Our team will be offline the week of July 3rd-7th for our annual mid-year break to rest, relax and spend time with family (and we encourage you to take some downtime too!). We’ll be back online July 10th 🙌

WDA Live Strategy Call 04-20-2021

This's Weeks Questions

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00:01:13 Laura Kåmark: WIN: I raised my rates and changed my VIP Day to a VIP EXPERIENCE that is 2 days
00:01:14 Heather VandeRiet: Thank you!!! <3
00:01:57 Erica Nash: I feel like I’ve finally figured out how to respond to briefs in Facebook posts without sounding like everyone else.
00:02:04 Leslie Zemenek: I presented the draft site to my first client yesterday and she loved it! My client has been a delight to work with, getting me everything on time and taking my recommendations to heart.
00:02:07 Steve Horn: Been working on llinked In and have some nibbles and one person sent some mockups and another offered work for an Elementor expert which I’m not and couldn’t fill in time. No complete results but there is some movement now.
00:03:14 Leslie Zemenek: Heather, that happens to me a lot. I’ve learned to always ask what time zone people are in.
00:03:18 Erica Nash: I’ve done 5 market research calls, one of which ended with an addition to my email list, another that asked for a proposal and if she could refer me. Also landed a logo design job. Been a good week!
00:04:29 kaz: I’ve actually had so much work I’ve missed the last 2 live strategy calls bc I’ve been on deadline. But I just want to say — Shannon, I love your hair!
00:04:46 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: I have my first Facebook Live today right after this call at 3:30pm CST on my Infinity Brand Design FB page!! 😀
00:05:18 Helen: Same thing happened to me with Acuity. What Laura said is spot on.
00:05:41 Mary Jo: Leslie! me too! my 1st client loves his new website. planning to go live in the next couple of day 🙂
00:05:49 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: I also juuuuust wrapped up my first Course Sorcery client and am SOOOO close to finishing the sales page! (Shannon, it will be coming your way as soon as it's done!)
I also have 3 more people interested in reviewing it for me! 😀 In my ideal client group! woohoo
00:08:34 Laura Kåmark: @heather I just posted a screen shot in the group for where the setting is in Acuity
00:10:41 Heather VandeRiet: @Laura thank you!
00:11:12 Elyse Robertson: I finished my new homepage, freebie, and email sequence. Huge win. Lots of work!
00:11:20 Heather VandeRiet: The client just emailed back and apologized for not checking on that. I told her no worries, and offered to still meet her
00:11:29 Erica Nash: So much good stuff this week!!
00:11:39 Elyse Robertson: thank you
00:11:42 Elyse Robertson: yes it was
00:11:46 Alex Edwards: Sorry! Client call ran over!
00:11:56 Elyse Robertson: mmmm yassssss
00:13:07 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: I'm excited for the challenge!
00:13:12 Alex Edwards: just received a consultation confirmation 5 mins ago 🙂 – my win for the week!
00:13:15 Alex Edwards: so far
00:13:24 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: Yayyyy Alex!!
00:13:39 Kelli Femrite: Shannon your hair looks fabulous
00:13:41 Laura Kåmark: WIN: I’m working on being more visible on FB, and getting past my block of friending strangers
00:14:50 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: Oh! I've been putting myself out there more in a way that helps peeps self-select (in a similar way to Erica) and I'm seeing movement too! I booked a zero pressure convo for next week to talk about course launch strategy!
00:15:29 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: I feeeeeel this in my bones, @Laura! Same here!
00:15:31 Erica Nash: It’s less pressure for me, too, I think! Like, if this isn’t what you’re interested in, it’s a pass
00:15:48 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: YES Erica!! I totally agree!
00:16:17 Erica Nash: I started working with a social media strategist because it is such a block for me! Our first session was yesterday and it was TRANSFORMATIONAL.
00:16:50 Laura Kåmark: Shannon – Did you do a clubhouse room Friday?
00:17:11 Heather VandeRiet: I’m looking forward to the day when I can hire someone to do my SM for me lol
00:17:18 Laura Kåmark: @heather me too!!!
