marketing momentum membership

Get web design clients you love doing marketing that's fun.

(no portfolios, elevator pitches or social media required)

Imagine if every time you opened your laptop, you thought "How is this my life?!"

You can see it now… You, the perfect cup of coffee, and the morning sunshine streaming into your office. You open up your laptop and think “I got this!” Sure, you’ll be busy – but it’s a good kinda busy… the kind where it doesn’t feel like work.

And even though you're fully booked for the next few months, the first task on your list? Lining up your next client. You know exactly what to do next, it'll take only a few minutes, and you love no longer worrying or wondering where your next client’s coming from.

Watch the Marketing Momentum Training Replay!

You're ready to get off of the feast-and-famine rollercoaster that keeps you...

A person is working on a laptop at a neat desk with pink stationery, including notebooks, a pen, a small dish, and paper clips.

Saying yes to low-paying projects and bad-fit clients. When you're waiting on referrals or for your dream clients to find you, it makes total sense why when an opportunity finally comes your way, you'll say yes anything because you need the money…

Overdelivering and overworking. When you need your current clients to be “happy” because that's the only way you know how to get more clients, then you end up feeling trapped by a business that was supposed to give you freedom.

Thinking you can't charge that much, that you need a better portfolio or to learn more first. When you keep thinking you need to know all the answers and say the right things and look the right way to get clients, you'll never feel ready or good enough to “put yourself out there.”

Searching for the “magic” marketing strategy that will make you stand out in a saturated market and bring you clients on autopilot. When you think you have to spend hours creating catchy content for social media and SEO to get the attention of your ideal clients and build an audience online, it's no wonder marketing feels like a huge time-suck on top of everything else you're doing.

A person sits on a bed with a laptop, surrounded by pillows, under warm natural light, in a cozy, white-themed bedroom.


Most marketing advice out there is designed for influencers, big brands or content creators.

The online marketing strategies your web design clients use to get more traffic, conversions and customers are not necessary for solo service providers like you.

Let me say that again another way… you do not need to put yourself out there online, create content, get social media followers, get more traffic or stand out in a saturated market to get web design clients.

Using the wrong marketing strategies is why so many brilliant, talented web designers find themselves either not marketing at all – or even worse – settling for low-paying clients and bending over backward to keep the clients they have.


What if getting new web design clients felt simple? Fun? Effortless?

Imagine if a few simple yet powerful actions you effortlessly took last month created a new client for you today. Imagine if marketing your web design business was simply a natural extension of the work you already love to do, and never felt like a grind.

Imagine knowing at your core there’s always another client on the way. You'd stop undercharging, overworking and people-pleasing and finally experience the freedom you started your web design business for in the first place.

Life without Marketing Momentum:

Life with Marketing Momentum:


Marketing Momentum

A monthly membership designed to help you take consistent, simple, authentic action to get your next client, get booked out, and stay booked out so that you never again worry where your next client is coming from.

exclusively for web, GRAPHIC & BrAND DESIGNERS

This isn't just another membership...

Marketing Momentum is the structure and accountability you need to integrate simple yet powerful marketing practices into your workflow and make consistently marketing your web design business a seamless part of your week (without social media, content marketing or elevator pitches).

take action

Monthly Marketing Workshop

Each month I'll host a live workshop and teach a simple yet powerful marketing tactic (that can be implemented during the live workshop) – and you'll have the opportunity to ask questions and get any mindset or strategy coaching you might need to take action.

build momentum

Monthly Momentum Challenges

Think of these as mini-sprints between live sessions to make marketing consistent and fun. From collection “rejections” to uncovering your marketing personality to mining your marketing mindtrash for gold, these challenges help you overcome marketing inertia and take action so that you can actually create results.

A person sits on a bed with a laptop, surrounded by pillows, under warm natural light, in a cozy, white-themed bedroom.

get the support you need

Marketing Momentum Community

Connect with a brilliant, supportive group of web designers who are excited to cheer each other on, celebrate each others' wins, and give pep talks during the inevitable time when it feels like nothing is working. There's nothing like being connected to other web designers who have been in your shoes to show you what is truly possible for you.

on your own terms

On-Demand Strategy Library

Everything we teach live is recorded and stored in your exclusive member hub, along with all the marketing tactics, templates, and resources you’ll need to take action. Whether you miss a live session or want to revisit a specific framework, it’s all there, ready for you whenever you need it.


