This Week's Questions
00:01:18 Deanna: Hi everyone!! Nothing to share but just wanted to say HI!
00:01:31 Lauren N.: completed and submitted my Patrick Matrix! Loved putting it together!
00:01:33 Caitlin Harrison: I've got my dubsado system mostly in place?!
00:02:01 Noelle: Was able to find someone to temporarily assist my client when I am on vacation in June.
00:02:01 judy bigham: Learned about designing a podcast web site for client project
00:02:04 Deanna: ♥️♥️♥️
00:02:16 Caitlin Harrison: I also submitted it for your review
00:02:25 Becky Swan: I submitted my package matrix too. Really overthought that one, LOL
00:02:27 LaShae Dorsey: My win has been showing up the past week. I've absolutely wanted to hide since last week.
00:02:56 Erica Nash: We have soooo many Patrick's to review this week! Can't wait!
00:03:11 Kate Newnham: Patrick is the BEST! I'll never not do one ever again.
00:03:12 Leigh Scott: I had my first in person business meeting with a client in over 2 years (which was also my first in person meeting for my web design business) and didn’t have a panic attack! I also wore my fave sneakers which I have never been able to do in business meetings before
00:03:17 Lauren N.: Me too, LaShae! It's been a week
00:03:18 Courtney Wilson: Love that LaShae. Sometime's that's the hardest part!!
00:03:35 Kate Newnham: Well done @Leigh!
00:04:21 Leigh Scott: Thanks Kate
00:04:23 LaShae Dorsey: Hi @Deanna! such awesome wins y'all!
00:04:52 Janet Hoover: When there's a will, there's a way
00:05:18 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Win is being upright. Rough week sick in bed but back at it(ish). Amazing wins everyone!
00:05:30 LaShae Dorsey: yes @Leigh – fashion choices for the win!
00:05:31 judy bigham: Awesome Kate!
00:05:45 Janet Hoover: Oh gosh! Gald you're feeling better Kaila!
00:05:51 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Thanks Janet!
00:06:16 Trish Bovell: win – I signed up for next level WDA
00:06:24 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Yay Trish!
00:06:45 Caitlin Harrison: I think the big piece that it adds is context to the price and just realizing how much potential clients just don't know
00:06:57 Caitlin Harrison: I really struggle with knowing that I know more about what they want
00:06:58 LaShae Dorsey: yes @Courtney and @Lauren
00:07:09 Janet Hoover: Kate & Patrick sittin' in a tree…..
00:07:19 Caitlin Harrison: Feel better, Kaila!!
00:07:22 Kate Newnham: ha @Janet! Not sure my boyfriend will be happy about that.
00:07:31 Trish Bovell: Hope you're doing better, @kaila
00:07:33 LaShae Dorsey: lol @Janet
00:07:46 LaShae Dorsey: take care of yourself @Kaila!
00:07:59 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Thanks ladies!
00:08:01 Leigh Scott: I finally got to be like the Silicon Valley ceo with my tshirt and allbirds. Lol
00:09:04 Caitlin Harrison: I was realizing I'm almost at 6 months here! signed up after the webinar in December
00:09:11 Trish Bovell: I'm excited!
00:09:25 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Yes, I signed up around the same time Caitlin! The time has flown by!!
00:09:34 Caitlin Harrison: right? I cant believe it
00:09:43 Janet Hoover: Right?!
00:11:35 Caitlin Harrison: I feel like at 6 months, I should revisit all that initial ideal day
00:22:01 Deanna: HEY HUN!!!
00:23:12 Deanna: Instead of MLMs selling better, real businesses are taking a page from the MLMs
00:23:13 Kate Newnham: I just got a spam yesterday about a business partnership to my personal # and it felt like an invader.
00:23:20 leighscott: BLOCK, REPORT
00:23:51 Trish Bovell: if I don't even know the name, I delete immediately
00:23:53 Deanna: Yikes Kate
00:23:59 LaShae Dorsey: I simply don't reply and delete.
00:24:51 Courtney Wilson: I used LinkedIn.
00:24:55 Kate Newnham: I use LinkedIn too
00:24:58 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: i have a linkedin but i ignore it for the most part
00:25:04 Trish Bovell: I use LinkedIn
00:25:05 LaShae Dorsey: I'm figuring out the linkedin –
00:25:12 Lauren N.: I would love to learn more about linked in. I dont know enough about it
00:25:13 Kate Newnham: It's best to do when you have people in common
00:25:27 Kate Newnham: I get most business there
00:25:33 Leslie Zemenek: I use LinkedIn and you can PM me for some tips on how to message people without being salesy
00:25:53 Deanna: I have a lot of good results with email newsletters – just giving valuable tips and talking about my referral program to past clients and prospects that didn’t work out (with their permission of course)
00:26:14 LaShae Dorsey: So far I'm always referencing where we met or what piqued my interest to reach out to them in the first place
00:26:20 Janet Hoover: I use LI, but don't do much there, it’s on the list to use it more. I just got a request from someone today – and have gotten some good clients that have reached out…..but like FB, I don't connect with everyone who reaches out and I get a lot of DM spams
00:31:08 Deanna: Wow she doubled down
00:31:08 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: lol….snaaaakey
00:32:00 Deanna: Now to add THAT clause to my contract
00:32:11 Caitlin Harrison: does the contact example you provide have that built in?
00:32:30 Janet Hoover: Do you also have a website -sign off prior to launch, you could say something about that there as well, and if you think she'll keep them, I wouldn't add my name to the footer
00:33:00 Janet Hoover: And that sucks as not using as a portfolio piece because of that
00:34:24 Trish Bovell: skeeezy
00:35:21 Kate Newnham: I need a shower
00:35:22 Deanna: Maybe even something they can check off when they submit their images stating they certify the images belong to them
00:36:11 Janet Hoover: I can share mine if it helps Erica
00:36:22 Erica Nash: That would be cool, Janet!
