Summary + Transcript
00:01:26 Michelle Self: I left a webinar today because I realized I was procrastilearning
00:01:43 Ali Wilson-San Diego: Reacted to “I left a webinar tod…” with
00:01:45 Pauline Wiles: Reacted to “I left a webinar tod…” with
00:01:52 Michelle: Wins: landed that white label relationship last week and sold a low Patrick level site to a local author.
00:01:55 Liz Lee: Win: Today I posted on my Facebook business page for the first time in four years.
00:02:06 Michelle: Reacted to “Win: Today I posted …” with
00:02:10 Erica Nash: Reacted to “I left a webinar tod…” with
00:02:13 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Wins: landed that wh…” with
00:02:14 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Win: Today I posted …” with
00:02:24 Carol: I sent a Patrick to an existing client, it was priced in a sustainable way, and they said “if that's the price, I'll do it myself.” I didn't feel bad at all. No cares at all.
00:02:37 Pauline Wiles: Win – a verbal yes for my high end package. This is from the client who originally skipped past her paid discovery recommendations, got sticker shock from the Patrick and asked for a discount. I still need to chat with her and regroup, but the vibe is much more promising now!
00:02:38 Michelle: Reacted to “Win – a verbal yes f…” with
00:02:41 Liz Lee: Reacted to “I sent a Patrick to …” with
00:02:43 Michelle: Reacted to “I sent a Patrick to …” with
00:02:44 Maggie Luk: Win – posted market research ask and before my post got taken down someone scheduled with and we met today. and it turned into a lead – she’s interested in paid discovery!
00:02:50 Erica Nash: Reacted to “I sent a Patrick to …” with
00:02:53 Maggie Luk: Reacted to “I sent a Patrick to …” with
00:02:55 Liz Lee: Reacted to “Wins: landed that wh…” with
00:02:56 Stephani Halderman: Reacted to “I sent a Patrick to …” with
00:03:09 Stephani Halderman: Reacted to “I left a webinar tod…” with
00:03:10 Liz Lee: Reacted to “Win – a verbal yes f…” with
00:03:12 Carol:
00:03:13 Michelle Self: I also raised prices with an ongoing client that I work with on a project / hourly basis!
00:03:17 Stephani Halderman: Reacted to “Wins: landed that wh…” with
00:03:23 Stephani Halderman: Reacted to “Win: Today I posted …” with
00:03:24 Liz Lee: Reacted to “Win – posted market …” with
00:03:26 Michelle: Reacted to “Win – posted market …” with
00:03:39 Stephani Halderman: Reacted to “Win – a verbal yes f…” with
00:03:40 Erica Nash: We’ve got a few questions today, but if you have something to ask if there’s additional time, you can do that here!
00:03:45 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Win – a verbal yes f…” with
00:03:48 Liz Lee: Reacted to “I also raised prices…” with
00:03:52 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Win – posted market …” with
00:03:55 Erica Nash: Reacted to “I also raised prices…” with
00:03:55 Stephani Halderman: Reacted to “Win – posted market …” with
00:03:56 Stephani Halderman: Reacted to “I also raised prices…” with
00:04:03 Carol: Reacted to “Win – posted market …” with
00:04:13 Pauline Wiles: Reacted to “Win – posted market …” with
00:04:14 Michelle Self: Reacted to “Win – posted market …” with
00:04:15 Carol: Reacted to “Win – a verbal yes f…” with
00:04:31 Pauline Wiles: Reacted to “I also raised prices…” with
00:04:40 Michelle: Why did it get taken down, though??
00:06:01 Maggie Luk: Replying to “Why did it get taken…”
It was the in goal diggers w Jenna, I’m honestly not sure. I think they don’t want me to “collect information” from members? I re posted with a more “I’m just looking to connect with… “ and I don’t think it’s been taken down yet
00:06:16 Michelle: Reacted to “It was the in goal d…” with
00:06:30 Michelle: Replying to “Why did it get taken…”
Ah! OK. It was in a group. That makes a little more sense.
00:07:40 Erica Nash: Hey Name!
