Summary + Transcript
00:01:08 Anika Loewen: Just got all of my taxes off to my accountant!
00:01:27 Erica Nash: Here’s the link for questions today:
00:01:34 Anika Loewen: My mom is visiting, and we are getting systems in place that will work for me.
00:01:57 Angie Hardison: WIN: almost done with writing my website copy. I have 2 discovery calls this week.
00:02:23 Laura Nurse: Hi All!! Happy Tuesday!
00:02:31 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Just got all of my t…” with
00:02:34 Erica Nash: Reacted to “My mom is visiting, …” with
00:02:37 Anika Loewen: Reacted to “WIN: almost done wit…” with
00:02:39 Erica Nash: Reacted to “WIN: almost done wit…” with
00:02:45 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Hi All!! Happy Tuesd…” with
00:02:52 Anika Loewen: Reacted to “Hi All!! Happy Tuesd…” with
00:03:03 Maddison Manente: Reacted to “WIN: almost done wit…” with
00:03:06 Pauline Wiles: Win: I just did a fun “case study” video interview with a client; he said some nice things about the importance of a strong website.
00:03:12 Trish Bovell: Win: I am here
00:03:13 Shannon Mattern: Reacted to “Win: I just did a fu…” with
00:03:16 Shannon Mattern: Reacted to “Win: I am here” with
00:03:26 Laura Nurse: WIN: feeling good about my ideal client 5 bullet points! excited to remove agitation content and replace it with aspirational content on my website
00:03:32 Shannon Mattern: Reacted to “WIN: feeling good ab…” with
00:03:35 Jessica Aiese-Davoli: I offered to be a referral partner or do a presentation to a group that I never thought would reply and they responded saying they’ll consider it. Small, but a win nonetheless.
00:03:37 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Hi all! I’m here (that’s a win – ate something yesterday that didn’t agree with me… so … yesterday was… ) Anyway – being here is a win! heh
00:03:42 Shannon Mattern: Reacted to “I offered to be a re…” with
00:03:44 Pauline Wiles: Reacted to “Win: I am here” with
00:03:47 Shannon Mattern: Reacted to “Hi all! I’m here (th…” with
00:03:51 Pauline Wiles: Reacted to “My mom is visiting, …” with
00:03:57 Pauline Wiles: Reacted to “WIN: almost done wit…” with
00:04:00 Anika Loewen: Reacted to “WIN: feeling good ab…” with
00:04:05 Anika Loewen: Reacted to “I offered to be a re…” with
00:04:09 Anika Loewen: Reacted to “Hi all! I’m here (th…” with
00:04:13 Pauline Wiles: Reacted to “WIN: feeling good ab…” with
00:04:25 Anika Loewen: Replying to “Hi all! I’m here (th…”
00:04:35 Pauline Wiles: Reacted to “Hi all! I’m here (th…” with
00:04:43 Erica Nash:
00:04:59 Diana Richards: Reacted to “Win: I am here” with
00:05:45 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: It was really great hearing all the things for the Genius chat last week.
00:06:20 Laura Nurse: @Erica Nash – is there a template for a plan included in the materials you sent?
00:07:27 Erica Nash: Replying to “@Erica Nash – is the…”
Nothing WDA official but hopefully that will come down the line!! I did include one that I purchased that’s a fillable PDF on the more personal end.
00:07:38 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Win: I just did a fu…” with
00:07:40 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Win: I am here” with
00:07:46 Erica Nash: Reacted to “WIN: feeling good ab…” with
00:07:53 Erica Nash: Reacted to “I offered to be a re…” with
00:07:59 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Hi all! I’m here (th…” with
00:08:12 Erica Nash: Reacted to “It was really great …” with
00:08:28 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Replying to “Hi all! I’m here (th…”
Or even if you’re (I’m) not feeling 100%
00:08:50 Laura Nurse: if you win, please win big enough to just take us with you
00:08:58 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “if you win, please w…” with
00:09:00 Angie Hardison: Reacted to “if you win, please w…” with
00:09:26 Laura Nurse: Replying to “@Erica Nash – is the…”
oh cool!! I’ll check it out
00:09:54 Angie Hardison: 4am my time… maybe I can wake up that early LOL
00:09:55 Laura Nurse: i didn’t know we could join it! lol
00:10:06 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Replying to “4am my time… maybe I…”
Ditto, Angie (I”m in Oregon)
00:10:14 Laura Nurse: that would be 9:30am my time. egg-cellent
00:10:43 Erica Nash: Reacted to “4am my time… maybe I…” with
00:12:01 Diana Richards: Reacted to “4am my time… maybe I…” with
00:13:11 Erica Nash: Reacted to “that would be 9:30am…” with
00:18:39 Erica Nash: When is it due?
00:19:30 Laura Nurse: What about if you just do the Patrick for the whole package, but offer to discuss making changes adding and subtracting as needed in your cover letter that goes with it? My instinct is NOT to spend any time piecing things out unless specifically requested.
