Summary + Transcript
- Welcome to the group. 0:57
- Michelle is the first person on the podcast. She will give everyone a few minutes to get inside.
- Sarah is a welcome guest on the show.
- Caitlin is always driving during meetings, so she's going to go off and listen for a little bit.
- Clinet is getting the post from yesterday pulled up because of the good stuff.
- Today's topic. 4:56
- Today's topic is about two things that are saving your life, anything related to anything you want that you're loving right now that you can't live without.
- About two years ago, sarah was introduced to a tool called to do.
- Kayla shares her current to-do list and her sunday lists. She has 30 different lists, including personal, business and travel lists.
- She has an app on her phone, but she is not a fan of the way it lays out the tasks.
- Airpods saving your life. 11:11
- Rue the day, contemplate your existence. Good design.
- My air pods saved my life daily. They are seamless to switch from phone to computer and connect to things.
- There are lots of times where she only uses one of them, and it's nice because she can still use them, especially with over the ear headphones, it would be easier than having to put it back here and it was still on her head.
- The seamless swapping over is so nice, and the sound is clear and the voice is clear in these tiny airpods.
- Bike rides, 16:50
- Sarah wears her airpod on her long bike rides. She did a huge bike ride across the state of Iowa with 40,000 people, and it was like a state fair on wheels.
- Sarah shares her favorite pen ever, a zebra pen in blue, a point seven.
- The calm app is life-changing for trish. It helps her go to sleep faster, but it takes her two to three hours to go to bed, and it helps her focus on the little story.
- The diet peach is a diet peach that is just like drinking a peach.
- Travel hacking and travel hacking. 22:52
- He is obsessed with Asana, and uses it to create a project called important stuff to save.
- He recently went to New Jersey and used points to pay for his flight and Southwest took out a couple of their cards to get the companion pass.
- How staying in a hotel has made a huge difference for the ministry.
- Gmail has a feature where you can snooze an email so that you wouldn't forget to do it.
- Clip clipboard extension. 27:47
- Susan snoozed a task in gmail or email to renew her driver's license the month before it expires. She also emailed herself to make sure Robert got signed up for social security three months before his 65th birthday.
- Clipboard history is a chrome extension that stores up to 500 different things.
- Check out the clipboard extension to save time and make it easier to get to all of the information.
- Marketing magic is a tool that is amazing.
- How to get a 30 day social plan. 32:59
- You can get a 30 day social plan with affiliate swipes, product details written for you, amazon blog posts, brand stuff, content stuff, etc, and sales page.
- The 30-day social plan.
- Glenn has a chrome extension for copy and paste, but has something in his toolbar that can set to automatically clear formatting on copied content.
- Overcast podcast app.
- Coffee app. 37:34
- Coffee is the cheapest place to get a cup of coffee, and trish uses the coffee app to get adult dollar coffee once a day.
- Trish has a little list.
- How daily walks have saved her life. She used to take breaks and walk by the water at her last corporate job, and now she walks every day multiple times a day.
- How she uses Google calendar and clickup to stay organized and stay on schedule.
- Batching social media and emails. 43:45
- Sarah recommends YouTube premium, sleep tube, and batching her social media and emails. She also uses trello to plan out social media posts.
- In October of last year, she set up a year worth of social media, using trello for the automating of sharing it.
- She is going to switch up her emails for the coming year, but it has been such a relief.
- She is looking forward to the next round of batching for next year, because a year of content is such a load off.
- Using onenote to search all of your notebooks. 49:18
- Onenote is a great way to search all of her notebooks at once and store business ideas and tips and tricks in one place.
- Rakuten is a Chrome extension for coupons.
- He got reflective blue light blockers for Christmas a couple of years ago and started to use them, and could tell the difference between his eyes. He now uses them all the time.
- He also uses a chrome extension called one tab, because he has so many tabs.
- Duplicate a tab. Right click on the tab name and hit duplicate it will take you to the same exact spot in the web page.
- You can right click and name window in crawl, so if you don't have an actual project, you can name it.
- Tools that have been useful to me. 56:11
- Some of the tools that have been useful in the past, including toggle, color picker, colorzilla, etc, and a few other tools.
- A question about accepting payments with Dubsado.
