WDA Live Strategy Call 05-10-2022

This Week's Questions


00:01:00 Janet Hoover: Hellooooo! Excited to be here!
00:01:00 Mia Rendon: I have my first market research call tomorrow! I’m very excited!!
00:01:03 Noelle: I received an excellent testimonial from my retainer client.
00:01:09 Amanda Guerassio (@studioguerassio): Surviving solo-parenting my toddler while husband is isolating with Covid. 😬
00:01:23 judy bigham: had Convo with wpbakery/GoDaddy client last Wed – she is all for the rebuild!
00:01:27 Leigh Scott: I held my ground with a bully client (with the help of you guys)
00:01:54 Erica Nash: https://forms.gle/kAWc2KSQ7XqKQ92F9
00:01:55 Lauren N.: Started my package matrix!
00:02:00 Lauren N.: Go Leigh!!!
00:02:08 Leigh Scott: @Amanda ooh noo. I’ve been there. You got this.
00:02:25 Janet Hoover: Helped a friend with some techy stuff that was fun to geek-out over, more progress on my site & seo, wraping up 2 projects – such a wonderful feeling!
00:02:33 Janet Hoover: Yay, Lauren!
00:02:36 Leigh Scott: Thanks Lauren!
00:02:42 Janet Hoover: YES, Leigh!!
00:02:50 Amanda Guerassio (@studioguerassio): @Leigh – thanks! hanging in there
00:04:11 Trish Bovell: win – said no to a potential client who had spent a lot of money on a marketing guru & wanted cheap and also a platform I've never heard of before.
00:04:27 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Finally posted an Instagram post which I was dreading. Small win that I did something I felt was hard but also a win because I think it’s going to force me to go back and do the get your next client module.
00:05:48 LaShae Dorsey: Yes!!! Way to go Judy, Janet, Trish, Leigh and everyone.
00:07:27 Amanda Guerassio (@studioguerassio): Sort of – you keep going in and out
00:07:33 Trish Bovell: keep cutting in & out.
00:08:18 Amanda Guerassio (@studioguerassio): 🤞🏻
00:13:19 Leslie Gilbert: Shannon your video and sound has been good for me
00:13:53 Janet Hoover: Question, Trish – did you tell her yes, you'll get all the things done in the 5 days or did you tell her you'll get done as much as you can in those 5 days?
00:15:29 Caitlin Harrison: If there is time at the end, I also have a question on timelines. if not, I’ll submit for next week
00:15:59 Amy K Ogden: It’s awesome! I love it!
00:16:04 Amy K Ogden: Thanks Erica~!
00:16:13 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Yes, ditto! Was fun to play with!
00:16:16 Amy K Ogden: And spreadsheets
00:16:37 Trish Bovell: @janet – I told the client that I'd do as much as I can get done in that time.
00:17:04 Janet Hoover: Ok, thanks @trish!
00:19:18 Erica Nash: Glad you guys found it helpful!!! You know spreadsheets are my jam
00:23:17 Janet Hoover: Me too….It's a HARD mindset to get over/thru
00:23:19 Amy K Ogden: Talking about growing up with money issues, when I share some of these strategies with certain family members I get push back from them.
00:23:31 Amy K Ogden: THAT is hard to navigate
00:23:47 Amy K Ogden: OOH! I like that!
00:24:01 Amy K Ogden: They didn’t give ME the money they invested it in their business!
00:24:03 Amy K Ogden: Gold!
00:25:25 Leslie Gilbert: Convenience fee lol
00:25:32 LaShae Dorsey: Right this has been the biggest shift in the world for me and my money mindset. I am not taking. We, my client and I are exchanging value. If they choose to pay me, then I choose to provide my value.
00:26:02 Janet Hoover: Yep, so true @LaShae
00:26:26 Amy K Ogden: Exchanging value. I like that LaShae
00:26:44 Lauren N.: thats so good LaShae!
00:27:15 Caitlin Harrison: its hard not to compare when there are people charging $500 for what we want to charge $5000 for
00:27:30 Janet Hoover: Yep, totally @Caitlyn
00:27:52 Janet Hoover: Ooops sp @Caitlin
00:27:54 LaShae Dorsey: Ah but that's not true Caitlin – the $500 person IS NOT providing the same thing you are
00:28:11 Janet Hoover: TRUE!!!!
00:28:51 Caitlin Harrison: @LaShae… so true!! but the red flag clients who only see $$ spent vs value can get in my head
00:29:09 Amy K Ogden: Not surprising
00:29:11 leighscott: That’s so true
00:29:26 Amy K Ogden: Go find less
00:33:15 LaShae Dorsey: @Caitlin when they only see $$ it just means that they don't actually understand the value yet and you do understand it – so they aren't going to value the $500 either …
00:33:49 Caitlin Harrison: @LaShae all soooo true, gotta fully digest that mentality
00:34:14 LaShae Dorsey: I've been digesting the idea since I first found Shannon so 2019. LOL.
