You're *officially* invited to join us inside the Next Level Mastermind!

A 12-month coaching program and mastermind with brilliant, open-hearted women web designers (your new lifelong besties!) who will help you break through to your next level (with zero pretense, judgment or competition).

A person sits on the couch.

You're *officially* invited to join us inside the Next Level Mastermind!

A 12-month coaching program and mastermind with brilliant, open-hearted women web designers (your new lifelong besties!) who will help you break through to your next level (with zero pretense, judgment or competition).

Next Level Framework Invite-Only Training

Click the gear icon to listen at 2x speed.

You’re smart, ambitious, and confident in your skills...

This image displays a dotted line forming a loop and a curved path that leads to an arrowhead, suggesting direction or movement, all on a black background.

But you often find yourself ready to burn it all down...

You thought once you mastered the systems and strategies, your web design business would be easy-breezy.

Instead, it feels like...

You’re profitable, but have zero time.

You're stuck in the weeds of your business. You're doing all the things, wearing all the hats, and you *think* getting help is the answer… but how would you pay them let alone make the time to train them? It feels easier to just keep doing it all… but deep down you know you can't keep going like this.

You're getting bigger and better clients (and putting more pressure on yourself than ever).

You know your premium prices are worth it… but you also feel like because your clients are making such a significant investment that nothing should ever go wrong. Instead of feeling elated and excited, you're constantly on edge and can't handle any more of this.

You’re not challenged to go bigger because your peers are still newbies.

You feel out of place in a room where people are still trying to figure out how to get clients and make money. You've already figured that part out… you want to figure out how to make more (without working more).

Every program wants to teach you basics... again.

You've been doing this a long time… sure, you might have some gaps, but you don't need someone else's templates, systems or here-today-gone-tomorrow marketing tactics. You just want what you've already built to work.

None of those "proven methods" have worked for you.

You've tried them all. Each new strategy came with the promise of consistent, recurring, abundant cash flow and complete time-freedom… and yet you still feel trapped, overworked and like nothing's working.

You haven't found a group program where you truly feel safe and accepted.

You're always the only woman, or the only web designer, or the only one who's not ready for the red carpet on calls. You also wonder if you're the only one who feels icky about the strategies or like you'll be dismissed or told you're doing it wrong if you say you're struggling.

You want more, you know you’re capable of more... but something is blocking you.

You’ve tried to fix your problems with other people’s “proven methods” and all ​that did was make you start from scratch over and over.

Something's gotta give. It's time for a change.

(and you don't mean going back to your 9-5…)

When you have the right tools and support, you're:

Reformatting your schedule first so you get your precious time back.

You're easily protecting your boundaries so that you can make space to decide if you really want or need to hire, and if so, you have the time, resources and mental capacity to do it right.

Enjoying your work and your clients again.

You've built the skills, resilience and support network to handle unexpected situations, mistakes, contract issues, difficult conversations and all of the other challenges we're afraid of having when we're successful.

Surrounded by kind and brilliant women web designers at (or just above) your level.

Instead of feeling out of place or intimidated, you're inspired to dream bigger. You have access to brilliant minds and new ideas. You're with women who get you, and can relate to your wins and your challenges.

Only implementing new strategies if they truly fill a gap for you.

You're clear on your vision, you're taking simple yet powerful actions to bring it to life, you know exactly what will get in your way and how to handle it when it pops up. You get to keep what you've already built and create momentum from there instead of starting from scratch again.

Finally getting the return from your past investments in other programs.

You have the clarity, confidence and vision to create your own “proven ​method” that works for your brain, your business and your life – and the ease and certainty to see it through. No more modeling your business after what worked for people with a completely different life than yours.

Sharing your challenges and wins openly.

You're in a room of only women, only web designers, knowing it’s a safe space to be only your authentic self, and only being met with acceptance, kindness ​and understanding.

There's no such thing as “being in resistance” to the strategies or “not taking the coaching” – only finding a way that feels good to you to reach your goals. 

Are you ready to go beyond systems and strategy ​and get to the core of what's really standing between you and your next level?

Are you ready to be in a room with other experienced women web who are dreaming bigger, just like you? A sisterhood of smart, caring women who are thrilled when you win big, always have ​your back and keep you going when times get ​tough?

