00:22:34 Juanita: Lori, how do you handle this with WordPress?
00:33:41 Barb ∞ Infinity Brand Design: Sorry I'm late. Had a strategy sesh that JUST ended
00:34:43 Laura Kåmark: Rule of thumb I try to be around 19px for body font
00:34:57 Barb ∞ Infinity Brand Design: same here @Laura
00:36:49 Laura Kåmark: Like TLDR? I never remember what that means
00:40:41 Barb ∞ Infinity Brand Design: fun fact, these are also considered good UX best practices
00:55:29 Lori Reeves:
00:58:36 Laura Kåmark:
01:01:12 Barb ∞ Infinity Brand Design: this is a HUGE selling point, BTW.
01:02:42 Leigh Scott: Thank you! This has been super helpful. I’m working in making a website ADA compliant right now
01:04:00 Juanita: Thank you so much
01:04:02 Barb ∞ Infinity Brand Design: creating accessibility is inclusive and creates empathetic experiences
01:04:10 Barb ∞ Infinity Brand Design: thanks Lori!
01:04:37 Karen Devereaux: Thank you, Lori!
01:04:49 Barb ∞ Infinity Brand Design: needs “access” fyi
01:05:42 Juanita: Bye