This Week's Questions
00:01:30 Mia Rendon: I made a cold connection completely unexpectedly after last weeks strategy call! We’re having a zoom call next Monday
00:01:44 Amy K Ogden: Hey all! AN almost win! Becuase of how I created and worded my package matrix (the one we talked about last week) I have a client on the hook that is likely to pick a package for two different projects.
00:01:45 Erica Nash: yesssss
00:02:02 Lisa D: Has a consult last week that I felt really great about, I didn't turn out well and I felt a little bad but bounced back thanks to the group. + have another consult on Thursday.
00:02:04 Erica Nash: Still a win, Amy!! Go get em!!
00:02:20 Lauren N.: I had a sales call for web design yesterday and am sending out my first package matrix today to them!!
00:02:30 Leigh Scott: This is definitely more of an outcome than action, but I’m kinda proud of it. I just hit the same revenue for 2022 YTD as I did for all of 2021.
00:02:31 Courtney Wilson: We've been focusing on zombie clients, and are moving forward with two of them! Looking forward to getting this out of the way!
00:02:33 Erica Nash: Lisa, so great to hear you bounced back!!
00:02:56 Erica Nash: Lauren, Leigh, Courtney … these are awesome!!!!
00:03:28 Caitlin Harrison: TWO HUGE wins! I got the final payment and am in the QA period with the zombie client AND I booked a new client with my middle package!
00:03:47 Erica Nash: YES Caitlin!!
00:03:52 Leigh Scott: Thanks Erica!
00:04:11 Amy K Ogden: Ya CAitlin!!
00:04:24 Lisa D: Thanks Erica. She still says she wants to use me but still wants to save money first. My follow-up email to her about what waiting is costing her was pretty good to…so another win! Even though it didn't work
00:04:32 Lauren N.: Caitlin YES GIRL!
00:04:42 Erica Nash: That is a great win!!
00:06:31 Leigh Scott: So awesome Amy!
00:06:51 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: And I know for a fact she stayed out of their wallet :p
00:07:20 Amy K Ogden: TRUE @Kaila!
00:08:30 Amy K Ogden: OMG @ LEIGH!! woo hoo!
00:09:47 Caitlin Harrison: AMAZING LEIGH!!
00:12:32 Mia Rendon: That’s super inspiring and amazing!! Leigh!
00:13:26 Leigh Scott: Thanks you guys!
00:15:19 Trish Bovell: zombie client workshop would be so valuable.
00:17:11 Courtney Wilson: That's so great Caitlin!!
00:17:59 Lauren N.: wow, impressive boundary holding!
00:19:11 Amy K Ogden: Aww! look at your smile Caitlin!
00:19:27 Caitlin Harrison: thanks you!
00:19:32 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Amy
00:19:56 Amy K Ogden: its a good dance
00:21:11 Leigh Scott: I love the new branding!
00:21:21 Amy K Ogden: Cool!
00:21:30 Amy K Ogden: Can't wait!
00:21:44 Leigh Scott: I sent a friend to the 5 day website challenge and I was like WHOA what is this?!
00:21:49 Amy K Ogden: I'll subcontract out to you Shannon whenever you're interested. LOL
00:23:02 Leigh Scott: Yea the website
00:23:18 LaShae Dorsey: sounds like a new product Shannon – How to refresh a website in a weekend
00:25:42 Kate Newnham: Yes, the growing into it is so true!
00:27:06 Amy K Ogden: Fake it till you make it.
00:27:51 Kate Newnham: OMG I was gonna say that!!!
00:27:54 Kate Newnham: “Act as if”
00:28:31 Caitlin Harrison: FOMO!!!
00:28:40 Amy K Ogden: Hey Kaila!! OWZA!
00:29:17 Amy K Ogden: Yeah I could see how that could have anegative impact.
00:30:45 Amy K Ogden: I like that, “we only need to be a couple steps ahead of our client.”
00:39:05 Amy K Ogden: Using it to help set bouncaries helps me define what to include sometimes.
00:39:43 Erica Nash: screep
00:39:54 LaShae Dorsey: yesss that's what I was just typing
00:41:21 Amy K Ogden: Patrick Screep
00:41:55 Erica Nash: my favorite verbal vomit
00:43:49 Janet Hoover: Hi everyone!SUPER late! OY! Time got away from me
00:44:01 Caitlin Harrison: Hi Janet!
00:44:05 Erica Nash: hey janet!
00:51:42 Kate Newnham: Question (if there's time) – I'm overwhelmed that I'm about to get hit with 4 website/website updates all at once and I already have a 2.5 week vacation planned in the end of July. And, I'm starting some new processes of sub-contracting various elements with 3 out of 4 of these projects which is nerve racking. My new (biggest yet) client just finalized their contract and I’m nervous to tell them that I'll be on vacay cuz they made need it urgently. Ugh, I'm scared of losing the business if I say that (and I need the $$)
00:52:42 Janet Hoover: Yay, Kate!
00:52:50 Amy K Ogden: A good problem to have indeed!
00:53:55 Caitlin Harrison: I have a consult that I am going back and forth with, she is looking for a new web designer. She didn't have admin level access to her site. She just got it but the plugins area is still hidden?! I feel like I'm crazy but I can't see it
00:54:39 Caitlin Harrison: It says Administrator under users, is it possible the developer can still hide that?
00:54:55 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: There are plugins that hide certain sections of the panel (maybe based on the admin's email?) – I wonder if that's it?
00:54:56 Caitlin Harrison: (I'll throw this in the fb group with screenshots)
00:55:19 Caitlin Harrison: I guess I should wait for her to hire me before she bugs him about full access
00:55:58 Caitlin Harrison: thats crazy that such a plugin exists!
00:56:19 LaShae Dorsey: I'll answer here and the FB post but check the the plugin directory/plugin file php and look for a function that says hide_plugin
00:57:07 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Like this:
00:57:20 Amy K Ogden: Gotta run, everyone. Thanks for another great call. Good luck Kat, you got this!
00:57:26 Amy K Ogden: *Kate
00:57:28 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Byee!
00:58:20 Janet Hoover: Good!
00:58:34 Caitlin Harrison: the plugin directory isnt available
00:59:06 Lauren N.: Question: Now that I have made my first consultation/offer, should I schedule a Milestone Strategy call?
00:59:18 Lauren N.: Not sure at what point I schedule that
01:01:11 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I HATE when that happens
01:01:12 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: haha
01:01:17 Kate Newnham: I think so @Lauren!
01:01:41 Lauren N.: Ok great, thanks Kate!
01:02:38 Kate Newnham: Thank you!!