This Week's Questions
Summary + Transcript
- Welcome to our new members. 0:41
- Welcome to the live strategy call for Tuesday, August 29th, 2023.
- We always kick off with wins when everyone is coming in and getting settled in for the call, and then we move into announcements and questions from the submit questions forum.
- Alicia's third session with us has been changed to September 19, and there will be a revenue reset challenge the week of September 25.
- The strategy call for 926 has been cancelled.
- How to set boundaries with clients. 6:23
- Diana, use contract language from the retainer package contract template to clarify emergency service requests and client communication expectations with a new client.
- Ruby booked her first WTA client.
- The replays of the summer workshops will be available on the website, and students will have access to the profitable web designer masterclass collection.
- When not to beat yourself up.
- How do you ensure fast site speed? 10:48
- First question from Karen, how do you ensure fast site speed? She wants to know what she is already doing and what she recommends for site speed.
- Two part answer, ensuring the client's expectation is met and understanding why they have that expectation is important.
- Get clarity on what the client is trying to accomplish by having a fast site, and what they are hoping to accomplish.
- Make sure that you are clear on what they're why they have the expectation that they have and that you can have that conversation with them.
- Stephanie from Focuswp. 16:03
- Stephanie from Focus WP is an expert on site speed. She has a team that handles site speed and will optimize your site as much as it can possibly be optimized.
- Focus WP only works with web designers, not clients. They don't work with clients.
- They are subcontractors exclusively for web designers and web design agencies because they know that they are not a single person in this room who knows everything about everything, but they have a distributed team of experts.
- They handle maintenance. They handle maintenance like everything.
- How to build trust with your clients? 22:01
- Karen has been testing out the focus web service and has an email from them every single day to tell her they are still working on it.
- Next question is about feeling complete.
- Shannon has a consultation on Thursday for someone who is launching her business and ready to go all in, but has no revenue streams. She is interested in the premium, but doesn't know what that charge would be.
- We'd like to learn about the overall strategy to launch the site and create the brand.
- Don’t make any assumptions. 27:40
- First of all, don't make any assumptions about this person or their revenue. Go through the consultation process and ask them questions.
- Have a conversation about their role in the project.
- It's okay to freak out that someone is paying you more money than you've ever made. It's worth it.
- There's just as much money to be made from the things that don't work out.
- Question from lisa. 32:38
- Mariela and Shannon talk about the healing vibes they are sending to their mom.
- Lisa asks Shannon if she can make a loom video and have a conversation back and forth.
- The difference between working with a solopreneur type coach and a corporate type coach, and how burma is different from her competitors.
- How burma's approach to coaching is different.
- Picking the starter site package. 36:48
- Time constraints, bumping up against timelines, trying to please her, etc.
- Drafted up an email answering all of her questions, in that he basically said, I'm sorry I shouldn't have presented the starter package. I don't think it's a good fit.
- The consultation call is about gathering information to put together a proposal.
- The client is asking too many detailed questions that make you feel like you don't know if you can handle this and that you messed up with the proposal.
- Understanding the problem with the price. 42:30
- The speaker didn't anticipate some of the stuff that he probably should have and is now wondering if he should have anticipated it.
- The speaker is seeing a mismatch between the level of effort required for the project and the amount of coaching required for this project.
- Some of the questions changed the scope of the proposal, others are practical questions, and some are clarity questions that the speaker didn't really think through.
- The speaker feels that strategically answering the questions in a way that sets the boundaries is a big opportunity to move forward.
- How can you make sure your site is optimised? 48:37
- An example of a question from a client who wanted to know how to make sure her site was optimized.
- A client asked if she could look at her starter sites. She would be happy to make a video showing the process of selecting the best one.
- You can say what you're afraid they're going to think, or you can frame it as, I'd be happy to show those two.
- You can use it as an opportunity to give her a window.
- How to answer questions in a different way? 54:00
- Just because someone has a question, that doesn't mean they have to always have to answer their exact question.
- How to give the client the confidence to ask questions.
- These questions are a gift to you. Use them as an opportunity to set some boundaries, clarify the process and establish communication.
- How to think about questions in a different way.
- How to ask for permission for questions. 58:54
- If someone comes back with a lot of questions and asks for permission, ask for permission every step of the process. It takes the pressure off of you.
- If the client is open to having a client, ask if they want to move forward with you.
- Questions are an opportunity to clarify, build trust, and show how you would work together to set boundaries.
- Michelle wants to know what she wants to see in the starter site, the menu structure, look and feel, and how it is to see her style.
