This's Weeks Questions
00:01:17 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Watched a tonne of lesson videos this week and last week I submitted my first Patrick matrix!
00:01:56 Caitlin Harrison: I went to an in-person marketing conference last week and it was incredible! also had my first consult call with my new matrix. I didn’t sound as eloquent as I wanted and now I need to courage to send her the proposal with my new rates
00:02:08 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Ooooh fun!!
00:02:33 Megan Harrington: I am very confident that I will make more in the first quarter than I did all of last year ( which was wasn’t alot) thanks to your support and encouragement for raising my rates!
00:02:58 Caitlin Harrison: whoa!!!
00:03:03 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Niiice!!!
00:03:06 Caitlin Harrison: AMAZING!!!
00:03:06 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Congratulations!!
00:03:11 Leslie Gilbert: I’ve been focused on my day job, but randomly got a nice referral yesterday. Not a website (yet), but wants a logo, apparel, digital and print posters, and social assets. So excited for that lead
00:03:39 Karen: Congrats, Caitlin!
00:03:51 Janet's iPhone: Sent my Patrick Matrix , sent the proposal and a special thank you to Erica Nash for a branding quote that i included – now I’m waiting
00:04:12 Laura Kåmark: Win: saying no to not good fit clients/leads
00:04:34 Leslie Gilbert: Yes that’s great Laura! Not easy!
00:04:47 Lisa Doiron: Woo hoo Laura!
00:04:50 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: YASS Laura!!
00:05:01 Janet's iPhone: yay Laura!
00:05:06 Laura Kåmark: Thanks friends!
00:05:15 Laura Kåmark: Celebrating with sushi lunch
00:05:35 Janet's iPhone:
00:05:41 Laura Kåmark: Yay! Welcome Ally!!!!
00:05:42 Caitlin Harrison: HI ALLY!
00:05:44 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: WOAH! Welcome Ally!!! Congrats Shannon!!!
00:05:47 Leslie Gilbert:
00:05:55 Lisa Doiron: Welcome Ally!
00:06:09 Ally Plaia: So lovely to meet all of you!
00:06:27 Janet's iPhone:
00:06:28 Lisa Doiron: Congrats Erica!
00:06:29 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Weoooo!!
00:06:30 Kate Newnham: Yay Erica and Ally!!!
00:06:34 Laura Kåmark: Yay! Erica!!!
00:06:38 Caitlin Harrison: so exciting!!
00:08:11 leighscott: Congrats!
00:08:16 Lisa Doiron: Love it, super exciting!
00:08:21 Laura Kåmark: Awww! Thanks Shannon!
00:08:29 Kate Newnham: Can we all just make one huge company?! lol
00:08:45 Leslie Gilbert: Right Kate??
00:08:45 Leslie Gilbert: lol
00:08:50 Janet's iPhone: Im in , Kate!!
00:09:08 Leslie Gilbert: Yesss global powerhouse women ran company!
00:09:18 Kate Newnham: Woot woot!
00:09:19 Deanna: YESSSSS
00:11:26 Deanna: OH HELL NO
00:11:52 Megan Harrington: Let her stew in the chaos for awhile then she will realize how valuable you are lol
00:12:57 Laura Kåmark: The point of contact is the marketing person who works for the referral
00:14:10 Kate Newnham: Get on the phone w/the referral?
00:14:15 Kate Newnham: Just be honest
00:14:17 Kate Newnham: ?
00:14:47 Kate Newnham: What about the cousin?
00:15:35 Laura Kåmark: The people pleaser in you doesn’t want to disappoint (that’s how I would feel)
00:17:31 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Is there a chance that if you just pushed back to get it live since today is live day that it could launch and the client would actually like it? (Do you know if the changes are coming from him through her or just from her?)
00:18:04 Leslie Gilbert: That’s my question ^ I wonder if the actual client likes it or if she has even showed the actual client
00:18:12 Erica Nash: I don’t see how you can update 30 wix pages by the end of the day even if you wanted to!
