Naomi is excited to have just finished a successful kickoff call with a new high-paying client, thanking Shannon Mattern for providing resources to help their work through their negative feelings. Full Text: Naomi 22h . 8 I just got off a kickoff call with my new high package client that I was freaking out about ... it was amazing !!! I followed the outline provided in the workbook, took the lead and asked all the questions in the project planner and she is sooo excited! She has worked with 2 other web designers and she said this is the first time she has been this excited to work with someone. She feels like the questions help her get everything out of her head and is able to articulate what she wants better! Now I so excited to work with her !!! Thank you so much Shannon Mattern for putting together this amazing resource and everyone here helping me work through those negative feelings that come up! Feeling super excited and energised after the call! 18 4 Comments Seen by 47

Premium Package Kickoff