00:17:21 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: Saaaaame here Heather lol
00:17:30 Parisa: oooooooo
00:17:34 Parisa: That’s scary
00:17:36 Elyse Robertson: ugh
00:17:49 Heather VandeRiet: Ugh, I would not like that. My personal page is personal for a reason lol
00:17:52 Alex Edwards: same my personal page is all baby & dog pics lol
00:18:13 Erica Nash: It’s scarier when it’s personal
00:18:44 Kelli Femrite: Ugh this would make me super uncomfortable
00:18:46 Kelli Femrite: Lol
00:18:55 Amy Reis: OMG My Mum would comment on everything
00:19:09 Parisa: @Amy hahahahaaha
00:19:13 Kelli Femrite: Lol my mom too she’s my biggest fan
00:19:36 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: That's how I block my mother in law from seeing stuff on my page @Laura hahaha
00:19:45 Parisa: lol
00:19:46 Erica Nash: @barb hahahahaha
00:19:48 Heather VandeRiet: Lol same @barb
00:19:54 Lori Reeves: You can also create lists of people and pick and choose who you show all posts to.
00:21:25 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: That's great info, @Leslie!

I've started getting friend requests from coaches and other spirit-based entrepreneurs and I've ripped the bandaid off to help me get over the “but it's my personal page!” feels.
00:21:31 Lori Reeves: I have created a list of my entrepreneur friends, and I can now post my “personal” stuff to everyone except my entrepreneurial friends. And then I can share entrepreneurial stuff to my Entrepreneurial Friends list only. So, after a while, when people who are friends in my entrepreneurial friends list come look at my profile, they don’t see my “personal” posts. They just see anything that I think is appropriate for entrepreneurs.
00:22:12 Erica Nash: I’ve struggled with accepting friend requests from randos! But this is a good strategy.
00:22:37 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: Same here @Erica 🙂 Same.
00:23:22 Laura Kåmark: @erica same. I have a coach I’m working with that told me to start friending people in the groups that have we have mutual friends
00:23:24 Kelli Femrite: I wrote a guest blog for another moms website and she shared it on linked in and a corporate dude criticized it. I guess that happens when you get more visible.
00:23:55 Lori Reeves: Totally, Kelli. When you start getting haters, you know you’re putting yourself out there!
00:24:08 Erica Nash: It feels a little icky sometimes.
00:24:27 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: He's not even in your target audience 😂 Boy get off this post haha
00:24:31 Erica Nash: @Kelli, it probably didn’t even apply to him and he was just trolling ugh
00:24:49 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: Exactly! What Erica said
00:25:20 Kelli Femrite: @Erica yes! He was trying to speak for how his mother felt in motherhood lol
00:25:33 Erica Nash: 🤦🏻‍♀️
00:25:35 Lori Reeves: Oh shit…he was trying to mansplain motherhood to you???!!!!
00:25:43 Kelli Femrite: YESSS
00:25:51 Lori Reeves: BoiBye
00:26:03 Heather VandeRiet: Mansplainers are the WORST
00:26:04 Kelli Femrite: right!!
00:26:05 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: Boy bye, indeed. Pffffft
00:27:57 Kelli Femrite: The mom who I guest posted for is a lawyer. She shut him up pretty quickly lol
00:28:55 Erica Nash: Go lawyer mom!
00:29:47 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: We're too close to our own biz
00:29:52 Lori Reeves: WIN: (I just remembered that I have this one) I did NOT strangle a client who needed it. I recently got an email from a guy who I built an e-commerce site for (we finished the site in January). I’m familiar with WooCommerce, and it plays really well with Divi. So that’s what I built in. He was on board for it. THIS WEEK he says he and his wife are thinking they should have gone with Shopify (and wanted to know how much work that would entail). My response was, “Well, that’s sort of like deciding you want a Chevrolet right after you just bought a Ford.”
00:30:32 Erica Nash: @Lori, congrats on your ultimate self control 😂 🤦🏻‍♀️
00:30:51 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: Dang. You deserve a cookie or a baker's dozen for that self-control, @Lori!
00:30:53 Lori Reeves: LOL Thank you! I honestly just wanted to rip him a new one.
00:32:50 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: Saaaame here @Judy! I need help time chunking
00:32:55 Kelli Femrite: I did not mean to raise my hand FYI
00:34:28 Erica Nash: What I’ve learned on my market research calls: the only thing they say when I ask what they like about their current site: “The colors.” LOL
00:34:59 Laura Kåmark: Question: Is there a script for what to post for asking for people to hop on a call?