00:34:38 Leslie Gilbert: Oh I wish I would have found Shannon that long ago! Lol <3
00:34:58 Caitlin Harrison: I logged on late but my win was not only did I say no to even sending a proposal on Friday. My kickoff call for my new project later that day included the fact that he wants me to pitch building his artist wife a website for her business so he could gift her my services for her birthday!
00:35:08 Lisa: I wrote that down! That was good LaShae!
00:35:35 Janet Hoover: I did too lol!
00:35:59 Amy K Ogden: I created a proposal for a dream client (one I’ve worked with before and I use as the template for a dream client) I gave them my mid range price “just to see how it feels” then gave them a premium client discount. It felt great so I went with it. I just sent it out before this call and he just signed and returned it to me. Dreamier Client indeed!!
00:36:03 Leslie Gilbert: I was just thinking that…like they could be in the same boat we were once at
00:36:27 LaShae Dorsey: OMG Caitlin – that is AWESOME!
00:37:12 Janet Hoover: What a cool gift idea @Caitlin!
00:37:16 Caitlin Harrison: Thank you 🙂
00:37:51 Amy K Ogden: Wow! Great job Caitlin, and what a fun site to work on!
00:37:56 Trish Bovell: thank you!
00:39:15 Caitlin Harrison: @janet definitely start locking your calendar the friday before! I started this a few months ago and its soooo great to know no one can jump on my schedule without ME controlling the booking
00:40:32 Trish Bovell: tech isn't kind to us today
00:40:58 Janet Hoover: I think now actually since listening to you
00:41:00 Janet Hoover: Dubsado
00:41:30 Leslie Gilbert: That’s a great idea @Caitlin!
00:41:31 Janet Hoover: Yes….that's it I think!
00:41:49 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Or if you have something come up, you can move the consult!
00:41:56 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: It’s your schedule! 🙂
00:42:13 Janet Hoover: I hate talking to random people…so that’s my main issue tho I thought it was just control over my sch
00:42:19 LaShae Dorsey: Right I actually cancelled someone today who is totally not a fit. It's the first time I've done that. It felt weirdly empowering!
00:42:33 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Niiiice work lashae!
00:42:53 Caitlin Harrison: Its amazing how many scripts there are!!
00:43:02 Erica Nash: @Janet, same 😂
00:43:06 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: HATE the phone.
00:43:14 Trish Bovell: always hated the phone!
00:43:29 Trish Bovell: I love take out ordering apps! Saved me!
00:43:52 Caitlin Harrison: plus now you can have them leave the food at the door!! even less stranger interactions haha
00:43:54 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: I used to give myself hives when I knew I had to speak on the phone hahaha
00:43:58 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: #struggleisreal
00:44:03 Leslie Gilbert: I still struggle with saying no, but working on it. Sometimes it’s because they’re not a good fit, but it could also be time constraints and I just feel so guilty because I feel/want to be there “savior” or go-to person. :/
00:44:14 leighscott: I used to work drive thru at fast food restaurant and I would “forget” to turn my headset on
00:44:24 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: Hahaha leigh
00:44:45 Trish Bovell: the more confidence I have in my offer, , the more comfortable I'm talking to someone I don't know.
00:44:53 leighscott: Lol. i made some people really angry
00:45:06 Alanna Singleton: You can do that with Calendly
00:45:11 Erica Nash: @Leslie, a piece of advice someone gave me when feeling like that was “their answer is out there, it doesn't have to be you.” It was really freeing for me!
00:45:12 Caitlin Harrison: and Dubsado
00:45:25 Trish Bovell: I do that with Book like a boss.
00:45:44 Trish Bovell: I block out every Monday morning and Fridays
00:45:47 Caitlin Harrison: right! you can control it at hte google calendar level with whats “open”
00:45:55 Leslie Gilbert: That is great @Erica. I need to print that and post it on my wall lol
00:46:19 Amy K Ogden: I need at least 3 days to work up the courage to have a call especially a Discovery Call or anything where I’m seen as an expert.
00:46:38 Amy K Ogden: Tell me about it
00:46:43 Caitlin Harrison: Shannon wants to dig in
00:46:44 Janet Hoover: Yes, totally!
00:46:51 Janet Hoover: Thank you that really helped!!
00:46:59 Janet Hoover: I”m gonna do it!
00:47:08 Kaila – HeyKaila Media: It’s a good chat day :p
00:48:05 Amy K Ogden: Indeed @Kaila!
00:55:36 Erica Nash: I believe what you’re looking for is in workbook 6: You initiate cancellation AFTER PROJECT START DATE due to Client not complying with contract terms (giving you content, revisions, etc.)
01:01:24 Amy K Ogden: THANK YOU!