listen to my latest podcast episode:
Managing Your Web Design Business Finances with Rocky Lalvani EP 88
byShannon Mattern
The image depicts a web designer working on a laptop, indicating that they are making a profit from their web design business. Full Text: profitable web designer

2024 Vision, Planning + Goals Workshop

Design your business around your life, not the other way around.

In this 4-part series, you’ll be guided by founder of the Web Designer Academy Shannon Mattern, as she walks you through how to:

A person sits in front of a laptop.

Plus find out how to get a replay of our exclusive "Profitable Web Design Packages" training.

Learn what our Web Designer Academy students include in their web design packages that allow them to charge 5x more on average and create 6-figure web design businesses and beyond…

And get access to an exclusive-tell-all session with me and a few of our most successful Web Designer Academy students.

After you enroll in the workshop, you'll find out how to get exclusive access to this invitation-only training for no extra charge! 

Hi, I'm Shannon Mattern and I know exactly what you're going through because I've gone through it myself.

Now I’ve coached hundreds of women web designers to confidently market their businesses, raise their prices by 5x and more, and take back control of their time (and ultimately their lives).

I put together the Vision, Planning + Goals Workshop to help ambitious women web designers like you design your business around your life instead of fitting your life in around your business.

It's time to finally claim the freedom, flexibility and financial independence you started this business for in the first place and create more freedom and abundance than you ever dreamed of.

Here's what you get:

This image is promoting a web design business planning workshop, where attendees will learn strategies to create a profitable, sustainable, and scalable web design business.

The Profitable Web Design Business Vision, Planning + Goals Workshop includes...

The total value of this workshop is $2000!

Here's what's inside the 2024 Vision, Planning and Goals Workshop:

session one

A person is using a laptop.

Plan Your Profitable Web Design Business

THURSDAY, 12/8 at 11:00 AM Eastern

You'll create your project schedule + plan for 2024 around your vision for your life, instead of fitting your life around your business and clients.

Profitable Goal Setting

THURSDAY, 12/8 at 12:30 PM Eastern

Reverse-engineer your pricing based on your personal revenue goals so that you can finally stop undercharging and overdelivering for good.

session two

They hold a pen and a cup of coffee.

session three

A person is using a laptop.

Making Decisions like the CEO of Your Web Design Business

THURSDAY, 12/8 at 2:00 PM Eastern

Learn to think and make forward-thinking decisions that are aligned with your lifestyle and goals from the CEO seat in your business instead from the solopreneur seat.

Selling Profitable Web Design Projects in an Uncertain Economy

THURSDAY, 12/8 at 3:30 PM Eastern

Get insights into consumer behavior in uncertain economic times and learn how to market your services so that your business can thrive in any economic environment.

session four

Two people sit on the floor with a laptop.

Profitable Web Designer Vision, Planning + Goals Workshop

This image is promoting a web design business planning workshop, where attendees will learn strategies to create a profitable, sustainable, and scalable web design business.

Get instant, lifetime access for just one easy payment of...


The image is displaying various payment methods accepted by a business, including Visa, American Express, PayPal, and Mastercard. Full Text: VISA AMERICAN PayPal EXPRESS MasterCard

I can't wait for you to start making these powerful shifts in your web design business! – xoxo Shannon

Plus... when you register you'll find out how to get exclusive access to an invitation-only private training on selling profitable web design packages.


A person sits in a chair.

Selling Profitable Web Design Packages + Tell-All Q+A Session

After you enroll in the workshop, you'll find out how to get exclusive access to this invitation-only training for no extra charge! 

Friday 12/9 at 1:00 PM Eastern

We'll be revealing what our Web Designer Academy students include in their web design packages that allow them to charge 5x more on average and create 6-figure web design businesses and beyond…

Plus there’ll be an exclusive-tell-all session with me and a few of our most successful Web Designer Academy students.

It's time to transform the way you run your web design business to create the stability and sustainability you want.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What's the refund policy?

A. This workshop is non-refundable.You get lifetime access to recordings.

Q. Where are the replays?

A. You'll be sent an email with a link to access these trainings on our website.

Q. Is this live?

A. Nope! These are recordings of a live event.

Q. How do I get an invitation to the private training on selling profitable web design packages?

A. That training has expired, however, you are welcome to apply to get access to our most recent training at

Q. Is there a workbook?

A. Yes, it's linked up in the course dashboard.

Q. How long do I have access to the recordings?

A. Your access to the recordings does not expire.