00:17:14 Nay Stevens: I just had a consult with someone who doesn't use zoom and sent me a link to webex!
00:19:15 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her): Caitlin – this is the wireframing templates I was talking about:
00:19:25 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her): *these are the
00:22:03 Caitlin Harrison: thanks
00:22:39 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her): And then this is the Google Phone type phone number software that I'm looking into:
00:25:11 Lisa D: thanks Kaila. Who did you say did the interview with content snare? I'd like to watch it.
00:25:19 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her): Sarah Masci
00:25:24 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her): The VIP Day lady
00:25:44 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her): I will check my email to see if she sent a recording
00:25:48 Lisa D: Thank you!
00:27:10 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her):
00:28:11 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her): I will say that I didn't find the guy to be that great of a presenter but you still might get something out of it if you don't know much about Content Snare yet. And she gives out a 10% discount code. (I haven't watched Amy's video yet but she also has a referral code and has offered to share her intake form.)
00:28:58 Lisa D: Nice, thank you!
00:29:10 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her): Amy's referral link for a 14 day trial is
00:32:57 John Craig: what's the name of the tool you are talking about?
00:33:03 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her): Content Snare
00:33:06 Caitlin Harrison: termageddon
00:33:12 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her): Oh, sorry
00:33:20 John Craig: both actually! thanks!
00:33:25 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her):
00:37:40 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her): I missed what CYA was an acronym for
00:37:48 Nay Stevens: cover you ass
00:37:52 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her): ahhhh gotcha
00:37:53 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her): Thanks
00:38:34 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her): But worth it. Investment minded! :p
00:39:28 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her): I use it for one client. I don't find it super straight forward but it works for her! But I also use MainWP and not ManageWP
00:39:35 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her): it being WP Engine
00:41:07 Lisa D: Mine are here
00:41:17 Leslie Gilbert: thanks for sharing Lisa!
00:41:43 Lisa D: I don't do hosting though
00:41:49 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her): I kinda love how you have stuff crossed out like that Lisa
00:42:15 Lisa D: Thanks Kaila!
00:43:05 Caitlin Harrison: I like that too!
00:48:59 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her): Yeah, I have a recurring monthly task for updates
00:49:02 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her): In Asana
00:49:29 Leslie Gilbert: what's sop?
00:50:32 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her): Sort of! I have a small ‘wiki' in Evernote
00:51:54 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her): That's a great point!
00:52:26 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her): I feel like I have a template around that I got from a webinar
00:52:29 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her): I'll see if I can find it
00:54:21 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her):
00:55:13 John Craig: what was the backup plugin?
00:55:37 Lisa D: Thanks Kaila
00:55:42 Leslie Gilbert: I use updraft plus
00:55:50 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her): I also use Updraft.
00:56:49 Laura Byrge: This was fantastic! I've got to jump on another call but wanted to say thanks to everyone for all the good information.
00:57:24 Angela Bamford: My template for SOPs is the same one as Kaila’s!
00:58:06 BrittneyHonkomp: WP Database Backup – it saves it on the site. And I make sure to only save the latest two versions so the site doesn't get bogged down
00:58:32 John Craig: awesome, thanks@
00:59:16 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her): I don't know if it makes it more complicated but if the list of software had names next to it of people who use it in case you have questions