This Week's Questions
00:01:23 Lisa Doiron: I booked a weekend away with my husband without the kids, and have completed quite a lot of outreach in the past week.
00:01:28 Kate Newnham: Sent an email to a client about my rate increase for next year
00:01:33 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I fired a client! (Or ‘dumped them’ in their words haha)
00:01:45 Kate Newnham: Yes Lisa!
00:01:49 MoonSoar Services: Win! We had someone fill in our strategy call form with our 10 magic questions, and that same person said that the copy on our site really resonated with them.
00:01:50 Kate Newnham: Yes Kaila!!
00:01:53 MoonSoar Services: Go Lisa!
00:02:00 Rachel Briscoe: I have a website project confirmed for January!
00:02:07 MoonSoar Services: I love those emails Kate!
00:02:37 Lisa Doiron: Yeah Rachel!
00:02:53 Rachel Briscoe: That’s awesome Kate!
00:03:18 Kate Newnham: Thx Rachel!! Congrats for Jan!
00:03:25 MoonSoar Services: Kaila lol. Good! Make room for clients more suited to you!
00:03:33 Rachel Briscoe: Thanks Kate!
00:03:47 leighscott: Yay Kaila!
00:03:49 Becky Swan: Raised my maintenance prices for a client who I was maintaining 4 sites for the price of one.
00:04:29 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: So awesome Courtney!! Isn’t is so frigging validating to hear that?!
00:05:07 Janet Hoover: Ooops late – hi all!
00:05:08 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Becky – f yah! That’s huge! Congrats!
00:05:17 Caitlin Harrison: I’m prepping for a full week away with just my husband
00:05:31 Aisha Beauford: Made an Ask with someone, and it lead to a really good conversation.
00:06:01 Caitlin Harrison: Yep!
00:08:00 Kate Newnham: Conversation starters almost always lead to great clients @Aisha! Awesome.
00:09:06 Caitlin Harrison: I wish I could!
00:09:53 Kate Newnham: I’m in!!
00:10:02 MoonSoar Services: Ooh, I wanna do that!
00:10:32 leighscott: 100%
00:10:39 Kate Newnham: Sing it!
00:13:20 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Such a great question!
00:16:04 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Been there Lauren! If it makes you feel any better!
00:16:40 Kate Newnham: I used to give clients a heads up “hey, this is taking longer than normal. Would you like me to proceed?”
00:18:38 Rachel Briscoe: Oh that sounds so stressful Lauren…
00:20:26 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Yeah, I have also been in situations very similar to this where we set a ceiling like Shannon/Kate suggested. A ‘What’s your budget – and I’ll reach out when we hit it to see how you’d like to proceed’. (Because as you said, somethings are impossible to estimate.)
00:20:34 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: *budget of hours
00:22:11 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Yah, very stressful though. You feel personally responsible for it.
00:26:00 leighscott: When I get that feeling (like I need to drop everything and urgently handle it), I’ve started doing something else to distract myself until the feeling goes away. And then if I still think it’s important, then I’ll look at it. But I really want to retrain my mind to not be reactive..because that’s how the workplace makes you
00:26:29 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: So good Leigh!
00:26:34 MoonSoar Services: Oh Leigh, that’s such a great way to handle it!
00:26:36 Janet Hoover: Yes, that’s SO hard to change
00:26:39 Kate Newnham: So good Leigh!!
00:26:45 leighscott: Very hard to change
00:26:45 Janet Hoover: inbox anxiety
00:26:51 Kate Newnham: It’s what makes us great, but what pains us
00:26:56 Rachel Briscoe: Yes Leigh that’s such good advice
00:28:03 Erica Nash: As far as the time, it makes me think of lawyers and how they bill for every. single. thing. It’s fair to bill for time spent figuring out a problem so they don’t have to.
00:28:21 Kate Newnham: Hence the $450/hour Erica – LMAO
00:28:31 leighscott: Last night I thought I needed to send a bunch of client emails, so I drank a beer and painted a wall and I was like, nahhh… tomorrow is good
00:28:43 Kate Newnham: HA Leigh
00:28:43 Erica Nash: Yes! 2 minutes on the phone. Billable.
00:28:45 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I also often repeat ‘client training’ to myself – aka I don’t offer immediate turnaround so I have to slow my roll in responses, fixes so that they are not trained to expect it.
00:29:14 Janet Hoover: Yep, we used to have a tech guy help us with support and he billed us just to check the email
00:29:16 Erica Nash: @Leigh solid distraction technique
00:29:22 leighscott: lol
00:29:54 Lauren N.: Thanks everyone love these suggestions!
00:30:11 Janet Hoover: Sing it sister
00:30:12 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Oooooh hire it out haha
00:30:14 Rachel Briscoe: Caitlin!!!! I’m the SAME!!!
00:30:45 Janet Hoover: Puppy!
00:30:49 Rachel Briscoe: Once I get into it I enjoy it!
00:30:54 Robin Smith: I do the same thing.
00:31:19 Robin Smith: Once I start I feel that way. It is the getting started.
00:32:21 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Ugh…mine is ‘this is gonna take forever’ haha
00:33:15 Kate Newnham: I do accountability sessions with people
00:33:27 Rachel Briscoe: What an interesting idea Erica… allow it
00:33:33 Janet Hoover: Same Kaila…
00:33:37 MoonSoar Services: Accountability sessions can be super helpful.
