Caitlin!!
00:03:12 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I would say in 2022 the thing I’m most proud of is selling a premium package!
00:03:12 Melissa Miller: You got this Caitlin!!!
00:03:31 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Yesss! Good vibes heading your way Cait!!
00:03:35 Kate Newnham: Hi everyone who is new!!!
00:03:35 Erica Nash: Kaila huge win
00:03:41 Janet Hoover: WOO!!
00:03:52 Brenda W: Wrapping up another volunteer website project for a nonprofit
00:03:57 Caitlin Harrison: would be nice to end the year with my first $10k sale
00:04:02 Rachel Briscoe: Awesome Kaila
00:04:06 Glennette Goodbread: That's awesome Caitlin.
00:04:15 Erica Nash: Awesome, Brenda!!!
00:04:18 Glennette Goodbread: Stegy
00:04:23 Glennette Goodbread: I'm fostering her.
00:04:26 Lauren N.: Congratulations Caitlin!!!
00:04:29 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Awh, amazing!
00:04:36 Leigh: Nice!
00:04:38 Kate Newnham: You got this Caitlin
00:04:47 Caitlin Harrison: I definitely said um and got flustered a bunch
00:05:01 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Welcome Sheila!!
00:05:09 Sheila M:
00:05:12 Janet Hoover: Welcome ladies!
00:05:13 Lauren N.: Fingers crossed Caitlin
00:05:24 Lauren N.: Welcome everyone new!
00:05:31 Leigh: I haven’t been camera ready in years
00:05:40 Kate Newnham: LOL Leigh
00:05:49 Melissa Miller: Ha! Ha!
00:05:49 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I get camera ready by putting a toque on to disguise my terrible hair :p
00:05:52 Janet Hoover: HA!
00:06:14 Leigh: If I had a cool beanie, I’d sport that too
00:06:54 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I probably have a toque hoarding issue but I also usually have bad hair so it works!
00:07:12 Karen: Finally put myself out there on FB. And reached out to my ideal client who said they would love to work with me.
00:07:20 Erica Nash: YES Karen!!
00:07:23 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Ahhh Karen!! That’s huge!
00:07:30 Lauren N.: Ended 2022 with another 10k month!
00:07:30 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Nice work!
00:07:33 Rachel Briscoe: Optimism is my win!
00:07:35 judy bigham: I met my financial goals for 2022!
00:07:40 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Lauren! F yah!
00:07:40 Brittney: Most proud of comfortably charging 2X more than I used to!
00:07:42 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Congrats!
00:07:44 Leigh: Omg I had no idea what a toque was! I’m going to call it that from now on. Sounds so much cooler than beanie
00:08:00 Diana Richards: Started going after what I want for work, not just what I was dealt
00:08:02 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Hahaha…maybe it’s a Canuck word
00:08:06 Erica Nash: Such amazing wins!!
00:08:09 Kate Newnham: Finally feeling like a legit web designer without hesitation – sold 2 VIP packages! And way too much more to list
00:08:10 Janet Hoover: Mind trash conquering, staying out of wallets, getting my processes refined, charging more…. Tons!
00:08:18 Becky Swan: Booked a couple projects at my midlevel which is more than I’ve ever charged for a website. Definitely gaining confidence in talking to clients and holding my boundaries.
00:08:24 Glennette Goodbread: #1 Joining WDA and DTM
#2 I created my signature framework which I'm sure will change as a result of WDA.
00:08:32 Janet Hoover: Go Kate!
00:09:00 Lauren N.: Awesome Kate!!
00:09:20 Melissa Miller: Awesome Kate!
00:09:42 Melissa Miller: You’re an inspiration Kate!
00:10:29 Kate Newnham: Thanks all!!
00:10:34 Kate Newnham: You inspire ME!
00:10:40 Leigh: Wow, so awesome Kate!
00:11:00 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Haha you know you miss us too much to actually stay completely away from the group :p
00:11:15 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: (But for real, have an amazing break! You all deserve it!)
00:11:24 Janet Hoover:
00:11:26 Erica Nash: Haha, it’s true Kaila, how can we stay out completely?? Never!
00:12:28 Kate Newnham: So true @Kaila
00:13:29 Caitlin Harrison: I need like 7 more videos of Shannon selling our packages back to us
00:13:40 Janet Hoover: Yes! ha!
00:17:06 MoonSoar Services: And this is why I’m terrified to work with friends LOL
00:17:55 Kate Newnham: I work with a couple of friends, and I stopped charging the “friends + family” rate because I need income and this is business. I made that transition last year b/c if the tables were turned, they would charge me full price.
00:18:21 Kate Newnham: And…. She’s taking the place of full time clients – they get the same.
00:18:25 judy bigham: you value yourself !?
00:18:33 Rachel Briscoe: I said to a friend recently, ‘by the way, this is what I charge for clients and the value is x, y, z…’
00:20:04 judy bigham: the images themselves need work to have them optimized for the site.
