WDA Live Strategy Call 10-17-2023

This Week's Questions

Summary + Transcript


00:01:57 Rachel’s iPhone: Finished module 1 and 2 🎉
00:02:06 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Finished module 1 an…” with 🥳
00:02:44 Maddison Manente: Been working on some Patricks and doing some market research interviews!!
00:02:52 Michelle Self: Finished a site and (finally) went live! It challenged all the things I thought I knew, but I got it done!
00:02:53 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Been working on some…” with 🥳
00:02:57 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Finished a site and …” with 🥳
00:03:03 Maddison Manente: Reacted to “Finished module 1 an…” with 🥳
00:03:03 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Had my first market research interview – was SO fun and went well!
00:03:05 Maddison Manente: Reacted to “Finished a site and …” with 🥳
00:03:10 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Had my first market …” with 🥳
00:03:12 Kate Newnham | UpDesignsLA.com: Reacted to “Had my first market …” with 👏🏻
00:03:14 Kate Newnham | UpDesignsLA.com: Reacted to “Finished a site and …” with 🥳
00:03:16 Kate Newnham | UpDesignsLA.com: Reacted to “Been working on some…” with 🥳
00:03:18 Kate Newnham | UpDesignsLA.com: Reacted to “Finished module 1 an…” with 🥳
00:03:24 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “Finished module 1 an…” with 🥳
00:03:25 Janet Hoover: Had a client who cancelled my maint plan a few months ago because she couldn't afford it. She just contacted me about building her a new website. Sent a little info and waiting to hear back to see if she wants to move forward with a call and staying out of her wallet 🙂
00:03:25 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “Been working on some…” with 🥳
00:03:30 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “Finished a site and …” with 🥳
00:03:33 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “Had my first market …” with 👏🏻
00:03:40 Kate Newnham | UpDesignsLA.com: Wish I had done market research sooner!
00:03:41 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Had a client who can…” with ❤️
00:03:43 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “Had a client who can…” with ❤️
00:03:47 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Wish I had done mark…” with 👍
00:03:47 Angela Winter: Reacted to “Had a client who can…” with ❤️
00:03:50 Michelle Self: Mentioned that I may offer SEO to a connection and ended up having a consult ~ may not lead to anything, but helped me understand the questions and process of a call. Kind of a market research call
00:03:54 Kate Newnham | UpDesignsLA.com: Reacted to “Had a client who can…” with ❤️
00:03:56 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Wish I had done mark…” with ‼️
00:04:07 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Mentioned that I may…” with 🥳
00:04:21 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “Had a client who can…” with ❤️
00:04:29 Michelle Self: The site – lots of roadblock and challenges I hadn't run into before! Also some staying out of wallets 😉
00:04:36 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Emailed a client about upgrading their legacy maintenance plan!
00:04:47 Kate Newnham | UpDesignsLA.com: Reacted to “Emailed a client abo…” with 👏🏻
00:04:49 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Emailed a client abo…” with 🥳
00:04:49 Maddison Manente: Reacted to “Emailed a client abo…” with 👏🏻
00:04:50 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Emailed a client abo…” with ❤️
00:04:51 Stephani – The Simple Growth Co: Went to a business networking event today (not my comfort zone) and connected with a video production guy who was looking for someone to refer website people to!
00:04:55 Kate Newnham | UpDesignsLA.com: Reacted to “The site – lots of r…” with 👍🏻
00:04:56 Maddison Manente: Reacted to “Had a client who can…” with ❤️
00:05:01 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Went to a business n…” with 🥳
00:05:04 Kate Newnham | UpDesignsLA.com: Reacted to “Went to a business n…” with 🥳
00:05:07 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “Mentioned that I may…” with 🥳
00:05:09 Stephani – The Simple Growth Co: Reacted to “Finished module 1 an…” with 🥳
00:05:11 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “The site – lots of r…” with 👍🏻
00:05:12 Stephani – The Simple Growth Co: Reacted to “Been working on some…” with 🥳
00:05:15 Stephani – The Simple Growth Co: Reacted to “Finished a site and …” with 🥳
00:05:19 Stephani – The Simple Growth Co: Reacted to “Had my first market …” with 🎉
00:05:23 Angela Winter: Just had a kick-off branding call with my newest client and realized she was even more of an ideal client than I initially realized!
00:05:26 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “Went to a business n…” with 👏🏻
00:05:30 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “Just had a kick-off …” with 💕
00:05:32 Maddison Manente: Reacted to “Went to a business n…” with 🥳
00:05:34 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Just had a kick-off …” with 💕
00:05:36 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Went to a business n…” with 👏🏻
00:05:44 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Just had a kick-off …” with 💕
00:05:53 Kate Newnham | UpDesignsLA.com: Reacted to “Just had a kick-off …” with 💕
00:06:03 Stephani – The Simple Growth Co: Reacted to “Had a client who can…” with ❤️
