WDA Live Strategy Call 7-25-2023

This Week's Questions

Summary + Transcript

Meeting Notes

  • Intro to the show. 0:30
    • There was an ant in the office. Caitlin and Kayla are excited to see each other, and Caitlin has screensharing abilities.
    • Alicia is a good friend of Shannon.
    • Alicia and Shannon are excited to work with you for the next few months. They are going to do three sessions together and a series of coaching sessions.
    • Caitlin is the one that always comes and gets all the babble. She always wants to start working on the design.
  • Perfectionism and procrastination. 6:21
    • Perfectionism and procrastination are twin sisters. They wreak havoc on each other. Caitlin shares her story of her entrepreneurial journey, starting in 1998 when she bought her first investment property and realized she didn't want to be told what to do.
    • Shannon shares her own story of entrepreneurship.
    • In the course of her life, she has trained over 10,000 entrepreneurs in various aspects of entrepreneurship, including real estate investing.
    • She discovered this process called immunity to change, which explained why our brains don't allow us to do the things we need to do.
  • How our brains work. 12:14
    • Your brain is hardwired to keep you away from dangerous situations, just like an immune system that keeps you feeling good and protects you from viruses and bacteria.
    • A perfect example of this is when my son got the stomach flu last year, and now he's crying.
    • The three big components of imposter syndrome that eric is going to tease out in three different sessions, building self-worth, perfectionism and developing receptivity.
    • Merriam webster has added impostor syndrome to its dictionary in the more recent years, primarily plagues women, but can also plague men.
  • How to redevelop your ability to receive. 17:40
    • Redefining receptivity, how many of you are great at giving, but not great receivers, and how many have a block in accepting or receiving.
    • The three worthiness, perfectionism and receptivity are all based in self-protection, and can be different depending on how you are triggered.
    • Perfectionism is not about being a bad person, but about self-protecting yourself from being ashamed of yourself.
    • Receiving money is another place where people block money, because they say no to receiving money, and it opens up for them to receive more.
  • Where do you see the most imposter syndrome? 23:56
    • Michelle shares where she sees her imposter syndrome, perfectionism, receptivity and perfectionism as the most prevalent aspects of her life.
    • Michelle addresses the confusion between imposter Syndrome and being uncommitted and unprepared.
    • If someone is relying on pure talent, they are not going to be a top performer. People who rely on talent are going to not be top performers.
    • To be excellent, to be excellent at anything, you have to practice and that is part of your commitment.
  • How to celebrate your wins. 30:17
    • Your brain seeks pleasure and avoids pain, so when you take the time to celebrate wins, the brain goes, this feels good.
    • Make a list of all the things you're really good at.
    • Write down what you are really good at in your business and what it took to get good at that thing.
    • What did it take for you to get to that thing
  • Leveraging what you are good at. 34:45
    • Caitlin talks about her first client and how she had to prove to herself that she could do this over and over again.
    • Shannon shares what she wants to hear from the group and what she is looking for in the future.
    • Caitlin shares her beliefs about humility and humbleness, and how they are important in building self-worth and being in service to others.
    • The importance of humility over humblness in business.
  • How to set your intention for the day. 39:46
    • How many people pick up their phone first thing in the morning, and how that sets the tone for the rest of the day.
    • One of leigh's top competencies is execution. She is good at implementation and execution. It took leigh a long time and a lot of experiences to gain the skill set and impatience to get results.
    • There is a hesitation in being the first one to speak up, because there is a negative connotation.
    • Own and accept where you are right now, and not compare yourself to others, because comparing yourself to other people is a trap.
    • People with post-apostor syndrome are raised with either one of two things.
  • What Is self-compassion? 46:40
    • The three components of self-compassion, self-kindness, being kind and understanding to yourself when things are not going well, suffering failure and feeling inadequate.
    • The beauty of being a web designer academy.
    • Mindfulness is about being in the community sharing experiences and allowing your community to lift you up.
    • Emotions are just indicators. They are only designed to stay in the body for 90 seconds, so it has to be reaffirmed by another thought.
  • The importance of owning your worth and business. 51:44
    • Open it up for a moment of coaching for anyone who is feeling like they want to have a breakthrough in their business.
    • Shannon is the most dedicated client in history.
    • One of the things Caitlyn had to go through was teaching mainly real estate investors. She also had her children and saw the opportunity for coaching entrepreneurs.
    • It took years to reconcile what she was good at and what she is really good at, the mindset stuff.
  • Owning your decisions. 56:49
    • The moment in this world when Caitlin starts to own her decisions and not make herself wrong for others is when she becomes vulnerable.
    • The one thing Caitlin wants to see today.
    • The idea that no one will ever want to pay you for what you do, or they're not going to see the value in that, and who do you think you are to try and want $10,000 from someone?
    • How to use self-compassion on yourself to become more compassionate.
  • Worrying about re-wiring your brain. 1:01:34
    • The worry of not being able to rewire the brain and not being willing to commit to what it takes to do it.
    • The fear of not doing enough for the value of the work or building the business, and how that affects mental health.
    • The brain is conditioned to look for evidence that negative self-talk is beneficial, so it needs evidence that what it believes is not true.
    • Caitlin shares a book about how to start the day with positive intention and see what happens in your life for two weeks.
  • Dealing with toxic behaviors and their purpose. 1:07:03
    • Toxic behaviors are serving a purpose. They exist for a reason, but they are based on a belief that isn't necessarily true.
    • The takeaway for Caitlyn today is to shift her morning routine.
    • The negative thought only stays in the body for 90 seconds, and then it has to be reaffirmed with a thought.
    • It can be intimidating and scary to come in with a new person and get really vulnerable, but it is safe to be vulnerable with alicia.


