WDA Live Strategy Call 09-27-2022

This Week's Questions


00:01:22 Sharon Blalock OBM: My win is I signed up for WDA!
00:01:30 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Weo! Welcome Sharon!
00:01:37 Courtney Wilson: Win! We finally finished module 4 – this one kicked our bums, but we just submitted the workbook for review! 🙂
00:01:42 Janet Hoover: Yws!
00:01:42 Trish Bovell: you'll love it, Sharon
00:01:44 Courtney Wilson: Hi Sharon!!
00:01:46 Janet Hoover: Yes!
00:01:54 Cynthia Norman: I really enjoyed Module 1 and was able to start M2 and M4!! Love the content!
00:01:57 Sharon Blalock OBM: Thank you everyone
00:02:04 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Welcome Cynthia!!
00:02:06 Janet Hoover: Welcome ladies!
00:02:24 Janet Hoover: Kicking some digital buns this and last week (thanks to timeblocking lol!)
-Finished client projects
-Updated my website (still more to do)
-Completed some WDA and VIP work
-Sent 5 (more still to do) reach out and client price increase emails (already heard back from 3)
– scheduled a discover call for tomorrow
00:02:28 Courtney Wilson: Welcome Cynthia!
00:02:35 Karen: I had my first consultation and it went well.
00:02:52 Janet Hoover: Yay, Karen!!
00:02:55 Robin Smith: My Win….Gave a Presentation at a conference and it was a success.
00:03:21 Karen: Yay Janet!
00:03:22 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Win – getting better at that non stalkery follow up!
00:03:45 Karen: Welcome Sharon and Cynthia!
00:03:53 Courtney Wilson: Wow, Janet!
00:03:55 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Yah, frig – time blocking has been a game changer for staying focused! I'm on week 4!
00:03:56 Kate Newnham: Welcome newbies!!
00:04:01 Kate Newnham: You've arrived!
00:04:05 Robin Smith: Congrats Janet. That is great!
00:05:04 Janet Hoover: So thank you!!
00:05:07 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Sooo good Janet and totally agree!
00:05:14 Caitlin Harrison: win was going away with my husband, sister and friends for a wedding celebration in the mountains
00:05:17 Kate Newnham: I’ve been SO efficient!!!
00:05:27 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Niiice Cait! That sounds amazing!
00:05:28 Kate Newnham: (with time blocking)
00:05:40 Janet Hoover: Woah!!! Wow Robin!!
00:05:46 Kate Newnham: Wow Robin!!!
00:05:51 Courtney Wilson: That's awesome Robin!
00:05:54 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Impressive!!
00:06:09 Janet Hoover: Ha!! Yay Kaila – it's so hard to follow up!!
00:06:12 Karen: Robin…wow!
00:06:36 Janet Hoover: Yay, Caitlin!!
00:07:35 Caitlin Harrison: I did but I only opened it twice
00:07:37 Robin Smith: Thanks everyone. It was a great experience.
00:08:25 Robin Smith: What time tomorrow?
00:08:39 Janet Hoover: 3pm CST
00:08:40 Erica Nash: 4 pm est
00:09:21 Caitlin Harrison: I likely can't stay the whole time
00:09:26 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: get it cemented! :p
00:10:00 Kate Newnham: @Erica – Did you get my question submitted yesterday?
00:10:13 Erica Nash: yes
00:10:17 Kate Newnham: cool
00:11:52 Kate Newnham: Yeah she suggested 1 day only with no patrick matrix and I'm conflicted cuz i LOVE patrick
00:12:41 Trish Bovell: faster turnaround – price higher
00:12:52 Deanna: Exactly – we LOVE Patrick lol
00:13:15 Caitlin Harrison: I'm in a spiral that I have to stop adding new people's strategies to my world haha everyone has GREAT programs and offers but I need to choose one (Patrick) and stick with it
00:13:35 Caitlin Harrison: i've been on an unsubscribe spree because I need to stop being tempted
00:13:39 Courtney Wilson: I know Caitlin – I get like that too!
00:13:41 Deanna: Ok – that makes sense – what about using as a “last chance” kind of offer
00:15:25 Deanna: Lol – that is why I am asking – to get YOUR opinion
00:15:28 Trish Bovell: Kate – I'm also going to experiment with starting VIP days – we can do it together. I am going to Patrick Matrix them.
00:15:31 Deanna: ♥️
00:15:41 Kate Newnham: Yes Thank you Trish, would love to!