00:06:13 Stephani – The Simple Growth Co: Reacted to “Mentioned that I may…” with 🥳
00:06:22 Stephani – The Simple Growth Co: Reacted to “The site – lots of r…” with 👏
00:06:33 Stephani – The Simple Growth Co: Reacted to “Emailed a client abo…” with 👏
00:06:41 Stephani – The Simple Growth Co: Reacted to “Just had a kick-off …” with ❤️
00:07:05 Diana Richards: Reacted to “Just had a kick-off …” with 💕
00:07:58 Kate Newnham | UpDesignsLA.com: Win: Asking for 50% up front for 2 huge website projects instead of just the 20% and then sending multiple invoices just to make each one feel like less $
00:08:08 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Exactly!
00:08:11 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Thank you!
00:08:11 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Win: Asking for 50% …” with 👏
00:08:16 Diana Richards: Reacted to “Win: Asking for 50% …” with 👏
00:08:40 Diana Richards: (Whoops, password went here instead of my login! — deleted that!)
00:08:46 Stephani – The Simple Growth Co: Reacted to “Win: Asking for 50% …” with 👏
00:08:59 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “Win: Asking for 50% …” with 👏
00:09:04 Michelle Self: Reacted to “Finished module 1 an…” with 🥳
00:09:05 Michelle Self: Reacted to “Been working on some…” with 🥳
00:09:08 Michelle Self: Reacted to “Had my first market …” with 🥳
00:09:12 Michelle Self: Reacted to “Had a client who can…” with ❤️
00:09:28 Michelle Self: Reacted to “Emailed a client abo…” with 👏🏻
00:09:30 Kate Newnham | UpDesignsLA.com: I would love to co-work but it’s sooo early for my lazy California self
00:09:32 Michelle Self: Reacted to “Went to a business n…” with 🥳
00:09:41 Michelle Self: Reacted to “Just had a kick-off …” with 💕
00:09:42 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: I hear you Kate (I’m from Oregon)
00:09:44 Michelle Self: Reacted to “Win: Asking for 50% …” with 👏
00:09:58 Michelle Self: Reacted to “I would love to co-w…” with 😂
00:10:05 Kate Newnham | UpDesignsLA.com: Reacted to “I hear you Kate (I’m…” with 🤣
00:10:05 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Win: Asking for 50% …” with 💪
00:10:08 Erica Nash: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_5tWXj-ARSWixHNBeoZO-2g
00:10:28 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “I would love to co-w…” with 😂
00:11:52 Kate Newnham | UpDesignsLA.com: I have a question if there’s time
00:12:59 Michelle Self: I have some mindtrash that popped up with this site go live that I'd love to talk through if there's time.
00:13:08 Erica Nash: For questions! https://airtable.com/appBKMODI6rJUNuPk/shrQMjgC7CiiWTBsh
00:13:25 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: it makes things a WHOLE lot easier when you separate your business finances from your personal
00:22:12 Kate Newnham | UpDesignsLA.com: OR, incentivize them 10% off if they book by…
00:22:15 Kate Newnham | UpDesignsLA.com: I’ve done that
00:22:25 Kate Newnham | UpDesignsLA.com: Or, I just wanted you to know that I’m about to raise my prices
00:22:31 Kate Newnham | UpDesignsLA.com: So pay deposit by… to lock in your spot
00:23:01 Michelle Self: I've worked with non-profits who needed board approval before they could commit. Then we just adjusted the dates once they had approval to move forward
00:31:34 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Ugh…I remember site lock…agree with that feeling
00:33:22 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: bombarded
00:34:45 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: I like WPS Hide Login as well – you can change your login screen URL to something else… keeps a lot of the bots away 😄
00:35:08 Michelle Self: Reacted to “I like WPS Hide Logi…” with ❤️
00:40:12 Ruby Javaid: yeah i'm having that diy/level of effort issue too
00:41:51 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Patrick has a single tear right now
00:42:02 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “Patrick has a single…” with 🤣
00:42:18 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “Patrick has a single…” with 😂
00:42:24 Kate Newnham | UpDesignsLA.com: Reacted to “Patrick has a single…” with 🤣
00:42:44 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Patrick has a single…” with 😂
00:42:48 Erica Nash: Reacted to “brb – something smel…” with ‼️
00:43:42 Maddison Manente: Reacted to “Patrick has a single…” with 🤣
00:45:46 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Patrick has a single…” with 🤣
00:45:59 Erica Nash: I think the tried-and-true level is the fam fave
00:48:12 Diana Richards: Reacted to “Patrick has a single…” with 😂
00:52:00 Kate Newnham | UpDesignsLA.com: Always
00:52:01 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: yes
00:52:04 Michelle Self: yes
00:52:07 Ruby Javaid: I have a question – how do you handle requests that phrased as “just one more thing” without any hourly rate
00:54:18 Kate Newnham | UpDesignsLA.com: Some of that is training her on process I think
00:54:20 Caitlin Harrison: I’d be wary about her knowing how many revisions she needs without seeing the designs
00:54:24 Kate Newnham | UpDesignsLA.com: And being the expert
00:54:30 Caitlin Harrison: also that shes trying to nickel and dime the pieces
00:54:35 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “I’d be wary about he…” with 👍
00:54:41 Kate Newnham | UpDesignsLA.com: PITA fee (pain in the a$$)
00:55:24 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “also that shes tryin…” with 👆🏻
00:55:57 Kate Newnham | UpDesignsLA.com: Replying to “I have a question – …”

