This Week's Questions
00:01:38 Jo-Anne Clifford: looking lovely Angela!
00:02:07 Angela Bamford: Aah thanks Jo-Anne!
00:03:09 Jo-Anne Clifford: Wins….. umm. i've been working on setting up ClickUp to create some organisation, and starting to document my workflows etc so that im not doing everything in my head.
00:03:10 Anchen Le Roux: Lot's of Page Builder summit small tasks
00:03:45 Jo-Anne Clifford: stop doing everything from scratch! lol
00:04:07 Angela Bamford: I’ve completed module 3 and now on module 4
00:04:28 Angela Bamford: Love ClickUp
00:05:11 Angela Bamford: When is the page builder summit?
00:13:02 Jo-Anne Clifford: that's my other fav
00:39:36 Shannon Mattern:
00:56:51 Jo-Anne Clifford: that was super valuable to listen in on! you'll do great Anchen!
01:00:07 Jo-Anne Clifford: Sounds good! goodnight ladies