It's all waiting for you inside...

The Next Level Mastermind

A 12-month coaching program and mastermind with brilliant, open-hearted women web designers (your new lifelong besties!) who will help you break through to your next level (with zero pretense, judgment or competition).

The image shows a collage of different photos and devices displaying a beach meeting, people on video calls, web design content, and a group of individuals.

Here's what's inside Next Level:


A person sits on a couch with a laptop.

Next Level Framework

Using our Next Level Framework, you'll set Next Level goals that align with your business and life, and create your own “proven method” to reach your Next Level goals. You'll get Shannon's feedback, guidance, and support every step of the way. 


A group of thirteen people posing for a photo, smiling, casually dressed, standing on steps, presumably enjoying a social gathering.

Next Level Mastermind Calls

Get live coaching from Shannon and compassionate feedback from other members of the mastermind every week as you stretch yourself out of your comfort zone and safely take bigger risks in your business. 


A person with a microphone is featured in a promotional setup with digital devices displaying images and text, suggesting an online learning platform.

Next Level Pathways

Get the strategic support you need to reach your Next Level Goal with additional training on hiring, making next-level offers, advanced marketing strategies and more. We’ll collectively curate the training, strategy and support you need based on your Next Level goal. 


A collage displays various elements.

Next Level Web Designers

Pick the smart brains of other Next Level Mastermind members on unique strategies they’ve implemented in their own businesses – like paid discovery, copywriting strategies, conversion rate optimization, productized services and more.

And you likely have some genius to share with the group too when the (optional) opportunity arises!


This image shows a beach at sunset with "Next Level 2023" written in the sand. Silhouettes of three individuals stand in the background near the water.

Invitation to the Next Level Retreat

A transformational, in-person 3-day experience with Shannon and your Next Level biz besties. It's a mix of coaching, connection, relaxation and replenishment and you'll leave with deep connections, new relationships and more solid belief in yourself than ever before!

The retreat is an optional additional cost. Spots are limited, see the FAQ for dates, cost and details.


This image shows a collage of digital screens with three people having a video conference, alongside text and graphics related to marketing and client acquisition.

Web Designer Academy Strategies and Processes

You definitely don't need to start over or re-invent the wheel… but adding in some of the strategies we teach in our core Web Designer Academy can help you reach your next level faster.

After crafting your vision and choosing your goal, we'll identify which of our core strategies you may want to implement.

You get an entire year of access to the full Web Designer Academy program as part Next Level.

In Next Level, we'll guide you through uncovering what "success" really means to you.

Then we'll help you reverse-engineer a one-year plan to get there that works for you (and your life) so you can create your own “proven method” for success that aligns with your life today and what you really want in the future.

Here's exactly what we'll do together:

step one

A person is typing on a laptop.

Next Level Vision

You started this business to enhance your life, not to take it over! That's why we'll guide you through creating a Next Level vision that takes into account entire life, not just your business.

Using our powerful Next Level Framework, you'll get clear on exactly where to spend your precious time (and where NOT to spend it) and what actions to focus your energy on now to have the biggest impact on your future. 

You'll share your Next Level Vision with Shannon and the Mastermind, and she'll give you feedback and guidance to help you see your blind spots, ensure your vision and goals aren't in conflict, and fill any gaps in your strategies.

Next Level Money

Money isn’t everything… but how you do money is a window into your biggest opportunities and greatest challenges.

Whether you want to make the same amount and work less, make more without working more (or you want to make more and you’re cool with working more)…

…we'll get to the core of your relationship with money and leverage the strengths, mitigate the challenges and make sure your Next Level money goals and Next Level vision are in alignment.

step two

In this image, a person is scheduling activities such as Lock Shift Control Command Command Option Option, Farmers Leo Report Market Email Catch Up Yoga, and Baby Shower. Full Text: 0) > O O aps lock shift contro command command option option IS DIAN ERID IENT WORK COACHING CALL FARMERS LEO REPORT MARKET EMAIL CATCH UP YOGA - BABY SHOWER

step three

In this image, someone is encouraging the viewer to take action and make their goals a reality. Full Text: MAKE IT HAPPEN

Next Level Goal

Setting the right Next Level goal is how you can create a year's worth of results in as little as 90 days.

