This Week's Questions
Summary + Transcript
Today’s Live Strategy Call:. (0:00)
Add a question to the form today! (4:03)
What’s going on with your stripe accounts? (8:41)
What is the contract verbiage that I would use to make sure that I’m only dealing with and getting feedback from one person? (14:25)
Why you have to let people make their own decisions on pricing. (18:44)
What does “helping someone means?”. (23:57)
How can you convince yourself that it’s worth it regardless of what your client thinks? (29:46)
Is there a commonality between launches and sales pages? (35:55)
My proposal software doesn’t allow a pricing table. Do you see any issue with going over the matrix in the proposal? (41:22)
The importance of having a clear development calendar. (47:21)
What do you want to do to close the gap? (53:23)
How do I make my mark and more sustainable? How do I spend less time? (59:15)
00:01:35 Erica Nash:
00:01:45 Sarah Guilliot ( Win: Did my first outreach email to a past client saying I’m looking for referrals to clones of her
00:01:59 Karen: Reacted to “Win: Did my first ou…” with
00:02:06 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Win: Did my first ou…” with
00:02:17 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Win: Did my first ou…” with
00:02:20 Lisa Doiron: Had two consults and just sent out two proposals. I am pretty sure at least one is going to move forward.
00:02:31 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Had two consults and…” with
00:02:40 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Had two consults and…” with
00:02:52 Karen: Reacted to “Had two consults and…” with
00:03:55 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “Had two consults and…” with
00:03:58 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “Win: Did my first ou…” with
00:04:06 Erica Nash: Our next genius chat is next month, def LI for that one!
00:04:32 Leigh Scott: WIN: I started a business vision board
00:04:35 Glennette Goodbread: At an appt. Mainly listening today.
00:04:44 Erica Nash: Reacted to “WIN: I started a bus…” with
00:04:58 Shannon Mattern: Oooh Leigh!
00:05:31 Lisa Doiron: Reacted to “WIN: I started a bus…” with
00:06:02 Sarah Guilliot ( Yay!
00:06:07 Erica Nash:
00:06:36 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: That bit Sarah energy though! Love it!
00:06:36 Sarah Guilliot ( I’m good! It’s a plan
00:06:39 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: *big
00:06:50 Sarah Guilliot ( Reacted to “*big” with
00:07:18 Leigh Scott: Whaaaat
00:07:26 Glennette Goodbread: No!!!
00:07:46 Lisa Doiron: Yikes!
00:08:17 Leigh Scott: How did they link it to your account?
00:09:33 Glennette Goodbread: Can we turn off the instant payout?
00:09:38 Janet Hoover: Holy smokes!!
00:09:48 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: OH NO
00:09:54 Glennette Goodbread: Holy cow!
00:10:18 Diana Richards: My jaw just dropped
00:10:25 Leigh Scott: As my son would say, oooooh myyy goooodness
00:14:05 Glennette Goodbread: Square disabled my account years ago after approving me and processing one payment. They wouldn't talk to me even though I also had their payroll service.
00:14:28 Glennette Goodbread: Didn't realize stripe would do the same thing.
00:14:46 Glennette Goodbread: What do we do to prevent it???
00:15:26 Glennette Goodbread: Step 1. Don't keep much money in the account they have access to.
00:15:35 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I’m so sorry you had to go through that. That is SO stressful!
00:15:41 Janet Hoover: Oh my gosh, thank you for sharing! So sorry!
00:16:48 Glennette Goodbread: Step 2. Add cyber rider to insurance.
00:17:11 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: And now you need a vacay! :p
00:17:19 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “And now you need a v…” with
00:17:26 Glennette Goodbread: Step 3. See if we can tighten or disable connections, sub accounts etc.
00:18:07 Glennette Goodbread: Step 4. Periodically change api keys
00:18:21 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: And this is regardless of 2fa I’m assuming right? Because the api didn’t involve the login process
00:18:34 Shannon Mattern: Yep, that’s right. Outside of 2FA
00:18:55 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “Yep, that’s right. O…” with
00:19:39 Leigh Scott: Shannon, could you share again where you saw the sub accounts in your Stripe acct?
00:20:38 Leigh Scott: thanks
00:20:45 Janet Hoover: Thank you!
00:21:17 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Excuse my language but….fuckin albert.
00:21:19 Erica Nash: The audacity of people
00:21:27 Lisa Doiron: Reacted to “Excuse my language b…” with
00:21:31 Kim Brock: Reacted to “Excuse my language b…” with
00:21:34 Diana Richards: Reacted to “Excuse my language b…” with
00:21:35 Leigh Scott: Reacted to “Excuse my language b…” with
00:21:38 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Excuse my language b…” with
00:22:25 Caitlin Harrison: I popped one in but not sure its worth it haha
00:22:30 Caitlin Harrison: its the same question over and over again
00:23:24 Leigh Scott: I had someone still money from my bank account one time and I called the bank and they said, can you confirm the vendor? I said, it sounds French.. it’s eauto. And she said, you mean.. E-Auto? I said, yes…..
00:23:47 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “I had someone still …” with
00:24:18 Erica Nash: What if she DOESN’T think your prices are crazy expensive?
00:25:47 Lisa Doiron: I have mindtrash about my pricing every time I do a proposal too Caitlin. I am so conflicted about them. On one hand when I look at all I am offering I always feel like I should charge more but my money mindset and people pleaser wants to charge less.
00:25:50 Diana Richards: I don’t remember—is this a friend’s mom or a client’s mom?
00:26:06 Erica Nash: A client’s mom
00:27:06 Diana Richards: The good thing is that it’s a client who saw your worth and thinks you’d be a good fit for their mom!
00:27:27 Diana Richards: Gotcha
00:27:30 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Is there another way that you can look at this when it comes up? Like…it’s unfair for you to make a decision for them. It’s unfair for you to decide what they can afford. Shouldn’t you give them the opportunity to decide what’s right for them instead of taking that decision away?
00:33:11 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Is there another way…” with
00:34:08 Kim Brock: Random non WDA question – anyone familiar with Ontraport?
00:34:49 Lisa Doiron: Replying to “Random non WDA quest…”
I've used it with a client but it was quite a while ago.'
00:36:12 Glennette Goodbread: Used ontraport years ago
00:36:53 Glennette Goodbread: I changed my middle package to perfect for you if you have a copywriter on staff
00:36:55 Kim Brock: Replying to “Random non WDA quest…”
I’m not super familiar but trying to troubleshoot a user login problem. One of their employees WordPress login and Ontraport login (and all the permissions) were the same, and now she lost the WordPress back end when she logs in.
00:37:02 Lisa Doiron: I am having anxiety about taking on too much if both my two new projects accept my proposal and want advice on how to stagger them if we have time.
00:37:30 Glennette Goodbread: To stress the importance of having us write the copy.
00:41:29 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Yeah, my Patrick is ever evolving. I have a Patrick template and then each new client, I tweak! Every time I think of something else of value I do, I add it to the template.
00:42:44 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Yeah, my Patrick is …” with
00:43:43 Glennette Goodbread: Listed highest first even in proposal.
00:44:46 Glennette Goodbread: Planning to send recording of the matrix presentation as well.
00:45:41 Glennette Goodbread: Thanks Shannon.
00:49:17 Kate Newnham | Web Designer: Q (if there’s time): I talked to my accountant last night and felt super discouraged about my business. I made more last year than the year before, but I had more business expenses, so net was less. At this point, I may as well go work at Starbucks. Ugh.
00:56:52 Diana Richards: Or how could you try to reduce expenses this year?
01:05:16 Janet Hoover: I’m in lol