WDA Live Strategy Call 08-23-2022

This Week's Questions


00:02:38 Trish Bovell: win – took all last week off and never signed in to work once!
00:02:46 Caitlin Harrison: I broke up with a client who was STRESSING ME OUT. Now I'm just trying to motivate myself to wrap my piece of the work done asap to truly move on
00:02:56 Janet Hoover: I FINALLLLLLLYYYYY made my site live – but…I want to change so many things already but…at least its out there lol
00:03:02 Courtney Wilson: Same with us Trish! Yay!
00:03:07 Amanda Guerassio (@studioguerassio): Reached out to a potential client after seeing a news article about their latest venture, asking to set up a call – ‘cold' emails are scary, but this would be amazing
00:03:13 Janet Hoover: Oooo nice, catiyn and trish!
00:03:27 Janet Hoover: *Caitlin
00:03:30 Trish Bovell: go Caitlin!
00:03:31 Erica Nash: Oohh big wins!!
00:03:37 Trish Bovell: nice Courtney!
00:03:52 Deanna: Um…I accidentally deleted a clients site this morning (stupid wp-rocket)
00:04:31 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her): good for you caitlin!
00:04:32 Trish Bovell: Amanda – way to put yourself out there!
00:04:39 Amanda Guerassio (@studioguerassio): Thank you, Trish!
00:04:39 Deanna: But my WIN is i had it back up in 5 minutes because I made sure she HAD backups before I started her project (thanks prework checklists!!!!)
00:04:40 Janet Hoover: Nice Courtney and Amada!
00:04:51 Amanda Guerassio (@studioguerassio): Wooo Deanna! I'm sure your stomach still dropped though
00:04:57 Becky Swan: Booked that big project I posted about a couple weeks ago. Also have a smaller project pending.
00:05:22 Deanna: Amanda I literally had an empty trash can next to me trying not to 🤮
00:05:25 Trish Bovell: Deanna – that's the value they get working with you!
00:05:34 Mia Rendon: Win: So many wins last week! I'm just super proud of myself for how many opportunities came at me last week! And I have had so many exciting ideas in the last few days for my business!
00:05:41 Deanna: ♥️ Trish
00:06:28 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her): brave! nice work amanda!
00:07:06 Janet Hoover: Woo hoo Deanna!!!
00:07:20 Courtney Wilson: OMG Deanna you must've been so stressed about that. I would've cried.
00:07:31 Janet Hoover: Great Becky!!
00:07:31 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her): yah, i totally would have gotten instant hives haha
00:08:18 Mia Rendon: Thank you!!
00:08:28 Caitlin Harrison: I cant wait for Thursday's workshop on how to get booked out and development calendar management
00:08:50 Janet Hoover: Oh and @erica I've already updated my matrix on my site since submitting for review lol – just an FYI
00:09:13 Erica Nash: Yay Janet!!
00:10:12 Caitlin Harrison: not yet!
00:10:41 Janet Hoover: Shane? haha!
00:14:09 Janet Hoover: Dr Kate!
00:14:18 Laura Kåmark: What's up doc?
00:14:30 Dr. Lauren Nappen: lol
00:14:49 Dr. Lauren Nappen: Why is everyone calling me ddoctor??
00:15:15 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her): your name is coming up as dr. lauren nappen!
00:15:24 Dr. Lauren Nappen: hahahha that's my client. hold on.
00:21:17 Caitlin Harrison: if there's time, I have a question
00:22:29 Leigh Scott: I also find that some people, depending on their experience and background, have never been exposed to the concept of investing vs spending
00:23:43 Dr. Lauren Nappen: SO RUDE!
00:23:59 Janet Hoover: I agree Dr!
00:24:06 Amanda Guerassio (@studioguerassio): I think it's just rude
00:24:08 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her): i also find it rude.
00:24:12 Caitlin Harrison: I'm the same way
00:25:43 Mia Rendon: it's so annoying to be ghosted but I've had clients who ghost me and then pop back up in my life at the right time so I think it's a natural thing that needs to happen
00:26:08 Dr. Lauren Nappen: Absolutely @Mia – that's happened to me too – and if I got them when I did, it would have been overwhelming when I look back.
00:26:27 Caitlin Harrison: I had a lady I quoted back in April who didnt reply to 3-5 follow ups JUST reach out saying she's ready to move forward.
00:26:36 Dr. Lauren Nappen: That's awesome Caitlin!
00:26:45 Janet Hoover: Wow, awesome, Caitlin!
00:27:30 Caitlin Harrison: I had her resubmit my consult form and book a call, I believe she will be a website in a week package (which is what she wanted back in April) so my question is… do I re-show all the packages? Do I raise my rates?
00:27:56 Mia Rendon: Also you have no idea what is going on in people's lives. I had a client on Thursday email me a month after her contract proposal expired and she didn't respond because of a death in the family so you just never know!
00:28:03 Becky Swan: THe Magic Email
00:28:10 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her): the magic email!
00:28:12 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her): yes!
00:28:25 Caitlin Harrison: they should be thinking of us every day!! 😉
00:28:28 Trish Bovell: great idea Kate
00:28:44 Mia Rendon: Caitlin😂
00:29:53 Erica Nash: https://webdesigneracademy.com/dream-web-designer-directory-application/
00:30:48 Mia Rendon: That would be so awesome!
