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next level mastermind call replays
Next Level Replay 07-24-2024

Summary + Transcript


00:03:28 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I missed it! Did you say how many people are registered?!
00:06:00 Janet Hoover: Michael says I snore sometimes so had to do the solo room…you’re welcome 🤣
00:06:07 Erica Nash: Reacted to “Michael says I snore…” with 😆
00:06:15 Caitlin Harrison: Replying to “I missed it! Did you…”

9 I think
00:06:26 Caitlin Harrison: Replying to “I missed it! Did you…”

plus Shannon and Erica
00:06:48 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Omg…I talk and make funny noises but from what I hear it’s pretty entertaining so #yourewelcomebunkies
00:06:49 Janet Hoover: Hey, has anyone heard from Trish?
00:06:57 Caitlin Harrison: Reacted to “Hey, has anyone hear…” with ♥️
00:06:57 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Omg…I talk and make …” with 🤣
00:07:00 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “Hey, has anyone hear…” with ♥️
00:07:05 Caitlin Harrison: Replying to “Hey, has anyone hear…”

I was going to ask the same question
00:07:10 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “I was going to ask t…” with 👍
00:08:04 Janet Hoover: She’s great
00:08:09 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “She’s great” with ❗
00:08:20 Caitlin Harrison: Is Lisa still in WDA?
00:08:33 Janet Hoover: No, she’s in Josh’s group now I think
00:08:49 Janet Hoover: I know Kate and Lisa do miss WDA
00:09:17 Caitlin Harrison: Replying to “I know Kate and Lisa…”

sounds like a re-invitiation campaign
00:09:38 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “sounds like a re-inv…” with 🙌
00:11:05 Shannon Mattern: Reacted to “sounds like a re-inv…” with ❤️
00:11:09 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: She watches all the recordings! She’ll see it!
00:12:48 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “She watches all the …” with ❤️
00:14:26 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Wahooo! So pumped for you Steph!!
00:14:33 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Wahooo! So pumped fo…” with 🙌
00:14:35 Erica Nash: Those are the BEST days
00:16:05 Stephani – The Simple Growth Co: Reacted to “Wahooo! So pumped fo…” with ❤️
00:16:12 Stephani – The Simple Growth Co: Reacted to “Those are the BEST d…” with ❤️
00:16:49 Janet Hoover: Sweet!!
00:19:02 Erica Nash: Perspective is so good for us!
00:19:10 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Perspective is so go…” with ❤️
00:20:30 Janet Hoover: Yeah, good to hear they have the audio version too
00:20:51 Janet Hoover: I would do the same hahaha!
00:21:48 Janet Hoover: 👏
00:24:48 Janet Hoover: Go Kaila!
00:25:22 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Lolll it always works so well until I have to talk
00:25:28 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Lolll it always work…” with 🤣
00:25:34 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: (Or it starts pouring and I can’t go inside because husb is in a meeting)
00:30:40 Erica Nash: That’s a huge realization to have. Hugs!
00:31:03 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “That’s a huge realiz…” with 👍
00:32:25 Janet Hoover: That’s Next Level
00:32:36 Erica Nash: Reacted to “That’s Next Level” with 🙌
00:33:24 Caitlin Harrison: what are the consequences you have in place?
00:41:58 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: My first thought when you talked about analysis paralysis and who was the ‘right’ person to reach out to was….maybe time for another mini-rejection challenge?
00:42:27 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “My first thought whe…” with 👍
00:48:27 Janet Hoover: How about also reaching out to web designers who have clients who need this. I’m happy to send your info out to my list because I’m sure people need this and I don’t do it lol
00:51:10 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Shannon asked about whether the incoming leads overcoming your nervous system was a conflict but I’m also wondering about the recurring time blocks on your calendar being overwhelming. Just like Cait, this is me projecting – but having recurring things on my calendar makes me feel trapped/boxed in.
00:51:15 Janet Hoover: When they have their course stuff done…now they need to spread the word – they need this!
00:52:31 Caitlin Harrison: I just did this too with my Scotland email to my “list”
00:53:31 Janet Hoover: It’s just another way to support them
00:53:37 Caitlin Harrison: I do it toooooo
00:53:42 Janet Hoover: Me 3
00:55:48 Stephani – The Simple Growth Co: I have to run to prep for my 2pm meeting – see you all later 🙂
00:56:14 Janet Hoover: Gotta run for a 2pm too – you got this, I have faith in you!! 🙂
00:56:35 Caitlin Harrison: I also have a meeting next, but LOVE YOU! we are the same brain 🧠
00:56:55 Racheal: And me. Always so grateful to be with you gals
00:57:36 Denae Hively: I think I have some spaces to testthis with ya
00:59:52 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: It’s ok to give yourself permission to experiment! And even tell the initial person that that’s what you’re doing! 🙂
01:03:40 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Your coaching is a gift!