00:18:33 Leslie Gilbert: lots of Red Bull
00:19:37 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Haha yeah, today is launch day. At this point the decision probably needs to be made whether it’s getting launched or not (not whether you do anymore changes?)
00:19:46 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Exactly Erica
00:19:53 Laura Kåmark: “There’s a bunch of Italian on my website” said a client to me once
00:20:07 Erica Nash: That is hilarious
00:21:58 Erica Nash: One million dollars
00:22:01 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: “I would have to quote” (THEN. QUOTE SO HIGH) haha
00:22:02 Leslie Gilbert: Haha yesss
00:22:06 Kate Newnham: AMEN
00:22:12 Shannon Mattern: “I’m happy to keep working with you until we get it just right, but will need to charge extra to cover the time spent on each one.”
00:22:31 Laura Kåmark: And I charge $750 an hour
00:22:32 Leslie Gilbert: $1000/hour
00:22:33 Leslie Gilbert: lol
00:22:55 Deanna: Then let them know any edits not submitted by end of day goes to the end of your queue at your hourly rate.
00:23:10 Deanna: $5000!!!
00:23:50 Leslie Gilbert: But hopefully cordial enough that she/they will still refer you to others
00:23:53 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I have gotten to the point with a project (actually just recently) where I said I had to gracefully exit and that I would hand off my work so they could go get their project completed by someone else (so it was clear I wouldn’t take it any further)
00:24:11 Laura Kåmark: I like that Kaila
00:24:29 Laura Kåmark: Use cupcake ipsum
00:24:42 Laura Kåmark: I maybe have a thought
00:25:10 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I was luckily able to do it without wrecking any relationships – I just said that I felt I was no longer a good match and it would be better for my client to have someone that would be a better match.
00:27:02 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I think when you make it more about what’s best for them it’s a softer blow
00:27:59 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: You got this!!
00:28:19 Leslie Gilbert: I unfortunately have to hop off for a meeting, but good luck! Have a great day ladies!
00:29:19 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: It was super hard to make that Loom video I sent them (firing them-ish) but I have felt so much lighter since I did it. It was absolutely the right choice!
00:29:29 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Thanks Shannon :p
00:29:36 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: All thanks to your Loom videos to us! haha
00:29:57 Laura Kåmark: Loom videos are my favorite. Then you can set the tone of voice
00:29:58 Deanna: That’s where I always get in trouble
00:30:30 Erica Nash: You got this, Leigh!
00:30:39 Lisa Doiron: Good luck Leigh!
00:32:38 Laura Kåmark: Based on the contract, based on the agreement…etc
00:33:01 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Yup. If you’ve been super responsive they might think that you legit have nothing else better to do than work on their shit but they don’t know what you’ve got going on! You’re booking out 1 year right?! You ain’t got time for this! Haha :p
00:33:56 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Cheering you on for sure!!!
00:34:09 Deanna: YESSS!!!
00:35:28 Kate Newnham: This is happening to me too!
00:35:33 Laura Kåmark: To secure a spot on my calendar….
00:35:46 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: GREAT question. I have a question that’s sort of related to that too.
00:35:55 Erica Nash: I do a pay in full discount!
00:36:12 Laura Kåmark: Oooh! Erica!!!
00:36:37 Erica Nash: It’s so nice not to have to worry with all the extra invoicing
00:36:46 Laura Kåmark: Bonus instagram links page
00:37:19 Lisa Doiron: As a bonus on my packages I do a premium client discount for future projects. – you could add a 72 hour timeline to it.
00:39:52 Laura Kåmark: Bonus client spotlight?
00:41:36 Kate Newnham: I totally hear you Leslie! Discounts make me hesitatnt…
00:41:54 Kate Newnham: For LinkedIn!!!
00:42:33 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I had a lead say no to my initial offer and so I then replied back with the downsell script but after I sent it I realized…I no longer have a save the date carrot (/a reason to follow up). Of course I never heard back. So in the future, should I set a date for follow up in the downsell email or because it’s a downsell it’s ok if they don’t get back to me because then it’s a for sure no.
00:43:00 Ally Plaia: Could you create a storytelling framework worksheet that helps your clients dig into their story and share it quickly, concisely, and powerfully?
