WDA Global Live Strategy Call 04-26-2022

This Week's Questions


00:01:36 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital: Pitched my very first VIP day (for 2 days, actually) and client said an enthusiastic YES! πŸ˜€
00:03:11 Jo-Anne Clifford: I have Covid right now and I put on an auto-responder to tell clients I was out of office! Big boundary for me, as usually i'd try and push through. That's my win for the week!
00:03:40 Rachel Briscoe: So yesterday was officially my first day to get started all in with this after a difficult few months and I have my schedule ready.
00:03:50 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital: Jo-Anne, definitely a big win for holding that boundary!
00:04:09 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital: Rachel, congrats! That's amazing!
00:06:13 Amanda: I've been networking with other people in business that has been really uplifting and a big thing for me! I also did my very first photoshoot the other day, it was crazy and fun, something I've wanted to do to break down a wall for me.
00:06:39 Rachel Briscoe: Awesome Sez!!! VIP days are such a great model!
00:07:39 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital: Thanks Rachel! It's my first VIP day so a bit unsure but #DoingItMessy haha
00:07:43 Amanda: Love that for you Sez! and Jo-anne well done! Can't believe you worked through labour! <3
00:07:44 Jo-Anne Clifford: that sounds good πŸ™‚
00:08:06 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital: Woohoo Amanda! That's awesome πŸ™‚
00:08:41 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital: That's where I got started – through Sarah Masci
00:09:14 Jo-Anne Clifford: I've done her VIP day course too πŸ™‚ I use it as an offering to try and get out of hourly rates.
00:10:35 Amanda: I almost did that for a VIP day, I could hear your voice in my head though Shannon ahaha great reminder
00:12:06 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital: Yeah, my idea with the VIP days is to do those small projects (like landing/sales pages) that I can knock over in one day and then leave myself open for 1 or maybe 2 ‘bigger' projects each month πŸ™‚
00:36:22 Rachel Briscoe: Such great advice Shannon! So crystal clear what to do in this situation.
00:38:25 Rachel Briscoe: It’s also being professional.
00:39:06 Jo-Anne Clifford: that's a great way to put it
00:40:19 Rachel Briscoe: That for sure helped me!
00:40:35 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital: Thank you so much Shannon, that was brilliant and SO useful!!
00:40:46 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital: I LOVE that term – zombie clients haha
00:44:09 Jo-Anne Clifford: Sounds like my last 12 months….. lol
00:44:38 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital: Absolutely, being able to recognise those signs
00:47:03 Amanda: That Alecia St Germain recording was amazing
00:47:10 Jo-Anne Clifford: ^ agree!
00:47:15 Rachel Briscoe: agree
00:48:05 Amanda: I told someone, who has their own busines, what I was offering and they were like oh sounds like you
00:48:16 Amanda: ‘re mentoring and coaching not just building a site *
00:58:31 Amanda: You can do it Jo-Anne! πŸ™‚
01:01:30 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital: I've just finished up 12 months with a business coaching program. On the whole it didn't give me what I needed but I did learn some things I needed and the networking opportunities have been amazing. So it worked out in the end.
01:02:42 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital: It was 6am originally (Brisbane time) but it's 5am now and just too early
01:02:45 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital: (Sorry haha)
01:02:58 Rachel Briscoe: Thanks so much for this call Shannon. It’s 1pm here in Dublin!
01:03:55 Amanda: This was great! I remember you said you don't like meetings in the AM so thanks for doing this!
01:04:01 Jo-Anne Clifford: thank you so much!
01:04:04 Sez Gower | @whaletaildigital: Thank you for such a great call!
01:04:51 Jo-Anne Clifford: see you next time!