WDA Genius Chat 05/09/24

Summary + Transcript


00:06:00 Angie: I’m having life happening right now.
00:06:29 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: I have some notes my sister (who is an estate planning attorney) sent me – so I want to read them to you guys when we have a moment.
00:06:38 Casey Morrin: Reacted to “I have some notes my…” with 👍🏼
00:14:10 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: https://www.findlaw.com/forms/resources/estate-planning/how-to-handle-social-media-accounts-after-death.html
00:16:23 Casey Morrin: Important stuff, even if morbid. Reminds me of this hilarious existential moment in Barbie: https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2023-05/26/15/asset/2d3546ced631/sub-buzz-441-1685113629-2.jpg?downsize=700%3A%2A&output-quality=auto&output-format=auto
00:16:36 Shannon Mattern: Reacted to “Important stuff, eve…” with 😂
00:16:53 Shannon Mattern: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sCIgBL5QVpZfD5wIs_cjiCWFuN4xjni1KKauiXiH3Ic/copy?usp=sharing
00:20:24 Casey Morrin: We need an Admin PS. I Love You binder
00:20:33 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “We need an Admin PS….” with ❤️
00:20:51 Amy K Ogden: Reacted to “We need an Admin PS….” with ❤️
00:21:55 Shannon Mattern: Reacted to “We need an Admin PS….” with ❤️
00:21:57 Casey Morrin: This one? https://chelseybrown.com/product/backup-planner/
00:22:03 Angie: Do any of you know where to get medical directives for young adult children?
00:22:17 Casey Morrin: Reacted to “YES!” with 👍🏼
00:23:16 Shannon Mattern: Replying to “This one? https://ch…”

Yes to this one, lol
00:23:26 Pauline Wiles: I met this woman at a conference; I'm not sure if she ever launched her programs:
00:24:11 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Replying to “Do any of you know w…”

Estate planning attorneys create them. And also a good resource is Will & Trust dot com (I don’t like to mention them because they are a competitor for my sister… but if you’re not in Oregon or Washington, my sister can’t help except to refer you).
00:25:21 Casey Morrin: Reacted to “I met this woman at …” with 👏🏼
00:27:02 Angie: Yes I have that in my contracts as well
00:27:08 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: As do I
00:27:31 Shannon Mattern: Force majeur
00:27:43 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: “Force majeure is a provision in a contract that frees both parties from obligation if an extraordinary event directly prevents one or both parties from performing.”
00:30:25 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: FYI LastPass is not entirely secure, but 1Password is a great option (way more secure).
00:34:49 Angie: Another good reason for SOP’s
00:34:55 Pauline Wiles: Reacted to “Another good reason …” with 👍
00:35:00 Amy K Ogden: Reacted to “Another good reason …” with 👍
00:35:10 Casey Morrin: SOP?
00:36:03 Shannon Mattern: Replying to “Another good reason …”

I was thinking this too!
00:39:19 Angie: Here is that other document it’s called “every little detail” https://view.flodesk.com/pages/62a73bc23a02db9ba31a1609
00:44:23 Pauline Wiles: https://www.everplans.com/incasethebook – is pretty good for personal considerations, there's not much for your biz
00:51:20 Amy K Ogden: TOTALLY agree!
00:55:20 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: yenlaw.com
00:56:05 Angie: I’m with you on that, My husband and I need to go over our estate planning stuff. He just got laid off so we need to figure some things out
00:56:49 Amy K Ogden: Casey you’re hilarious!
00:57:15 Casey Morrin: Reacted to “Casey you’re hilario…” with 😄