Our team will be offline the week of July 3rd-7th for our annual mid-year break to rest, relax and spend time with family (and we encourage you to take some downtime too!). We’ll be back online July 10th 🙌

WDA Live Strategy Call 05-11-2021

This's Weeks Questions


00:00:20 Erica Nash: Heeeyyyyyy
00:00:28 Erika: hi!
00:00:30 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: Hey there, WDA Fam!!!
00:00:33 Cory Peterson: Wassup
00:00:51 Jennifer W: So glad I don't have a meeting this afternoon and can join again! DUMB DAY JOB lol
00:00:59 Wendy T.: Howdy, all!
00:01:15 Erica Nash: Wins: The politician gig is number one, but honestly there are so many!
00:01:18 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: I had a GREAT FB Live with a woman I'm featuring on my blog!
00:01:22 Jennifer W: WOO Erica!
00:01:25 Erika: My win is being here and focused – I managed to pull my self together enough to have a question submitted.
00:01:28 Wendy T.: Just wrapping up Module 2 and I think I found my niche!
00:01:29 Jennifer W: WOOO Barb!
00:01:41 Kelli Femrite: I had a winning week last week! I booked a new client, I got a new consult, which I'm waiting on. And I got another inquiry out of a podcast guest!!
00:01:44 Cory Peterson: Wins for the week – One of my May goals was to talk to 10 people and today I’m at #7! Lots of great leads – feeling the smoke!
00:01:50 Erica Nash: Yay Barb! I love that you’re just jumping into the lives!
00:01:54 Jennifer W: I messaged the woman who wanted to talk to WDA people and she was really happy!
00:02:27 Jennifer W: Fellow podcasting peeps: I have had TONS of good results with Matchmaker.FM, free guest and expert matching service
00:02:30 Wendy T.: @Barb, I have 2 black cats, too. They’re so awesome!!
00:02:46 Erica Nash: Shannon, I will sing your praises to whomever, seriously
00:02:58 Kelli Femrite: I seen your response Jennifer; very nice! I replied to her as well!
00:02:59 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: Me too @Wendy T! My other, elder statesman black kitty is snoozing next to his daddy haha
00:03:20 Jennifer W: Shannon, you keep calling me Erica, you did that in your Loom video earlier LOLOL — I can definitely change my name if needed hahaha
00:03:51 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: Win: I've been added as a moderator to a group FILLED with my ideal client! I get to go in there and share my Knowledge Nuggets with them and hopefully they become my clients!
00:04:13 Jennifer W: There are suddenly several Eri(c)(k)as
00:04:15 Erika: It doesn’t help that there are two Eri(c/k)a's
00:04:16 Erika: Lol!
00:04:19 Wendy T.: So cool, Barb!!
00:04:28 Erica Nash: My whole life, haha
00:04:53 Kelli Femrite: Ohh and I'm taking brand photography pics tomorrow for my business! Any tips appreciated! I've never done a photo shoot!
00:05:08 Jennifer W: Wendy T, feel free to share your thoughts about your niche here or in the FB group, when you're ready!
00:05:30 Erika: That’s so cool Kelli! I want to get that done but my default pose is just me giving two wayyyy to enthusiastic thumbs up.
00:05:46 Jennifer W: Barb, that's amazing! Can't wait to hear how many new clients you get 😀
00:05:48 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: Win: I've been having a TON of peeps add me as their FB friends!! And as they message me, I'm creating genuine connections with them and they're at minimum ready to collab! One said he wants to send coaches her way!
00:05:51 Kelli Femrite: Lol @Erika
00:06:21 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: she* wants to send coaches my way — and she wants to collab together!
00:06:42 Kelli Femrite: Amazing @Barb!
00:06:48 Leslie Zemenek: A friend and colleague contacted me about working with me on her brand and website. Her budget is too small for my packages, so I worked out a special branding only package for her, and she booked it. Even though her budget is small, she is well connected and I know I’ll get lots of referrals from her.
