This Week's Questions
00:04:17 Anchen Le Roux: I've been very strict with keeping to boundaries, none of these have worked out positively yet but I still have hope that it will. I however decided that I’m not willing to do these projects if they are not within my pricing/scope/software requirements.
00:08:15 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital: MASSIVE wins there, Anchen!!
00:08:26 Anchen Le Roux: Thanks
00:09:26 Anchen Le Roux: I don't either
00:13:22 Anchen Le Roux: Looking forward to doing the co-hort going through lessons
00:13:53 Anchen Le Roux: I want to revisit and finalize it all
00:18:13 Shannon Mattern:
00:18:39 Anchen Le Roux: Sounds fun!!
00:20:13 Anchen Le Roux: See you all!