00:43:53 Leslie Zemenek: @ally, I already have that in my copywriting templates. It has to be something next level.
00:44:28 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Your mindset work is working if you didn’t say $1000 on the call Caitlin! Good job!!
00:44:38 Janet Hoover: You can do it , Caitlin!!
00:45:05 Laura Kåmark: I offer payment plans
00:45:32 Deanna: DO IT!!! I put $5000, $7500, and $10,000 for the first time and I thought I was going to – and they agreed to the middle package
00:45:55 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I bet they didn’t start off bold though!
00:45:58 Laura Kåmark: Did you go to Disney?
00:46:03 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Everyone starts somewhere!
00:46:11 Laura Kåmark: I had a bunch of friends who just were there
00:46:16 Janet Hoover: Ooo how cool!
00:46:28 Laura Kåmark: Clare lewis was there
00:46:49 Erica Nash: Caitlin, as far as what it looks like, I have done super basic google docs and really fun, pretty catalog type and I don’t think the design of it made much difference! I’ve landed great clients with both!
00:47:16 Janet Hoover: Good point from Erica
00:47:41 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Caitlin! You can DO IT! YOU ARE VALUABLE!!
00:47:51 Janet Hoover: What Kaila said!
00:48:54 leighscott: My mentor used to tell me that if I thought I was being cocky to the point I was uncomfortable, then I was probably being just enough confident
00:49:08 Kate Newnham: $5K and $10K felt so scary literally 2 consultations ago… now, I’m like “yup, that’s $5K and that’s $10K”. It happened that fast!
00:49:09 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Done is better than perfect! (One of my favourite sayings because I am a perfectionist)
00:50:30 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: If having a pink parachute is what gets you to jump off the cliff then buy the pink parachute :p
00:50:39 Laura Kåmark: I have my Canva template that I can send you if you would like
00:51:38 Deanna: Love that Kate!
00:51:38 Janet Hoover: That’s exactly what I just did, I did it in Dubsado and did a video explaining
00:51:50 Kate Newnham: Thx @Deanna haha
00:51:54 Caitlin Harrison: thank you
00:51:55 Caitlin Harrison: !!!
00:52:11 Laura Kåmark:
00:52:21 Laura Kåmark: See if that works. If not I’ll post in the group
00:52:45 Caitlin Harrison: it does work! thank you
00:52:50 Kate Newnham: Thank you @Laura!!
00:52:59 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I had a lead say no to my initial offer and so I then replied back with the downsell script but after I sent it I realized…I no longer have a save the date carrot (/a reason to follow up). Of course I never heard back. So in the future, should I set a date for follow up in the downsell email or because it’s a downsell it’s ok if they don’t get back to me because then it’s a for sure no.
00:53:36 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Unless I missed it
00:54:22 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: K cool
00:54:23 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: thanks
00:55:09 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Oooh that’s a good idea ‘pick my brain session’. Love that.
00:55:39 Kate Newnham: “I’m no longer serving clients like you” lol
00:55:40 Erica Nash: Peace out
00:55:48 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: *hair flip*
00:55:59 Lisa Doiron: Haha Kaila
00:56:09 Deanna: Send it anyway – if she didn’t want to pay before she won’t pay now – and it was her decision
00:56:18 Janet Hoover: Ugh…I have that fear..feeling like I need to send them somewhere else, but don’t want to send to anyone I know lol!!
00:56:49 Deanna: These are the options for working with me now –
00:57:30 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I used a ‘my business is growing and evolving….’ The other day
00:57:30 Deanna: It’s not you it’s me
00:58:39 Erica Nash: And then press SEND!!
00:59:02 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: If you’re over it, SEND THE EMAIL TODAY! You’ll feel SO much better!!
00:59:18 Caitlin Harrison: random: I can’t see to get the digital swag to appear, am I doing something wrong?
00:59:30 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: (Same Caitlin)
01:00:05 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: LOVE our Tuesday meetings! Have a great week everyone!
01:00:10 leighscott: thanks!