WDA Live Strategy Call 8-8-2023

This Week's Questions

Summary + Transcript

Meeting Notes

  • How to celebrate your wins. 0:26
    • Welcome to the live strategy call for Tuesday, august 8. Caitlin is excited to see wins in the chat and remember, there is no such thing as a small win.
    • Caitlin.
    • Closing a new client tonight and great client feedback this week, the tide has turned after coming off a horrible client situation.
    • Angela made some updates to her own website today.
  • Announcements for next week. 4:22
    • Alicia st germain will be back next week for part two of her series on overcoming impostor syndrome and perfectionism.
    • Caitlin is in sticker shock with her pricing.
    • Sara is trying to figure out how to reduce her expenses by reducing the number of clients she takes on. She is now only taking on six clients and they will all be a minimum of 13,000 baseline.
    • Caitlyn is now looking at her prices to be closer to 12 to 17k.
  • Why is it okay that you would never pay that much? 9:12
    • Evidence from other people that other people have done it, and how to stop yourself from what you think now.
    • Why Caitlin would never pay that much for a squarespace site.
    • The price of a premium package is usually closer to $10,000, and the price of the low-end package is close to $500.
    • The value in the package is in the price.
    • He still doesn't know if he can say that number to someone. He keeps wanting to take responsibility for the value of the results.
    • He feels nervous about saying that number.
  • How to deal with rejection? 16:05
    • The fear of rejection, and how it gives them even more reason to say no to taking on projects.
    • Passionate detachment, and what Erica calls passionate detachment, or passionate detachment.
    • When someone says yes or no, it is a skill that you have to develop to be able to do that.
    • Viki has never had someone say no or say no to working with her, but she has had people say no because of her prices.
  • Steppingstone your mindset on your pricing. 20:44
    • The client call on Friday is the first opportunity to put this stuff into practice.
    • The biggest opportunity for you is to sell your low end package at 2500.
    • The client is an established e-commerce business that sells garden decorations. The average sale is $25 per item, which is their monthly revenue.
    • The website needs to be brought up to modern standards.
  • Selling the value of your package matrix. 24:45
    • In the next six months to a year, they might get 100 more sales due to the improvements that you've created for them, regardless of whether it's high-end or low-end.
    • At the mid-level, what the difference is, more offerings, more revisions, more strategy and more hand-holding.
    • The $10,000 package is to position the mid-level as the best choice, but you have to believe in it at every level.
    • Practice going through the package matrix before you get on the call, and not trying to talk them into any of them.
    • What if no one is willing to pay it, and can you convince potential clients that it's worth it and you're not worth that?
    • After friday, write down all of the thoughts that you were having during the consultation or after the consultation and write those down.
  • How to evaluate your pricing mindset. 33:42
    • Make sure you are aligned with the mid-level package practice before you get on the call. Act as if you are talking about someone else's packages.
    • Kim says 10k for an e-commerce website is reasonable, but she needs a year in the program before she can feel good about 10k.
    • Caitlin says 2500 is too low for her low end.
  • Pricing and pricing your value. 37:39
    • Struggling with pricing and being afraid to hit the send button, but feeling more confident submitting a proposal to someone else once he gets a job.
    • You care 97% more than other web developers.
    • Level of service is one of the levers in the pack, because you get what you pay for.
    • Best way to handle vacation time with retainers, especially if you have a response time.
  • How to transition your clients to focuswp. 42:15
    • One option is to utilize a service like focusWP. Another option is go WP, but it's not the same kind of maintenance as wordpress.
    • A couple of ways to go about it.
    • Vacations and holidays should be included in the terms and conditions of the retainer packages.
    • The response time is the same day or within 24 hours, or even in the middle one, it's within 48 hours, so put a little asterisk next to each of those.
    • The speaker is considering putting boundaries in place with how people are currently doing things with you until the new packages are rolled out.
    • The speaker wants to explore how taking time off around the same time as putting them on a new package is harming them.
  • Pricing on retainer packages. 50:17
    • The best way to make money is to have a high-end retainer package and not have to do the work, and make a profit off of it.
    • There are some opportunities for you to work with friends or family friends or something.
    • Being comfortable with being uncomfortable and doing it anyway and getting coached on what happens after.
    • A quick question about a proposal for a tire company for a $2,000 a month.
  • Taking the offer off the table. 55:43
    • If the wife is the decision-maker, she should have been in the meeting, but it's tempting to say that to the client.
    • If the client is ready to move forward with the proposal, the next step is to take the deal off the table.
    • We have to always be willing to always take our power back, and take the power back. It could be that they do want to hold off and move forward later, and they are happy to get new pricing later.
    • Incorporating the package matrix and strategy into what he does.
    • Don't try to convince them that the strategy is important and valuable. It's just part of it. There needs to be hosting and pages, but it doesn't need to be convincing them of that.
    • Alicia will be here doing mindset coaching next week, so they can dig into your question.


