WDA Global Live Strategy Call 09-27-2022

This Week's Questions


00:01:28 Rachel Briscoe: I actually finished my first web design project!
00:01:45 Angela Bamford: I’ve been learning how to create videos for social media, how to edit them and stitch them together
00:01:45 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital: Put myself out there for VIP days – “selling” on IG stories, and have had one person book in a call! Plus I have another one booked in for next week with a former coach 🙂
00:01:58 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital: YAY Rachel!! 🎉🎉🎉
00:02:05 Angela Bamford: Well done Rachel!
00:02:09 Rachel Briscoe: Made a meal of it LOL!!!
00:02:26 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital: That's great Angela!
00:02:33 Rachel Briscoe: That's fantastic Angela
00:02:37 Angela Bamford: Woo Sez!
00:02:41 Rachel Briscoe: Awesome Sez!
00:07:59 Rachel Briscoe: Me too!!!
00:26:49 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital: Line in the sand, Rachel!
00:39:43 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital: Same as with a brand designer. They started off with X no. of concepts and then the client decides what they do/don't like and more refining happens
00:46:44 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital: Then raise the prices again LOL
00:48:18 Rachel Briscoe: Thanks Sez xx
01:00:12 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital: Yeah, I was in government admin for 15 years. So easy to get stuck in a particular mindset with “reinforcement” like what you're saying every day