Summary + Transcript
00:02:52 Chantel Rudden: Had my first mini podcast interview published last week
00:02:57 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Had my first mini po…” with
00:03:04 Erica Nash: Replying to “Had my first mini po…”
Share the link!!!
00:03:18 Sharece O'Neal: Finished Workbook 3! So good! Also setup 4 market research calls last week
00:03:26 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “Had my first mini po…” with
00:03:31 Laura Nurse: wins – got clear on my unique web designer identity and am loving the “a-ha”’s with the packaging and pricing!
00:03:36 Anika Loewen: Win: Partnered with a local watercolorist to do stationery additions.
Also, am plugging away at my site and am even closer to being able to launch that!
00:03:41 Chantel Rudden: Replying to “Had my first mini po…”
00:03:45 Chantel Rudden: Reacted to “Share the link!!!” with
00:03:46 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Finished Workbook 3!…” with
00:03:49 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: I set up a schedule for my marketing and added more time to my schedule for that!
00:04:22 Erica Nash: Reacted to “wins – got clear on …” with
00:04:37 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Win: Partnered with …” with
00:04:40 Anika Loewen: Reacted to “Had my first mini po…” with
00:04:48 Erica Nash: Reacted to “I set up a schedule …” with
00:04:54 Sharece O'Neal: Reacted to “wins – got clear on …” with
00:05:26 Sharece O'Neal: Reacted to “Win: Partnered with …” with
00:05:30 Sharece O'Neal: Reacted to “I set up a schedule …” with
00:05:59 Erica Nash: Replying to “Win: Partnered with …”
There is a watercolor artist who creates wedding suites that I follow on TikTok and every time she comes up I think of you!
00:06:15 Anika Loewen: Replying to “Win: Partnered with …”
Awwww! <3
00:07:02 Angelica Hidalgo: Yay!! Hello everyone, go Jessica
00:07:11 Anika Loewen: Reacted to “I set up a schedule …” with
00:09:55 Angelica Hidalgo: I am pumped woooo!
00:10:16 Laura Nurse: I love it… it reduces it to just a numbers game and not anything to be de-railed by.
00:10:28 Laura Nurse: #gamify
00:10:31 Erica Nash: Reacted to “#gamify” with
00:10:36 Sharece O'Neal: Reacted to “#gamify” with
00:10:36 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “I love it… it reduce…” with
00:10:43 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “I love it… it reduce…” with
00:10:46 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “#gamify” with
00:11:06 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: I may make a chart for my wall for this
00:11:17 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “I may make a chart f…” with
00:11:22 Erica Nash: Reacted to “I may make a chart f…” with
00:11:25 Angelica Hidalgo: Replying to “I may make a chart f…”
Yes!! Wonderful idea
00:11:27 Sharece O'Neal: Replying to “I may make a chart f…”
great idea!
00:11:37 Angelica Hidalgo: World domination
00:11:38 Chantel Rudden: For me its the ghosting, I feel I need the closure as to why LOL
00:11:42 Erica Nash: Reacted to “World domination” with
00:11:44 Shannon Mattern: Reacted to “For me its the ghost…” with
00:11:47 Shannon Mattern: Reacted to “World domination” with
00:11:48 Erica Nash: Reacted to “For me its the ghost…” with
00:11:51 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “World domination” with
00:11:52 Anika Loewen: HOOOOOKEEEEY!
00:11:59 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “For me its the ghost…” with
00:12:04 Chantel Rudden: Reacted to “HOOOOOKEEEEY!” with
00:12:12 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “For me its the ghost…” with
00:12:20 Laura Nurse: Replying to “I may make a chart f…”
lol… like a marketing chore chart!
00:12:21 Chantel Rudden: Replying to “HOOOOOKEEEEY!”
Go leafs!
00:12:34 Laura Nurse: Reacted to “I may make a chart f…” with
00:12:54 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Replying to “HOOOOOKEEEEY!”
I’m a HUGE hockey fan LOL – that’s one reason I’m doing my business – so I can go to every NHL arena and see a game
00:13:46 Chantel Rudden: Reacted to “I’m a HUGE hockey fa…” with
00:14:21 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Replying to “I may make a chart f…”
sort of – but more like a game… we used to ride our bikes as kids… and pull out a map and chart our miles in other places than where we actually rode (I rode all over Paris one time) Mom would have us get our encyclopedia and atlas out (this was before Internet/google) and look at all the things we “rode” by.
00:15:08 Laura Nurse: @Anika Loewen are you fitting this project in around other already scheduled projects? If so, this is rush pricing.
00:17:09 Angelica Hidalgo: There’s apps that allow this in Shopify!