We'll make sure you're solving the right problems with the right solutions so that you're not wasting time, energy and capacity on solving the wrong problems or spreading yourself thin trying to do too many things and once and getting mediocre-at-best results.

We'll help you choose one Next Level goal to focus on for the first 90-days that will make all your other goals easier to accomplish.

You'll choose a new Next Level goal each quarter (or whenever you've accomplished it) and watch your business transform faster than you thought possible.

Next Level Mindset

When you challenge yourself to take risks and make big changes, like:

  • Shifting from minimum-baseline revenue to Next-Level revenue
  • Putting yourself out there in new ways
  • Shifting from consultant to expert
  • Delegating, leading a team, and more…

…that's when your biggest fears, worries and anxieties are gonna come up and try to stop you in your tracks. Even if you don't feel afraid, you'll find yourself procrastinating, hiding, and frustratedly repeating patterns you know aren't working.

We'll take you through a scientifically-proven process to identify what will get in your way before it ever shows up, and show you how to counter-act it so that you can safely pursue your big goals. 

step four

A hand-written letter on a patterned stationary with an envelope, showcasing the design of the paper.
The image features stylized, colorful lettering stating "BLAZE your own TRAIL" with an arrow graphic, set against a black background. It's motivational.

We offer a 30-day trial period for Next Level.

I totally understand that committing to a year-long mastermind with a bunch of women you've never met before is a big decision…

That's why if I accept your application and invite you to join the mastermind, I'll give you 30 whole days to experience the mastermind and make sure you're as confident as we are that it's right for you long-term.

If you decide after a month it's not the right fit, you only pay for the time you were in the mastermind. And all it takes to opt out is a simple email to me on or before your 30th day in the program.

The full terms and conditions, including the details of the 30-day trial, can be found here. (Note: the retreat is non-refundable and is not included in the 30-day trial).

Enrollment Options

Next Level Mastermind

The image shows a collage of different photos and devices displaying a beach meeting, people on video calls, web design content, and a group of individuals.

Includes 12-months access to:

Pay as you go for $750 a month for 12 months

Or save $1500 when you make a single payment of $7,500 (and get a bonus 60-minute 1:1 Coaching Call with Shannon)!


Next Level Mastermind + Retreat

The image shows a collage of different photos and devices displaying a beach meeting, people on video calls, web design content, and a group of individuals.

Includes 12-months access to:

Pay as you go for $900 a month for 12 months

Or save $1500 when you make a single payment of $9,300 (and get a bonus 60-minute 1:1 Coaching Call with Shannon)!

Next Level Mastermind

In this module, there is a workshop strategy for hiring a web designer and setting goals for the next Dreamiumgger client vision planning. Full Text: preframing dream naking Get Your Next Dreamiumgger Client vision nium planning ers next + goals What's in this module; level hiring workshop strategy -- ----- web designer academy academy

Includes 12-months access to:

Pay as you go for $750 a month for 12 months

Or save $1500 when you make a single payment of $7,500 (and get a bonus 60-minute 1:1 Coaching Call with Shannon)!

You're also invited to join us for the 2024 Next Level Retreat!


November 6-10, 2024 in Destin, Florida

Arrive November 6, depart November 10

Location: Destin, FL (Santa Rosa Beach | Airport Info) at this vacation home.

Registration Fee: $1,550

Pay in full to get in line for a solo room (first come-first served) or pay a $775 non-refundable deposit (solo room not guaranteed) – by September 15th to reserve your spot, balance due on October 15).

Get all the retreat details here

If you want to attend but need to make alternative payment arrangements, please contact Shannon at 

The image features stylized, colorful lettering stating "BLAZE your own TRAIL" with an arrow graphic, set against a black background. It's motivational.

We offer a 30-day trial period for Next Level.

I totally understand that committing to a year-long mastermind with a bunch of women you've never met before is a big decision…

That's why if I accept your application and invite you to join the mastermind, I'll give you 30 whole days to experience the mastermind and make sure you're as confident as we are that it's right for you long-term.
If you decide after a month it's not the right fit, you only pay for the time you were in the mastermind. And all it takes to opt out is a simple email to me on or before your 30th day in the program. The full terms and conditions, including the details of the 30-day trial, can be found here

Wanna chat about Next Level?