00:30:52 Caitlin Harrison: always looking out for us, Shannon <3
00:36:16 Amanda Guerassio (@studioguerassio): serendipity
00:36:19 Courtney Wilson: Yup, know that feeling!
00:36:56 Caitlin Harrison: I'm learning to trust that letting go of the bad energy clients opens the door to newer better clients
00:37:09 Courtney Wilson: I need to learn that Caitlin! 🙂
00:37:15 Mia Rendon: Yes Caitlin!
00:39:48 Lisa Doiron: Yes, thank you Laura!
00:40:56 Lisa Doiron: 0
00:45:28 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her): this is such a great question!
00:45:34 Caitlin Harrison: I feel that so much
00:45:53 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her): missed you too!!
00:46:48 Amanda Guerassio (@studioguerassio): productive procrastination
00:46:50 Leigh Scott: Thanks for all the responses to that question by the way. Everyone was very inspiring. It’s also helpful to know it’s not just me
00:46:55 Dr. Lauren Nappen: lol @Amanda
00:47:00 Caitlin Harrison: I do so much busy work that I know doesnt move the needle
00:47:07 Erica Nash: mini Genius chat time!!
00:47:14 Becky Swan: Same Caitlin!
00:47:26 Dr. Lauren Nappen: omg yes @Caitlin! I used to which is why I started that outreach weekly!!
00:47:33 Caitlin Harrison: I
00:47:33 Janet Hoover: I do too Caitlin…I hate that…but I get stuckin that…like with my darn website
00:47:34 Leigh Scott: I would just fall back asleep. Lol
00:47:44 Caitlin Harrison: I'm hoping to join today but the timing is tough for me
00:48:06 Amanda Guerassio (@studioguerassio): I have to hop off – good to see / hear everyone!
00:48:11 Dr. Lauren Nappen: Bye!!
00:48:16 Janet Hoover: Bye!
00:48:24 Deanna: I am a BIG bed worker – I am way more comfortable sitting cross legged on the bed than my desk 🤷‍♀️
00:48:25 Shannon Mattern: Erica! Mia is your spirit animal LOL!
00:48:31 Dr. Lauren Nappen: You could hop on for as long as you have – even 15 mins @Caitlin! Totally up to you!
00:48:58 Erica Nash: I feel that so hard. Why do I need to monetize all the things?? 💀
00:49:06 Courtney Wilson: I love that you have chill days Mia!
00:49:36 Erica Nash: In my house we have potato days 😂
00:51:06 Courtney Wilson: LOL. I need my therapist to tell me when I need a day off. I need to work on giving myself permission to take time off when I start getting burnt out.
00:51:07 Janet Hoover: Great points Mia
00:53:08 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her): i don't know if this is an answer but i've started to give myself grace to also lean into the fact that there are seasons – seasons where work seems like work for a while and seasons where work is exciting and try to remember that it doesn't typically last forever. and of course, as other said – when it's needed – put the work into make those changes because that does take work too (whether it's therapy or trying something new, etc.)
00:53:37 Becky Swan: Yes, I just accept it and move through it
00:53:51 Mia Rendon: Love that Kaila, I definitely feel the seasons
00:54:30 Dr. Lauren Nappen: Hot yoga 4pm a few times a week! Work from 10-3 LOL
00:54:31 Laura Kåmark: I also find that at different times of the month I feel more exhausted and want to burn it all down
00:54:45 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her): we need to find that thread in the fb group where we all talk about the fun things we try to do!
00:54:53 Courtney Wilson: Yes Kaila!
00:55:15 Caitlin Harrison: There is a book all about how our menstrual cycles should be taken into account in our business schedules
00:55:31 Mia Rendon: I was just about to mention that Caitlin!
00:55:33 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her): https://www.facebook.com/groups/wpdevacademy/posts/2492314857569579/
00:55:34 Caitlin Harrison: I havent read it, I’d have to try to find here I heard of it but it makes sense
00:55:34 Laura Kåmark: @kaila I shut down at 3:30 on Tuesdays and take my dog to agility training (for fun, not to compete)
00:55:36 Mia Rendon: Working along your cycles
00:55:36 Dr. Lauren Nappen: Can I tell my clients that @Caitlin?! hahaha
00:56:04 Caitlin Harrison: hahaha I vote yes
00:56:17 Kaila Anderson | HeyKaila Media (she/her): yes laura! haha sometimes i literally just close the computer and grab my uke! it is what it is!
00:56:37 Dr. Lauren Nappen: Sometimes, it helps to go work from another outside location
00:56:49 Janet Hoover: That's a good idea…I feel like I have squirrel brain all the time, maybe if I schedule it, I don't have to feel guilty
00:58:02 Leigh: wooohooo!
00:58:07 Deanna: That’s why i love the flying lessons – it uses a completely different part of my brain from work and I feel revived after ♥️
00:58:13 Trish Bovell: 😍
00:58:23 Janet Hoover: Ditto!
00:58:26 Dr. Lauren Nappen: Same!
00:58:28 Laura Kåmark: @deanna I love that you are taking flying lessons!!!
00:58:51 Deanna: ♥️Best birthday present to myself ever
00:59:06 Erica Nash: That's so cool
00:59:10 Janet Hoover: Thank you!!! Great as always!!
00:59:17 Dr. Lauren Nappen: thankk you!!!