This Week's Questions
00:01:37 Amanda Guerassio (@studioguerassio): Landed a new $4K+ project from a returning client starting a new venture
00:01:39 Courtney Wilson: Win: Amarula came back to us for another project! Yay return projects!
00:01:57 Trish Bovell: WIN – held my boundary with a current maintenance client that she is asking for more work than she currently pays for and I suggested a half day exclusive booking.
00:02:06 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I have my first consult since restructuring my site and implementing Dubsado scheduled for right after this call!
00:02:16 Nay Stevens: I've been working on my Package Matrix that has been really pushing me out of my comfort zone, but I'm excited about how it's looking and what I'm offering.
00:02:24 Caitlin Harrison: not sure if I mentioned it in here last week but since saying no to sending a proposal to the red flag client, I have 3 leads
00:02:41 Caitlin Harrison: YAY Kaila!
00:02:44 Trish Bovell: awesome Kaila. Would love to see both your site & dubsado
00:02:47 Lisa Doiron: Am signed up for Alecia's workshop tomorrow. Finished website design project and digging back into the course.
00:02:48 Leigh Scott: I signed up for next level AND the client that tried to bully me into a lower price eventually emailed me back and agreed to my original prices
00:02:50 Aisha Beauford: Created my first 2 package matrices.
00:03:24 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Thanks Trish! Will forever be a work in progress but you can see where it’s at right now here:
00:05:27 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Omg…that’s me.
00:05:30 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Thanks for the reminder.
00:05:44 Trish Bovell: I also need that reminder
00:05:44 Caitlin Harrison: same @kaila
00:06:33 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Ohhh! That’s tomorrow! Looking forward to hearing how it goes Lisa!
00:06:45 Caitlin Harrison: I'm going tomorrow as well
00:07:50 Amanda Guerassio (@studioguerassio): That's my next module (package matrix)
00:08:09 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Oh! I have to go find that link unless you’re going to post it again in here?
00:10:31 Caitlin Harrison: I can relate 100000000%
00:10:33 Janet's iPhone: Good question!!
00:10:40 Trish Bovell: fabulous question
00:10:45 Aisha Beauford: Oooo, good question!
00:10:48 Noelle: Wow, I have been struggling with this myself.
00:11:11 Erica Nash: Feedback Link:
00:11:16 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Thank you!
00:11:18 Kate Newnham: In the digital media world, our CEO wore crocks
00:11:25 Erica Nash: Coworking Registration:
00:12:24 Caitlin Harrison: Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs wear/wore tshirts and jeans and sneakers every day
00:13:02 Leigh Scott: In my experience, a professional “look” doesn’t equate to premium service. But I also got my nose pierced and got a tattoo in corporate just because they told me I shouldn’t. Lol
00:13:09 Courtney Wilson: Real estate agents dress immacuately, and I trust them a lot less than guys in jeans and a sweater lol
00:14:12 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Lol…Leigh – I thoroughly wish we were coworkers in your corporate job AND your fast food job now :p
00:14:22 Kate Newnham: Make it part of your branding – “don't let my jeans + t-shirt fool you!” and make it fun
00:14:26 Erica Nash: @Caitlin, love this. T-shirts all day, err day in every meeting for me!!
00:14:35 Erica Nash: @leigh
00:14:47 Erica Nash: @courtney, the truest words
00:15:41 Leigh Scott: @kaila trust me, you would not have wanted to be my fast food coworker. But it would have been more fun!
00:15:57 Aisha Beauford: Showering optional.
00:16:51 Erica Nash: Those are the brands I trust the most! Give me chill all day.
00:19:34 Caitlin Harrison: I’m hoping to get branding photos on my calendar in June… I keep pushing it off bc I dont want to figure out what to wear and hate how I look
00:19:35 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I’ve been planning to get a brand photoshoot done this summer and I will likely be in hiking boots or bare feet at a picnic table with a touque on in front of my trailer. I’m just kinda hoping my weirdness attracts more of my ideal client than detracts because my ideal client is probably not stuffy or whatever you want to call it!
00:20:03 Caitlin Harrison: lets start a brand photoshoot support and planning slack channel hahah
00:20:11 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Yes!