00:36:30 Kate Newnham: Q (if there's time): Where in the modules can I find that example website development/design schedule??
00:37:40 Kate Newnham: thank you!
00:37:59 Lauren N.: Question if we have the time, I've branded myself as a SEO expert, but now that I'm trying to pivot to Web Design, I'm still getting tons of SEO queries and taking on those projects because I need the income. At the same time I feel it's delaying my progress in pivoting to web design. I'm not really sure what my question is, but I guess, do I start telling people I don't do SEO anymore? How do you pivot branding/business effectively while still maintaining a good income?
00:39:40 Kate Newnham: Or hire another SEO person for less and make money on it while you're doing web design!
00:39:43 Deanna: Is there a way you could also turn your SEO knowledge into a passive income source? Ebook, mini course?
00:40:45 Deanna: Raise the prices and make it exclusive “I only take 3 clients a month/quarter”
00:42:44 Caitlin Harrison: as someone who doesnt fully “get” SEO and don't want to offer it more than basic Yoast set up and simple keywords in Yoast, how do you navigate and explain it to potential clients who ask about SEO?
00:43:05 Kate Newnham: @Erica – I'm sorry I don't see the dev/design example calendar in Module 7… can you help me find it?
00:43:13 Erica Nash: Yes, give me a sec
00:45:35 Erica Nash: Just to make sure I'm looking for the right thing … are you referring to the recommended project management process? It’s kind of an outline of steps and then has a link for a spreadsheet calendar.
00:45:43 Janet Hoover: I'm in the process of updating this again, but this is more or less what I people sign off on. All of this is in my contract, but this helps to remind
00:46:38 Deanna: Thank you Janet!
00:46:45 Kate Newnham: It's an actual 4 week calendar that shows a month-long calendar visual
00:46:51 Erica Nash: Thanks for sharing that, Janet!
00:46:58 Kate Newnham: That's awesome @Janet!
00:47:10 Janet Hoover: You're welcome!
00:47:30 Caitlin Harrison: thank you!
00:47:35 Janet Hoover: Everything is always a work in progress lol….but you can also get an idea of how I do my maint pkgs
00:47:50 Caitlin Harrison: was it the Asana?
00:47:59 Caitlin Harrison: ooh that was in the webinar
00:48:03 Deanna: Soooo – does that mean Lauren can give US a SEO class?
00:48:23 Mia Rendon: It was in a workshop video
00:48:23 Janet Hoover: I say yes (answer for Lauren lol!!)
00:48:28 Deanna: LOL
00:48:42 Mia Rendon: I think about the investment, hybrid money mindset stuff
00:48:43 Lauren N.: lol!! i'd be happy to!!
00:49:21 Deanna: I give my clients a basic tutorial but things change so much and so fast I have no idea if it’s correct anymore lol
00:49:54 Lauren N.: yes!! i loved that graphic in the initial presentation
00:49:59 Kate Newnham: thank you!
00:50:18 Deanna: Wasn’t that for module 8?
00:50:39 Erica Nash: Assertive is healthy
00:51:15 Caitlin Harrison: Erica, I can't wait to see all the new GeekPack course design you did.
00:51:33 Caitlin Harrison: GeekPack was my first course and introduction into this world back in July 2020
00:51:40 Erica Nash: YAAAYYY! I am SO proud of the work we did in there.
00:52:44 Caitlin Harrison: marketing always feels scattered, I am learning (or feeling)
00:55:02 Deanna: Can I ask what your Niche is Mia?
00:55:16 Deanna: Platform, specialty, etc…
00:56:36 Kate Newnham: Did you send a patrick matrix? hahahaha
00:56:49 Caitlin Harrison: oh Patrick
00:57:38 Mia Rendon: @Deanna, Squarespace and Shopify, ecomerrce small business and creative service providers
00:58:56 Caitlin Harrison: I gotta run, but this call was amazing, as always!!
00:59:44 Kate Newnham: I love the idea of permission! I have to integrate that more
00:59:59 Kate Newnham: giving options, permission, etc.
01:01:46 Deanna: Awesome! I find that going into platform and niche specific help groups on facebook and just being helpful (NOT SALESY) leads to people asking YOU questions and they look to see what you do (as long as your biz info is on your profile).
01:03:06 Robin Smith: In another group I'm in, they say the seeds we plant now will begin to harvest in three months.
01:03:08 Deanna: I looked at your fb profile super quick and while you say WHAT you do, there’s no link to it
01:05:16 Deanna:
01:06:58 Robin Smith: Just like the farmer who plants his seeds in May, they don't reap the crop till August and Sept. Just keep the light shining on your services and watering your skills and you will see a harvest. (My Dad was a farmer!)
01:07:29 Mia Rendon: Thanks Deanna, I will be fixing that right now!
01:08:14 Deanna: For instance – I work with a lot of food bloggers, so I belong to a lot of food blog groups and I offer help when someone asks simple tech related questions or share related content with them – I get quite a few messaging me privately to work with me
01:08:22 Deanna: ♥️
01:08:43 LaShae Dorsey: I'm also finding that sharing little things that show up that remind you of them via email and a quick DMs etc and their business helps with those “touches” and “interactions” as well.
01:08:47 Robin Smith: The 5 Day website challenge…was the latest version in 2020 before the one you are currently working on?
01:09:01 Janet Hoover: Thank you !!
01:09:16 Noelle: Thank you