Summary + Transcript
00:02:38 Caitlin Harrison: I feel like I know Michelle watching all the youtube tutorials
00:02:55 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: I’ve watched lots of those videos too!
00:02:59 Amy K Ogden: Hi everybody!
00:03:02 Michelle: lol!! we're deeply connected Caitlin
00:03:08 Caitlin Harrison: Reacted to “lol!! we're deeply c…” with ♥️
00:03:08 Laura Nurse: Hi All! Excited to be here!
I’m tuning in but on kid duty… so I’ll pop on video if/when I can.
00:03:12 Caitlin Harrison: Reacted to “Hi everybody!” with ♥️
00:04:14 Michelle Merrill: Michelle Lee is the most gracious and lovely person. Ask her all the things!!
00:04:59 Amy K Ogden: We are awesome!
00:06:44 Amy K Ogden: Sort of in transition offically
00:06:49 Stephani – The Simple Growth Co: I have
00:06:50 Caitlin Harrison: I’m mid-transition
00:06:52 Lynn: I have
00:06:57 Michelle Self: Not yet – but looking into it seriously
00:06:59 Kaitlyn Unger | KTU Designs LLC: Just started a few weeks ago!
00:07:11 Michelle: wow. this is seriously a dream come true I love this call
00:08:27 Caitlin Harrison: I have some questions
00:08:36 Lynn: I have a question as well.
00:08:41 Kaitlyn Unger | KTU Designs LLC: Very similar!
00:08:46 Racheal Graham | GreenHouse Creative: Business phone number and sms notifications was a big motivator for me
00:08:58 Michelle Merrill: I would love to know if there's a better way to organize tasks in projects. And maybe this is an office hours question. But I have added a custom option for “phase,” but when I save a project as a template, those categorizations don't come over.
00:08:59 Racheal Graham | GreenHouse Creative: And the UI is WAY nicer than dubsado
00:09:07 Shannon Mattern: Reacted to “And the UI is WAY ni…” with
00:09:07 Michelle Merrill: Reacted to “And the UI is WAY ni…” with
00:09:11 Michelle Merrill: Reacted to “And the UI is WAY ni…” with
00:09:14 Michelle: Reacted to “And the UI is WAY ni…” with
00:09:29 Amy K Ogden: Reacted to “And the UI is WAY ni…” with
00:09:41 Michelle Self: Yes -that's a huge one for me.
00:09:53 Michelle Self: (contract+invoice all at once)
00:09:54 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Replying to “Business phone numbe…”
THAT may be a thing for me too – I have a second line on my cell phone – full-on cost… if I switched to their phone number option, would save an additional $40/month too on top of everything I’m saving.
00:10:32 Caitlin Harrison: pick the package is how I want it to work
00:10:39 Stephani – The Simple Growth Co: Yeah I have an agreement that has an intro, select service, payment plan, contract all in one doc.
00:11:23 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: I have it set up so they can pick their plan, sign it, and then it generates an invoice… so it’s definitely doable
00:14:12 Amy K Ogden: That’s amazing
00:14:16 Amy K Ogden: Love that LOL!
00:14:31 Michelle Merrill: “Do your best.” I love that. Hilarious.
00:15:24 Michelle Merrill: Can we set up 3 columns there? I wanna put my Patrick in there.
00:15:34 Shannon Mattern: Replying to “Can we set up 3 colu…”
You can!
00:15:43 Shannon Mattern: Replying to “Can we set up 3 colu…”
On the left you can change it to 3
00:15:45 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: One of the best things about this, is you can pull in templated things then edit it specifically for the client. SO nice.
00:15:59 Laura Nurse: Reacted to “”Do your best.” I lo…” with
00:16:05 Michelle Merrill: Reacted to “On the left you can …” with
00:16:20 Michelle Merrill: Replying to “Can we set up 3 colu…”
I thought so, but I haven't looked at my templates in a minute.
00:17:32 Laura Nurse: #question for the quque – If we have time – how does everyone set up the warm outreach in their sales pipeline? Or are we all still doing that manually? (to clarify, I mean all the marketing before the sales call)
00:17:34 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: FYI: Payment inside the document there works if you have Stripe. I use PayPal, which is also why I invoice separately.
00:23:15 Laura Nurse: Whaaat is this screen? Can we use that workflow automation to prompt us for what needs to be created next? like a template workflow?
00:23:37 Kaitlyn Unger | KTU Designs LLC: Do you get email notifications when you get a Moxie notification?
00:24:00 Amy K Ogden: You look great!
00:24:21 Caitlin Harrison: I’m sitting in a living room of chaos and toys too
00:24:24 Shannon Mattern: @lynn We’ll ask your question next!