00:01:26 Jessica Aiese-Davoli: thanks! Happy to be here
00:01:31 Erica Nash: Reacted to “thanks! Happy to be…” with
00:01:37 Maddison Manente: Welcome!!
00:02:40 Erica Nash: Here’s the link for questions:
00:03:41 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Welcome Steph and Jessica!
00:04:04 Angelica Hidalgo: Hi Steph and Jess!
00:04:20 Diana Richards she/her: I used language from the retainer package contract template to clarify “emergency service requests” and communication expectations with a new client
00:04:46 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “I used language from…” with
00:05:05 Ruby Javaid: booked my first WDA client! and held my pricing boundaries with my second consult (she didn't sign up, but that's ok!) and i'm getting ready to transition all hourly clients to retainer packages
00:05:21 Karen: Things are finally getting started for me (newbie to web design). I'm finishing up my second project and recently sent out a couple of proposals.
00:05:23 Karen: Reacted to “thanks! Happy to be…” with
00:05:32 Karen: Reacted to “Welcome Steph and Je…” with
00:05:44 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “I used language from…” with
00:05:59 Karen: Reacted to “I used language from…” with
00:06:02 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “booked my first WDA …” with
00:06:06 Maddison Manente: I’ve been working consistently on completing the modules in the dreamium client design section!
00:06:06 Angela Winter: @Erica Nash are the replays of all the summer workshops in the dashboard at all?
00:06:08 Karen: Reacted to “booked my first WDA …” with
00:06:08 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “booked my first WDA …” with
00:06:15 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “Things are finally g…” with
00:06:17 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “Things are finally g…” with
00:06:19 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “I’ve been working co…” with
00:06:21 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “I’ve been working co…” with
00:06:23 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “Things are finally g…” with
00:06:23 Kaitlyn | KTU Designs LLC: Reacted to “Things are finally g…” with
00:06:26 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “I used language from…” with
00:06:26 Angela Winter: Reacted to “Things are finally g…” with
00:06:29 Angela Winter: Reacted to “booked my first WDA …” with
00:06:29 Erica Nash: Replying to “@Erica Nash are the …”
They are in crowd cast! Did you register for them?
00:06:29 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “I’ve been working co…” with
00:06:31 Karen: Reacted to “I’ve been working co…” with
00:06:31 Kaitlyn | KTU Designs LLC: Reacted to “booked my first WDA …” with
00:06:32 Angela Winter: Reacted to “I used language from…” with
00:06:39 Kaitlyn | KTU Designs LLC: Reacted to “I used language from…” with
00:06:41 Lisa Doiron: Win: I submitted a question.
00:06:47 Kaitlyn | KTU Designs LLC: Reacted to “Win: I submitted a q…” with
00:06:49 Erica Nash: Reacted to “I used language from…” with
00:06:51 Angela Winter: Replying to “@Erica Nash are the …”
I don't think so. This summer was nuts. Anyway I can get them?
00:06:55 Erica Nash: Reacted to “booked my first WDA …” with
00:06:56 Maddison Manente: Reacted to “Win: I submitted a q…” with
00:06:58 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “Win: I submitted a q…” with
00:07:03 Lisa Doiron: Reacted to “I used language from…” with
00:07:04 Diana Richards she/her: Reacted to “booked my first WDA …” with
00:07:05 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “Win: I submitted a q…” with
00:07:05 Jessica Aiese-Davoli: Reacted to “I used language from…” with
00:07:06 Lisa Doiron: Reacted to “booked my first WDA …” with
00:07:10 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Things are finally g…” with
00:07:14 Maddison Manente: Reacted to “Things are finally g…” with
00:07:17 Erica Nash: Reacted to “I’ve been working co…” with
00:07:17 Jessica Aiese-Davoli: Reacted to “booked my first WDA …” with
00:07:19 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Win: I submitted a q…” with
00:07:21 Maddison Manente: Reacted to “booked my first WDA …” with
00:07:21 Maddison Manente: Reacted to “booked my first WDA …” with
00:07:36 Lisa Doiron: Reacted to “Things are finally g…” with
00:07:37 Diana Richards she/her: Reacted to “Win: I submitted a q…” with
00:07:56 Kaitlyn | KTU Designs LLC: Reacted to “I’ve been working co…” with
00:08:05 Angela Winter: Win – not beating myself up with zero clients in the docket for fall so far I'm resting and working through WDA content (finally!)
