Summary + Transcript
00:01:09 Amy K Ogden: Hey Kaila!!
00:01:19 Erica Nash: Weirddd
00:01:20 Amy K Ogden: And everyone else too!
00:01:33 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “Hey Kaila!!” with
00:03:37 Amy K Ogden:
00:03:46 Amy K Ogden: Verbal vomit
00:04:54 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Patrick can take it
00:04:54 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: He’s resilient
00:06:02 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: I’m close to it – I think it’s next
00:06:10 Chantel Rudden: Ive been through it, however im TRYING to work through the workbook, I go back and forth the different sections
00:06:19 Chantel Rudden: Havent submitted
00:07:50 Amy K Ogden: Verbally?
00:07:53 Shannon Pruitt: Me
00:07:55 Ruby Javaid: on the phone
00:07:56 Stephani – The Simple Growth Co: I have presented a version of one LOL
00:08:01 Anchen: Video only
00:08:06 Maddison Manente: Over loom
00:08:16 Ruby Javaid: Replying to “on the phone”
sorry presented on the phone I mean
00:12:39 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Yah Amy’s stuff is really cool
00:15:32 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Rachel, I think your cat has something to say about Patrick
00:15:46 Rachel Cromer: Reacted to “Rachel, I think your…” with
00:17:06 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I think mine is ‘so that what I’m putting together helps them reach their goals without destroying my boundaries'
00:17:08 Ivy Neal: Reacted to “Rachel, I think your…” with
00:17:32 Shannon Pruitt: Reacted to “I think mine is ‘so …” with
00:20:16 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I like that line ‘on average this will save you…'
00:20:29 Kim Stone: Wouldn’t the hours saved depend on the skillset of the client?
00:20:45 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: And hours saved – they may not care about that – depending on their mindset
00:22:09 Kate Newnham | Yeah mine don’t choose low end ever
00:26:05 Ruby Javaid: i also start with the high, but it does make it harder for me to make the low end appealing at all
00:26:14 Kate Newnham | Replying to “i also start with th…”
Totally! Me too.
00:26:17 Kaitlyn Unger | KTU Designs LLC: Replying to “i also start with th…”
00:28:39 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: There’s a lot of moving parts
00:28:55 Kate Newnham | Reacted to “There’s a lot of mov…” with
00:29:05 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “There’s a lot of mov…” with
00:33:09 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I feel like mine is pretty (for a google sheet) haha
00:33:19 Ruby Javaid: i transferred my google sheet info to like a pdf doc that looks a little better lol
00:33:21 Kaitlyn Unger | KTU Designs LLC: I emulated Kaila's google spreadsheet
00:33:23 Amy K Ogden: Reacted to “I feel like mine is …” with
00:33:37 Kate Newnham | I’ve sold plenty putting together 3 bulleted lists in an email.
00:34:07 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Replying to “I’ve sold plenty put…”
I might do that today. That feels easy.
00:34:08 Rachel Cromer: Replying to “I feel like mine is …”
Don’t be shy, share it with the group!
00:34:14 Kate Newnham | Replying to “I’ve sold plenty put…”
I may go back to this honestly
00:34:18 Ivy Neal: Reacted to “I’ve sold plenty put…” with
00:34:40 Kate Newnham | Replying to “I’ve sold plenty put…”
The ones I spend the most time on don’t seem to sell.
00:34:43 Ivy Neal: Replying to “I’ve sold plenty put…”
Are you walking through the lists in a video, or just emailing the lists?
00:34:45 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Replying to “I’ve sold plenty put…”
I don’t know if I would do this for a full project (personally) but I need to send out some options for updates today and I think this would be perfect. No need to overcomplicate it but we can still set boundaries.
00:34:50 Kate Newnham | Replying to “I’ve sold plenty put…”
I emailed the list.
00:35:02 Kate Newnham | Replying to “I’ve sold plenty put…”
(No loom)
00:35:12 Ivy Neal: Reacted to “(No loom)” with
00:36:22 Kate Newnham | “Rent me for a month” for $20K and I’ll do anything you want for 8 hours a day”
00:36:37 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to ““Rent me for a month…” with
00:36:43 Ivy Neal: Reacted to ““Rent me for a month…” with
00:36:44 Amy K Ogden: Replying to ““Rent me for a month…”
Premium package for sure!
00:36:52 Kate Newnham | Reacted to “Premium package for …” with
00:37:02 Shannon Pruitt: Replying to “I feel like mine is …”
YESSS please share haha!