“Just” is a 4 letter word lol – I now do a minimum of a 1/2 day of work, so to gather up all their revs/needs and anything else they need. OR, incorporate a maintenance plan.
00:56:00 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “PITA fee (pain in th…” with 🙌
00:56:14 Kate Newnham | UpDesignsLA.com: Replying to “I have a question – …”

OR, give her a training video on how to update those “justs” lol
00:56:26 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to ““Just” is a 4 letter…” with ❤️
00:56:28 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to ““Just” is a 4 letter…” with ❤️
01:01:39 Erica Nash: Another way to think about it Maddison (and this could be for future consults) – if I go order a burger and have to tell them to take off the burger and the cheese because I can’t eat it, I don’t get a discount! You get to tell clients that they don’t have to use them all if they don’t need them (revisions, for instance), but they are there if they decide they need them.
01:01:56 Caitlin Harrison: Reacted to “Another way to think…” with ♥️
01:02:16 Maddison Manente: Ok thanks Erica that makes a lot of sense!!
01:02:20 Maddison Manente: Reacted to “Another way to think…” with ♥️
01:02:23 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “Another way to think…” with ♥️
01:02:25 Steph R: Reacted to “Another way to think…” with ♥️
01:02:26 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Ok thanks Erica that…” with ❤️
01:02:46 Michelle Self: Reacted to “Another way to think…” with ♥️
01:07:04 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: You are so valuable to her. Personally if she was MY PITA, I would say retainer or bust. (But that’s just me!)
01:07:34 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “You are so valuable …” with ❤️
01:09:03 Angela Winter: gotta go… see you all next week!
01:10:51 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: This sounds so similar to a client of mine who I had worked with for years. Eventually (when I was ready, like Shannon is saying) I told them I had to quadruple their monthly maintenance/retainer b/c that was the only way that I could give them the attention they deserved. They accepted and now when they email me, the feeling is SO much different than before. (I resented them and now I don’t.)
01:11:08 Erica Nash: Reacted to “This sounds so simil…” with 🙌
01:11:20 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: (But at that point I was also ready for them to say no – so you have to be open to that too.)
01:11:55 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “This sounds so simil…” with 👏🏻
01:12:02 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “This sounds so simil…” with 👍
01:12:11 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “This sounds so simil…” with ❤️
01:12:22 Erica Nash: Reacted to “(But at that point I…” with 🙌
01:14:43 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “Another way to think…” with ❤️
01:14:58 Tracy Trathen • e design studio, LLC: Reacted to “Another way to think…” with ❤️
01:15:21 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: lolol
01:15:32 Erica Nash: Reacted to “lolol” with ⛷️