00:35:40 Erica Nash: I feel like there might be? But I don’t remember. I wrote my own.
00:36:03 Kelli Femrite: @Erica lol. I had 2 market research calls where I could help them so much- but haven’t heard back from either. I wonder if eventually when I have a “template” to purchase clients like this would be interested.
00:36:21 Parisa: @Judy art and interior design have so much overlap…lets collaborate
00:37:15 Erica Nash: @Kelli, I have only heard back from one! I’m finding many of them are pretty newish and probably don’t have a budget for a full custom build. So I think you’re probably right!
00:37:16 judy bigham: @Parisa I'd love that! thank you!
00:38:29 Kelli Femrite: Yes @Erica! I think that’s the case. I’ve been finding Mom’s in Facebook groups.
00:38:54 Erica Nash: Yes, I think those are the ones that have time to hop on market research calls, maybe? IDK.
00:39:33 Kelli Femrite: Haha yes 🙌
00:39:44 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: @Shannon, I have a question…
I need help with making myself stopppppp dropping my own biz work to work on client stuff. Sighhhh
00:39:49 Parisa: OMG YES
00:40:09 Erica Nash: @Barb CEO DAYS Mine is Friday and it is sacred.
00:40:26 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: I don't seem to stick to them haha
00:41:08 Laura Kåmark: @barb I have clients book a spot on my calendar for their work, which blocks the time on my schedule and gives them the boundary of knowing WHEN I’m going to be making the updates
00:41:36 Kelli Femrite: I like that @Laura!
00:43:03 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: Oooo that sounds doable @Laura! Would it be possible to get a sneak peek what that looks like?
00:43:27 Laura Kåmark: @barb absolutely
00:44:07 Elyse Robertson: Co-working partner!
00:44:13 Elyse Robertson: Accountability buddy!
00:44:57 Alex Edwards: I have a Q! – My niche is finance coaches but I've been getting so many consultations for health wellness & yoga coaches – of course I hop on the call & we end up working together. should I readjust my niche since this is naturally happening?
00:45:47 Alex Edwards: ALSO – I had to consultations last week & at the end of the call they were ready to sign on but then saw my prices & were like nvm. should I post a price range on my site to avoid “wasted” time?
00:45:53 Alex Edwards: two*
00:45:56 Kelli Femrite: I stopped using fb messenger and started using Voxer. My client will leave “hey I had this idea” voxers and I will check the voxers after I’m done with my stuff. This is for tech VA stuff.
00:47:04 Laura Kåmark: There’x a podcast episode on that!
00:47:55 Laura Kåmark: Episode 57 (wayyyyyy back at the beginning)
00:49:57 Parisa: There is book called “deep work” which goes in all of this @Barb. Its a little much for me but has really good tips
00:51:59 Laura Kåmark: I also turn off notifications on my computer so I don’t see emails coming in
00:54:39 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: I'll have to check that book out @Parisa! Thanks!
00:55:20 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: Oh! Just a reminder! The next Clubhouse sesh is this Thursday at 11am PST/1pm CST/2pm EST
00:55:46 Parisa: @Alex, I’m looking at your IG and maybe you can write Finance coach web designer in your bio.
00:56:47 Parisa: That happens to me a lot too
00:56:48 Lori Reeves: You guys want a quick laugh? My friend who is a copywriter had a consultation with a former rabbi last week who wanted to talk about content for his website…about ritualistic circumcision. How would you like THAT consultation???
00:57:07 Erica Nash: @Lori 😂
00:57:13 Kelli Femrite: Lol!
00:57:23 Lori Reeves: I asked her how she kept a straight face on that one. Sheesh!!
00:57:40 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: I'd be a giggling little girl the whole time hahaha
00:58:45 Lori Reeves: Me too @Barb!!
01:00:04 Kelli Femrite: Oh I forgot to post my win. I updated my starter site and am super excited about how it’s turning out. I switched to Elementor – and I feel like it looks soooo much better than what I was doing in Divi.
01:00:47 Barb at Infinity Brand Design: Congrats Kelli!!!!
01:00:52 Alex Edwards: Thanks Parisa!!
01:00:55 Laura Kåmark: Yay Kelli!