00:19:59 Laura Nurse: don’t make work for yourself unless they ask for it – (I learned that lesson the hard way)
00:20:22 Erica Nash: Reacted to “don’t make work for …” with
00:21:54 Shannon Mattern: Reacted to “What about if you ju…” with
00:21:57 Shannon Mattern: Reacted to “don’t make work for …” with
00:22:03 Trish Bovell: Reacted to “don’t make work for …” with
00:22:48 Anika Loewen: Reacted to “What about if you ju…” with
00:22:56 Anika Loewen: Reacted to “don’t make work for …” with
00:24:26 Sarah Guilliot ( Replying to “don’t make work for …”
I have to remind myself of this often. It’s such good advice!
00:25:18 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: I always have to remind myself of this – I don’t have to drop everything to accommodate the client.
00:25:28 Laura Nurse: Replying to “don’t make work for …”
oh gosh… me too. it just really hurt the last time I touched that stove. lol
00:26:01 Anika Loewen: Reacted to “I always have to rem…” with
00:26:12 Trish Bovell: most people will wait. it's a big decision
00:26:50 Angie Hardison: Me too Pauline!
00:27:16 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Oooh…. That’s so good. I resemble that remark (outreach bringing up overwhelm, etc)…. WOW
00:27:19 Sarah Guilliot ( Wanted to share my wins since I joined late: I did a biz experiment with a new offer to see if I like and I didn’t like it so I won’t be doing it
And it helped me realize I have plenty to do with my current offers to make them smoother and continue to make them better and that’s enough! So…double win
And third win is, I’m feeling fragile today so I joined the call to feel uplifted and it’s working!
00:27:35 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Wanted to share my w…” with
00:27:36 Laura Nurse: Replying to “I always have to rem…”
being booked up/in demand is not a bad position to take.
00:27:41 Anika Loewen: Reacted to “Wanted to share my w…” with
00:27:44 Trish Bovell: Reacted to “Wanted to share my w…” with
00:27:45 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “Wanted to share my w…” with
00:27:46 Angie Hardison: Reacted to “Wanted to share my w…” with
00:28:07 Trish Bovell: Replying to “Wanted to share my w…”
we can keep each other up today
00:28:08 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “Wanted to share my w…” with
00:28:16 Sarah Guilliot ( Reacted to “we can keep each oth…” with
00:28:19 Laura Nurse: Reacted to “Wanted to share my w…” with
00:28:33 Sarah Guilliot ( Replying to “Wanted to share my w…”
we can keep each other up today
I’m in!
00:28:38 Erica Nash: And sometimes outreach needs time to simmer
00:28:48 Laura Nurse: Reacted to “Oooh…. That’s so goo…” with
00:29:01 Sarah Guilliot ( Replying to “And sometimes outrea…”
So good! Yes!
00:29:05 Anika Loewen: Replying to “I always have to rem…”
This is LITERALLY what my mom and I are trying to sort. If I am busy and booked, it shows that I am good. And, I don’t have to jump for them. It’s a case of like the Dr’s office… they book into… and go with that!
00:29:17 Angelica Hidalgo: Hey Erica, are there more questions? Would we have time for one more please?
00:29:22 Erica Nash: Reacted to “we can keep each oth…” with
00:29:22 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “Wanted to share my w…” with
00:29:24 Trish Bovell: oh my win is i have a discovery call tomorrow
00:29:24 Laura Nurse: Replying to “And sometimes outrea…”
yes… my seeds are slow growers it seems.
00:29:35 Angelica Hidalgo: Replying to “Wanted to share my w…”
We love you Sarah!!
00:29:46 Sarah Guilliot ( Reacted to “We love you Sarah!!” with
00:29:49 Erica Nash: Reacted to “yes… my seeds are sl…” with
00:29:59 Trish Bovell: Replying to “Wanted to share my w…”
<Big hugs>
00:30:05 Sarah Guilliot ( Replying to “Wanted to share my w…”
We love you Sarah!!
thank you!!! You too!
00:30:16 Pauline Wiles: Reacted to “And sometimes outrea…” with
00:30:18 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Oh forgot one little win: my former hairstylist is starting her own hair salon. She wants to talk about me about “webstuff”.
00:30:30 Laura Nurse: Reacted to “Oh forgot one little…” with
00:30:33 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “Oh forgot one little…” with
00:30:38 Erica Nash: Reacted to “oh my win is i have …” with
00:30:40 Angelica Hidalgo: Replying to “Oh forgot one little…”
Awesome Tracy!!
00:30:49 Sarah Guilliot ( Reacted to “Oh forgot one little…” with
00:30:51 Trish Bovell: Reacted to “Oh forgot one little…” with
00:30:55 Maddison Manente: Reacted to “Oh forgot one little…” with
00:31:01 Erica Nash: Replying to “Hey Erica, are there…”
There’s this question and one more, so it’s possible!!
00:31:03 Pauline Wiles: Reacted to “Oh forgot one little…” with
00:31:27 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “oh my win is i have …” with
00:31:37 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Oh forgot one little…” with
00:31:41 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “Awesome Tracy!!” with
00:31:53 Pauline Wiles: Ohhhh, “the book's coming in a few weeks” – don't you love those ….
