Summary + Transcript
00:01:59 Anika Loewen: Spring break party!
00:03:10 Anika Loewen: I am almost done with my biggest Zombie client. It’s terrifying for me because I still don’t have anything that really will fill the void at the moment, but I know things are going to come through.
00:04:31 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: I feel like I’m copying you – but exact same thing for me (what Anika said – even down to the zombie client and everything)
Although I did do multiple outreach this week. Going to coffee with someone I networked with a while ago.
00:04:50 Anika Loewen: A different kind of win, I had a stationery client that postponed the wedding, and then re scheduled it without telling me. It’s May 15th. And they haven’t started. Instead of just jumping back in, I told them that there will be a $850 rush fee, due to their lack of planning and the SUUUUPER short time frame
00:04:59 Anika Loewen: Replying to “I feel like I’m copy…”
Zombie hunter duo!!!
00:05:01 Kim Blake: Reacted to “I am almost done wit…” with
00:05:07 Ivy Neal: I have social media posts planned out for the next week…which is WAY more ahead than I have ever been.
00:05:17 Kim Blake: Reacted to “I feel like I’m copy…” with
00:05:20 Ivy Neal: Reacted to “I am almost done wit…” with
00:05:26 Ivy Neal: Reacted to “I feel like I’m copy…” with
00:05:41 Anika Loewen: Replying to “A different kind of …”
Normally I would have taken the hit on all the rush fees… But, I’m like, nope!
00:05:47 April Ray: Launched another zombie project and another one is set to launch this week! After this I will have ALL zombie projects that I had before I started this program done!
00:05:52 Ivy Neal: Reacted to “A different kind of …” with
00:05:52 Kim Blake: Reacted to “A different kind of …” with
00:05:58 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “Normally I would hav…” with
00:06:01 Kim Blake: Reacted to “Normally I would hav…” with
00:06:06 Anika Loewen: Reacted to “I have social media …” with
00:06:11 Kim Blake: Reacted to “I have social media …” with
00:06:16 Ivy Neal: Reacted to “Launched another zom…” with
00:06:42 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “I have social media …” with
00:06:51 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “Launched another zom…” with
00:06:52 Anika Loewen: Reacted to “Launched another zom…” with
00:07:31 Anika Loewen: Replying to “Launched another zom…”
Zombie hunting TRIO! Wooo! We are becoming the team!!!
00:07:36 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: it’s huge weight off the shoulders for sure when it’s finished
00:07:54 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “Zombie hunting TRIO!…” with
00:07:59 April Ray: Reacted to “Zombie hunting TRIO!…” with
00:08:03 Maddison Manente: I did some more outreach and he’s offered to introduce me to 4 more people who might know more people who need website help!
00:08:09 Ivy Neal: Reacted to “I did some more outr…” with
00:08:10 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “I did some more outr…” with
00:08:13 April Ray: Reacted to “it’s huge weight off…” with
00:08:14 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Replying to “I did some more outr…”
00:08:42 Kim Blake: I finished and launched a client website last week. Usually, I ask for payment after launch, but not this time. They had to make a final payment beforehand.
00:08:42 Anika Loewen: And, I have decided to partner with one of my best friends who is a copy/content writer and business person. She is coming in under my team as a subcontractor, so she is helping me with the pricing and packaging and stuff. I’m so excited
00:08:48 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “And, I have decided …” with
00:08:51 Ivy Neal: Reacted to “And, I have decided …” with
00:09:00 Maddison Manente: Reacted to “And, I have decided …” with
00:09:08 Anika Loewen: Reacted to “I finished and launc…” with
00:09:09 Ivy Neal: Reacted to “I finished and launc…” with
00:09:09 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “I did some more outr…” with
00:09:11 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “And, I have decided …” with
00:09:15 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “I finished and launc…” with
00:09:16 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Tuuuuliiippps are groooowwwing!!
00:09:21 Kim Blake: Reacted to “And, I have decided …” with
00:09:24 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “I have social media …” with
00:09:24 Maddison Manente: Reacted to “Tuuuuliiippps are gr…” with
00:09:26 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “Tuuuuliiippps are gr…” with
00:09:27 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “Launched another zom…” with
00:09:30 Ivy Neal: Reacted to “Tuuuuliiippps are gr…” with
00:09:35 Anika Loewen: Reacted to “Tuuuuliiippps are gr…” with
00:09:38 Anika Loewen: Reacted to “Tuuuuliiippps are gr…” with
00:09:40 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Replying to “Tuuuuliiippps are gr…”
Lots of daffodils out here
00:09:42 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “A different kind of …” with
00:09:48 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “I feel like I’m copy…” with
00:09:52 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “I am almost done wit…” with
00:09:55 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “And, I have decided …” with
00:09:56 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “I finished and launc…” with
00:09:57 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “I did some more outr…” with
00:10:00 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “Launched another zom…” with
00:10:01 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “I have social media …” with
00:10:03 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “A different kind of …” with
00:10:05 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “I feel like I’m copy…” with
00:10:06 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “I am almost done wit…” with
00:10:09 Anika Loewen: Replying to “Tuuuuliiippps are gr…”
It’s super warm here in Canada, and I am looking forward!!!
