WDA Live Strategy Call 12/10/24

Summary + Transcript


00:01:30 Shannon Mattern: https://airtable.com/appBKMODI6rJUNuPk/shrQMjgC7CiiWTBsh
00:01:52 Michelle: I launched 2 sites this week!!
00:02:03 Helen: Reacted to “I launched 2 sites t…” with 👏🏽
00:02:14 Danielle Cooke: Reacted to “I launched 2 sites t…” with 👏
00:02:22 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “I launched 2 sites t…” with 🙌
00:02:46 Danielle Cooke: Pitched twice this week!
00:02:51 Heather Lipe: Finally joining WDA after podcast lurking for a long time!
00:03:01 Danielle Cooke: Working on my first Patrick
00:03:05 Janet Hoover: Sent out my biggest proposal yet!
00:03:09 Liz Lee: Reacted to “Working on my first …” with ❤️
00:03:09 Danielle Cooke: Reacted to “Finally joining WDA …” with ❤️
00:03:13 Karen Lewis: Reacted to “Sent out my biggest …” with ❤️
00:03:15 Liz Lee: Reacted to “Finally joining WDA …” with ❤️
00:03:15 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Working on my first …” with 🙌
00:03:19 Helen: Win, #1, I’m back in WDA and win #2 I work from home again so I can make the calls (as long as I don’t have a work meeting, lol).
00:03:21 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Finally joining WDA …” with ❤️
00:03:24 Michelle: I also attended an in-person networking event last week. I'm so out of practice and felt awkward as crap, but I'm glad I did it. I got two decent leads from it and booked a regular discovery call for tomorrow morning.
00:03:26 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Pitched twice this w…” with 🙌
00:03:28 Michelle: Reacted to “Pitched twice this w…” with 🙌
00:03:29 Danielle Cooke: Replying to “Finally joining WDA …”

Welcome! I lurked for a year!
00:03:31 Helen: Reacted to “Pitched twice this w…” with 🎉
00:03:32 Michelle: Reacted to “Working on my first …” with 🙌
00:03:34 Michelle: Reacted to “Sent out my biggest …” with ❤️
00:03:36 Helen: Reacted to “Finally joining WDA …” with ❤️
00:03:40 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Win, #1, I’m back in…” with ❤️
00:03:42 Helen: Reacted to “Working on my first …” with ❤️
00:03:42 Michelle: Reacted to “Win, #1, I’m back in…” with ❤️
00:03:42 Heather Lipe: Reacted to “Welcome! I lurked fo…” with ❤️
00:03:45 Helen: Reacted to “Sent out my biggest …” with ❤️
00:03:46 Emma Bennett: Reacted to “Finally joining WDA …” with ❤️
00:03:50 Danielle Cooke: Reacted to “Sent out my biggest …” with 👏
00:04:04 Helen: Reacted to “I also attended an i…” with 👏🏽
00:04:07 Danielle Cooke: Reacted to “Win, #1, I’m back in…” with 👍
00:04:10 Danielle Cooke: Reacted to “I also attended an i…” with 👏
00:04:11 Karen Lewis: So excited to take it to the next level and I think WDA is my ticket! 🙂
00:04:14 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Welcome new people!
00:04:19 Karen Lewis: Reacted to “Welcome new people!” with ❤️
00:04:24 Pauline Wiles: Reacted to “Welcome new people!” with ❤️
00:04:29 Maggie Luk: Just wanted to celebrate that I booked my highest project on the back of paid discovery today! She already signed and paid 💛
00:04:30 Danielle Cooke: Reacted to “So excited to take i…” with 👏
00:04:37 Michelle: Reacted to “Just wanted to celeb…” with ❤️
00:04:40 Pauline Wiles: Reacted to “Just wanted to celeb…” with ❤️
00:04:40 Helen: Reacted to “Just wanted to celeb…” with ❤️
00:04:41 Danielle Cooke: Reacted to “Just wanted to celeb…” with 👏
00:04:44 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “Just wanted to celeb…” with ❤️
00:05:05 Janet Hoover: Welcome Heather! 🙂One of my favorite tongue twisters is “how much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood” 🤣🦫
00:05:10 Liz Lee: Win #1: Setting clear boundaries with clients around my upcoming holiday time off, and #2: I scheduled my 1:1 call with Shannon not knowing what I was going to talk about, but I am now super prepared and excited for it tomorrow!
00:05:14 Jenelle: Created my second Paid Discovery offer!
00:05:23 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: WIN: I have laryngitis but I’m here. Win! Also still going to go to networking event tonight, tomorrow at noon, and tomorrow night even with the not being able to talk!
00:05:26 Emma Bennett: Excited to be finally investing in myself by joining WDA – another long term podcast lurker here too!
00:05:36 Danielle Cooke: Reacted to “Welcome Heather! 🙂O…” with 😂
00:05:37 Heather Lipe: Reacted to “Welcome Heather! 🙂O…” with ❤️
00:05:41 Jenelle: Replying to “Excited to be finall…”