00:32:02 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “There’s this questio…” with
00:33:51 Laura Nurse: Replying to “Ohhhh, “the book's c…”
@Pauline Wiles – do you work with pubfunnels by chance? Had a request just like this last month, but she wanted everything done on this software.
00:36:49 Trish Bovell: do in stages
00:38:09 Pauline Wiles: Replying to “Ohhhh, “the book's c…”
No, I work with Squarespace. Looks like they might be a new entrant, going up against Kajabi??
00:41:42 Trish Bovell: thanks – I heard something I needed to hear
00:41:43 Laura Nurse: Replying to “Ohhhh, “the book's c…”
yeah. I snooped around the backend of her account… looked like white label lash up of click funnels plus others in terms of the interface. their site and materials remind me of the kajabi launch back in 2014ish? When they were still NewKajabi
00:46:56 Laura Nurse: Money Hour RX:
FIRST 20 mins
Follow up on existing applications/proposals.
Follow up on 1 or 2 ghosts
Follow up on existing outreach… use outreach followup process
The 1:1:1 method – 20 mins
00:48:40 Angie Hardison: Their marketing emails are fantastic
00:49:05 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “Their marketing emai…” with
00:49:14 Angelica Hidalgo: Replying to “Their marketing emai…”
I’ll have to sign up to see!
00:49:54 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Replying to “Their marketing emai…”
Y. Quite curious about Moxie myself. Been looking at them but haven’t done the trial yet.
00:51:32 Laura Nurse: Replying to “Money Hour RX:
1-1-1 – follow – stalk/research – then give a compliment with an ask or a give?
00:53:02 Angelica Hidalgo: I just watched a video about outreach from a business manager she gives really good examples I’ll send the links
00:53:24 Maddison Manente: Reacted to “I just watched a vid…” with
00:53:27 Angelica Hidalgo: I do about outreach
00:53:28 Angie Hardison: Such a great question
00:54:16 Pauline Wiles: So “Marketing Mastery” is the best place to look for 1-1-1 ?
00:54:27 Angelica Hidalgo:
00:54:46 Anika Loewen: @Shannon Mattern , what do you use to time block?
00:54:55 Angelica Hidalgo:
00:56:42 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: I’ve done that. Most people respond nicely when you say “I LOVE this”
00:56:52 Laura Nurse: @Erica Nash – here’s my quick notes. (Lines in the water is a fishing reference, lol)
Money Hour RX:
FIRST 20 mins – bite lines in the water
Follow up on existing applications/proposals.
Follow up on 1 or 2 not yet
SECOND 20 mins – no bite lines in the water
Follow up on existing outreach… use outreach followup process
Could also reach out to current clients – hop on a call.
THIRD 20 mins
The 1:1:1 method – new lines in the water
1-1-1 – follow – stalk/research – then give a compliment with an ask or a give?
00:57:12 Erica Nash: Reacted to “@Erica Nash – here’s…” with
00:57:16 Erica Nash: Replying to “@Erica Nash – here’s…”
Thank you!
00:57:30 Laura Nurse: Replying to “@Erica Nash – here’s…”
hope its helpful. I just get excited, lol
00:57:45 Erica Nash: Reacted to “hope its helpful. I …” with
00:58:10 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “@Erica Nash – here’s…” with
00:58:24 Angie Hardison: Some of them haven’t worked with freelancers yet (I have found) and want to learn more about what that looks like
01:00:14 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: My pens erase
01:00:20 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “My pens erase” with
01:00:35 Laura Nurse: i;m totally with you on the paper planner for work tasks
01:00:41 Trish Bovell: I finally found a journal company I like. I love paper planners too
01:00:47 Anika Loewen: My mom is doing the “paper” dance
01:00:52 Angelica Hidalgo: Replying to “My pens erase”
Discovering erasable pens was monumental
01:00:57 Maddison Manente: I like that about analog
01:01:00 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “i;m totally with you…” with
01:01:02 Angie Hardison: Reacted to “Discovering erasable…” with
01:01:10 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “I like that about an…” with
01:01:14 Angie Hardison: YES on erasable pens
01:01:15 Laura Nurse: you could pay someone on fiver to update that file for you and save the indesign fee
01:01:48 Angie Hardison: I <3 in design it’s my fv
01:01:54 Angie Hardison: *fav
01:01:56 Anika Loewen: Reacted to “I <3 in design it’s …” with
01:01:58 Angelica Hidalgo: Also I received a response on a market research interview email and she asked for website updates!
01:02:05 Laura Nurse: #ruler
01:02:05 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Also I received a re…” with
01:02:07 Angelica Hidalgo: So fingers crossed it goes well
01:02:11 Laura Nurse: ooh love that.
01:02:21 Angie Hardison: Reacted to “Also I received a re…” with
01:02:23 Laura Nurse: Reacted to “Also I received a re…” with
01:02:36 Angelica Hidalgo: Love you all bye!