My only job is to make sure you have all the information you need to make the best decision for you and your business.

There are 3 ways to get your enrollment questions answered:

  1. Click that button in the bottom-right corner of the screen to chat with me during normal business hours and ask me your questions directly.
  2. Reply to any of the emails I've sent you with your questions.
  3. Book a zero-pressure call with me.
This image displays a dotted line forming a loop and a curved path that leads to an arrowhead, suggesting direction or movement, all on a black background.

You might be wondering... What makes the Next Level Mastermind different? Dare I say...special?

When we asked the members what words they’d use to ​describe Next Level they said: Camaraderie, Sisterhood, ​Support, Empathy, Warm Hug and…

"There's nothing like it, it's like magic."

Next Level is personalized to you and your goals.

The beauty of Next Level is that it helps you understand yourself better, and figure out how to design your business so it works for you and the life you dream of, instead of against you. When we fill your cup with that kind of energy, there’s nothing you can’t do.

We bring you through some mindset exercises and explorations that help shed light on what a dream life + business could look like for you, but in the end, the transformation is unique to each person. As one student remarked…

“Next Level truly has an energy I have not ​experienced anywhere else.”

Here are a few of the transformations our members have experienced:

Even Next Level businesses have ​mindtrash they gotta kick to the curb sometimes...

You probably already know how to market, make ​offers, manage clients, and have systems and processes in place.

But that ​doesn’t mean everything is smooth sailing!

You probably still have mindtrash, worry about leads sometimes, or have ​client projects that go off the rails.

But you now realize those things aren’t the real ​problem…it’s your core belief system about those things that needs an upgrade.

You understand that you ​need to uplevel those beliefs that no longer serve you to get to your next level.

We help you do that.

A person sits on the couch.

The work you do in Next Level impacts all areas of your life, not just your web design business...

Next Level is with you for the long-haul, even when it feels hard.

We help you make tough choices while building resilience...

...and make sure you have the help need when you need it to keep going, rest or slow down:

I've been in your shoes, and I'm here to help you reach the next level in your business.

Hi, I'm Shannon Mattern, business coach and founder of the Web Designer Academy and Next Level Mastermind.

Since 2016, I've helped hundreds or women just like you create a web design business that supports your life, and allows you to safely and sustainably achieve your unique goals, whether that's more revenue, time, lifestyle, impact, fulfillment or all of the above.

If you're ready to make your web design business work for you (instead of you working for your web design business )…

Your next step is to fill out the application so I can learn more about you and make sure our program is a good fit for your business and your goals.

If you have any questions at all about working with us, email me at or click the icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

My only job is to make sure you have all the information you need to make the best decision for you – so don't hesitate to reach out and get your questions answered!

A person sits on a chair.

How to know if the Next Level Mastermind is right for you:

It's a perfect fit if...

It's not a fit (yet) if...

Here's how to get started:

A person with glasses and a tattoo sits on a bed covered with pillows and a mustard blanket, working on a laptop in a cozy room.

Complete your enrollment and meet your new biz besties!

You can pay as you go with our payment plan, or pay in full and save. You can add on the optional in-person retreat at checkout too (we'd love to have you there)!

Once you complete payment, you'll get an email with a link to sign the Next Level Program Agreement, and once you sign that, you'll get a login to the Next Level Dashboard.

A person cradles a newborn baby in their arms while sitting comfortably on a pillow indoors.

Fill out your Next Level Advantage Assessment.

Our journey together starts with you filling out an intake form so that I can start getting to know you on a deep level. 

Then we'll get you started on creating your Next Level vision, selecting your domino and introduce you to the rest of the Mastermind. 

You'll receive a warm welcome in the WhatsApp group, and get to know everyone on the next live call!

A person is sitting on a couch using a laptop.

Start breaking through to your Next Level.

We'll work together to map out where you have your foot on the gas and brake at the same time, and create a plan for you to safely remove your foot from the brake.

You'll be amazed at how quickly you see results, and how much more capacity you have. You'll come to our Next Level Mastermind calls and share your wins and breakthroughs, get support as needed, and start knocking down those dominos! 

The sooner you get started, the sooner you'll start creating results.

How is Next Level different from the Web Designer Academy?