00:37:08 Kate Newnham | Replying to ““Rent me for a month…”
If I sell just 1, I would be psyched tho! lol
00:37:13 Amy K Ogden: I’ll share it with anyone
00:37:15 Shannon Pruitt: Reacted to ““Rent me for a month…” with
00:37:23 Shannon Pruitt: Reacted to “If I sell just 1, I …” with
00:37:24 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “Don’t be shy, share …” with
00:37:27 Shannon Pruitt: Reacted to “I’ll share it with a…” with
00:37:30 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “I’ll share it with a…” with
00:37:38 Kim Stone: Reacted to “I’ll share it with a…” with
00:37:39 Amy K Ogden: Eat the frog?
00:37:44 Kate Newnham | Reacted to “Eat the frog?” with
00:37:47 Michelle Self: Reacted to “Eat the frog?” with
00:37:50 Shannon Mattern: Do the thing you hate the most first.
00:38:03 Shannon Pruitt: Reacted to “Do the thing you hat…” with
00:38:23 Ivy Neal: Replying to “Eat the frog?”
If you eat a frog first thing in the morning, that’s the worst thing you’ll have to do all day. Mark Twain, I think.
00:38:28 Kaitlyn Unger | KTU Designs LLC: Smart!
00:38:31 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “Do the thing you hat…” with
00:38:31 Shannon Pruitt: Genius.
00:38:43 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “If you eat a frog fi…” with
00:38:48 Amy K Ogden: Smart!
00:38:48 Kate Newnham | Reacted to “If you eat a frog fi…” with
00:38:59 Kate Newnham | Replying to “Eat the frog?”
I’ve never heard that. I’m glad you asked Amy
00:39:52 Michelle Self: I love hearing how you've got this set up in Dubsado – I'm working on building out my systems in Dubsado right now.
00:41:48 Amy K Ogden: Reacted to “If you eat a frog fi…” with
00:43:07 Anchen: Starting to think I’m not putting in enough work. I create proposal/matrix self in under an hour. Maybe it’s because of doing Vip days. I just think in +- days.
00:43:19 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Replying to “I love hearing how y…”
If you’re interested, I can see if I can share it!
00:43:30 Michelle Self: Replying to “I love hearing how y…”
That would be amazing!
00:44:37 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: For the record, I don’t think you need Dubsado. You could present the same thing in a PDF if it was important to you to send something ‘pretty’.
00:45:47 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “For the record, I do…” with
00:45:56 Ivy Neal: Reacted to “For the record, I do…” with
00:45:57 Kate Newnham | It’s not the design that takes time. It’s the “math” of it
00:46:06 Michelle Self: Reacted to “For the record, I do…” with
00:46:34 Maddison Manente: Reacted to “It’s not the design …” with
00:46:49 Ruby Javaid: Replying to “It’s not the design …”
00:46:50 Michelle Self: I love the Patrick concept – it's been eye opening to translate from deliverables to outcomes. mines in a google sheet that I can adjust and then save to a PDF. I haven't had a chance to present it yet on a call . Working on getting my next consult and excited to follow these strategies.
00:46:59 Kaitlyn Unger | KTU Designs LLC: Replying to “Starting to think I’…”
I can do mine in an hour or 2 as well. I'm asking myself, what am I missing? lol
00:47:51 Kaitlyn Unger | KTU Designs LLC: Replying to “I love the Patrick c…”
Same! The Patrick has been a new concept for me that's been transformational for my proposals. I've only been in this for a short while though.
00:47:54 Kate Newnham | By the time they have a call w/me, they’ve already seen my designs and like them.
00:47:59 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Replying to “Starting to think I’…”
IF you’re making sales, then I wouldn’t say you’re doing anything wrong@
00:48:00 Kate Newnham | I’m not “selling my design” in a proposal
00:48:00 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Replying to “Starting to think I’…”
00:48:07 Chantel Rudden: Reacted to “I’m not “selling my …” with
00:48:10 Kaitlyn Unger | KTU Designs LLC: Reacted to “IF you’re making sal…” with
00:48:13 Michelle Self: Reacted to “IF you’re making sal…” with
00:48:20 Kate Newnham | Reacted to “IF you’re making sal…” with
00:48:42 Michelle Self: Reacted to “Same! The Patrick ha…” with
00:48:49 Shannon Pruitt: Reacted to “I’m not “selling my …” with
00:48:52 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Replying to “Starting to think I’…”
I feel like I make my sales talking about their outcomes as opposed to showing them a sheet. But that’s also my ideal client. I want someone that watches the video and goes ‘wow she’s the right one for me'
00:48:58 Anchen: Replying to “Starting to think I’…”
Haha same! I think I’m just not getting into nitty gritty on proposals
00:48:59 Amy K Ogden: Replying to “I’m not “selling my …”
So funny how I have this connected in my mind. I think that will be a mindset shift for me. I’m actually super excited about this now!