00:34:40 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Sometimes, if it makes sense, I do other things while I’m doing the hard things that make it more enjoyable. (Like if I’m doing data entry, I
00:34:42 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: woops
00:34:58 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I’ll have a show playing or if it involves more brain power I will turn on my favourite playlist)
00:35:06 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Makes the suck level less
00:35:12 Rachel Briscoe: Is it perfectionism?
00:35:43 Lisa Doiron: I feel the same way when doing proposals
00:35:44 Kate Newnham: Yes, music @Kaila!! Jam sesh
00:36:02 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: /light a candle, /make sure all of my limbs are warm, /eat good food
00:36:04 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: haha
00:36:12 Erica Nash: I definitely hear Alecia saying “how can this be easy?” Maybe making it fun or enticing is making it easy.
00:36:47 Lauren N.: I set 90 min blocks so I have a clear start and end time
00:37:04 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Yes Lauren! I found time-blocking helped with this stuff too.
00:39:01 Erica Nash: “I’m going to deliver the baseline” – love that idea
00:39:04 Rachel Briscoe: Love that – deliver the best starting point for the collaboration – that creates ease
00:39:18 MoonSoar Services: I find it makes it easier to divide and conquer – I make a list on a piece of paper of every little thing that needs to be added to a site design, and focus on a small thing (like a newsletter subscription box) to start with. And I focus on that, and don’t worry about it being perfect, but just getting something on paper (screen?) first.
00:43:24 Rachel Briscoe: It’s perceived as high value
00:47:29 leighscott: I have
00:47:31 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Not quite yet but it will soon!
00:47:59 Kim: I’m having that moment right now, taking over a retainer client of someone else’s but raising price (and value) as I do it
00:48:04 leighscott: My favorite latte went up in price 20% so I can too
00:48:05 Janet Hoover: Yep 2 clients and they haven’t moved forward yet (for 1 it’s been a year)
00:48:16 Caitlin Harrison: In a similar vein, today I had a chat with someone talking about what we do and she asked if a redesign is cheaper than a new build and I confidently said no, it’s the same amount of work
00:48:24 Lisa Doiron: Haha Leigh!
00:48:51 Kate Newnham: I love that @Caitlin! A “refresh” is harder in some cases.
00:49:38 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Agree Kate and Cait! I’m doing a redesign right now and I definitely feel like it woulda been easier to have built it from scratch!
00:50:20 Kate Newnham: Patrick it!
00:50:26 leighscott: Yea.. that’s what you guys recommended to me before when I was struggling with this. The new package I presented wasn’t apples to apples with the last one so it wasn’t just like… oh, she went up in price by $X amount for the same services
00:50:57 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Yah, that’s such huge value
00:51:12 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Lots of folks moving away from online rental platforms like that
00:52:01 Kate Newnham: Oh, and think how much a rental property costs them – and just say “it’s the cost of 2 nights are your abode!” hahah
00:52:05 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Think about how much money she can potentially even save in just fees
00:54:07 Rachel Briscoe: Adding booking functionality is definitely higher value
00:54:41 Janet Hoover: Same, Lisa
00:55:57 Rachel Briscoe: There’s a great journaling site called 750 words for going ‘blah’
00:57:33 MoonSoar Services: lol. Yes, be excited!
00:57:53 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: You got this Lisa!! Cheering you on!
00:58:16 Kate Newnham: Yup!
00:58:23 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Yeah! I’ve had that too! So weird!
00:58:39 Janet Hoover: I like that
00:58:51 Kate Newnham: Video is invasive so they can read while they’re multi-tasking, but not watch video.
00:59:02 leighscott: OMG I sent a loom video last week for a huge opportunity with a prospective customer and there was NO SOUND
00:59:11 Kate Newnham: HA – I’ve done that Leigh!
00:59:20 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Or maybe the link to the doc is in the comments of the video and you don’t tell them that till the end of the video? (Not that they’d have to watch it but it would get them to that screen and help if they didn’t pay close attention)
00:59:25 leighscott: LOL – glad im not the only one. Always gotta double check that loom
00:59:37 leighscott: Yea you sent one to me
00:59:41 Erica Nash: I tried to do the link in the comments and it was the wrong link
00:59:48 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: damn
00:59:55 Erica Nash: Mortified
01:00:13 leighscott: Sorry, wasn’t trying to call you out Shannon. lol
01:00:46 Lisa Doiron: great idea Kaila!
01:00:54 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I might start trying that too :p
01:00:59 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: It hurts my heart when they don’t watch my vid
01:01:34 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: p.s. do you only get a notification they watched if they watch the whole thing?
01:01:42 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Or is it even if they hit play?
01:01:54 Erica Nash: I think if they hit play
01:01:56 Janet Hoover: Good question
01:02:09 Lisa Doiron: Yes it was maddening. She told me afterwards she would have gone with me if she would have seen all the packages
01:02:27 Lisa Doiron: I feel that! LOL
01:02:31 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Sweet, thanks Erica
01:02:44 Kate Newnham: UGH Lisa I would be so annoyed
01:02:58 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: A red flag maybe haha….but also maybe not
01:03:15 Lisa Doiron: Yes red flag!
01:03:42 Lisa Doiron: Thank you!
01:03:46 Janet Hoover: Thank you!
01:03:46 Rachel Briscoe: Thanks xx