00:06:55 Jennifer W: I also have a 65-pound dog who likes to wake me up by laying on top of me, breathing in my face, asking for petting …. yawwwwwwnnnn
00:07:05 Erica Nash: YESSSS
00:07:13 Jennifer W: Oooh, Leslie, that's great!
00:07:25 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: Get it Leslie!!!
00:08:08 Kelli Femrite: @Leslie that's great!!
00:08:18 Leslie Zemenek: @Barb, you’re on fire in your FB groups!
00:08:29 Jennifer W: That's great, Shannon, thanks for letting us know!
00:10:03 Parisa: @Barb, is that a clubhouse room?
00:10:13 Kelli Femrite: Nice thanks!
00:10:24 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: No, it's a FB group for spiritual entrepreneurs 🙂
00:10:36 Parisa: Woohoo.. so cool
00:10:38 Leslie Zemenek: @Kelli, you need heavier makeup for photography than you would wear out on the street or you can end up looking washed out.
00:11:03 Kelli Femrite: Thanks @Leslie! I was maybe going to go to Sephora to see if I can get a makeup appt. since I normally don't wear a lot
00:12:01 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: Win: Oh! And I had a GREAT consult with 2 potential clients yesterday. I think one will be working with me and the other may go with the low end option for sales page design
00:12:24 Jennifer W: BAAAARRRBBBBB…you're doing AMAAAZING
00:12:28 Anlicia Noel: Hi everyone 😊
00:12:42 Laura Kåmark: I have to hop off early, I have a acuity walk through call with the puppy trainer people #theprojectthatneverends
00:12:47 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: Girl, it's CRAZY the exposure I'm getting now! Gah!
00:12:48 Cory Peterson: Welcome Anlicia!!!
00:12:48 Kelli Femrite: Wow @Barb you're on fire!
00:12:55 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: That 1:1:1 method WORKS!
00:13:06 Erica Nash: ELYSE, that background is giving me life. I love it.
00:13:07 Jennifer W: Oh yay, I'll be there in the program shortly, Barb
00:13:09 Laura Kåmark: LOL Little internet that could
00:13:51 Jennifer W: Anlicia is a cool name! Do you pronounce it like Ann Leasha?
00:13:52 Lori Reeves: At least your internet is letting you be on the call with us!!
00:14:09 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: Elyse!!! 🔥🔥🔥
00:16:15 Erica Nash: The strugggllleeeee
00:16:19 Erica Nash: I feel this so hard, lol
00:16:31 Jennifer W: I didn't realize I wrote so muuuuch lol
00:16:32 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: Oooooffffff…. I FEEL this in muh soul!!
00:16:57 Lori Reeves: This is why niching feels so hard, but you will honestly be able to reach the RIGHT people when you get really specific about WHO you’ll work with. You can’t work with everyone.
00:21:12 Kelli Femrite: Yes!! I did this with a client and she's not ready but was impressed by the packages and wants to save up money to work with me 🙂 I added in some custom features she wanted since she already had branding
00:23:11 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: I'm finding that I make adjustments to each offer I make… not major adjustments but to fit their needs.

The lady I spoke with yesterday thought my pricing for the mid-tier was out of her range, but she's eager to work with me so she's saving up. She wants a collaborative experience so that's why she's choosing the Done With You package.
00:25:24 Cory Peterson: I like the idea of adjusting your package as needed – I might have missed one opportunity because she already had her branding
00:27:20 Parisa: I struggle with marketing my low end because I offer a DIY course
00:27:28 Wendy T.: Is there a way to make that known on your website? That you can customize packages?
00:27:36 Lori Reeves: Maybe that course IS your low-end offer, Parisa…
00:27:46 Jennifer W: Parisa – some people might prefer reading material on their own versus following a course structure!
