Summary + Transcript
00:00:50 Angelica Hidalgo: Hello beautiful people
00:01:05 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Welcome new peoples!!!
00:01:17 Pauline Wiles: Welcome Ali !
00:01:57 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: HUGE win for me: Had a potential client meeting this morning and he’s now no longer a potential client. Signing this week – magic middle web design package!!!
00:02:13 Meg McConnell (SFA): Reacted to “HUGE win for me: Had…” with
00:02:14 Pauline Wiles: WIN: I signed my first client for the “high end” package, priced at a level I'm really happy with. Thank you for the milestone call encouragement, Shannon, to try out that $9k number!
00:02:20 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Replying to “HUGE win for me: Had…”
SO excited
00:02:30 Pauline Wiles: Reacted to “HUGE win for me: Had…” with
00:02:30 Meg McConnell (SFA): Reacted to “WIN: I signed my fir…” with
00:02:33 Angelica Hidalgo: Replying to “HUGE win for me: Had…”
00:02:39 Angelica Hidalgo: Replying to “HUGE win for me: Had…”
Go Tracy go
00:02:39 Kaitlyn Unger | KTU Designs LLC: Got a new project! Waiting to hear back from second potential client! Both just talked to on Friday!
00:02:44 Lynn: Reacted to “HUGE win for me: Had…” with
00:02:52 Ali Wilson-San Diego: Congratulations
00:02:53 Lynn: Replying to “HUGE win for me: Had…”
Way to go Tracy!!
00:02:56 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “WIN: I signed my fir…” with
00:02:57 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “HUGE win for me: Had…” with
00:02:59 Meg McConnell (SFA): Reacted to “Got a new project! W…” with
00:03:02 Ruby: Reacted to “WIN: I signed my f…” with
00:03:06 Angelica Hidalgo: Replying to “WIN: I signed my fir…”
Wow Pauline! Incredible!!
00:03:08 Pauline Wiles: Reacted to “Got a new project! W…” with
00:03:13 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “Got a new project! W…” with
00:03:19 Erica Nash: Here is the link for any questions today!
00:03:21 Kaitlyn Unger | KTU Designs LLC: Reacted to “HUGE win for me: Had…” with
00:03:26 Angelica Hidalgo: Replying to “Got a new project! W…”
Yay!!! Go Kaitlyn!!
00:03:32 Erica Nash: Reacted to “HUGE win for me: Had…” with
00:03:37 Ruby: More of an update, but did my first paid discovery yesterday, and I don't know why I was even nervous. They loved it and it went really well!
00:03:40 Erica Nash: Reacted to “WIN: I signed my fir…” with
00:03:48 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Got a new project! W…” with
00:03:50 Lynn: Reacted to “WIN: I signed my fir…” with
00:03:55 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Replying to “WIN: I signed my fir…”
Yay Pauline!
00:03:57 Lynn: Replying to “WIN: I signed my fir…”
Amazing Pauline!!
00:03:58 Kaitlyn Unger | KTU Designs LLC: Reacted to “Yay!!! Go Kaitlyn!!” with
00:03:58 Erica Nash: Reacted to “More of an update, b…” with
00:03:58 Meg McConnell (SFA): Reacted to “More of an update, b…” with
00:04:03 Kaitlyn Unger | KTU Designs LLC: Replying to “Got a new project! W…”
Thank you!!
00:04:05 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “Congratulations ” with
00:04:09 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Replying to “Got a new project! W…”
00:04:10 Ruby: Reacted to “Got a new project!…” with
00:04:18 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “More of an update, b…” with
00:04:53 Pauline Wiles: Reacted to “More of an update, b…” with
00:04:54 Lynn: Reacted to “More of an update, b…” with
00:05:08 Lynn: Reacted to “Got a new project! W…” with
00:05:28 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Turning my camera off – going to eat my lunch
00:06:25 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “More of an update, b…” with
00:06:29 Laura Nurse: Hi All! Happy Tuesday.
00:06:31 Angelica Hidalgo: Replying to “More of an update, b…”
This is wonderful Ruby!
00:06:36 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “Turning my camera of…” with
00:06:40 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “Hi All! Happy Tuesda…” with
00:06:48 Katheryn Symington: Reacted to “Hi All! Happy Tuesda…” with
00:06:54 Ruby: Reacted to “Hi All! Happy Tues…” with
00:07:00 Pauline Wiles: If you're on the fence about the idea of paid discovery, I strongly encourage you to give the workshop a try – I'm new to it and it's working!
00:07:10 Ruby: Reacted to “This is wonderful …” with
00:07:14 Shannon Mattern: Reacted to “If you're on the fen…” with
00:07:15 Katheryn Symington: Replying to “Hi All! Happy Tuesda…”
Hello Bestie! lol.
00:07:43 Ruby: Replying to “More of an update,…”
Thank you Angelica!
00:07:51 Ruby: Reacted to “If you're on the f…” with
00:07:53 Angie: I got a new lead and I’m not sure she’s ready for a website so rather than hopping on a call I asked her more clarifying questions via email so I’m not wasting either of our time on a call.