00:02:07 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I’m at my family farm in Manitoba, Canada
00:02:20 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Nope! Not camping! Just livin my life in my travel trailer!
00:06:28 Michelle Self: What if I can't figure out how to solve their problem?
How can I figure out how much to charge / charge so much if I don't know all the things?
00:06:43 Karen: Reacted to “What if I can't figu…” with πŸ‘
00:06:46 Lisa: Reacted to “What if I can't figu…” with πŸ‘
00:06:50 Kaitlyn Unger | KTU Designs LLC: “I'm not good enough”
00:06:56 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “What if I can't figu…” with πŸ‘πŸ»
00:06:56 Lisa: Reacted to “”I'm not good enough…” with πŸ‘
00:07:03 Michelle Self: Reacted to “”I'm not good enough…” with πŸ‘
00:07:04 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I don’t want to over promise and under deliver
00:07:12 Lisa: Reacted to “I don’t want to over…” with πŸ‘
00:07:13 Kaitlyn Unger | KTU Designs LLC: Reacted to “I don’t want to over…” with πŸ‘πŸ»
00:07:15 Karen: Reacted to “”I'm not good enough…” with πŸ‘
00:07:18 Karen: Reacted to “I don’t want to over…” with πŸ‘
00:07:19 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “I don’t want to over…” with πŸ‘πŸ»
00:07:24 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “”I'm not good enough…” with πŸ‘πŸ»
00:16:34 Janet Hoover: Spot on!
00:16:45 Ruby Javaid: yup this is me
00:16:47 Lisa: Totally me
00:16:58 Michelle Self: Yes! This is me :/
00:18:02 Michelle Self: OOf… so hard!
00:18:18 Ruby Javaid: I have this bad habit of deflecting compliments
00:18:26 Lisa: Reacted to “I have this bad habi…” with πŸ‘
00:18:29 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “I have this bad habi…” with πŸ‘
00:18:33 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “I have this bad habi…” with πŸ‘
00:19:42 Michelle Self: Oh man – I have all of these, but perfectionism is the worst of the 3
00:23:27 leigh: Yessss
00:24:12 Caitlin Harrison: Perfectionism
00:24:17 leigh: And hi Alecia!!! πŸ’•
00:24:17 Ruby Javaid: alllll 3
00:24:18 Janet Hoover: Perfectionism
00:24:18 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: All three but probably most in perfectionism
00:24:22 Lisa: All
00:24:23 Shannon Mattern: Perfectionism for me but all of them
00:24:50 Michelle Self: Perfectionism! but the others as well
00:25:26 Michelle Self: I weirdly am OK on worthiness with strangers. It's when friends/family ask me to quote them that I feel panic
00:25:39 Janet Hoover: Same, Michelle
00:25:42 Karen: Reacted to “Same, Michelle” with πŸ‘
00:25:47 Ruby Javaid: omg yes michelle
00:25:51 Karen: Reacted to “I weirdly am OK on w…” with πŸ‘
00:26:34 Michelle Self: Reacted to “omg yes michelle” with πŸ‘
00:26:36 Michelle Self: Reacted to “Same, Michelle” with πŸ‘
00:28:39 Glennette Goodbread: of course
00:34:56 Ruby Javaid: yup all the time
00:36:13 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: What are you good at?
Googling, research, empathizing with new business struggles, paying close attention to detail, documentation, holding boundaries, organization, communication