00:28:02 Jennifer W: And Lori has a great point
00:28:14 Erica Nash: Wendy, I say below my packages that if there isn’t something they see that fits their needs, that we can talk it!
00:28:23 Erica Nash: *about it
00:28:34 Laura Kåmark: @parisa the DIY course they still need to set up the tech, right? Your DIY pricing matrix you would set up the tech, and they put in the content, right?
00:29:01 Parisa: Hmmm…. my lower course is more as a DIY private course, vs my course is a group coaching course
00:30:56 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: I'm curious about this too
00:31:15 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: I'm about to start working on my DIY Free Course with the templates as the upsell
00:31:52 Laura Kåmark: @barb YAY!!! So exciting
00:32:02 Parisa: Awesome! I’ll submit this for review
00:33:54 graceboateng: Hello!
00:34:18 Laura Kåmark: Great question!!
00:34:24 Jennifer W: Great question!
00:34:36 Anlicia Noel: Hi Grace😊
00:34:55 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: Erika!! Your cat eye inspires me and gives me LIFE!!!!
00:35:12 Jennifer W: It's the bleached bangs for me <3 00:35:21 graceboateng: Hi Anlicia 🙂 00:35:22 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: Yet! 00:35:39 Lori Reeves: Erika, do you have an email list yet? 00:36:19 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: The 1:1:1 method is LIFE!!! So is the market research goodness! 00:37:42 Kelli Femrite: Yes!! 1:1:1 is AMAZING 00:37:45 Lori Reeves: MySpace!!! 00:37:46 Erica Nash: Myspaaaace 00:37:52 Kelli Femrite: Myspace LOL 00:37:52 Jennifer W: Gawd I miss Myspace 00:38:12 Erica Nash: Legit our start in coding LOL 00:39:19 Parisa: lol 00:39:52 Kelli Femrite: My first hire will be a social media manager for sure 00:40:05 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: same here @Kelli 00:40:15 Erica Nash: I hired a social media strategist and it was THE BEST DECISION EVER 00:40:30 Kelli Femrite: Nice @Erica 00:40:31 Erica Nash: Once I get to a place to hire her to do it all, I will 00:41:14 Erika: You guys are the BESTTTTT 00:41:21 Erica Nash: I have a question I’ve been thinking about 00:41:25 Erica Nash: LOL, it’s serious 00:41:38 Erika: Lori- I have one through Mailer Lite but I haven’t gotten anyone yet 00:42:17 Kelli Femrite: I had the same thought. I don't ever want to leave!!! lol 00:42:23 Cory Peterson: We’ll need an alumni group 00:42:40 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: I just want to Matrix Shannon's brain 00:42:52 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: PLEASE talk social Shannon! 😀 00:44:19 Lori Reeves: I’m exhausted just listening to you 00:44:21 Elyse Robertson: This sounds exhausting 00:44:27 Erika: Lol seriously 00:44:33 Erica Nash: My girl said reels are like tiktoks and the best way to get engagement because they are truly organic reach. No one can pay to play on those. I haven’t done any yet, but for what it’s worth 00:44:34 Jennifer W: LOL, hence the Social Media Manager 00:44:49 Kelli Femrite: That's something you can hire too….content repurposing. That will be another hire for me lol 00:44:58 Lori Reeves: How long can you use that content though? 00:45:10 Jennifer W: I'd say you'd have to do this MINIMUM once per week? 00:45:17 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: FOrrrrrreeeeeevvvveeeerrrr 00:45:19 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: haha 00:45:27 Erica Nash: But for real 😭😭😭 00:45:33 Parisa: Do any of you know of a course for Pinterest? 