Currently in the Web Designer Academy? Or maybe you're new and wondering which program is ​right for you?

Web Designer Academy

In the Web Designer Academy, we work with web designers who are in the first few years of business and are undercharging, overdelivering and are learning how to get booked out.

The Web Designer Academy helps with the mechanics of a profitable, sustainable business, like systems, processes and strategies for marketing, sales, packages, pricing and project management.

As you implement our holistic systems and processes, you'll also build the mindset needed to put yourself out there, stop undercharging and set sustainable boundaries with clients.

Here's who's typically a great fit for the Web Designer Academy:

Next Level Mastermind

In the Next Level Mastermind, we work with web designers who have been in business around 3-5 years (usually longer), have systems and processes for most areas of their business, and want to simplify and grow.

Next Level helps you get clear on what you really want (and why), while keeping what’s working for you, releasing what's not, and filling in any gaps with our systems and processes as needed.

As you break out of your comfort zone to create your Next Level, we help you manage your mind and your nervous system so you can clear whatever's blocking you on the path to your Next Level.

Here's who's typically a great fit for the Next Level Mastermind:

Don't be held back by these Next Level myths...

Myth 1: You need to be making 6-figures to join Next Level.

NOT TRUE! Our members have very different lifestyles, costs of living, business models and revenue goals… and a LOT to learn from each others' experiences. We want you to help you make as much money as you want make… but it’s NOT all about the money. ​Next Level is about creating the vision for your business (which might be ​revenue-related or it might not) and taking steps to get there.

Myth 2: Everyone is super intense inside Next Level (it’s SCARY!)

NO WAY! This group is filled with the kindest most caring women you’d ever ​hope to meet. They lift you up and cheer you on with loving, encouraging ​energy. They’re your steadfast besties when times are hard and when they’re ​easy. You’re gonna love the vibes, come on inside!

Myth 3: I need to feel like my web design business is "successful" already before I join...

REAL TALK: That thought is probably EXACTLY why you need to be in Next Level. Not feeling successful is likely getting in your way of real success. 

All you really need to feel is curious and excited for a more intimate container where you’re encouraged to share openly. Your processes might need refining, but you know you’re not a newbie anymore. If you know how Shannon will likely answer a question on a Live Strategy Call before she answers it… you're ready for Next Level!

Yes, you do need to have made offers and sent proposals and worked with clients regardless of if you've been in the Web Designer Academy or not – we don't work on that in the Next Level container.

If it feels like you've outgrown the rooms you're in, it just might be the next step for you. You've got nothing to lose by applying!

Want detailed program information?

Get all the program details in our downloadable program brochure below.

I want to help you uncover your own "proven method" for success.

Hi, I'm Shannon Mattern, your guide on your journey to the Next Level!

Someone in Next Level once asked me, “What would you do if money were no object?” My answer? “THIS.”

I’d keep doing this.  Helping ambitious women web designers build profitable sustainable businesses. I created my dream job.

And after years of mentoring women inside the Web Designer Academy, while working on my own mindset and belief systems to grow that business, I realized that the work I was doing to get to my own Next Level was exactly what the women who had gone through the Web Designer Academy were craving next… and they wanted to be alongside other women doing the same deep work.

The women in Next Level are so brilliant, innovative, hilarious, and inspiring, that it helps me grow as a business owner (and a person) too.

In Next Level, I'm not up on the stage alone, holding all the answers… I'm simply your guide as you create your unique vision, and the steward of the group.

I'm in the next seat over, facilitating the conversation, listening, noticing, and absorbing the genius advice that comes from every person in that group, noting it, and bringing it back up when it's applicable. 

A person sits on the counter.
A smiling person leans on a stair railing, wearing a cream jacket, black top, and trousers, with striped earrings in a bright interior.

You should definitely apply if...

You have an inkling that you're made for more, and want more than what's happening right now in your life and business.

You want holistic support where we look at you as a whole person, with a life AND a business, not just a web designer.

You already know how to market, make offers, manage clients, and have processes in place –  but something’s blocking you from achieving your bigger vision.

You're already in the Web Designer Academy, love hearing from me and Erica, and want more of us in your life 😉 If you love the weekly calls and wish you could go deeper with us, Next Level lets you do that!