00:17:21 Angelica Hidalgo: For wholesaler pricing
00:19:05 Laura Nurse: Can you just ask her what her deadline is?
00:20:23 Erica Nash: Maybe you can incentivize only the highest package with a fast action or pay in full bonus.
00:30:10 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “World domination” with
00:30:24 Angelica Hidalgo: @Erica Nash I have a question if we have time after the submitted ones
00:30:41 Anika Loewen: Reacted to “Maybe you can incent…” with
00:30:58 Erica Nash: Reacted to “@Erica Nash I have a…” with
00:31:05 Laura Nurse: how does this work? Do we submit questions ahead of time only? And is it only through the link in the email?
00:33:58 Anika Loewen: Yes! I too am on that perfectionism train! It’s so hard!
00:34:05 Angelica Hidalgo: I feel that Sharece! It can be exhausting
00:34:06 Laura Nurse: @Erica Nash – can you paste the question in the chat… sometimes I need to read it to catch it all. Visual learner here. If it’s not done for a reason that’s cool, no explanation needed.
00:35:03 Erica Nash: Replying to “@Erica Nash – can yo…”
For sure! Some of the questions are pretty long, but I don’t see why we can’t do this for shorter ones! You might have to remind me if I forget since this isn’t part of our practice right now, so please do if I forget!
00:35:15 Erica Nash: Replying to “@Erica Nash – can yo…”
If there is still time today, I'd like coaching around Workbook 3, the Premium Pricing Paradigm Shift Exercise. For the question, “When I charge that premium price for ONE project, I feel…”, I found myself feeling excited but also overwhelmed by thoughts of needing to be perfect at all costs. Erica your feedback was amazing! Perfectionism has cost me burnout in the past and I would like to see how I can reframe and navigate this to move forward in enjoying design! Thank you!
00:38:53 Angelica Hidalgo: Can I comment on being a guide rather than being perfect please?
00:42:22 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: One really good thing is that they don’t hear what’s going on in our own heads.
00:42:44 Sharece O'Neal: Love that! Thank you Angelica!
00:42:50 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “Love that! Thank you…” with
00:42:56 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “One really good thin…” with
00:42:56 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “Love that! Thank you…” with
00:43:03 Sharece O'Neal: Reacted to “One really good thin…” with
00:44:06 Angelica Hidalgo: Yes please I have a question
00:45:20 Anika Loewen: Has the original project been completed?
00:45:48 Anika Loewen: OOOOH! I have an invoicing software system that could help with that!!!
00:45:55 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “OOOOH! I have an inv…” with
00:46:21 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Replying to “OOOOH! I have an inv…”
Do tell!
00:46:28 Anika Loewen: Replying to “OOOOH! I have an inv…”
Angelica, reach out to me after, and I can let you know how that works!
00:46:41 Angelica Hidalgo: Replying to “OOOOH! I have an inv…”
@Anika Loewen I will!!
00:47:03 Anika Loewen: Replying to “OOOOH! I have an inv…”
Oh! I use Tave for my invoicing. It allows you to build estimates that are a la carte
00:47:09 Anika Loewen: Replying to “OOOOH! I have an inv…”
It’s REALLLLLLY helpful
00:47:35 Anika Loewen: Replying to “OOOOH! I have an inv…”
@Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC hit me up as well…
00:47:40 Laura Nurse: or what about a VIP day style block of time where you punch out a list of prioritized tasks?
00:48:35 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “@Tracy Trathen • e d…” with
00:51:54 Anika Loewen: But they are still wasting your time to put that info together!!
00:52:37 Anika Loewen: You should charge for estimation and then credit to their account when they book
00:53:53 Laura Nurse: you can also do a half day? instead of a full day?
00:54:17 Anika Loewen: Emergency fees
00:54:23 Laura Nurse: Reacted to “Emergency fees” with
00:55:31 Anika Loewen: I started to implement a $200/hour charge for out of hours emergency
00:55:45 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “I started to impleme…” with
00:55:49 Chantel Rudden: Reacted to “I started to impleme…” with
00:55:54 Sharece O'Neal: Reacted to “I started to impleme…” with
00:56:59 Anika Loewen: @Angelica Hidalgo , if you have a few moments after the call, can we jump on Zoom?
00:57:09 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “@Angelica Hidalgo , …” with
00:57:15 Angelica Hidalgo: Replying to “@Angelica Hidalgo , …”
Yes absolutely
00:58:30 Erica Nash: Have them come up with a wish list of items just in case there’s extra time
00:58:46 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: I do
00:59:05 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: I don’t do anything without a service agreement (my contract)
00:59:14 Sharece O'Neal: Reacted to “I don’t do anything …” with
00:59:20 Angelica Hidalgo: Reacted to “I don’t do anything …” with