This's Weeks Questions
00:01:09 Leslie Zemenek: I finished my freebie. I have some tweaks after Shannon’s review, but the hard part is done.
00:01:27 Janet Hoover: Hey, I’m here! That’s my win and ready to rolling!!
00:01:29 Erica Nash: Got super clear on my goals and action steps! I’m showing up a lot more on social, which means people are engaging with me about my services.
00:01:39 rachelmess: Well done Leslie!! That’s literally what I’m working on now!
00:01:43 Kim Brock: Sent a proposal last week, heard back fairly quickly that she liked my presentation and had another proposal coming in and she would let me know. Followed up today and am waiting to here back, but excited that I got a MAYBE
00:02:05 Cory Peterson: Win – Had a great morning. Received an unsolicited review from a networking friend who said I really knew what I was talking about (what?!). AND today had another networking call – she didn’t even know I was a web designer going in and I might have came out of it with 2 jobs (what?!)
00:02:06 rachelmess: I’m going to copy Janet and say that being here is my win because I’ve literally never made it to a live call!
00:02:23 Kim Brock: Also connected with someone about a part time web developer job, have a call scheduled later this week for more details, but I’m feeling really good about it!
00:02:57 Leslie Zemenek: @rachelmess, it felt good to finally get it done.
00:04:13 Barb ∞ Infinity Brand Design: My win is being here. #covid
00:04:23 Tiffany Souhrada: Sent a branding proposal – and have a yes, just waiting to confirm dates before sending out contract and onboarding! Also have two leads for website projects to finish out the year
00:05:59 Barb ∞ Infinity Brand Design: Welcome to the WDA Fam, LaShae!
00:11:13 Erica Nash: LOVE. Thanks for those!
00:12:30 Barb ∞ Infinity Brand Design: She's amazing!
00:12:36 Janet Hoover: OH my gosh…I’m so flipping’ excited!
00:12:49 Barb ∞ Infinity Brand Design: Awesome stuff coming!
00:13:29 Kim Brock: All of this sounds cool!!
00:13:41 Erica Nash:
00:13:49 Barb ∞ Infinity Brand Design: YAY ERICA!!!!!
00:17:02 Barb ∞ Infinity Brand Design: Soooooo tempted to come Shannon
00:17:08 Cory Peterson: That would be so fun!!!
00:17:23 Trish Bovell: would be fun!
00:17:50 rachelmess: Sounds amazing! But Scotland to Columbus is prettyyyy far haha
00:18:21 Erica Nash: I’d love to know how you landed this opportunity, Shannon!!
00:18:29 Barb ∞ Infinity Brand Design: Same Erica!
00:20:13 Kim Brock:
00:20:26 Barb ∞ Infinity Brand Design: OH! #WINS! 1) Next Monday, I'll officially be a published author! 2) I'll be speaking at a summit next week about working in your magic
00:21:20 rachelmess: Omg Barb that’s amazing!!
00:22:20 Erica Nash: Well, huge freaking congrats
00:22:24 Erica Nash: To you, too, Barb!!
00:22:27 LaShae Dorsey: That’s awesome @Barb
00:22:47 Cory Peterson: Not just a normal person, but a good, genuine, authentic person
00:24:25 Barb ∞ Infinity Brand Design: I'm gonna hop off… not feeling super great. Was good to see y'all, Fam!
00:24:35 Cory Peterson: rest up Barb!
00:24:38 Erica Nash: Get some rest, Barb!
00:28:14 Janet Hoover: And courses you may take…probably don’t have a degree either
00:29:53 judy bigham: Leslie this is a great topic! Glad you brought it up
00:30:40 Leslie Zemenek: Certifications don’t make you more talented or responsible or whatever. I know plenty of people with fancy letters after their names who are not very good at what they do.
00:30:53 Kim Brock: Dreamweaver!!
00:31:16 leighscott: Expensive fancy letters. Lol
00:32:42 Kim Brock: By the time I took a “formal” web design class in college, I had already taught myself more than what they were teaching. Web stuff changes so fast, you really have to be constantly working with it to stay current
00:33:13 Venus: If someone is asking for certifications, maybe turn the question to them: what signs, clues or accomplishments are they looking for to help them feel confident in hiring a web designer? How do they decide who is capable of doing other types of work for them?
00:33:17 Janet Hoover: Same, Kim
00:33:37 judy bigham: For Get Your Next Client tomorrow, is there anything I can do/review to prep?
00:34:23 leighscott: I have a question about managing clients and communication when something disrupts your schedule in your personal life (ie getting sick, sick child, etc.)
00:34:27 Venus:
00:34:59 judy bigham: Cool thx! I looking forward to it
00:37:16 rachelmess: I have a question about setting up / organising privacy policies for cookies and GDPR if that’s okay?
00:44:03 Janet Hoover: Good question Rachel. I help clients walk thru setting up policies, do their cooke banner, explain (some) GDPR, etc. but wondered who else does this and how much. I have a few policy generators, I can share
00:44:51 Janet Hoover: That’s a good question Leigh!
00:46:18 rachelmess: Hey Janet, that’s super helpful thanks! Can I ask where you’re based? It’s not something I really thought of when I was thinking of packages but now I’m in the middle of the build and suddenly realised that my client doesn’t have a policy in place so wondering what my process should be going forward
00:47:20 Janet Hoover: I’m in Texas but have clients in France, etc. plus…any US based business also needs to take care of GDPR stuff (if they have EU visitors and esp if they market to “everyone”)
00:47:37 Janet Hoover: I”m part-time in Tx and part-time in FR
00:47:43 Venus: Leigh, that’s a great question that resonates with me- I have chronic/autoimmune conditions that require me to rest and recover from time to time. I want to be clear on client expectations. Feel better soon!
00:48:03 Venus: Janet – I’m in Texas too!
00:48:55 leighscott: @venus thanks
00:49:40 Janet Hoover: I can share in the FB group what I do, etc. and the resources, Rachel Where in Tx? (I’m in FW)
00:52:46 rachelmess: Thanks Janet
00:52:46 Venus: Leigh
00:53:38 Venus: Shannon: that could be “job-sharing” – I’ve known ppl to do that
00:57:40 Venus: This is a great topic to address, bc pricing can be done wrong, and should be done right – respect is key. Looking forward to it!
00:58:37 Venus: Yep – I had a life coach tell me to get loans for her coaching program
00:58:59 Venus:
00:59:58 rachelmess: Maybe some help with marketing? More overcoming imposter system and how to start marketing yourself confidently
01:00:04 Venus: I’m finally returning to FB, so I’ll be in the group with new questions…
01:00:51 Venus: I’d be a good candidate for testimonials!
01:01:35 Venus: YAY!!!
01:01:49 Venus:
01:02:00 Venus: Thanks Shannon