You want the chance to meet up and squeeze everyone in person at the yearly (life-changing!) retreat.

Still reading? It's because you're ready.

Ready for your business to support your life (instead of squeezing life into the margins of your business)?

Next Level FAQs

When you're making the decision to enroll in a year-long mastermind like Next Level, we think it's a GOOD thing if you have lots of questions. My only job is to give you all the answers you need to confidently make that decision one way or another.

Here are the most frequently asked questions and answers about Next Level:

A: The weekly mastermind call is at 2PM Eastern every Wednesday.

All calls are recorded and added to a private podcast feed so you can listen to replays if you can't attend live.

A:Yes! Some women come straight into Next Level without joining Web Designer Academy first bec​ause they feel solid on fundamentals, but the beauty of this program is all the Web Designer Academy curriculum,​ calls, and support are included for Next Level members as well! So when you join you get everything in Next Level AND every​thing in Web Designer Academy. There are often times when you're further along and need to refresh yourself on som​e basics (how to design your proposal for your new offer). Or you've pivoted and need to ​go back to some earlier fundamentals (rethink your marketing, figure out who yo​u need to outreach now).

A: You’re ready for Next Level when you feel like you want to take the core concepts from Web Designer Academy and b​egin to customize them to yourself and your clients, when you want to put your unique spin on ​how you build and run your business (instead of following Shannon’s to the letter), and you want to ​be in a more intimate container to share all that and make it JUST RIGHT f​o​r you!

You’re ready for Next Level if you’ve completed and implemented the Web Designer Academy curriculum through at least Module 7 (not required but a good​ gauge!)

You’ve learned the fundamentals of running a web design business, how to do outreach, get clients, make o​ffers and plant seeds for the future. You might not be doing them all consistently… but you have the knowledge.

When you've mastered those (or feel pretty solid on the basics but still have​ things to work on) then you're probably ready for Next Level!

You’re ready for Next Level when you want to excavate a little deeper to un​cover the core beliefs that are getting in the way of your vision – now and​ ​in the future.

You’re ready for Next Level if you apply and I (Shannon) read your application and ​tell you you’re ready! I can spot it from a mile away. If you’re not ready, I’ll gently let you know because your success is important to me. I ​care about you!

A: You’re ready for Next Level when you’re solid on your business fundamentals (ev​en if you never joined Web Designer Academy) and now you want to get really, really clear on your vision so that y​ou can design a business that helps you create the LIFE you really want. And you want guidance​ on maki​n​g that happen.

You’re ready for Next Level when you want to excavate a little deeper to un​cover the core beliefs that are getting in the way of your vision – now and​ ​in the future.

You’re ready for Next Level if you apply and I (Shannon) read your application and ​tell you you’re ready! I can spot it from a mile away. If you’re not ready, I’ll guide you toward Web Designer Academy ​instead because your success is important to me. I ​care about you!

A: Next Level is a group coaching program and mastermind for women web designers, and our application process is designed to ensure that everyone invited into Next Level is at a similar stage in their web design business so that the group coaching and community are relevant and impactful for all participants.

If you've never built a website before and are still learning how to build websites, your application will not be approved.

If you're in the earlier stages of learning how to package, price, market, sell and manage web design projects, we may invite you to join the Web Designer Academy first as a stepping stone to Next Level.

If you do NOT want to make a full-time income as a web designer, or aren't sure you want to offer web design or related services, your application will not be approved.

If you are looking for quick fixes, passive income and overnight success, your application will not be approved.

A: No, the retreat is an optional additional cost because we know not everyone in Next Level can attend the retreat, and we don't offer a virtual attendance option.

You can expect the registration fee for the retreat to be between $1500-$1750, including shared accommodations, most meals and all workshops. Your travel is NOT included in the registration.

The retreat is held in the United States in the first half of November each year, and the exact location is announced and registration opens in July each year. 

A: You get 12-months access to:

  • The Web Designer Academy curriculum with our module videos, bonus trainings and workshops + curriculum updates;
  • Weekly Live Strategy Calls where we share our latest best-practices, coach you on mindset and strategy, and give you an opportunity to get your questions answered as you implement our proven process;
  • Weekly feedback from our expert team on your packages, pricing, offers, sales pages, messaging, positioning;
  • Support in dealing with clients and managing projects.
  • Our community of genius web designers to crowdsource best practices, tech support, ideas and to ask our team for guidance and support.
  • Instant access to all of our proven templates, strategies, workbooks, scripts and bonuses.