00:49:00 Kate Newnham | Replying to “I’m not “selling my …”
This was the 2nd half of my earlier thought. They’re already sold on my design skills if they’re getting on a call w/me
00:49:20 Amy K Ogden: Replying to “I’m not “selling my …”
Kate, I LOVE this!! Thank you for this perspective.
00:49:31 Rachel Cromer: Reacted to “I’m not “selling my …” with
00:50:08 Kate Newnham | Replying to “I’m not “selling my …”
The proposal for me is about pricing. Can they afford me
00:50:31 Kate Newnham | Reacted to “Kate, I LOVE this!! …” with
00:50:32 Michelle Self: Reacted to “I’m not “selling my …” with
00:50:35 Kaitlyn Unger | KTU Designs LLC: Has the “magic middle” been presented in the course?
00:50:47 Amy K Ogden: Reacted to “For the record, I do…” with
00:51:39 Shannon Pruitt: Love that, Kate
00:51:39 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: LOVE that!
00:51:43 Amy K Ogden: Kate! That’s good1
00:51:45 Michelle Self: Love that Kate!
00:51:45 Kaitlyn Unger | KTU Designs LLC: Nice!
00:52:10 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Replying to “I love hearing how y…”
00:52:27 Erica Nash: Replying to “Has the “magic middl…”
Yes! I can’t remember the exact lesson, but in module 4
00:52:41 Michelle Self: Replying to “I love hearing how y…”
Thank you!
00:53:08 Kaitlyn Unger | KTU Designs LLC: Replying to “Has the “magic middl…”
Okay, thanks! I was only remembering the high end presentation first. I'll have to go back.
00:53:25 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Replying to “I love hearing how y…”
Of course!
00:54:52 Erica Nash: Magic middle: for 12k I’ll do 50% of what you want
00:55:00 Shannon Pruitt: Reacted to “Magic middle: for 12…” with
00:55:01 Ivy Neal: Reacted to “Magic middle: for 12…” with
00:55:01 Amy K Ogden: Reacted to “Magic middle: for 12…” with
00:55:07 Kate Newnham | Reacted to “Magic middle: for 12…” with
00:55:17 Shannon Pruitt: What do you mean?
00:55:18 Ivy Neal: Replying to “I love hearing how y…”
That’s beautiful! Helpful for inspiration!
00:55:22 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Yah, say again
00:55:26 Michelle Self: I think that's where I worry – do I have 2 many in my detailed. I just sent a proposal with bullet points and a link to details.
00:55:42 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: My deliverables are categorized. Is that what you mean?
00:55:54 Ruby Javaid: but i also feel like they can't tell the difference in price if i don't give them all the details
00:56:10 Amy K Ogden: I have the category but a brief description of what that is.
00:56:13 Kaitlyn Unger | KTU Designs LLC: I do categories with descriptions of my why you need it – branding, website, copywriting
00:56:33 Amy K Ogden: Replying to “I have the category …”
Yes, also with “so that you can”
00:56:43 Kate Newnham | Reacted to “I do categories with…” with
00:56:50 Kaitlyn Unger | KTU Designs LLC: Replying to “I do categories with…”
Yep, what Kaila is saying
00:57:07 Anchen: I have categories focused on outcomes, I don’t go into details on deliverables.
00:57:50 Kate Newnham | I have to bounce. Great to see you all!
00:57:57 Amy K Ogden: I don’t list or bullet point what they get but only a brief description so I’m not tied to anything specific.
00:57:57 Shannon Mattern: Thanks Kate
00:58:08 Kaitlyn Unger | KTU Designs LLC: Reacted to “I don’t list or bull…” with
00:59:33 Amy K Ogden: I invite questions actually, it starts a conversation but hopefully not TOO many quesitons
00:59:43 Kaitlyn Unger | KTU Designs LLC: Reacted to “I invite questions a…” with
00:59:44 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I don’t mind if there’s questions! I just don’t want alot of loopholes
00:59:49 Shannon Pruitt: Reacted to “I invite questions a…” with
01:00:35 Anchen: I’ve found that too many details invited more questions.