What did it take to become skilled in your area of expertise?
Time, experience in the workforce, mentorship, negative situations, starting a business/leaving my 9-5
00:36:41 Karen: Reacted to “What are you good at…” with πŸ‘
00:38:07 Ruby Javaid: one thing that i'm feeling is that all the stuff on my list is just stuff every web designer knows, like it's not something special if that makes sense
00:38:20 Lisa: Reacted to “one thing that i'm f…” with πŸ‘
00:38:38 Lisa: Replying to “one thing that i'm f…”

Yes Ruby me too.
00:39:15 Kaitlyn Unger | KTU Designs LLC: Reacted to “one thing that i'm f…” with πŸ‘πŸ»
00:39:19 Ruby Javaid: Reacted to “Yes Ruby me too.” with πŸ‘πŸ»
00:40:07 Ruby Javaid: guilty lol
00:40:45 leigh: That explains a lot. I look at memes
00:40:58 Shannon Mattern: Reacted to “That explains a lot….” with πŸ˜‚
00:41:00 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “That explains a lot….” with πŸ˜‚
00:41:45 Janet Hoover: What am I really good at:
Site Development
Envisioning opportunities to help take people’s site to the next level/growth potential
Being trustworthy, responsive, fair, responsive
Creating a strategic flow for websites
Creating instruction, finding solutions


What did it take for me to get good at these:
Trial and error
Support and courage
Continued education
Workplace education
00:42:24 Karen: Reacted to “What am I really goo…” with πŸ‘
00:42:31 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “What am I really goo…” with πŸ‘
00:44:03 Shannon Mattern: Reacted to “What am I really goo…” with πŸ‘
00:44:08 Kaitlyn Unger | KTU Designs LLC: Reacted to “What am I really goo…” with πŸ‘πŸ»
00:44:21 Lisa: Reacted to “What am I really goo…” with πŸ‘
00:48:49 leigh: Reacted to “What am I really goo…” with πŸ‘
00:53:08 Caitlin Harrison: I don’t want to be the only one talking haha!
00:53:14 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “I don’t want to be t…” with 🀣
00:53:17 Michelle Self: Reacted to “I don’t want to be t…” with 🀣
00:56:26 leigh: YES you are. I’m still leaning on the breakthroughs you helped me with almost a year ago
00:57:25 Lisa: Reacted to “YES you are. I’m sti…” with πŸ‘
00:57:32 Michelle Self: I am procrastinating – learning ‘new tech' and strategies. I have to know all the things before I can market
00:58:50 Lisa: I really procrastinate on doing the marketing outreach no matter how much I know I have to do it to keep my business successful, I still find a million things to do first to avoid it.
00:59:52 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “I really procrastina…” with πŸ‘
01:00:38 Michelle Self: Reacted to “I really procrastina…” with πŸ‘
01:08:52 Janet Hoover: YesThank you!!!
01:08:56 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Can you say what you said again about the negative thought – 90 second thing?
01:09:06 Caitlin Harrison: look for evidence
01:09:09 Janet Hoover: Going to start my day differently w/positive intention
01:09:11 Michelle Self: I'm going to change up my morning routine!
01:09:17 Lisa: start my day better
01:09:28 Karen: Intentionally setting the tone for the day.
01:09:29 Ruby Javaid: very helpful – I need to separate how I feel about something with how others perceive me, it's not always thesame
01:09:59 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Thank you!! THat’s what hit me the most!
01:10:09 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “Thank you!! THat’s w…” with πŸ‘
01:10:13 Janet Hoover: Reacted to “very helpful – I nee…” with πŸ‘
01:10:32 Lisa: Thank you Alecia!!
01:10:45 Michelle Self: Thank you!!
01:11:37 Janet Hoover: And we love you!
01:11:41 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Reacted to “And we love you!” with πŸ’•
01:11:45 leigh: Reacted to “And we love you!” with ❀️