00:02:16 Caitlin Harrison: I feel like I have so many wins! two clients sites are live, I’m about to close a new client tonight and great client feedback this week
00:02:31 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “I feel like I have s…” with 🙌🏻
00:02:34 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “I feel like I have s…” with 💕
00:02:34 Brittney: Reacted to “I feel like I have s…” with 🙌🏻
00:02:51 Stephani – The Simple Growth Co: Reacted to “I feel like I have s…” with 👏🏻
00:03:00 Angela Winter (she/her): actually made some updates to my own website today.
00:03:12 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Really quickly heading towards that 17 :p
00:03:25 Caitlin Harrison: Reacted to “Really quickly headi…” with 😍
00:03:29 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “Really quickly headi…” with ❤️
00:03:34 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “actually made some u…” with ❤️
00:03:44 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: That YOU love
00:04:19 Ruby Javaid: I am steadily making my way through WDA modules and doing the work – not a client win, but certainly a business win 😊
00:04:33 Katie | KTU Designs LLC: Reacted to “I am steadily making…” with ❤️
00:04:37 Katie | KTU Designs LLC: Replying to “I am steadily making…”

Same Ruby!
00:04:45 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “Same Ruby!” with ❤️
00:05:26 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “I am steadily making…” with 💕
00:07:19 Ruby Javaid: having those same feelings lol
00:07:25 Caitlin Harrison: YEP
00:07:28 Kim Stone: Yes and still do
00:07:30 Sarah Juliusson: 100%! Am now booking sites at 12 – 17k!
00:07:35 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Absolutely!
00:07:46 Sarah Juliusson: I thought nobody in my market would pay more than 5k…
00:09:50 Sarah Juliusson: We have so many defense mechanisms to protect ourselves from taking risks!
00:09:57 Katie | KTU Designs LLC: Reacted to “We have so many defe…” with ❤️
00:10:01 Caitlin Harrison: Sarah’s prices are still a goal of mine but I can see how it’s possible. I am now consistently getting $8k
00:10:17 Katie | KTU Designs LLC: Reacted to “Sarah’s prices are s…” with ❤️
00:10:17 Sarah Juliusson: That’s awesome Caitlin.
00:10:25 Sarah Juliusson: Now go for 8-12 🙂
00:10:28 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “We have so many defe…” with 💯
00:10:33 Caitlin Harrison: Reacted to “Now go for 8-12 🙂” with ♥️
00:10:35 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “Sarah’s prices are s…” with ❤️
00:10:37 Sarah Juliusson: Bump em UP!!!
00:10:40 Angela Winter (she/her): I get 7k now, but also have no new clients coming in…
00:17:18 Sarah Juliusson: And when they say no… I increasingly see it as a gift. They’re not ready for the level of what I offer. And that’s fine. Someone else will be.
00:17:49 Kate Newnham | UpDesignsLA.com: Reacted to “And when they say no…” with 👍🏻
00:18:09 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “And when they say no…” with 👍🏻
00:18:25 Kate Newnham | UpDesignsLA.com: I would rather have 5 high paying clients than 25 low paying clients. So much more free time! lol
00:18:29 Sarah Juliusson: Sorry y’all, client call starting in a few, wanted to pop in while I could. Great convo!
00:18:40 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “I would rather have …” with 💯
00:19:52 Diana Richards she/her: Bye Sarah 😄
00:20:05 Caitlin Harrison: Reacted to “I would rather have …” with 💯
00:22:29 Kate Newnham | UpDesignsLA.com: You go this Katie! This group is amazing, def lean on us in FB
00:22:41 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “You go this Katie! T…” with 🙌
00:25:00 Kim Blake: 10K for an e-commerce website is totally reasonable.
00:25:08 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “10K for an e-commerc…” with 👍
00:25:28 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “10K for an e-commerc…” with 👍🏻
00:25:41 Kate Newnham | UpDesignsLA.com: I needed a year in this program before I could feel good about $10K
00:25:50 Kate Newnham | UpDesignsLA.com: But 100% true!!
00:27:42 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “I needed a year in t…” with 👍
00:31:12 Diana Richards she/her: Years ago when I was laid off, I had to practice saying, “I was laid off…” to take the power away from the words. Same thing here—saying the number out loud will help you *own* the words
00:32:44 Caitlin Harrison: I still have these thoughts BUT you are also asking all the questions and having the same mind trash I had when I joined in Dec 2021
00:33:47 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “I still have these t…” with 👍
00:34:13 Kate Newnham | UpDesignsLA.com: Reacted to “I still have these t…” with 👍
00:34:19 Ruby Javaid: You can totally do this Katie!!
00:34:30 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “You can totally do t…” with 👆🏼
00:34:35 Kim Blake: I bet if your potential count is getting other quotes they are going to be around 10k.
00:34:47 Kate Newnham | UpDesignsLA.com: Great point!!
00:34:53 Kate Newnham | UpDesignsLA.com: Selling packaged of someone else you love
00:35:02 Kim Blake: *client
00:35:21 Kate Newnham | UpDesignsLA.com: Reacted to “I bet if your potent…” with 👍🏻
00:35:38 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “I bet if your potent…” with 💯
00:36:04 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Selling packaged of …” with 👍
00:36:18 Katie | KTU Designs LLC: Reacted to “I needed a year in t…” with ☺️
00:37:11 Janet Hoover: Totally, what Kim said lol!
00:38:08 Kate Newnham | UpDesignsLA.com: Reacted to “Totally, what Kim sa…” with 👏🏻
00:38:51 Katie | KTU Designs LLC: Reacted to “Selling packaged of …” with 👍
00:39:09 Katie | KTU Designs LLC: Reacted to “You can totally do t…” with ❤️
00:39:11 Janet Hoover: SO true!
00:39:16 Kate Newnham | UpDesignsLA.com: Reacted to “SO true!” with ❤️
00:39:49 Kim Blake: Yes, Caitlin!
00:39:51 Stephani – The Simple Growth Co: Yes! I often hear from clients that I am so quick to respond compared to anyone they've worked with (they waited weeks with many)
00:40:03 Kate Newnham | UpDesignsLA.com: Replying to “Yes! I often hear fr…”

