This Week's Questions
00:02:50 Shannon Mattern:
00:04:38 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Win: finally sent my first maintenance package proposal!
00:04:57 Janet Hoover: I took your advice last week and told my client that I don’t do discounts but what I can do is….xyz. I think you were right, he couldn’t help himself and HAS to ask for a discount lol. Once I gave him what I could help him with, he’s like “send me the invoice”
00:05:01 Janet Hoover: YES, Kaila!!
00:05:14 Caitlin Harrison: I sold my low end package of course I wanted them to pick the mid or high but now I get to really create that system to make it effortless AND reminding myself that this rate is higher than most packages I sold in 2021
00:05:36 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Shannon, I have you on in the truck and my husband is appreciating your review of this show
00:05:44 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “YES, Kaila!!” with
00:05:52 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “I took your advice l…” with
00:05:53 Kim Stone: Congratulations Caitlin
00:05:58 Janet Hoover: Exactly Caitlin! My client I mentioned above took my low pkg too
00:06:06 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “I sold my low end pa…” with
00:06:08 Sharon Blalock OBM: I sent out outreach emails and actually got a few responses… nothing promising, but got responses! lol
00:06:26 Lisa: Sent out 2 proposals yesterday.
00:06:33 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Weeeee
00:06:36 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Thanks!!!
00:06:37 Erica Nash: If you have a question but haven’t submitted today, here is the link:
00:06:58 Melissa Miller: Yes! Lisa!!!
00:07:43 Becky Swan: I have two consultations set up for the next couple weeks
00:07:58 Janet Hoover: Nice, Lisa!
00:08:04 Caitlin Harrison: I will have to keep referencing what the package says
00:08:07 Janet Hoover: Yay, Sharon!
00:08:25 Kim Stone: I had posted in the chat about a potential client. She did not take me up on my offer. She said that the price was out of her price range. So not sure how I’ll respond.
00:08:28 Kate Newnham: Congrats everyone!
00:08:41 Angela Winter (she/her): I just had a wonderful consultation with a referral and am hopeful we'll be able to move forward!
00:09:23 Kate Newnham: I followed up w/someone who didn’t have the $$ to pay for any of my packages but she said “I REALLY want to work with you. I’ll find the $$ and be in touch in 3 weeks”
00:09:39 Janet Hoover: Ooo, nice Kate!
00:09:43 Sharon Blalock OBM: Yea @Angela!
00:09:54 Racheal Graham | GreenHouse Creative: That’s amazing Kate!
00:10:00 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “I followed up w/some…” with
00:10:05 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “I just had a wonderf…” with
00:10:07 Lisa: Awesome Kate!
00:10:11 Leigh Scott: I love that Shannon regarding Iceland. I was talking to my therapist today and he was telling me about how our subconscious is hardwired to focus on the negative instead of the positive as a protective mechanism. But because we’re no longer running from saber tooth tigers, it actually does us more harm than good because the bad seems so much worse than it actually is. so we have to consciously remember to focus on the good. it reminded me so much of the mindtrash stuff
00:10:14 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “I sent out outreach …” with
00:10:45 Janet Hoover: Such a good reminder, Leigh
00:10:51 Kate Newnham: Saber tooth tigers
00:10:58 Caitlin Harrison: has anyone here gone through “the artists way?” I just started week 1
00:10:59 Leigh Scott: PITA clients are NOT saber tooth tigers (on repeat)
00:11:18 Kate Newnham: Artists way is incredible
00:11:26 Caitlin Harrison: Reacted to “Artists way is incre…” with ♥️
00:14:53 Racheal Graham | GreenHouse Creative: FYI…scheduler has no availability
00:14:59 Racheal Graham | GreenHouse Creative: I looked at it earlier this week
00:17:40 MoonSoar Services – Courtney & John: Board experience! I’d have a hard time turning that down.
00:21:55 Sharon Blalock OBM: I’d say outsource the actual work… outsource what you don’t like to do
00:23:19 Sharon Blalock OBM: Offer a website assessment
00:24:11 Leigh Scott: I would think because they’re CMOs you could really focus on the strategy piece and that would resonate a lot with them
00:26:03 MoonSoar Services – Courtney & John: Oh fluid thinker! That’s a fascinating term for one of my clients!
00:26:15 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “Oh fluid thinker! Th…” with
00:33:18 Janet Hoover: Go Erica lol!
00:33:56 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: You’re the CFO, CTO, CMO, CM everything of your own company! :p
00:34:10 Sharon Blalock OBM: And CEO
00:34:34 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “And CEO” with
00:34:54 Kate Newnham: A very small sad company LOL – kidding
00:35:34 Erica Nash: Kate! LOL
00:36:43 Kate Newnham: Reacted to “Oh fluid thinker! Th…” with
00:41:29 Kate Newnham: We’ve all been there Kim – you’re doing great!
00:41:39 Janet Hoover: What Kate said!
00:42:09 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “We’ve all been there…” with
00:42:11 Erica Nash: We’ve got 20 mins left!
00:42:30 leigh: Yea! You’ve got this Kim.
00:43:24 Kim Stone: Thanks Everyone
00:50:38 leigh: I would totally launch it as is
00:50:53 Kate Newnham: AMEN!
00:51:03 Janet Hoover: Ditto
00:51:18 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “I would totally laun…” with
00:55:01 MoonSoar Services – Courtney & John: Woah that’s a great way to put it
01:02:53 Kate Newnham: Sounds great!
01:07:13 Caitlin Harrison: I started down that road and it was a mess and I was angry at how little money I got out of it
01:09:27 Janet Hoover: Thank you!