00:20:09 Rachel Briscoe: Yes Kate, the opportunity cost is important.
00:20:47 MoonSoar Services: John says, “special rate for friends & family: double.”
00:21:15 Kate Newnham: Agree with John LOL
00:22:18 Glennette Goodbread: I'd say “Oh wow, you have some really great photos. Choosing which photos to use is out of scope and I'd be happy to go through them and choose which ones to use. I can do that for just $________. Let me know how you want to proceed.”
00:22:19 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I feel like another important thing to remember is that just like you have a choice of whether to work with a friend or not, they have the same choice of whether to work with you. If you provide them with options and they choose that it doesn’t match what they need, then it shouldn’t have as much to do with friendship – it’s just maybe not a good business match!
00:23:07 Rachel Briscoe: Glennette – good response!!!
00:24:13 Rachel Briscoe: I learned a huge lesson image curation this year!
00:24:15 MoonSoar Services: With a lot of businesses, what I’ve found is that if their marketing department doesn’t use their money up by the end of the year, they may not get the same amount of money next year – that’s why they push so hard to get their website done by the end of the year.
00:27:10 Glennette Goodbread: I have started requiring 50% at start of project and 50% in 30 days whether the project is finished or not. You'd be surprised how fast people can get stuff to you when they know they're going to have to pay either way. I felt like people were dragging their feet sometimes because they didn't have the money.
00:27:25 Rachel Briscoe: We can’t work for free
00:27:53 Rachel Briscoe: Unless it’s a choice
00:28:04 Kate Newnham: She doesn’t see value in a website like a handbag.
00:28:10 MoonSoar Services: Oh, Glennette, I love that.
00:28:24 Diana Richards she/her: YESSS @ Kate
00:28:30 Kate Newnham: I told my friend recently “you can’t afford me and I laughed”
00:28:35 Caitlin Harrison: YES YOU CAN
00:28:37 judy bigham: and if you find money, call me
00:28:52 Rachel Briscoe: Opportunity cost
00:29:04 Kate Newnham: She came back and bought my VIP $10K package
00:29:19 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: You can do this Melissa! You are WORTH IT!
00:29:21 Lauren N.: You can do it! I had the SAME thing happened to me. I said I’d give her a proposal on the call, then realized I didn’t want to work with her and declined with an email
00:29:21 Rachel Briscoe: LOL Kate
00:29:31 Janet Hoover: You got this!
00:29:37 Erica Nash: And if she was bluffing she can come back and knock again!
00:29:39 judy bigham: Go Melissa!!!!
00:29:40 Kate Newnham: You can do this!!!!
00:29:46 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: She might come back and say she was joking around but why waste your time before you know that!
00:29:48 MoonSoar Services: You totally got this Melissa.
00:29:55 Kate Newnham: You have the DEMAND!
00:30:04 Lauren N.: It’s hard, but you’re not being mean. You’re saving both of you time
00:31:48 Rachel Briscoe: …because you only have x number of spots on your calendar realistically
00:33:43 Kate Newnham: Omg setting boundaries used to be sooo hard, and it does get easier I promise
00:33:51 Rachel Briscoe: Could you suggest a VIP day to finish it if there’s no way she can be ready? Because it’s stopping you from working from someone else?
00:34:01 Kate Newnham: Ooh great idea Rachel!!
00:36:04 Glennette Goodbread: Hey ________. Thanks for _______.
I wanted to let you know that I've instituted a new policy effective 1/1/23 and will require a project restart fee if I haven't received __________ by ________.
Enjoy your holidays and then let's get this project done so you can start meeting your goals.
00:36:06 MoonSoar Services: Melissa – you’re not alone in this. John and I totally feel what you’re going through.
00:36:09 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Boundaries are hard but they show confidence! If you’re confident in yourself and your value, then your clients can feel more at ease that you’re handling the situation for them!
00:36:23 Erica Nash: You’ve got this, Melissa!
00:36:49 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: You’ve got this and and you’ve got a whole community behind ya when you feel like you don’t! <3
00:36:57 Rachel Briscoe: I’m thinking that sometimes the boundaries make friends actually ‘see’ the value because they can take us for granted…
00:37:05 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Totally1
00:37:07 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: !
00:40:39 Sharon Blalock OBM: Question… I feel a little unor
00:41:00 Sharon Blalock OBM: Unorganized… should.I go back through the modules and start over
00:41:05 Glennette Goodbread: Do you always recommend multiple packages?
00:41:45 Lauren N.: Question around confidence in presenting my maintenance packages to my client
00:41:52 Kate Newnham: Glennette – Patrick Matrix is our crush around here lol
00:42:08 Kate Newnham: 3 levels for every proposals yeah – there’s a whole thing around that – Module 4
00:42:12 Lauren N.: Glennette – yes!! Give ‘em choices
00:42:31 Lauren N.: Works like a charm
00:42:59 Glennette Goodbread: I went through a design bootcamp a couple years ago and discovered I'm a power brand (fascination advantage).