00:15:59 Janet Hoover: Same @kate and @trish!
00:16:39 Kate Newnham: I love the idea of making a ton of $$ in 1 day LOL
00:16:40 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: there's no right way! just the way that works the best for you!
00:17:04 Trish Bovell: I've learned enough about myself in this program that VIP days work better for me
00:17:06 Melissa Miller: I’ve been gone for 3 weeks and look forward to meeting Patrick 🙂
00:17:08 Deanna: I currently offer is as a SUPER basic page – front page, about, contact – 9 times out of 10 they have come back for more – they end up spending what I initially quoted in the beginning, it just ends up being over six months or a year 🤷‍♀️
00:17:24 Kim Brock: I love the idea, but I'd rather work in small chunks. I don't think my attention span could last all day! lol
00:17:58 Deanna: Do one MEGA AWESOME program
00:18:02 Janet Hoover: Yay Patrick!
00:18:08 Kate Newnham: Patrick wins!
00:18:32 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: #thatpatrickpassion
00:18:37 Deanna: It really does – I just had to get it out of my head ♥️
00:18:45 Kate Newnham: LOL Katila
00:18:48 Kate Newnham: LOL Kaila
00:21:35 Erica Nash: I've not used the feature, but on loom you can stitch videos together. You could record a personalized intro and stitch it with a prerecorded video with all the other information. That could be a good compromise.
00:21:50 Caitlin Harrison: ooh thats a cool feature!
00:21:59 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: yeah! i read about that update too erica! this would be a good use case for it
00:22:02 Erica Nash: It does seem really cool!
00:30:22 Tina Paredes: ww.tinisima.com
00:31:54 Caitlin Harrison: my opinion is that its great! I think people generally just want to see you've worked before and it doesnt have to be exactly them
00:31:58 Kate Newnham: Ooh i love the “design for good”
00:33:09 Caitlin Harrison: did my question come in? I did it during last week's implementation call
00:33:20 Tina Paredes: Thank you! i was having a tough time to pull it all together 🙂
00:33:51 Erica Nash: Yes, it did Caitlin!
00:34:02 Caitlin Harrison: thanks 🙂 I already forgot what I asked
00:34:18 Erica Nash: Haha it’ll be a surprise!
00:34:32 Janet Hoover: I’m sure it'll be a good one!
00:35:49 Kim Brock: Oooh I like that idea!
00:36:59 Courtney Wilson: I love this idea. “Let me put together a price to clear my schedule.” I'm going to steal that.
00:37:34 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: such a nice way of saying ‘there's a rush fee for that yo – i'm not just sittin on my butt eating doritos waiting for you to roll into my email' haha
00:37:48 Erica Nash: 😂
00:37:58 Janet Hoover: 😂
00:40:28 Caitlin Harrison: thats a great idea! I had a maintenance client appear with a request and a tight deadline
00:40:34 Deanna: Lol kaila
00:40:40 Caitlin Harrison: automate an email at the beginning of the month
00:40:44 Kate Newnham: Now I want doritos
00:40:53 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: me too haha
00:40:55 Janet Hoover: Ha!
00:40:56 Deanna: SAME Kate
00:41:15 Lauren N.: lol my loom proposal videos are like 17 mins mia, i have the same problem!!
00:41:19 Kate Newnham: Yes @Caitlin!! I have not at all utilized automation because it feels so impersonal and I have a total block with it.
00:41:22 Janet Hoover: PUPPY!!
00:41:29 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: oh gosh, my loom's are loooong
00:41:31 Caitlin Harrison: I havent either but I know I need to haha
00:42:00 Caitlin Harrison: even just a recurring task in clickup with a script to copy/paste/personalize?!
00:42:04 Kim Brock: Did I miss a puppy??
00:42:17 Trish Bovell: Kaila's puppy! So cute!
00:42:30 Kate Newnham: I'll just add to my google calendar LOL
00:42:47 Kim Brock: cute! Doxie? Beagle?
00:43:01 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: she's very independent! i have to snag her for forced cuddles when i can :p
00:43:12 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: mini-doxie!
00:43:41 Janet Hoover: That's what I do Kate. I have a client who needs their menu items switched out each month so I have a calendar reminder to remind them to send to me BEFORE the end of the month
00:44:07 Kate Newnham: I hear that Mia!!
00:44:14 Caitlin Harrison: buy some stock logos to present as a library?
