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#000 – Welcome to the Profitable Web Designer Podcast with Shannon Mattern!

Welcome to the Profitable Web Designer Podcast with Shannon Mattern!

Are you a web designer who’s been undercharging, overdelivering, and overworking and thinking there’s got to be a better way to run your web design business?

Well, look no further.

I’m Shannon Mattern, founder of the Web Designer Academy and host of the Profitable Web Designer Podcast where we’re all about helping EXTRAORDINARY web designers like you to STOP undercharging, overdelivering and overworking and finally create the profitable, sustainable and scalable web design business you’ve been dreaming of!

I started my freelance web design business as a side hustle back in 2014 with a dream of becoming my own boss and having freedom, flexibility and financial independence.

And while my clients absolutely loved working with me, my business on the inside was a hot mess.

I was a chronic people-pleaser with zero boundaries, I was massively undercharging or not charging at all, projects dragged on forever because my clients were never ready or always needing to reschedule and I was working what felt like 24/7…and what I created was the opposite of freedom, flexibility and financial independence!

Sound familiar?

What I didn’t realize at the time was that I was operating my business from an employee mindset where you sell your time in exchange for money, someone else decides the value of your time, and whoever hires you tells you what to do and when to do it…

I also had a pretty solid case of impostor syndrome going on that sounded something like “Who am I to do this? I didn’t go to school for this… no one taught me how to do this…”

And I was also operating from an expense mindset, where I undervalued my skillset and felt bad taking money from business owners who I thought probably couldn’t afford it because why would someone pay THAT MUCH  for something that I thought was so simple and easy to do and therefore not worth it.

Again, sound familiar?

But the good news was that all of those beliefs were 100% within my power to change.

And my drive for freedom, flexibility and financial independence was so compelling, I couldn’t just quit.

After a few detours, TONS of trial and error, and finally deciding to stop trying to figure it all out on my own and investing in mentorship and support, by the end of 2017 I’d replaced my 6-figure day job income with a blend of 1:1 web design services, affiliate commissions and selling my own courses + coaching.

And now I mentor hundreds of web designers inside the Web Designer Academy to create profitable, sustainable and scalable web design businesses  -without overworking and burning out – so they can create the freedom, flexibility and financial independence they deserve.

Each week on the show  I'm gonna be sharing insights, interviews, and stories that’ll transform what you think about what’s REALLY possible for your web design business – and your life.

So if you’re ready to raise your prices, work less, book dream clients and finally take control of your web design business instead of letting it control you, you’re in the right place.

Go ahead and hit that subscribe button anywhere and everywhere you listen to your favorite podcasts so you never miss an episode, and the best is yet to come!

xoxo – Shannon

A smiling person with a tooth showing on their chin is looking indoors.

Shannon Mattern
Web Designer Academy


I help ambitious women web designers reclaim their time, book web design projects they love, and make more as a freelance web designer than they ever thought possible.

I created the Web Designer Academy to give you everything I wished I would have had when I started freelancing:  step-by-step processes and fill-in-the-blank templates for your messaging, marketing, packages, consultations, sales and project management combined with next-level support so that you have everything you need to create a consistently profitable web design business doing work you love for clients you love.