Welcome, Emma!
00:05:47 Danielle Cooke: Reacted to “Win #1: Setting clea…” with ❤️
00:05:50 Emma Bennett: Reacted to “Welcome, Emma!” with ❤️
00:05:57 Emma Bennett: Reacted to “Created my second Pa…” with ❤️
00:05:58 Pauline Wiles: Win – sorry I'm late, was being interviewed on a live YouTube about author websites, by a guy with 100k subscribers (!)
00:06:00 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “I also attended an i…” with 🙌
00:06:03 Danielle Cooke: Reacted to “Created my second Pa…” with 🥳
00:06:08 Jenelle: Replying to “I have laryngitis bu…”

Wow, that’s a lot! Good luck!!!
00:06:15 Liz Lee: Reacted to “Win – sorry I'm late…” with ❤️
00:06:17 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “So excited to take i…” with 🙌
00:06:29 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “Win – sorry I'm late…” with ❤️
00:06:31 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Just wanted to celeb…” with 🙌
00:06:34 Michelle: Reacted to “Welcome Heather! 🙂O…” with ❤️
00:06:36 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “Win – sorry I'm late…” with 👆🏻
00:06:42 Michelle: Reacted to “Created my second Pa…” with 🥳
00:06:42 Emma Bennett: Reacted to “Just wanted to celeb…” with ❤️
00:06:49 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Created my second Pa…” with 🙌
00:06:49 Jenelle: Replying to “Win – sorry I'm late…”

00:06:50 Michelle: Reacted to “Excited to be finall…” with ❤️
00:06:53 Danielle Cooke: Reacted to “Excited to be finall…” with 🥳
00:06:54 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Excited to be finall…” with ❤️
00:07:01 Pauline Wiles: Replying to “Excited to be finall…”

Podcast lurking is so powerful!
00:07:02 Michelle: Reacted to “WIN: I have laryngit…” with ❤️
00:07:03 Danielle Cooke: Reacted to “Win – sorry I'm late…” with 🥳
00:07:06 Danielle Cooke: Reacted to “Win – sorry I'm late…” with ❤️
00:07:06 Pauline Wiles: Reacted to “Excited to be finall…” with ❤️
00:07:11 Michelle: Reacted to “Win – sorry I'm late…” with ❤️
00:07:15 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Replying to “WIN: I have laryngit…”

Thanks! Hopefully I will have some semblance of a voice when I go hehe
00:07:16 Danielle Cooke: Replying to “Win – sorry I'm late…”

That's amazing!
00:07:18 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Wow, that’s a lot! G…” with 🤗
00:07:23 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “WIN: I have laryngit…” with 🤗
00:07:30 Pauline Wiles: Reacted to “Win #1: Setting clea…” with 👍🏻
00:07:30 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Win – sorry I'm late…” with 🙌
00:07:35 Liz Lee: Reacted to “Welcome Heather! 🙂O…” with 😂
00:08:08 Karen Lewis: Reacted to “Win – sorry I'm late…” with 👍
00:08:38 Maggie Luk: Reacted to “Created my second Pa…” with ❤️
00:09:04 Janet Hoover: It’s SO great to have all of these new faces!
00:09:12 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: YES! I was a podcast lurker for about a year before I joined!
00:09:16 Danielle Cooke: Reacted to “It’s SO great to hav…” with 💯
00:10:10 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Replying to “Win – sorry I'm late…”

Yes. You’re amazing, Pauline!!!
00:10:39 Pauline Wiles: Reacted to “It’s SO great to hav…” with 💛
00:11:35 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Replying to “WIN: I have laryngit…”

Drinking a giant hot tea with lemon and honey right now. That should help too!
00:12:04 Shannon Mattern: https://airtable.com/appBKMODI6rJUNuPk/shrQMjgC7CiiWTBsh
00:15:09 Janet Hoover: 🦥
00:15:36 Michelle: Reacted to “🦥” with ❤️
00:15:36 Karen Lewis: 🎄
00:15:48 Danielle Cooke: Any chance you could put it in the chat?
00:16:00 Michelle: Replying to “🦥

Absolutely one of my favorite emojis.
00:16:52 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Absolutely one of my…” with 😆
00:16:57 Shannon Mattern: Hey Name!