I was thinking about you the other day!
{personal note, loved working with them, saw a social media post, how’s that promo/launch go?}
I also wanted to reach out to see how I can support you with [your business goals in 2025 – make this personal to them.]
I’ve got some new options for working together and there’s one I think might be a great fit for you.
Would you like me to send you more info?
00:09:40 Pauline Wiles: My question isn't urgent today; feel free to skip it if others have pressing coaching needs.
00:10:41 Michelle:
00:10:53 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC:
00:11:18 Danielle Cooke: WIN I sent a ‘would you like more info' email today AND a ‘how would you like to proceed?' email.
00:11:27 Michelle: Reacted to “WIN I sent a ‘would …” with
00:12:05 Michelle Self:
00:12:25 Erica Nash:
00:12:28 Liz Lee:
00:12:30 Erica Nash: Reacted to “WIN I sent a ‘would …” with
00:12:57 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “WIN I sent a ‘would …” with
00:13:08 Shannon Mattern:
00:13:22 Michelle: OMG. I love a llama.
00:19:35 Jenelle:
00:31:39 Michelle Self: I love that! You just let them braindump and then you interpret and record
00:32:58 Jenelle: hahaha
00:33:40 Maggie Luk:
00:35:50 Jenelle: She says she “wants her digital sales to take off” in the next year though!
00:38:16 Michelle: The author I landed doesn't have tons of sales on her two current books, but she's investing money into a website to look more professional to larger publishers and venues where she wants to book signings. Your potential client here may be willing to make an up front investment to grow.
00:38:22 Liz Lee: I would say the frequent mind changing would be a bigger red flag for me. I have worked with many beginners who have plenty of funds to invest in a website.
00:38:29 Erica Nash: It sounds like she’s looking for some strategy and coaching as well, so definitely factor that in
00:38:45 Michelle: Reacted to “I would say the freq…” with
00:40:21 Pauline Wiles: Reacted to “I would say the freq…” with
00:40:55 Pauline Wiles: Reacted to “The author I landed …” with
00:41:12 Jenelle: What’s the client-facing term for “paid discovery?”
00:41:23 Danielle Cooke: Reacted to “What’s the client-fa…” with
00:42:49 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “What’s the client-fa…” with
00:43:25 Pauline Wiles: Replying to “What’s the client-fa…”
Strategy phase … website strategy … short consulting project … website blueprint … I'm currently calling mine “Author Website Blueprint” which as far as I know is not trademarked
00:44:16 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “Strategy phase … w…” with
00:44:17 Maggie Luk: Replying to “What’s the client-fa…”
I adopted “strategy Intensive”
00:44:22 Pauline Wiles: Reacted to “I adopted “strategy …” with
00:44:23 Michelle: Reacted to “I adopted “strategy …” with
00:44:23 Jenelle: Replying to “What’s the client-fa…”
00:47:27 Michelle: This is messy. I'm so sorry, Michelle.
00:52:22 Pauline Wiles: Replying to “This is messy. I'm s…”
Yes. So tricky.
00:55:10 Jenelle:
00:55:30 Erica Nash: Respectfully, that was not cool of her to share that was said
00:55:49 Michelle: Reacted to “Respectfully, that w…” with
00:55:53 Jenelle: Reacted to “Respectfully, that w…” with
00:56:49 Erica Nash: Sally just needs to hire Shannon
00:56:55 Danielle Cooke: Can't afford not to fix the drama
00:57:02 Michelle: Reacted to “Sally just needs to …” with
00:57:06 Jenelle: Reacted to “Sally just needs to …” with
00:57:07 Pauline Wiles: Replying to “Can't afford not to …”
Mmm, drama usually comes to a head eventually.
00:57:09 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “Respectfully, that w…” with
00:57:12 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “Sally just needs to …” with
00:58:38 Erica Nash: Good luck at the meeting!
00:59:06 Jenelle: Woo hoo! Let us know what you’re reading
00:59:10 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Enjoy, Shannon!!!
00:59:37 Pauline Wiles: Reacted to “Enjoy, Shannon!!!” with