00:25:44 Caitlin Harrison: whoa that would be incredible
00:25:46 Kaitlyn Unger | KTU Designs LLC: That would be awesome – thank you!
00:25:50 Amy K Ogden: So helpful, Wow!
00:27:26 Laura Nurse: Replying to “I’m sitting in a liv…”
ha. thanks Caitlin. #reallife
00:28:22 Caitlin Harrison: informal poll for everyone here, what features are you using the most so far in moxie?
00:30:21 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Scheduler, Forms, Invoicing, contracts, still working on implementing project management / processes, etc.
00:30:59 Caitlin Harrison: Reacted to “Scheduler, Invoicing…” with ♥️
00:31:32 Stephani – The Simple Growth Co: Replying to “informal poll for ev…”
I'm using so much of it – agreements for sending proposals, scheduler for all calls, projects for managing tasks/notes/etc., time tracking & invoicing for my hourly clients, phone #/SMS for communication/call reminders, and the client portal for clients that want to use it.
00:31:50 Caitlin Harrison: Reacted to “I'm using so much of…” with ♥️
00:31:51 Kaitlyn Unger | KTU Designs LLC: Replying to “informal poll for ev…”
projects, tasks, agreements, invoicing, client portal, scheduler, forms, templates
00:31:59 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “informal poll for ev…” with
00:32:14 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Replying to “#question for the qu…”
I do mine manually – not doing it in Moxie at this point.
00:32:33 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Replying to “#question for the qu…”
Except in the case where someone reaches out via any form I have on my website.
00:33:17 Caitlin Harrison: Reacted to “projects, tasks, agr…” with ♥️
00:33:53 Stephani – The Simple Growth Co: Replying to “#question for the qu…”
I have my website contact form in Moxie that puts them in the pipeline and I use that to send them a reply with a booking link (also in Moxie) and any follow up via some email templates I made (both pre DC and after sending proposals if they don't sign on).
00:33:56 Caitlin Harrison: oh and if its 3 payments, will the invoice automatically remind them when the next payment is due if its like 30 days after signing? is that a workflow?
00:34:08 Kaitlyn Unger | KTU Designs LLC: Where's that process, Erica?
00:34:38 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Replying to “oh and if its 3 paym…”
It reminds them before, then also notifies them when it’s late (and you can add late fees if you like – which I find motivates clients to pay on or before it’s due).
00:34:50 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Replying to “oh and if its 3 paym…”
Does it automatically
00:35:12 Caitlin Harrison: Replying to “oh and if its 3 paym…”
00:36:05 Kaitlyn Unger | KTU Designs LLC: That feels a little overwhelming starting from nothing haha
00:36:54 Laura Nurse: That’s wicked! Thanks Michelle!
00:37:19 Laura Nurse: Reacted to “I have my website co…” with
00:37:22 Laura Nurse: Reacted to “Except in the case w…” with
00:37:45 Amy K Ogden: Great tip!
00:42:34 Michelle Merrill: I would love to know if there's a better way to organize tasks in projects. And maybe this is an office hours question. But I have added a custom option for “phase,” but when I save a project as a template, those categorizations don't come over.
00:43:37 Kaitlyn Unger | KTU Designs LLC: Are there examples of contracts, client portals, etc. that are already designed to see what's possible and serve as design inspiration?
00:43:47 Lynn: Reacted to “Are there examples o…” with
00:43:50 Caitlin Harrison: Reacted to “Are there examples o…” with
00:45:50 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: I would think that if the invoice was paid, it wouldn’t take the automatic payment for the invoice if it’s paid already…. ?
00:47:27 Kaitlyn Unger | KTU Designs LLC: I know the client portal can be customized. As someone who does not code, is there another way to design the portal?
00:49:10 Kaitlyn Unger | KTU Designs LLC: I really like the Kanban project task format!
00:52:31 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Under custom fields maybe?
00:57:15 Stephani – The Simple Growth Co: Reacted to “Are there examples o…” with
00:59:54 Michelle: Best examples live here in our Facebook group:
01:00:05 Kaitlyn Unger | KTU Designs LLC: Reacted to “Best examples live h…” with
01:01:03 Lynn: Reacted to “Best examples live h…” with
01:01:03 Michelle: Designer:
01:01:16 Janet Hoover: Ah! We know Sez
01:01:21 Michelle Merrill: There's a sub-group in the FB group that's called The Grind Collective or something, and I think they have some templates.
01:01:57 Michelle:
01:02:13 Kaitlyn Unger | KTU Designs LLC: Reacted to “There's a sub-group …” with
01:02:22 Kaitlyn Unger | KTU Designs LLC: Thank you!!
01:02:24 Michelle Merrill: It was wonderful!!
01:02:40 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Thanks all!