00:07:55 Pauline Wiles: Replying to “More of an update, b…”
It's extra nice when they love it too!
00:08:04 Laura Nurse: Is that 1-4pm Eastern Time tomorrow for the paid discovery workshop?
00:08:04 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Here’s hoping your move goes smoothly, @Erica Nash
00:08:13 Shannon Mattern: Yes Laura
00:08:16 Laura Nurse: Reacted to “Hello Bestie! lol.” with
00:08:28 Pauline Wiles: Reacted to “Here’s hoping your m…” with
00:08:45 Laura Nurse: Reacted to “More of an update, b…” with
00:08:51 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “I got a new lead and…” with
00:08:59 Angelica Hidalgo: Replying to “I got a new lead and…”
Yes! Save your time angie
00:09:03 Katheryn Symington: If I can't make the workshop, can I get a recording?
00:09:15 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Can’t wait for all these great presentations.
I’ve been using Moxie…. LOVE it so far – has made my agreement prep SO much faster.
00:09:33 Erica Nash: Replying to “Here’s hoping your m…”
Thank you!!
00:09:45 Erica Nash: Reacted to “I got a new lead and…” with
00:09:56 Laura Nurse: Reacted to “Yes Laura” with
00:10:30 Ruby: Reacted to “It's extra nice wh…” with
00:10:33 Jessica Aiese-Davoli: Held boundaries with a client in our project kickoff meeting yesterday!
00:10:41 Ruby: Reacted to “I got a new lead a…” with
00:10:42 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “Held boundaries with…” with
00:10:44 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Held boundaries with…” with
00:10:50 Pauline Wiles: Reacted to “Can’t wait for all t…” with
00:11:03 Pauline Wiles: Reacted to “Held boundaries with…” with
00:11:05 Angelica Hidalgo: Replying to “Held boundaries with…”
That’s awesome Jessica, it can be really hard to set boundaries sometimes!!
00:11:18 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Can’t wait for all t…” with
00:11:45 Michelle Self – WordPress Designer + Tech Transformations: So excited to watch the replay of the session!
00:11:51 Pauline Wiles: Replying to “Held boundaries with…”
or, I set them but don't hold them!
00:17:49 Laura Nurse: @Katheryn Symington – i took the test 3 or 4 times in different moods. Every time something different came up. But adventurer was always my number 2. every time.
00:18:21 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: I haven’t looked at that since I started WDA. I might go do it again just for fun – see where I am right now.
00:19:05 Angelica Hidalgo: I got Nurturer and that’s always something that I have not liked about myself because I was always called emotional growing up. However I realised that my caring nature is my superpower, I’ve just been told the story that it’s bad.
00:19:23 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “@Katheryn Symington …” with
00:19:25 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “I haven’t looked at …” with
00:20:09 Laura Nurse: doin my own thing since 1983 whether you like it or not
00:20:14 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “doin my own thing si…” with
00:20:17 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “doin my own thing si…” with
00:20:20 Angelica Hidalgo: Replying to “doin my own thing si…”
Love this
00:20:20 Pauline Wiles: Reacted to “doin my own thing si…” with
00:23:12 Lynn: Reacted to “doin my own thing si…” with
00:24:21 Katheryn Symington: Reacted to “Held boundaries with…” with
00:24:30 Katheryn Symington: Reacted to “@Katheryn Symington …” with
00:24:54 Katheryn Symington: Reacted to “I haven’t looked at …” with
00:25:52 Laura Nurse: @Angelica Hidalgo – i also always want to level up my skills to solve more problems for my clients. how do we get our black belts in web design/dev?!
00:26:05 Katheryn Symington: Reacted to “I got Nurturer and t…” with
00:26:06 Erica Nash: Reacted to “@Angelica Hidalgo – …” with
00:26:11 Katheryn Symington: Reacted to “doin my own thing si…” with
00:26:31 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “@Angelica Hidalgo – …” with
00:27:04 Michelle Self – WordPress Designer + Tech Transformations: Reacted to “doin my own thing si…” with
00:28:17 Katheryn Symington: Even when I have days where I'm frustrated because I think I should know more, my clients think I'm brilliant. It's all perspective.
00:28:28 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Even when I have day…” with
00:28:42 Pauline Wiles: Reacted to “Even when I have day…” with
00:29:31 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “Even when I have day…” with
00:29:40 Laura Nurse: Reacted to “Even when I have day…” with
00:30:43 Michelle Self – WordPress Designer + Tech Transformations: Reacted to “Even when I have day…” with
00:31:31 Laura Nurse: oooh… i love this… it’s like the big secret is we are all just figuring it out. Business is an experiment.
00:31:39 Pauline Wiles: I'm motivated to keep learning because I think it's ethical, if I'm charging $$$, and also because I'm interested. BUT I'm also aware, “web design” is an evolving field, and like Katheryn I'm almost always a hundred steps ahead of my clients. I loved Tara Mohr's book, Playing Big: she has good info on how women in particular hold ourselves back because we assume we're under-qualified.