I was told I should recommend ONE package because I'm the consultant, I know what they really need, I'm the authority, etc. etc.
00:42:59 Rachel Briscoe: Oooh ‘passive action’ !!! I know that!!!
00:43:41 Erica Nash: No procrastilearning!
00:43:57 Rachel Briscoe: @Erica that’s my expertise LOL!
00:44:03 Erica Nash: Me too! haha
00:44:04 MoonSoar Services: Lol “procrastilearning”
00:44:06 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Ohhh I LOVE procrastilearning! What a great term!
00:44:11 Kate Newnham: We give them the choice in WDA – there’s a whole rationale behind it. So instead of “do you want to work with me, this is what I offer, take it or leave it”, it’s ‘how do you want to work with me, pick a level”
00:44:21 Glennette Goodbread: I ended up going back to multiple choices because I like the positioning.
00:44:22 Caitlin Harrison: my brain wants to procrastibrand this week
00:44:30 Kate Newnham: Ultimately it’s up to you though, cuz it’s your business
00:44:33 Leigh: I almost did a redo of the whole course a few months ago because I was so nervous about my new services and thankfully Shannon and Erica stopped me and redirected me as well! So thankful
00:46:07 Rachel Briscoe: Leigh, that’s so great because time is what we can’t get back!
00:46:39 Rachel Briscoe: I’m a reformed course junkie!
00:46:46 Leigh: Yes! The only thing you can’t buy just do it scared and learn from the bumps
00:48:13 Sharon Blalock OBM: Thanks Shannon, Leigh and Rachel… I’ll keep all that in mind and just do it scared!
00:49:16 Sharon Blalock OBM: no=they don’t value you
00:50:55 Aisha Beauford: What if I'm running out of people to reach out to in my marketing? Where should I go next?
00:51:08 Rachel Briscoe: So Lauren it wasn’t intentional at all…
00:51:14 Sharon Blalock OBM: Good question Aisha!
00:52:37 MoonSoar Services: Aisha I love this question
00:52:41 Kate Newnham: Lauren – you’re amazing!!
00:52:48 Rachel Briscoe: I so feel for you Lauren because this is exactly how I respond to these situations… it’s so hard
00:52:54 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Ugh, I feel this at my core!
00:53:07 Erica Nash: Aisha, from there our recommendation would be to send “do you know who” scripts to people in your network to make connections, meet people via connections or through email/social + build relationships, and then make offers! It’s essentially the Get Your Next Client work over and over and over and over!!
00:53:43 Sheila M: Gotta jump – thanks for a great session! Excited to be a part of this group.
00:53:52 Rachel Briscoe: By Sheila x
00:54:00 Sharon Blalock OBM: Take the emotion out of it, Lauren
00:54:29 Rachel Briscoe: For me, this is like a primal response to feel guilty
00:55:28 Caitlin Harrison: @erica I’m having issues getting the weekly q&a podcast feed to load, I got next level to work but not this one
00:56:20 Erica Nash: Hmm in the podcast app? Or on the website?
00:56:20 Kate Newnham: Lauren – I also keep a list of a couple techier people than me just for that extra feeling of support.
00:56:21 Caitlin Harrison: oops never mind, it weirdly is showing the banner of another podcast in my feed but its there
00:56:25 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I’m 10+ years in and this stuff still comes up! So it doesn’t mean anything about your skills Lauren! He is so lucky he had someone who cares like you do!
00:57:14 Erica Nash: @caitlin
00:57:15 Leigh: Lauren, I can definitely relate. Even if it was something you missed (which in this case it sounds like it wasn’t), it doesn’t make you incompetent. In my experience, clients care more about how you handle the situation instead of whether you got it right the first time
00:57:21 Erica Nash: Whoops, is it working? lol
00:57:49 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Agree Leigh!
00:58:07 Caitlin Harrison: yes erica, it looks like its there
00:58:08 Rachel Briscoe: Yes Leigh
00:58:15 Erica Nash: Ok cool
00:58:34 Glennette Goodbread: Great call!
00:58:45 Kate Newnham: Great to see you all! Have a great holiday and happy new year!!
00:58:47 Sharon Blalock OBM: Happy Holidays everyone!
00:58:48 Janet Hoover: Happy holidays all!
00:58:49 MoonSoar Services: Happy holidays!!
00:58:53 Rachel Briscoe: Have a lovely holiday season everyone!!!
00:58:56 Becky Swan: Happy holidays!
00:58:56 Glennette Goodbread: Merry Christmas everyone!
00:58:59 Melissa Miller: Thanks Shannon for your help!
00:59:02 Karen: Merry Christmas everyone!
00:59:13 Caitlin Harrison: next level is still on for tomorrow?
00:59:19 Erica Nash: Yes!
00:59:24 Aisha Beauford: see you next year
00:59:26 Rachel Briscoe: Yay Caitlin!!!
00:59:26 Glennette Goodbread: Stegy says bye!