00:44:30 Caitlin Harrison: (I say knowing I'd also feel the EXACT same as you Mia)
00:44:38 Janet Hoover: Totally
00:45:58 Caitlin Harrison: that's a powerful shift
00:46:20 Kate Newnham: I still have to remember that I'm dealing with adults who are responsible and make their own decisions 🤣
00:46:37 Janet Hoover: I know right?! hahahaha!
00:46:42 Trish Bovell: exactly, Kate
00:47:14 Christine Westlake: I have a question if we have time, I have a new client, project started on September 15th (second invoice was due), she went on vacation last Thursday, hasn’t paid her second invoice, said she was going to before she left. I've basically put the project on hold, I'm not doing the work until the payment is paid, but when she comes back from vacation we are supposed to review brand and tech. Best way to communicate this with someone that is non responsive/out of the country? 😬
00:52:31 Robin Smith: Needed to hear this today!
00:52:56 Deanna: I’m having flashbacks!!! 😜
00:54:20 Caitlin Harrison: unfortunately, not everyone wants or respects custom design
00:54:24 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: also, such a good learning lesson!
00:54:37 Caitlin Harrison: it will still be better than she would do on her own
00:55:13 Deanna: Meet her where she is…not where you wish she was. At least in this case
00:55:40 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: i like that deanna! a good reminder!
00:55:51 Kate Newnham: Most people don't even know about purchasing assets that well
00:59:34 Kate Newnham: Rekindle the spak
00:59:38 Kate Newnham: spark
00:59:44 leighscott: hahaha @Kate
01:01:06 Trish Bovell: I had to shut down my very first client's website because she put her business on hold
01:02:53 Janet Hoover: I have the most amazing website for a gamer biz that I could not wait to show off, all kinds of cool gamer stuff (animations and more), but…they went out of biz PRIOR to launching their biz during covid. It totally sucked. I have that site saved on a sub domain, but it happens….
01:03:27 Janet Hoover: I would have loved to put that in my portfolio 🙁
01:04:03 Kate Newnham: I used to work in corporate and I have this mindset that I'm an employee still and responsible even when we're done working together. It's like – if you wanted someone FT, hire me FT. LOL
01:04:05 Janet Hoover: I think I have had 3 or 4 go out of business
01:04:36 Janet Hoover: Oh gosh, Kate I suffer with that ALL the time
01:04:41 Courtney Wilson: @Kate I totally feel the same too
01:04:48 Kate Newnham: Letting stuff go is not my forte… but I continue to practice
01:04:57 Kate Newnham: TRUDGING some days
01:05:19 Janet Hoover: It’s a struggle…but…that’s one way WDA helps <3
01:05:22 Deanna: Playing devils advocate (because I still have to do this with myself once in awhile over all these years) – what if it WAS you?? What’s the worst that happens??? You take their site off your portfolio – POOF – it no longer exists…
01:07:04 Deanna: You did the best with what you had at the time. THEN – not NOW ♥️
01:07:31 Erica Nash: And sometimes people just change their minds.
01:07:43 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: at the end of the day, it's their business, their decisions based on their strategy and goals (or lack thereof) so who knoooowwwws what's going on behind the scenes. you’ll probably never know why they got a new site and like deanna said, if It WAS you, they could reached out and got YOU to build a bomb ass website with all the new skills you've acquired!
01:07:58 Sharon Blalock OBM: Their business may be doing better now then it was then too…. don't make it about you.
01:07:58 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: *could have
01:08:02 Janet Hoover: Amen to that
01:08:47 Deanna: They fell into a volcano 🌋
01:08:47 Kate Newnham: Omg classic – YES
01:09:00 leighscott: or maybe your website made them feel so lucky that they went and bought a lottery ticket and won the lottery and now they don't need the business
01:09:03 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: they had a torrid love affair with someone who ended up being a web developer! :p
01:09:18 Erica Nash: kaila 😂😂
01:09:20 leighscott: hahahaha Kaila
01:09:22 Courtney Wilson: LOL Kaila
01:09:54 Janet Hoover: Kaila, you're killin' me today 😂
01:10:02 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: glad to keep ya laughin
01:10:06 Kate Newnham: Thanks all!!
01:10:07 Janet Hoover: Thank you!!
01:10:07 Trish Bovell: you helped them when they needed help! Awesome Job Caitlin
01:10:10 Sharon Blalock OBM: buy