- Janet shares her thoughts on dubsado and how it compares to quickbooks in terms of fees and pricing.
- Janet is going to make a list of things to try out next week.
00:08:11 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: hiiii
00:08:59 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I don’t know what pumpkin on a stick is but it sounds fun!
00:09:26 Shannon Mattern: Reacted to “I don’t know what pu…” with
00:09:34 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I have a bit of a version of this in AirTable
00:10:49 Kaitlyn | KTU Designs LLC: I'll check it out too!
00:11:03 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: We love flying animals!
00:13:32 Sarah Juliusson: Pumpkin on a stick Kaila >
00:15:06 Michelle Self: Thanks! I'll have to see if there's a similar thing that is good for Android
00:16:55 Sarah Juliusson: I wear mine on my hour Long bike ride to the office listening to podcasts.
00:17:20 Janet Hoover: SO cool!
00:19:03 Sarah Juliusson: PEN WEIGHT IS SO IMPORTANT
00:19:25 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “PEN WEIGHT IS SO IMP…” with
00:19:38 Sarah Juliusson: My hubby only does purple.
00:19:42 Sarah Juliusson: I’m all black.
00:19:50 Michelle Self: YES. The right pen is life changing
00:20:24 Janet Hoover: I was late too lol, no worries!
00:21:52 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Love listening to Matthew talk so that makes so much sense!
00:22:13 Trish Bovell: Calm is good. I also use Insight Timer
00:24:12 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Yes! I have my Winventory in an Asana task!
00:24:22 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Yes! I have my Winve…” with
00:24:27 Trish Bovell: Replying to “Yes! I have my Winve…”
great idea
00:25:09 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “My hubby only does p…” with
00:27:13 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I only know because of you!
00:27:17 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: And now I use it all the time!
00:27:26 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: (So thank you!!)
00:27:33 Michelle Self: I'm new and need to know this
00:28:04 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I also love ‘Schedule to Send’ because I work a lot in the evening but I don’t want to train my clients that I’ll respond outside of typical business hours
00:28:24 Trish Bovell: Replying to “I also love ‘Schedul…”
I do that all the time
00:28:33 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “I also love ‘Schedul…” with
00:28:35 Kaitlyn | KTU Designs LLC: Replying to “I also love ‘Schedul…”
I've come across that many times before! Definitely a good idea!
00:29:06 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Replying to “Pumpkin on a stick K…”
Ok, these are adorable!
00:29:43 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Oh, that’s also smart!
00:30:42 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I also use Workana all the time now too Glennette! I always appreciate your organization!
00:31:14 Janet Hoover: Ah! Workana! I heard Orcana lol and just found some kind of surgery info haha!
00:32:56 Michelle Self: I just signed up for that on Monday!
00:33:03 Michelle Self: I haven't played with it yet though
00:34:32 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Do you use this for clients or mostly yourself?
00:35:06 Kaitlyn | KTU Designs LLC: I also enjoy using Bard, but this is neat
00:35:58 Kaila – HeyKaila Media:
00:36:04 Glennette Goodbread:
00:36:18 Janet Hoover: Oh that’s cool
00:37:44 Glennette Goodbread: Reacted to “I also use Workana a…” with
00:37:56 Glennette Goodbread: Reacted to “Ah! Workana! I heard…” with
00:37:58 Janet Hoover:
00:38:02 Glennette Goodbread: Reacted to “I just signed up for…” with
00:38:25 Glennette Goodbread: Replying to “I haven't played wit…”
Oh my gosh, it's awesome! You're gonna love it!
00:38:26 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Uhm, cool
00:38:36 Glennette Goodbread: Reacted to “Do you use this for …” with
00:38:53 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: These are all great ones!!
00:39:33 Glennette Goodbread: Replying to “Do you use this for …”
I use it for clients but those are still in google sheets. It started as a google sheets app and she just recently made it a web app. I bought a commercial license recently for $997. That's how much I love it!
00:39:38 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: We use AirTags on eeeeeveryhing!
00:39:44 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “We use AirTags on ee…” with
00:39:46 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Backpacks, bikes, our truck, etc. etc.