The actions you take today create your future momentum.

monthly live training

These sessions aren’t just about learning – they create the structure and time you need to implement what you learned during the live session so that you start to experience the results of taking action!


You'll be with other web designers and digital service providers working toward similar goals where your questions are a gift to everyone else in the group (and you'll learn from each other simply by asking for support).


We'll tell you exactly what to say and how to say it for every single strategy we teach so that it's easy to take action. No more wasted time trying to figure out what niche to target and what problems keep them up at night, just real connection with real people.

What's just one new client worth to your business?

When you take the action steps we give you in the Marketing Momentum membership using the timeless, algorithm-proof strategies you'll implement, it will continue to pay for itself over and over again… but the confidence you'll feel when you experience that you know how to get clients no matter what? That's priceless.


Join monthly for just


month-to-month, no commitment required

what our members say

"I'm booked out!"

try the marketing momentum membership out

Month-to-month, no commitment.

Join us and see what it's like to dedicate exclusive, focused time to getting your next client every single month inside a supportive (and fun) community of other web designers. There's no commitment, and you can cancel anytime.

Is Marketing Momentum for me?

It's perfect for you if:

It's NOT for you if:

How it works

Here’s what happens when you join:

Check your email

You'll get a welcome email with login information for the member portal, and a link to a quick business and marketing assessment so that you can track your progress.

Add THE next live workshop to your calendar

Workshops are live on the 4th Thursday of the month at 3PM Eastern (recordings are adding to the member portal within 24 hours).

get instant access to the community + resources

Watch our core Get Your Next Client lesson which breaks down the core concepts you'll go back to again and again and get started taking small but might actions to get your next client.

Meet Your Mentor

Hi, I'm Shannon Mattern!

I'm the founder of the Web Designer Academy and host of the Profitable Web Designer Podcast, and I've taught thousands of web designers how to package, price, position, market and sell their services so that they can create freedom, flexibility and financial independence.

Now, I'm taking everything we teach about marketing inside our application-only group coaching program and to help you overcome the #1 challenge web designers have when it comes to creating consistent income: consistent marketing.

I can’t wait to show you how to put a simple, stress-free marketing strategy in place that takes minutes, not hours (no hair and makeup required)!


You've got questions? We have answers!

Once a month on the 4th Thursday from 3:00PM to 4:30PM Eastern (unless there's a US holiday – we'll do it on the 3rd Thursday those months).

You don't have to join us live to get the full benefit. If you're not there live you can ask questions in the community any time… but you do need to actually do the steps we teach in the live workshops to get any results. As long as you're able to watch the replay on your own timeline, take action and ask for support when you need it, you won't miss out on a thing.

We exclusively teach marketing strategy, tactics and mindset in this membership – which is everything you need to create the opportunity for a consultation or discovery call (whatever you like to call it). So whether you work with us in the Web Designer Academy or not, we'll help you overcome the biggest barrier to getting new clients and projects: marketing.

Inside the Web Designer Academy, we also teach how to package, price and sell your services in a way that's profitable and sustainable, and how to manage clients and run projects so that you stop leaving time and money on the table (and Web Designer Academy students also get access to the Marketing Momentum membership).

While we can’t guarantee specific outcomes like landing new clients, we can promise you proven strategies, personalized support, and a community to help you take consistent, effective action. Success ultimately depends on your effort, but these strategies have worked for countless web designers who’ve implemented them with dedication and asked for support when they feel stuck or like they aren't seeing results fast enough.

There are no refunds, but the program is month-to-month and you can cancel any time.

if you decide to cancel, you’ll maintain full access to the membership, resources, and community until the end of your billing period.


Contact Us

Don’t see your question in the FAQ’s?

I love connecting with you and am happy to answer any of your questions about Marketing Momentum! You can email me directly at to get in touch.