01:00:47 Kaitlyn Unger | KTU Designs LLC: Reacted to “I’ve found that too …” with
01:01:10 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Replying to “I’ve found that too …”
Yes, this is also why I want the Loom to be the main focus.
01:01:15 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Replying to “I’ve found that too …”
The sheet is an aside.
01:01:20 Kaitlyn Unger | KTU Designs LLC: Reacted to “The sheet is an asid…” with
01:01:24 Anchen: Reacted to “The sheet is an asid…” with
01:01:47 Amy K Ogden: Replying to “I’ve found that too …”
@Kaila, how long are your Looms typically?
01:01:48 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Replying to “I’ve found that too …”
It’s there if you’re analytical (and for my own peace of mind) but if you’ve watched the Loom, and I’ve done a good job you should barely have to look at the sheet
01:01:59 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Replying to “I’ve found that too …”
40 minutes? I send them at 2x speed though haha
01:02:15 Amy K Ogden: Replying to “I’ve found that too …”
Lol! Yes, that’s about where I am too.
01:03:21 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Replying to “I’ve found that too …”
I’m now also thinking that I’ve never had someone pick apart my matrix so maybe I’m doing something right? Lol…(aka channelling my inner Amy)
01:03:42 Amy K Ogden: Reacted to “I’m now also thinkin…” with
01:03:48 Shannon Pruitt: Replying to “I’ve found that too …”
Kaila – would you mind sharing one of your Patricks? I’m having a hard time visualizing how your Google sheet is set up
01:03:59 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Replying to “I’ve found that too …”
Absolutley! One sec!
01:04:05 Amy K Ogden: Replying to “I’ve found that too …”
@Shannon Pruitt I would love to see it too, Kaila.
01:04:37 Shannon Pruitt: Replying to “I’ve found that too …”
@Amy K Ogden would also love to see what you’re doing – sounds like you shared it but I must have missed it
01:04:43 Shannon Pruitt: Reacted to “Absolutley! One sec!” with
01:05:10 Amy K Ogden: Replying to “I’ve found that too …”
@Shannon Pruitt sure thing!
01:05:42 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Replying to “I’ve found that too …”
01:06:30 Kaitlyn Unger | KTU Designs LLC: Replying to “I’ve found that too …”
@Amy K Ogden Wow, what a beautiful way to present a proposal
01:06:50 Rachel Cromer: Reacted to “@Amy K Ogden Wow, wh…” with
01:07:01 Ivy Neal: Reacted to “@Shannon Pruitt sure…” with
01:07:04 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Replying to “I’ve found that too …”
legend: bright yellow are things I need to think over for next time I create a proposal (stuff I’ve stumbled upon that I do and should maybe add) and light yellow is stuff that’s most likely to need edited
01:07:05 Ivy Neal: Reacted to “….” with
01:07:12 Shannon Pruitt: Replying to “I’ve found that too …”
Thank you both!!! @Amy K Ogden @Kaila – HeyKaila Media
01:07:22 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “Thank you both!!! @A…” with
01:07:24 Shannon Pruitt: Reacted to “legend: bright yello…” with
01:07:47 Amy K Ogden: Reacted to “Thank you both!!! @A…” with
01:08:48 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: @Ruby Javaid is a boundary rock-
01:08:55 Amy K Ogden: Replying to “I’ve found that too …”
@Kaila – HeyKaila Media I like what you’ve done here. Super straightforward and I can see how it would take time off my process. I’ll have to consider this. Thanks for sharing @Kaila!@Kaitlyn Unger | KTU Designs LLC
01:08:56 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “@Ruby Javaid is a bo…” with
01:09:01 Amy K Ogden: Reacted to “@Amy K Ogden Wow, wh…” with
01:09:13 Amy K Ogden: Reacted to “@Ruby Javaid is a bo…” with
01:09:19 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “@Kaila – HeyKaila Me…” with
01:09:25 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “@Ruby Javaid is a bo…” with
01:10:22 Shannon Pruitt: Reacted to “@Ruby Javaid is a bo…” with
01:10:54 Michelle Self: Reacted to “….” with
01:11:01 Shannon Pruitt: I have to run – thank you ALL so much!!! Already feeling better about it.