00:08:08 Maddison Manente: Reacted to “Win: I submitted a q…” with
00:08:13 Kaitlyn | KTU Designs LLC: Reacted to “Win – not beating my…” with
00:08:19 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “Win – not beating my…” with
00:08:26 Diana Richards she/her: Reacted to “Win – not beating my…” with
00:08:35 Lisa Doiron: Reacted to “Win – not beating my…” with
00:08:42 Karen: Reacted to “Win: I submitted a q…” with
00:09:32 Karen: Reacted to “Win – not beating my…” with
00:09:57 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Win – not beating my…” with
00:10:05 Maddison Manente: Reacted to “Win – not beating my…” with
00:15:34 Kim Blake: Good hosting! I love Siteground since they have a performance plug-in with their plans. Use gtmetrix to run performance. If a WordPress website check out Rocket WP a pro plug-in.
00:16:29 Ruby Javaid: Replying to “Good hosting! I love…”
I second this! Plus ShortPixel is great for optimizing images. Has a free and paid option
00:17:02 Shannon Mattern:
00:18:15 Jessica Aiese-Davoli: Replying to “Good hosting! I love…” is a good option, and low cost too.
00:19:57 Kim Stone: Video Hosting! It is recommended that videos should not be hosted on your website hosting.
00:20:29 Ruby Javaid: I've actually had clients ask me that before. I always say they are my team
00:20:37 Kim Stone: Would she pass that charge to the client?
00:20:42 Jessica Aiese-Davoli: I would say “I have a network of other web designers who I work with”
00:21:44 Michelle Self: You could consider them your team – I have a team of experts that I work with to handle XYZ
00:22:26 Angelica Hidalgo: Do they only do WordPress sites?
00:22:29 Kim Blake: Replying to “Video Hosting! It is…”
00:23:24 Michelle Self: I need to look into their vacation service!
00:23:29 Karen: Reacted to “Good hosting! I love…” with
00:23:33 Karen: Reacted to “I second this! Plus …” with
00:23:39 Karen: Reacted to “ is a good …” with
00:24:03 Amy K Ogden: Amazing, could have used the vacation service a LOT this year. Though I use the term “vacation” loosely”
00:24:06 Karen: Reacted to “I've actually had cl…” with
00:24:13 Karen: Reacted to “Would she pass that …” with
00:24:18 Michelle Self: Yes! I loved your podcast with her
00:24:22 Karen: Reacted to “I would say “I have …” with
00:24:33 Karen: Reacted to “You could consider t…” with
00:24:38 Jessica Aiese-Davoli: Replying to “Yes! I loved your p…”
me too!
00:24:43 Lisa Doiron: Reacted to “Yes! I loved your p…” with
00:24:48 Karen: Reacted to “Video Hosting! It is…” with
00:24:53 Kate Newnham | Reacted to “Amazing, could have …” with
00:24:59 Karen: Thank you, Shannon!
00:28:32 Kate Newnham | They could have millions of dollars in their bank LOL
00:28:45 Karen: Reacted to “They could have mill…” with
00:28:47 Kaitlyn | KTU Designs LLC: Reacted to “They could have mill…” with
00:28:50 Erica Nash: Reacted to “They could have mill…” with
00:30:05 Mariela Cabezas | Web Designer – Hey everyone, joining from Ecuador…
00:30:14 Kate Newnham | Reacted to “Hey everyone, joinin…” with
00:30:16 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Hey everyone, joinin…” with
00:30:21 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “Hey everyone, joinin…” with
00:30:24 Kate Newnham | Replying to “Hey everyone, joinin…”
We’re international! I’m in Copenhagen!
00:30:33 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “They could have mill…” with
00:30:43 Mariela Cabezas | Web Designer – Replying to “Hey everyone, joinin…”
What?? You could have visited me in Hamburg!
00:30:50 Kate Newnham | Reacted to “What?? You could hav…” with
00:30:50 Angelica Hidalgo: Woo! Australia!
00:31:08 Kate Newnham | Reacted to “Woo! Australia!” with
00:31:12 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “Hey everyone, joinin…” with
00:31:12 Mariela Cabezas | Web Designer – Reacted to “Woo! Australia!” with
00:31:16 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “We’re international!…” with
00:31:27 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “We’re international!…” with
00:31:29 Kate Newnham | Replying to “Woo! Australia!”
Gday mate!
00:31:30 Mariela Cabezas | Web Designer – Wish it would be a nicer visit… taking care of my mom who had a stroke
00:31:32 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “Woo! Australia!” with
00:31:46 Amy K Ogden: I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sold a mid-level or premium package and half way through I think to myself, “thank GOD I charged this much…they are getting a DEAL!”