00:31:40 Erica Nash: Reacted to “oooh… i love this… i…” with
00:31:47 Katheryn Symington: Reacted to “oooh… i love this… i…” with
00:31:53 Lynn: Reacted to “oooh… i love this… i…” with
00:31:56 Erica Nash: Reacted to “I'm motivated to kee…” with
00:31:57 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “I'm motivated to kee…” with
00:32:11 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: And sometimes you do things you think you need to do, and it turns out that you didn’t need to do “X” you end up needing to do “Y” instead.
00:32:17 Michelle Self – WordPress Designer + Tech Transformations: Reacted to “I'm motivated to kee…” with
00:32:20 Michelle Self – WordPress Designer + Tech Transformations: Reacted to “oooh… i love this… i…” with
00:32:35 Katheryn Symington: Reacted to “I'm motivated to kee…” with
00:32:42 Ruby Javaid: Replying to “I'm motivated to kee…”
Yes, this is one thing I always have to think about – if I were a man, would I be holding back like this? The answer is always no
00:32:50 Erica Nash: I’m of the opinion that the most valuable skill we can have is the skill of asking better questions. Then we can get the answers we need to go find the answers the clients need.
00:32:53 Pauline Wiles: Reacted to “Yes, this is one thi…” with
00:33:01 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Yes, this is one thi…” with
00:33:01 Pauline Wiles: Replying to “I'm motivated to kee…”
00:33:10 Erica Nash: Reacted to “And sometimes you do…” with
00:33:14 Ruby Javaid: Replying to “I'm motivated to kee…”
(based on men I've worked with, they do not hesitate at all)
00:33:19 Lynn: Reacted to “I’m of the opinion t…” with
00:33:21 Katheryn Symington: Reacted to “And sometimes you do…” with
00:33:40 Michelle Self – WordPress Designer + Tech Transformations: It's common in corporate tech to be hired because you have relatable experience for the job – not because you have all the skills. I've had to learn new software on the job for every corp IT job that I've had
00:33:44 Katheryn Symington: Reacted to “I’m of the opinion t…” with
00:33:47 Pauline Wiles: Reacted to “(based on men I've w…” with
00:34:14 Katheryn Symington: Reacted to “It's common in corpo…” with
00:34:35 Pauline Wiles: Reacted to “I’m of the opinion t…” with
00:36:00 Michelle Self – WordPress Designer + Tech Transformations: Reacted to “Yes, this is one thi…” with
00:36:02 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “I'm motivated to kee…” with
00:36:17 Michelle Self – WordPress Designer + Tech Transformations: Replying to “I'm motivated to kee…”
So many underqualified men in jobs!
00:36:17 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “Yes, this is one thi…” with
00:36:42 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “I’m of the opinion t…” with
00:36:47 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “And sometimes you do…” with
00:36:50 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “It's common in corpo…” with
00:37:25 Pauline Wiles: Replying to “I’m of the opinion t…”
Love this, Erica, thank you
00:37:35 Michelle Self – WordPress Designer + Tech Transformations: Reacted to “I’m of the opinion t…” with
00:37:38 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Love this, Erica, th…” with
00:37:39 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “It's common in corpo…” with
00:37:45 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “I’m of the opinion t…” with
00:37:57 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “And sometimes you do…” with
00:40:45 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Funny how Impostor syndrome hides itself in so many ways.
00:49:18 Angelica Hidalgo: The theme of today
00:51:16 Angelica Hidalgo: I have a question about a client if we have a quick 5 mins
00:51:25 Angelica Hidalgo: Potential client*
00:52:31 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: I love doing the anchor high – then you get to talk about all the cool things you offer….
00:56:42 Angie: Quick question…What workbook is it in if we have to say “not a good fit” to a client? I just need help with wording. I know I saw it but can’t find it now.
00:57:18 Erica Nash: Replying to “Quick question…What …”
It’s possible it’s workbook 5 or 6, but I think it’s also in the tools, templates, and scripts on the website.
00:58:00 Angie: Replying to “Quick question…What …”
Ok thanks, I was looking in 5 but not seeing it. I’ll look in the scripts next
00:59:25 Erica Nash: Replying to “Quick question…What …”<mpl=docs&osid=1&passive=1209600&service=wise&flowName=GlifWebSignIn&flowEntry=ServiceLogin&dsh=S-1308194267%3A1719345616083118&ddm=0
00:59:40 Erica Nash: Replying to “Quick question…What …”
I think it’s this one
01:00:14 Pauline Wiles: Replying to “Quick question…What …”
I think it's in 6, search for “red flags”
01:01:02 Angelica Hidalgo: 3am wooo
01:01:05 Ali Wilson-San Diego: Thank you!
01:01:14 Laura Nurse: Thanks everyone! See y’all tomorrow.
01:01:22 Katheryn Symington: Thank you!
01:01:29 Lynn: Thank you!!
01:01:34 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: All of you Americans – enjoy the 4th!
01:01:38 Erica Nash: Omg i’ll see you in 3