A: As soon as you decide to enroll and you complete your first payment.

You’ll begin by filling out an intake form, and we'll send you a personalized video review of your application with our recommended roadmap for your unique business, ensuring that you take all the right steps to create outstanding results quickly.

A: Yes, if you enroll with the payment plan you may convert to the pay-in-full option withing 90 days of joining and get the pay-in-full savings. After 90 days you may pay in full any time at the full rate without the bonus savings.

A: No. Next Level is designed by a woman for women web designers. Our program, strategies and coaching reflect the unique challenges faced by women in the male-dominated tech and business world.

A: Absolutely! We don’t teach design or development, and we are platform-agnostic. We have WordPress, Squarespace, Shopify, Showit, Webflow, Kajabi, etc., UX/UI designers, non-developer designers, full-stack web developers, and more.

We offer a 30-day trial period for the Next Level Mastermind.

a. If you paid in full at the time of enrollment, you may opt out of the program no later than 30 days from your enrollment date and receive a refund of your payment minus the first month’s enrollment fee ($750). You must send an email within the 30 day trial period to indicating your desire to exit the Program. No exceptions to this time frame will be made. Refunds will be processed within 2 business days of receipt of the request. Please note, it can take 5-7 business days for your bank to clear these funds in your account. After 30 days from your enrollment date in the Program, no further refunds will be issued.

b. If you enrolled on the payment plan, you may opt out of the program no later than 30 days from your enrollment date and all further payments will be halted but no refund will be made of the first month’s payment ($750). You must send an email within the 30 day trial period to indicating your desire to exit the Program. No exceptions to this time frame will be made. After 30 days from your enrollment date in the Program, you are responsible for completing all remaining payment plan payments.

If you opt out of the program during the 30-day trial period, you agree not to download, distribute or further access any copyrighted materials that are part of the Program and you must delete every copy of our copyrighted materials (videos, podcasts, Google docs, PDFs, transcripts, etc.) that you downloaded during the 30-day trial period.

You may keep and continue to use any original work you created using our strategies during the 30-day trial.

If you have any questions or concerns, or if there is anything we can do to improve your experience in the Program, please email us at

A: The Next Level Mastermind is a mutual 12-month commitment to you and your business growth and we don’t offer refunds or early cancellations.

When you join, our team goes all in on your success, and we ask that you do the same.

If you apply and are accepted + invited to join the program, we would not have invited you to join if we didn't think you had what it takes to create results with our strategies and support.

If you've applied, been accepted, are considering joining and are on the fence, let's talk about it!

We want to make sure you feel ready to commit to yourself and your results.

Your commitment, combined with our amazing resources, community and full support of our team is the most powerful predictor of your success.

A: Reach out to me directly at or click the icon in the bottom-right corner of your screen to ask me any questions you have about working with us!

These are just a few of the life-changing experiences of our Next Level Mastermind members.

The image shows a screenshot of a social media testimonial. A person, Caitlin, shares a positive experience after joining a web design academy, highlighting growth and mindset transformation.
This is a screenshot of a social media testimonial post where a person named Kate shares a positive experience about joining the WDA program and mentions the benefits received.
The image shows a testimonial text from a person named Kaila, expressing gratitude for a Web Designer Academy course and community that significantly improved her business and personal growth.
The image shows a screenshot of a social media post written by a person named Janet, discussing their positive experience with WDA, a company or community that helped them achieve business success and personal growth through mindset shifts and clarity.
The image displays a screenshot of a testimonial from a person named Leigh, praising the WDA program for significantly increasing their business revenue and personal growth.
The image shows a scenic view of a sunrise or sunset over a town with buildings silhouetted against a sky with clouds and orange hues.

We help ambitious women web designers reclaim their time, book web design projects they love, and make more as a freelance web designer than they ever thought possible.

The Web Designer Academy provides step-by-step processes and fill-in-the-blank templates for your messaging, marketing, packages, consultations, sales and project management combined with next-level support so that you have everything you need to create a consistently profitable web design business doing work you love for clients you love.