00:12:04 Anika Loewen: Oh, yes! 100%
00:17:43 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I’ve had such interesting thoughts about niches this week. We have been contemplating hiring a social media manager for our general contracting company and it’s been really cool to follow the flow of the conversation and understand that we don’t just want to hire a manager, we want to hire a manager that is niched in construction. I’m not very niched at all in my web design business but I’ve just found it fascinating to see it come up from the consumer side! (Especially after hearing it brought up in WDA in the past – it’s neat to think about how if we find the person, they probably at one time were not niched either and have some behind the scene inisight about what their houghts could have been surrounding making that decision to narrow down) #sorrynovel
00:18:02 Sarah Guilliot ( Reacted to “I’ve had such intere…” with
00:18:40 Sarah Guilliot ( Replying to “I’ve had such intere…”
Love this! I hope you ask them about this when you find the right person!
00:18:55 Sarah Guilliot ( Replying to “I’ve had such intere…”
@Kaila – HeyKaila Media ^^
00:19:11 Maddison Manente: Reacted to “I’ve had such intere…” with
00:19:27 Maddison Manente: Replying to “I’ve had such intere…”
00:19:27 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: I was stuck on niche for a LONG LONG time (long before I joined WDA). And it was one of the things that stopped me from really doing what I needed to do to actually get out there and meet people and get clients. I felt like I needed to have it all figured out ahead of time. But I'm discovering that I am learning who I want to work with (and who I don’t) as I go. And that I won't know I like it or what to work with until I try it.
00:19:42 Sarah Guilliot ( Reacted to “I was stuck on niche…” with
00:19:46 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Replying to “I’ve had such intere…”
I DEFINITELY should!! I’m so curious to know if it was more a more proactive choice or reactive (like moved into it naturally!)
00:21:20 Diana Richards: Reacted to “I am almost done wit…” with
00:21:26 Diana Richards: Reacted to “I have social media …” with
00:21:30 Diana Richards: Reacted to “A different kind of …” with
00:21:42 Diana Richards: Reacted to “I finished and launc…” with
00:22:22 Diana Richards: Reacted to “I’ve had such intere…” with
00:22:55 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I think you’re not crazy if you’re approaching it from an experimentation mindset!
00:23:09 Sarah Guilliot ( Reacted to “I think you’re not c…” with
00:23:36 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Replying to “I think you’re not c…”
(I mean, I don’t think you’re crazy anyways! )
00:23:53 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Replying to “I think you’re not c…”
That’s what I love about the market research aspect we do. It takes the pressure off
00:24:17 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Replying to “I was stuck on niche…”
Yes! I think it’s so cool when it happens naturally!
00:24:20 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “I was stuck on niche…” with
00:24:26 Kim Blake: Reacted to “I was stuck on niche…” with
00:26:26 Ivy Neal: Reacted to “I was stuck on niche…” with
00:26:27 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “I was stuck on niche…” with
00:26:35 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “I’ve had such intere…” with
00:26:41 Ivy Neal: Reacted to “(I mean, I don’t thi…” with
00:26:42 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “Yes! I think it’s so…” with
00:26:45 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “Tuuuuliiippps are gr…” with
00:27:49 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Anti-niche-for-the-wrong-reasons
00:28:02 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “Anti-niche-for-the-w…” with
00:30:02 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I have a call that I have to head to but was great to see everyone and hear about all your wins!!
00:30:10 Sarah Guilliot ( Reacted to “I have a call that I…” with
00:30:13 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “I have a call that I…” with
00:30:14 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “I have a call that I…” with
00:30:26 Ivy Neal: Reacted to “I have a call that I…” with
00:31:57 Anika Loewen: Reacted to “I have a call that I…” with
00:33:49 Anika Loewen: In my experience, if they like working with you… they will find that trying to found someone else to take over is not worth the additional cost per month
00:37:53 April Ray: Sleeper clients! Yes I have several of those and don’t want to rock the boat.
00:44:27 Anika Loewen: We have revamped our plans to better serve your needs
00:44:56 Anika Loewen: Why not change the names? Call it something different. That those old ones are gone, and these are the plan 2.0
00:49:30 Ruby Javaid: @Kim Blake recently one of my credit cards increased their monthly fees and in the email they told me what “enhancements” they made to justify the price. They didn't change the name of the card or anything, but just told me what's new and that when my annual fee is charged next time, it'll be X amount. And then the choice is mine whether I want to let it renew or downgrade to something else. You could maybe apply the same principle in telling them what the value is in the new plans and then they can make that choice when it's time
00:52:07 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “@Kim Blake recently …” with
00:55:33 Anika Loewen: Does anyone else have clients that you give detailed, like DETAILED instructions to test their account for their shop, and they decide to do everything opposite, and then you have to go fix things.? *facepalm* I just got that email.
00:56:47 Kim Blake: Reacted to “Why not change the n…” with
00:56:53 Ruby Javaid: I can chat through the chat! This is just me finding websites that need work. No contact with them yet
00:57:14 Maddison Manente: I’ve got this question as well! Thanks for asking Ruby!
00:57:20 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “I’ve got this questi…” with
00:57:39 Kim Blake: Reacted to “@Kim Blake recently …” with
00:59:29 Ruby Javaid: Market research sounds like the perfect approach actually. You mentioned coffee chat – what would that look like
01:02:19 Ruby Javaid: That's really helpful! I had forgotten about the market research route for this, but I'll go back to module 2 for a refresher
01:02:50 Maddison Manente: Gtg! Thanks!
01:03:01 Anika Loewen: Reacted to “Gtg! Thanks!” with
01:03:19 Ivy Neal: THanks so much!!