00:20:13 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: :p
00:20:15 Janet's iPhone: I’m going more causal in my photoshoot (when I can get it done in a few months) because mine are way too dressy and not me at all lô
00:20:43 Kate Newnham: Ultimately, to me, it’s about confidence
00:20:55 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Agree
00:21:15 Kate Newnham: For me, it's a blazer. But that's JUST me.
00:21:49 Courtney Wilson: @Kaila – love that you're going to be wearing a toque in your photoshoot!
00:22:11 Lisa Doiron: Jeans are dressed up for me these days
00:22:12 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: It’s my version of a safety blanket haha – /so you don’t know I haven’t showered in a week
00:22:15 Leigh Scott: I just discovered leggings with pockets and I’m never going to wear anything else ever again
00:22:28 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Omg…high waisted leggings with pockets. Dream.
00:22:36 Trish Bovell: zoom calls = need to shower that day
00:22:59 Nay Stevens: Lol Trish! Exactly!
00:24:11 Noelle: @Kaila…that is so me. high waisted leggings with pockets.
00:25:05 LaShae Dorsey: Leggings and a cute shirt, cute shoes, messy hair so yeah and I've found that the people who are called by a certain look aren't going to even notice anyone who doesn't match that look initially especially if they have the mindset that luxury looks a certain way
00:25:58 LaShae Dorsey: @leigh please point me in the direction of high waisted leggings with pockets
00:26:16 Janet's iPhone: Yes!!!
00:27:30 Amanda Guerassio (@studioguerassio): I am in leggings with pockets right now! Love them.
00:27:40 Amanda Guerassio (@studioguerassio): And yes, photo shoot planning support thread needed for sure
00:27:47 Leigh Scott: This is NOT an affiliate link
Women's High Waisted Reflective Yoga Pants with Pockets: Full, Capri, 7/8 Length
00:28:02 Caitlin Harrison: but it SHOULD be haha
00:28:10 Leigh Scott: LOL
00:32:42 Courtney Wilson: Or they'll come back to you when the Fiverr person doesn't give them what they need.
00:34:50 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I had a long term client go to a competitor in my city. I was disappointed but was supportive of her. A year later, she came back and told me ‘Ok, I’m ready for the investment now because you just get me and do things that x doesn’t do.’ I was very validating!
00:35:00 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: *it
00:35:05 Amanda Guerassio (@studioguerassio): @Kaila – that's awesome!
00:35:15 Amy K Ogden: SO VALIDATING!
00:36:12 Janet Hoover: Caitlin…you are my twin
00:36:12 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Feel that!
00:36:23 Courtney Wilson: Yup – procrastination!
00:36:46 LaShae Dorsey: pro-crasssssss tination when that happens
00:37:12 Nay Stevens: Seriously Caitlin – all of your questions and “confessions” are exactly what's in my head!
00:37:21 Janet Hoover: Same, Nay lol
00:37:51 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I have procrastinated everything in my life this week. Blaming it on Mercury drinking gatorade.
00:37:59 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: That’s how that works right? haha
00:38:08 Amy K Ogden: KAILA YOU'RE HILARIOUS!!
00:38:13 Janet Hoover: Duh, Kaila
00:38:17 Janet Hoover: ha!
00:38:19 Kate Newnham: I won 3 new websites THIS week with the package matrix. It’s a GEM!!!!!!!!
00:38:22 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I can’t even take credit for that but it sure spoke to me
00:38:29 Lauren N.: That's incredible Kate!!!
00:38:30 Amanda Guerassio (@studioguerassio): @Kate – that's amazing!!
00:38:37 Erica Nash: Kate!!
00:38:38 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Kate, you are on fiiiire
00:38:38 Janet Hoover: WOO Kate!
00:38:41 Kate Newnham: Always 3 options. They do mid or high level EVERY TIME
00:38:44 Nay Stevens: Kate!! so awesome!
00:38:44 Kate Newnham: It's insanely amazing
00:38:47 Trish Bovell: yay Kate!!!
00:38:58 LaShae Dorsey: goooo Kate!
00:39:00 Amanda Guerassio (@studioguerassio): Make it, and send it to us to look at!
00:39:03 Lauren N.: Unbelievable!
00:39:24 Amy K Ogden: That's totally how I would have approached this! I think Shannon is FINALLY sinking in to my brain. YES!
00:39:27 Kate Newnham: Thanks to Shannon + her people!
00:40:45 Kate Newnham: Reminded me of this “They're not investing in you, they're investing in themselves through you.”