00:39:53 Glennette Goodbread: Reacted to “I also enjoy using B…” with
00:39:58 Glennette Goodbread: Reacted to “…” with
00:40:55 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: We also took the beeper out of an AirTag for the trailer so that if someone steals it then we can track the sneaks down! (Hopefully that never happens.)
00:41:19 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “We also took the bee…” with
00:41:31 Glennette Goodbread: Reacted to “We also took the bee…” with
00:41:35 Trish Bovell: Reacted to “We also took the bee…” with
00:41:48 Janet Hoover: Yep…walks with the doggo – a must!
00:48:32 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I like current Sarah but past Sarah is genius :p
00:48:33 Michelle Self: Reacted to “I like current Sarah…” with
00:48:40 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “I like current Sarah…” with
00:48:42 Trish Bovell: Reacted to “I like current Sarah…” with
00:49:45 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: SO dumb. I bought men’s pants at a thrift store a few weeks ago and the POCKETS! It was so pumped! (/also angered that they can’t just give us normal sized pockets)
00:49:59 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “SO dumb. I bought me…” with
00:50:09 Shannon Mattern: Reacted to “SO dumb. I bought me…” with
00:50:10 Sarah Guilliot ( Kaila IKR?!
00:50:18 Trish Bovell: Reacted to “SO dumb. I bought me…” with
00:50:27 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Rakuten!
00:50:40 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “Kaila IKR?!” with
00:51:04 Janet Hoover: Replying to “Rakuten!”
Rakuten fan too
00:51:08 Kaitlyn | KTU Designs LLC: Reacted to “Rakuten!” with
00:51:09 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I use Evernote. I think it’s similar to OneNote?
00:51:27 Michelle Self: Replying to “I use Evernote. I th…”
Yes – very similar
00:51:33 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I lost my Apple notes one time so ever since I’ve been hesitant to put anything too important in there.
00:51:38 Michelle Self: Reacted to “Rakuten!” with
00:51:45 Sarah Guilliot ( Kaila I watched this yesterday related to men’s jeans and pockets
00:51:46 Michelle Self: Reacted to “SO dumb. I bought me…” with
00:51:52 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I don’t use them Janet but I have friends that do!
00:51:54 Michelle Self: Reacted to “Yep…walks with the d…” with
00:52:13 Trish Bovell: Replying to “I use Evernote. I th…”
I use Evernote too. I need to edit it out stuff I don't need anymore
00:52:31 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Replying to “Kaila I watched this…”
Thank you!
00:52:53 Michelle Self: Replying to “I lost my Apple note…”
That would be so hard!
00:54:14 Michelle Self: I have to drop for another call ~ thank you all for sharing such great ideas!
00:54:19 Janet Hoover: Oh, didn’t know about that, very cool
00:54:24 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “Oh, didn’t know abou…” with
00:54:45 Trish Bovell: thanks for sharing about OneNote. I had used it before and forgot about it
00:55:40 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Iiiiinteresting
00:56:55 Janet Hoover: I use Toggl all the time for my few hourly clients – love it
00:57:12 Shannon Mattern: Replying to “I use Toggl all the …”
00:57:18 Trish Bovell: Replying to “I use Toggl all the …”
I use clockify
00:57:19 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Yes! Even though I use project pricing now I still track my time. (I used to use Toggl but now I use Quickbooks Time so I can auto pull them into invoices)
00:57:24 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “I use clockify” with
00:57:38 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Yes! Even though I u…” with
00:58:24 Janet Hoover: I know Dubsado is 2.9% I think, but…then there’s the Dubsado
00:58:29 Janet Hoover: ..payment
00:58:33 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: In Canada we use e-transfer but I don’t think you’re here. CC fees seem stupidly expensive to me!
00:59:20 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “In Canada we use e-t…” with
00:59:56 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: SO much good stuff!
00:59:57 Trish Bovell: always good!!
00:59:59 Janet Hoover: Good stuff!!
01:00:13 Janet Hoover: Oh wow, thank you!
01:00:18 Kaitlyn | KTU Designs LLC: Baby boy is waking up – gotta go! Thanks so much everyone!!
01:00:47 Janet Hoover: Thankyou guys!! Bye!
01:00:49 Trish Bovell: thanks!