Weeks?! wow
00:40:04 Katie | KTU Designs LLC: Reacted to “Yes! I often hear fr…” with ❤️
00:40:08 Janet Hoover: And a great reminder…thanks Caitlin!
00:40:13 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Yes! I often hear fr…” with ❤️
00:40:30 Caitlin Harrison: Replying to “Yes! I often hear fr…”

The potential client I’m meeting with tonight is a friend and shes been waiting 5-6 weeks for replies
00:40:31 Stephani – The Simple Growth Co: Replying to “Yes! I often hear fr…”

Yes, they were quite frustrated and it makes me look really good 😅
00:40:35 Caitlin Harrison: Replying to “Yes! I often hear fr…”

I feel guilty when its like 2 days haha
00:40:40 Stephani – The Simple Growth Co: Replying to “Yes! I often hear fr…”

00:40:42 Kate Newnham | UpDesignsLA.com: Replying to “Yes! I often hear fr…”

00:40:53 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “I feel guilty when i…” with 👍
00:40:56 Kate Newnham | UpDesignsLA.com: Replying to “Yes! I often hear fr…”

Altho much more comfy with the 48-hour turnaround now
00:41:25 Shannon Mattern: https://focuswp.co/
00:41:49 Janet Hoover: I just put in a proposal/contract that I’ll be out in November for the Next Level retreat lol so no work will be happening during that time
00:41:50 Caitlin Harrison: oooooo
00:42:13 Janet Hoover: Oh wow! Interesting!
00:43:21 Caitlin Harrison: I usually just give plenty of notice
00:47:24 Glennette Goodbread: If you sign anyone between now and then, factor it into the dates and let them know you've taken those days out.
00:47:27 Kim Blake: I have a backup person that helps me out when I am gone. If a client emails me, they get an autoresponse with my backups contact info. They can contact them if they need immediate assistance or wait until I am back. I let clients know I will be out of the office 1 month ahead of time.
00:51:03 Janet Hoover: That would be great, thank you!
00:51:24 Katie | KTU Designs LLC: Yes, that would be great!
00:51:35 Glennette Goodbread: There are also designers here in the group who do work for other designers. Like moi LOL
00:51:59 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “There are also desig…” with ❤️
00:53:14 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “There are also desig…” with 👍
00:53:46 Katie | KTU Designs LLC: Reacted to “There are also desig…” with 👍
00:53:51 Glennette Goodbread: Reacted to “There are also desig…” with ❤️
00:53:54 Glennette Goodbread: What if you price your maintenance packages for 50 weeks a year and say that what you charge is the average?
00:54:13 Ruby Javaid: Replying to “What if you price yo…”

ooh interesting idea
00:59:25 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “I have a backup pers…” with ❤️
00:59:31 Angela Winter (she/her): gotta pick up kiddos. Good to see everyone!
01:04:10 Katie | KTU Designs LLC: Thank you!