00:42:12 Amy K Ogden: What do you say when they say, “What do you think will work for me?”
00:42:20 Noelle: I have a retainer client and I let her know that I will be going on vacation in June. She asked me if I would still be available to for a few things here and there, or if I have someone who can fill in for a couple of essentials. I am not sure how I should respond to this. I do not have anyone to fill in and do not want to have to hire someone for just a few simple tasks here and there. I also do not want to work on my vacation (I will be out of state). How would you respond?
00:42:20 Amanda Guerassio (@studioguerassio): ^ I was also wondering that
00:42:30 Amanda Guerassio (@studioguerassio): (what Amy asked)
00:44:51 Amy K Ogden: It's our word vomit too!
00:44:59 Amy K Ogden: It's what we're all thinking
00:45:04 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Caitlin!! I wanted to say 1. Thank you for always word vomiting and 2. You are very brave!
00:45:19 Janet Hoover: What Kaila said
00:45:20 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: You help those of us who aren’t so brave
00:45:27 Amy K Ogden: Kaila!!! LOl! “thank you for always vomiting” lol!
00:45:30 Amanda Guerassio (@studioguerassio): @Caitlin – also consider if her ghosting you at the proposal stage is a red flag
00:45:45 Janet Hoover: Good point, Amanda!
00:47:13 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Also, I feel like I just got an email about how you can video stitch with Loom now if that helps during your process!
00:48:13 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: You got this!!
00:48:18 Trish Bovell: interesting
00:48:51 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Oooh I like that answering with a question
00:49:49 Caitlin Harrison: thanks for all the support ladies!!
00:49:54 Janet Hoover: NICE LASHAE!!
00:49:57 Caitlin Harrison: it also helps to know you all feel the same
00:50:16 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I have to jet and get ready for that consultation. Nice to see you all! Have a great rest of your week!
00:50:29 Caitlin Harrison: bye Kaila!
00:50:35 Caitlin Harrison: good luck!
00:54:54 Caitlin Harrison: Hi Kitty!!
00:55:37 Kate Newnham: Do any of you charge more for big companies and less for entrepreneurs??
00:56:00 Kate Newnham: Like, I know big companies have more $$ so I charge more, and vice versa?
00:57:48 Amanda Guerassio (@studioguerassio): I've wondered that too, but haven't had the opp to ever work with a big corporation to have to figure out how to handle it
00:58:52 Kate Newnham: My gut is telling me yes, charge more for big companies.
00:59:15 Nay Stevens: @Kate I do the same, but in my experience there was also a bit more technical things that needed to be done to make sure systems all talk to each other when it comes to bigger companies. So I felt that the requirements were more.
00:59:30 Kate Newnham: Sometimes for sure @Nay!
01:00:24 Erica Nash: We've all seen your heart, LaShae! You can trust that you always come from a place of integrity.
01:00:36 Janet Hoover: Agreed!
01:01:02 Kate Newnham: Gotta run – bye everyone! Great to see you!!
01:01:29 Janet Hoover: We get it, it's so hard!
01:02:14 Amanda Guerassio (@studioguerassio): I have to hop off, too, but thank you Shannon, Erica and everyone!
01:02:57 Courtney Wilson: We can put this in the parking lot until next week
01:04:15 Trish Bovell: ooh – a question I'm dealing with now
01:05:06 Caitlin Harrison: with one client where its a package of 3 hours a month, I just stated its like now I am making it a half-day a month on a set day so its like rolling it slowly into VIP day packages
01:05:17 Janet Hoover: I’m going through sort of the same. I have some very long-term clients on my monthly maint. and am working some something similar to keep things good for them, but also can conform to my new pkgs in a way
01:11:03 Erica Nash: Voxer?
01:11:13 Caitlin Harrison: ooh voxer is a good idea
01:11:33 LaShae Dorsey: could you give her a google voice number so she doesn't get cut off?
01:14:15 Amy K Ogden: gotta run everyone, Good luck Courtney!
01:18:27 Janet Hoover: Thank you!
01:18:30 LaShae Dorsey: Thank you all!
01:18:31 Trish Bovell: thank you!
01:18:32 Caitlin Harrison: thank you!!
01:18:35 Lauren N.: thank you!!!
01:18:35 Nay Stevens: Thank you!!