00:31:55 Kaitlyn | KTU Designs LLC: Reacted to “I can’t tell you how…” with
00:32:00 Mariela Cabezas | Web Designer – Reacted to “I can’t tell you how…” with
00:32:03 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “I can’t tell you how…” with
00:32:06 Kate Newnham | Reacted to “I can’t tell you how…” with
00:32:15 Lisa Doiron: Reacted to “I can’t tell you how…” with
00:32:23 Erica Nash: Reacted to “I can’t tell you how…” with
00:32:32 Kate Newnham | Replying to “Wish it would be a n…”
Oh no, I’m so sorry!!!
00:32:47 Lisa Doiron: Reacted to “Wish it would be a n…” with
00:32:49 Michelle Self: Reacted to “Hey everyone, joinin…” with
00:32:55 Michelle Self: Reacted to “We’re international!…” with
00:33:05 Michelle Self: Reacted to “Woo! Australia!” with
00:33:07 Amy K Ogden: Reacted to “Wish it would be a n…” with
00:33:13 Karen: Reacted to “Wish it would be a n…” with
00:33:21 Karen: Reacted to “I can’t tell you how…” with
00:33:46 Kaitlyn | KTU Designs LLC: Reacted to “Wish it would be a n…” with
00:33:48 Diana Richards she/her: Reacted to “I can’t tell you how…” with
00:35:28 Kate Newnham | It’s all the same lol
00:36:35 Amy K Ogden: Reacted to “It’s all the same lo…” with
00:37:37 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “I can’t tell you how…” with
00:39:59 Diana Richards she/her: “…Now that I understand your needs better, here are updated options of how we can work together”
00:40:07 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to ““…Now that I underst…” with
00:40:09 Amy K Ogden: Reacted to ““…Now that I underst…” with
00:42:03 Kim Blake: Maybe indicate how many hours she gets for consultation during the project; anything over is hourly—same for revisions.
00:42:28 Karen: Reacted to ““…Now that I underst…” with
00:42:36 Jessica Aiese-Davoli: The “oh shit! they might just say yes” is very relatable @Lisa Doiron!
00:42:44 Kate Newnham | Reacted to “The “oh shit! they m…” with
00:42:51 Karen: Reacted to “Maybe indicate how m…” with
00:43:09 Karen: Reacted to “The “oh shit! they m…” with
00:45:26 Diana Richards she/her: Reacted to “The “oh shit! they m…” with
00:46:27 Michelle Self: Reacted to ““…Now that I underst…” with
00:46:42 Angelica Hidalgo: Can this be a great thing to help you in future? Maybe it was meant to be so that you can use them for future consults?
00:47:48 Kate Newnham | Sounds like clarifying # of revisions and timeline is critical here
00:48:00 Stephani – The Simple Growth Co: Reacted to “Sounds like clarifyi…” with
00:48:07 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “The “oh shit! they m…” with
00:49:07 Mariela Cabezas | Web Designer – Optimized for what?
00:49:51 Kate Newnham | Get out my biz yo
00:49:58 Amy K Ogden: Reacted to “Get out my biz yo” with
00:50:11 Stephani – The Simple Growth Co: Reacted to “Get out my biz yo” with
00:50:55 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “Get out my biz yo” with
00:51:55 Karen: Reacted to “Get out my biz yo” with
00:52:08 Jessica Aiese-Davoli: Would it be helpful to ask why she wants to see them? Then you can understand what she’s looking to find out from you.
00:52:09 Ruby Javaid: does she just want to see your finished sites? kind of like a portfolio?
00:52:53 Kate Newnham | Does she think they look like templates like WordPress or Squarespace??
00:53:06 Amy K Ogden: Can you send her a site you completed this way for another client?
00:53:15 Angelica Hidalgo: Could she just not understand what it includes or what the structure is like? Not about how it looks about what it includes?
00:53:36 Michelle Self: Could you do a wireframe ?
00:53:50 Kate Newnham | If she’s in healthcare, she may look at all this differently
00:54:18 Kim Blake: If you were car shopping and realized there were options you wanted that weren't part of the car you test-drove, the dealer would let you know that and show you a car with those options, and the cost would be more. So, to present a different package with a higher price would be based on her goals/needs.
00:54:39 Michelle Self: Do you know what she really wants to see in the starter site? Is it the menu structure, or look and feel? Is it to see your style?
00:54:39 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “If you were car shop…” with
00:55:06 Michelle Self: She's not asking to log in to your design server, right?
00:58:38 Kate Newnham | What would make you feel comfortable with her picking the high-end package without changing the price?
01:04:24 Mariela Cabezas | Web Designer – Not sure why but it’s comforting being in this group right now with everything going on
01:04:29 Kaitlyn | KTU Designs LLC: Reacted to “Not sure why but it’…” with
01:04:30 Kate Newnham | Reacted to “Not sure why but it’…” with