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Confidently raise your rates without sending clients running.

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A person sits in front of a laptop.

Take action alongside other ambitious women web designers to increase your revenue in just five days.

In this 5-day group challenge, you’ll be guided by founder of the Web Designer Academy Shannon Mattern, as she delivers daily bite-sized trainings designed to help you take action and confidently raise your rates.
You’ll get insider access to our exclusive price increase strategy from Shannon's closed-door group coaching program, the Web Designer Academy, plus proven action steps and accountability to increase your revenue without increasing your workload.

Over these 5 days you will...

Wanna know two of the biggest business problems web designers face?

Undercharging + Overdelivering.

Are you working way too much because you're taking on more and more work to meet your income goals (or scrambling to complete extra work clients tack on)?

Do you want to charge more, but you're afraid to because you're not sure how to find clients that will pay that much for web design… (and don't want to send your current clients running)?

Have you underestimated how long projects will take only to spend wayyyyy more time on them (not to mention the time waiting on clients) which lowers your revenue even more?

If any of that sounds like you… you are so NORMAL!!!!

It's not like you don't already know that big marketing firms are charging tens of thousands of dollars for websites. You just can't imagine someone paying YOU that much for a web design project…

And you've been wanting to raise your prices but have been dragging your feet.

You wish you could just raise your prices and get better clients, but deep down you feel like you'd be ripping people off because you know you'd never pay that much… and you're not sure how to find people who would… 

What if you could confidently and strategically raise your prices NOW?

Having a more profitable, easy, fun web design business is one part strategy combined with one part mindset.

If you don't know what to say to raise your prices…

If you don't know how to communicate the value of what you do for clients so that they understand why you charge more than other web designers…

Then strategy is the solution.

If you wish you could say what you really want to say to raise your prices…

If you don't believe in the value of what you do for your clients so that they understand why you charge more than other designers…

Then mindset is where your work is…

And when you have both strategy AND mindset on lock? That's when you become unstoppable...and that's where I come in.

Hi, I'm Shannon Mattern and I know exactly what you're going through because I've gone through it myself.

I used to be a freelance web designer who didn’t think what I did was worth that much and let my clients treat me like an employee, and who was always people-pleasing and worried about feeling pushy and sales-y in my marketing.
Now I’ve coached hundreds of women web designers to confidently market their businesses, raise their prices by 5x and more, and take back control of their time (and ultimately their lives). 
Strategy is important (and we give you lots of it…) but what I know to be true after 8 years of coaching women web designers?
Your core fears, worries and anxieties about marketing, money and managing clients are the most important thing standing in the way of you actually implementing and creating results.

That's why I created the Free 5-Day Revenue Reset Challenge...

Shannon Mattern is hosting a Revenue Reset Challenge at WP+BFF LLC to help web designers increase their revenue.
This challenge is specifically designed for web designers who don't feel like they're making enough money for all the work they’re putting in, or have bossy + uncooperative clients and are worried about raising their rates and sending clients (+ potential clients) running…
…to show you how to have confident conversations with clients that communicate not only your value but the value you're creating for them…
…and help you shift the core belief-system that’s preventing action in the first place.

The finer details...

Register for the Revenue Reset Challenge!

Enter your name and email address to get all the details for this free challenge sent directly to your inbox!