01:11:01 Michelle Self: Reacted to “@Shannon Pruitt sure…” with
01:12:09 Michelle Self: Replying to “I’ve found that too …”
Amy this is amazing!
01:12:13 Rachel Cromer: I struggled to break apart my list of components into the deliverables, strategy, services, customizations categories
01:12:19 Kaitlyn Unger | KTU Designs LLC: I personally love Patrick. I think I struggle with adjusting my price when I remove a deliverable because it's not needed for a particular client. I know it's been mentioned that I may not need to adjust, but I feel like I have to. Maybe a mind trash issue.
01:13:44 Erica Nash: Okay, I have to go. This was GREAT. I have allll the pages of notes. See y’all later, thanks for being here!!
01:13:47 Michelle Self: I really like Patrick – my only mind trash is that I've only sold my low end, but I'm so new that I've also only had 1ish consult with it.
01:13:53 Amy K Ogden: Reacted to “Okay, I have to go. …” with
01:14:14 Michelle Self: Replying to “I really like Patric…”
My main worry is that it gets too techy
01:14:16 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Replying to “I personally love Pa…”
01:14:26 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Replying to “I personally love Pa…”
If you don’t want pickles on your burger, you don’t pay less :p
01:14:38 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “If you don’t want pi…” with
01:15:06 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “If you don’t want pi…” with
01:15:51 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Replying to “I really like Patric…”
You presented one and sold one?
01:15:57 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Replying to “I really like Patric…”
That’s a 100% conversion rate!
01:16:06 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Replying to “I really like Patric…”
Sounds like you’re doing pretty great to me!
01:16:10 Amy K Ogden: Reacted to “Sounds like you’re d…” with
01:16:12 Michelle Self: Replying to “I really like Patric…”
Thank you
01:16:15 Michelle Self: Reacted to “Sounds like you’re d…” with
01:16:33 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “Thank you” with
01:16:40 Chantel Rudden: Reacted to “Sounds like you’re d…” with
01:17:15 Ivy Neal: Reacted to “If you don’t want pi…” with
01:19:20 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “Sounds like you’re d…” with
01:19:32 Michelle Self: Reacted to “That’s a 100% conver…” with
01:24:34 Chantel Rudden: As a newbie, I love the Patrick concept, mind blowing to me, just want to make sure im getting it : from what I gathered, I want my clients to choose the middle package but the high and low end are to help sell the middle package better
01:29:26 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Replying to “As a newbie, I love…”
I want them to choose the package that is best for them
01:29:48 Chantel Rudden: Reacted to “I want them to choos…” with
01:30:13 Chantel Rudden: Thank you!
01:30:28 Amy K Ogden: This was incredibly helpful for me too, thank you!
01:30:37 Michelle Self: Thank you – this was extremely helpful
01:30:46 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Helpful for me, too… as I wade into that part of the modules and such
01:30:54 Amy K Ogden: YES!!
01:30:55 Michelle Self: yes plese
01:30:58 Stephani – The Simple Growth Co: Yes for sure!
01:30:58 Chantel Rudden: ABSOLUTELY
01:31:00 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: definitely!
01:31:06 Amy K Ogden: Also for ideas on what everyone offers
01:31:07 Kim Stone: Thank You all for sharing – it has been so helpful
01:31:11 Amy K Ogden: Yes,
01:31:11 Chantel Rudden: Yes yes!
01:31:11 Michelle Self: Yes
01:31:13 Kim Stone: Yes it would
01:31:14 Stephani – The Simple Growth Co: Yes
01:31:15 Ivy Neal: Yes!
01:31:17 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: 100%
01:31:41 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Ooooh yes, having a little library of Patrick stuff I think would be so valuable!
01:31:48 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “Ooooh yes, having a …” with
01:31:51 Chantel Rudden: Reacted to “Ooooh yes, having a …” with
01:31:59 Amy K Ogden: A Patrick library.
01:32:16 Maddison Manente: Patrick museum
01:32:42 Amy K Ogden: Where do we submit our fave Patricks?
01:33:02 Michelle Self: a Patrick play list
01:33:05 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Patrick Power Library (there’s an actual library at a college that is called that hahaha)
01:33:12 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “a Patrick play list …” with
01:33:14 Amy K Ogden: Reacted to “a Patrick play list …” with
01:33:28 Amy K Ogden: Thanks everyone!
01:33:30 Ivy Neal: Thank you!!
01:33:34 Michelle Self: thank you!
01:33:40 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: have a great day everyone!