This Week's Questions
00:09:46 Mariela Cabezas | Web Designer – This is exactly my situation now, lol
00:12:48 Mariela Cabezas | Web Designer – What tool are you using for feedback?
00:12:54 Mariela Cabezas | Web Designer – I found this one:
00:13:05 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital:
00:13:43 Mariela Cabezas | Web Designer – Yeah, I was using Markup but it only allows one client at a time and after that it's super expensive per month I think
00:16:34 Mariela Cabezas | Web Designer – I need to bite my tongue so often!!
00:16:38 Mariela Cabezas | Web Designer – haha
00:19:18 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital: Had a really good Discovery Call today with a potential new client. New industry and very interesting project.
00:22:16 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital: I'm still using the MarkUp free account but I just create one MarkUp per client (per phase e.g. mockups for Client A and build feedback for Client A, so two mockups)
00:30:05 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital: It's hard for us, as creatives, to separate the personal from what's just about the design. Because we put so much of ourselves into what we design/creative
00:50:15 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital: That's the module I'm really REALLY looking forward to