00:45:46 Lori Reeves: So you’d do like 4 of those videos a year? Feels like your audience would get bored with it.. 00:45:57 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: I took one but was disappointed with the Pinterest course I took @Parisa 00:46:02 Jennifer W: That's totally it…test it 00:46:08 Erica Nash: Parisa, I have a course from Jenna Kutcher, but I haven’t done it yet 00:46:17 Cory Peterson: I would recommend a free trial for Skillshare Parisa 00:46:21 Jennifer W: Test doing it once a month, test doing it once a week, test posting it to IG or not, etc 00:46:24 Lori Reeves: They “tiktok” about it LOL 00:46:31 Erica Nash: OKAY if you aren’t on tiktok you need to be. It gives me life, so many laughsssss 00:46:32 Lori Reeves: Or would it be tiktalk 00:46:45 Jennifer W: I do love TikTok, but don't do Twitter, IG, or anything else 00:46:59 Parisa: I love tiktok lol…its addictive tho 00:47:04 Cory Peterson: I just don’t get who has time to be watching all these FB lives? 00:47:05 Erica Nash: It really is 00:47:14 Lori Reeves: That’s how I feel, Cory 00:47:18 Jennifer W: My 22 year old daughter and I like to save our favorite Tiktoks and share them with each other on the sofa 00:47:36 Erica Nash: My husband and I do the same, tiktok night! Haha people are so funny 00:48:04 Erika: My fella gets so annoyed when I do that. Of course, it doesn’t stop me from sending him the dumbest TikToks 00:48:23 Leslie Zemenek: And everyone once in a while post a photo of you with your pet. 00:48:25 Lori Reeves: Melanie Duncan used to teach one… 00:48:28 Lori Reeves: Pinterest course, that is 00:48:35 Erica Nash: Pets are a must 00:48:37 Jennifer W: Leslie, yes! I have 11 pets, that will create a LOT of content lolol 00:49:16 Parisa: Perfect 00:49:23 Shannon Mattern: Https://shannonmattern.com/233 00:49:39 Leslie Zemenek: Posts of my poodles get way more engagement than any others. I finally gave them their own account. 00:49:55 Jennifer W: I heart AppSumo 00:50:21 Jennifer W: omg, I just saw MissingLettr yesterday for the first time! 00:50:28 Jennifer W: I want your affiliate link Barb 00:50:32 Elyse Robertson: shameless plug! 00:50:33 Jennifer W: I haven't signed up yet 00:50:41 Cory Peterson: Would love to check it out Barb 00:51:20 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: Here ya go! https://lttr.ai/edfe 00:51:21 Jennifer W: DAILY 00:51:30 Lori Reeves: 27 pieces of flair! 00:52:13 Parisa: I have a starting from 00:52:42 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: same! 00:53:20 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: 42 is the meaning of life 00:53:21 Cory Peterson: actually i had one gal with a $200 budget but was “going to ask her husband” about getting the $2500 package 00:53:33 Erica Nash: Oh wow Cory! That’s wild. 00:53:37 Jennifer W: Cory, lol, you never know 00:53:45 Parisa: WOW 00:55:41 Cory Peterson: Got to mosey – thank Shannon, thanks everyone!! 00:56:03 Kelli Femrite: funny story…my husband's co worker needed a website, he's been hesitating on it. My hubby told him the othe day “her prices are going up and told him now my packages go up to $5K. He said his jaw dropped, lol. Talk about a walking marketing strategy for me LOL> He's saying “book before prices go up!”
00:56:20 Jennifer W: Kelli, that's perfect!
00:56:24 Wendy T.: Nice, Kelli! LOL!
00:56:28 Erica Nash: Nice!
00:56:38 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: When do we do a milestone call?
00:57:24 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: YES!!
00:57:30 Lori Reeves: YOU HAVE A TEAM!!!
00:57:45 Jennifer W: Have you updated the workbook lately? Since we make our own copies I don't know if it's been updated
00:58:06 Erica Nash: We have a milestone call for my post project call, can I schedule another after I pitch this giant political campaign proposal? It’s kinda backwards
00:58:37 Parisa: Our milestone call is this Wednesday. Should I submit this for review before that?