I was thinking about you the other day and wanted to reach out and see if you still needed help with X?

I know it wasn’t the right time back in Y when we talked, but just wanted to touch base and let you know that I’ve got some new options for working together and there’s one that might be a great fit for you!

Would you like me to send you more info?
00:17:02 Danielle Cooke: Thank you!
00:17:03 Shannon Mattern: Reacted to “Any chance you could…” with 👍
00:17:14 Shannon Mattern: Replying to “Any chance you could…”

Missing Erica today LOL!
00:17:47 Janet Hoover: Replying to “🦥

I thought it was a moose (didn’t hover to check it out) but sloth works too, so cute ha!
00:18:19 Jenelle: 🐾
00:18:53 Michelle: Reacted to “I thought it was a m…” with 😆
00:19:04 Michelle: 🧚‍♀️
00:19:11 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Missing Erica today …” with ❤️
00:19:17 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “🧚‍♀️” with ❤️
00:19:22 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “🐾” with ❤️
00:21:13 Heather Lipe: 🦩
00:22:45 Michelle: 🐘
00:36:58 Pauline Wiles: Yep
00:37:47 Karen Lewis: Thanks, y'all for bearing with that long discussion!
00:37:54 Michelle: Reacted to “Thanks, y'all for be…” with ❤️
00:37:54 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “Thanks, y'all for be…” with ❤️
00:38:12 Liz Lee: Reacted to “Thanks, y'all for be…” with ❤️
00:38:13 Maggie Luk: Replying to “Thanks, y'all for be…”

I enjoyed listening, thank you!
00:38:18 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Thanks, y'all for be…” with ❤️
00:38:22 Heather Lipe: Replying to “Thanks, y'all for be…”

Great question!
00:38:26 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Replying to “Thanks, y'all for be…”

We all learn things from every question asked and every answer given!

Loved the question!
00:38:32 Karen Lewis: Reacted to “We all learn things …” with ❤️
00:38:34 Karen Lewis: Reacted to “Great question!” with ❤️
00:38:37 Karen Lewis: Reacted to “I enjoyed listening,…” with ❤️
00:38:39 Emma Bennett: Replying to “Thanks, y'all for be…”

Super helpful for me to hear all the advice too, so thanks for asking!
00:38:44 Karen Lewis: Reacted to “Super helpful for me…” with ❤️
00:39:15 Michelle: Scope creep!!!!
00:39:20 Liz Lee: Reacted to “Scope creep!!!!” with 💯
00:48:18 Janet Hoover: Yeah, those are good levers to pull
00:48:25 Pauline Wiles: Reacted to “Yeah, those are good…” with 👍🏻
00:49:36 Michelle: Sounds like he needs to go take the picture himself or hire a photographer.
00:49:41 Danielle Cooke: I've had similar. There aren't any on the platfoms.
00:49:49 Emma Bennett: Reacted to “Sounds like he needs…” with 👍
00:50:07 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Sounds like he needs…” with 👆
00:50:15 Danielle Cooke: They don't exist
00:51:04 Heather Lipe: I somehow found some pics of Granville Ohio (5,000ish) on 123rf.com, but it’s rare
00:51:18 Danielle Cooke: But also why is it needed?
00:54:08 Jenelle: Yes any other sites I can check?
00:54:59 Danielle Cooke: Replying to “Yes any other sites …”

which have you got so far?
00:55:10 Janet Hoover: Also, you may never know lol…the Texans in the group may know someone in that area
00:55:46 Jenelle: Reacted to “Also, you may never …” with 👍
00:56:24 Jenelle: Replying to “Yes any other sites …”

Pexels, Pixabay, Unsplash, Envato
00:56:39 Danielle Cooke: Replying to “Yes any other sites …”

unsplash, pixabay, pexels, rawpixel
00:57:30 Pauline Wiles: Reacted to “Also, you may never …” with 😃